source imaging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electro/Magneto-EncephaloGraphy (EEG/MEG) source imaging (EMSI) of epileptic activity from deep generators is often challenging due to the higher sensitivity of EEG/MEG to superficial regions and to the spatial configuration of subcortical structures. We previously demonstrated the ability of the coherent Maximum Entropy on the Mean (cMEM) method to accurately localize the superficial cortical generators and their spatial extent. Here, we propose a depth-weighted adaptation of cMEM to localize deep generators more accurately. These methods were evaluated using realistic MEG/high-density EEG (HD-EEG) simulations of epileptic activity and actual MEG/HD-EEG recordings from patients with focal epilepsy. We incorporated depth-weighting within the MEM framework to compensate for its preference for superficial generators. We also included a mesh of both hippocampi, as an additional deep structure in the source model. We generated 5400 realistic simulations of interictal epileptic discharges for MEG and HD-EEG involving a wide range of spatial extents and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels, before investigating EMSI on clinical HD-EEG in 16 patients and MEG in 14 patients. Clinical interictal epileptic discharges were marked by visual inspection. We applied three EMSI methods: cMEM, depth-weighted cMEM and depth-weighted minimum norm estimate (MNE). The ground truth was defined as the true simulated generator or as a drawn region based on clinical information available for patients. For deep sources, depth-weighted cMEM improved the localization when compared to cMEM and depth-weighted MNE, whereas depth-weighted cMEM did not deteriorate localization accuracy for superficial regions. For patients\' data, we observed improvement in localization for deep sources, especially for the patients with mesial temporal epilepsy, for which cMEM failed to reconstruct the initial generator in the hippocampus. Depth weighting was more crucial for MEG (gradiometers) than for HD-EEG. Similar findings were found when considering depth weighting for the wavelet extension of MEM. In conclusion, depth-weighted cMEM improved the localization of deep sources without or with minimal deterioration of the localization of the superficial sources. This was demonstrated using extensive simulations with MEG and HD-EEG and clinical MEG and HD-EEG for epilepsy patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have found electroencephalogram (EEG) amplitude and scalp topography differences between neurotypical and neurological/neurosurgical groups, being interpreted at the cognitive level. However, these comparisons are invariably accompanied by anatomical changes. Critical to EEG are the so-called volume currents, which are affected by the spatial distribution of the different tissues in the head. We investigated the effect of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled cavities on simulated EEG scalp data. We simulated EEG scalp potentials for known sources using different volume conduction models: a reference model (i.e., unlesioned brain) and models with realistic CSF-filled cavities gradually increasing in size. We used this approach for a single source close or far from the CSF-lesion cavity, and for a scenario with a distributed configuration of sources (i.e., a \"cognitive event-related potential effect\"). The magnitude and topography errors between the reference and lesion models were quantified. For the single-source simulation close to the lesion, the CSF-filled lesion modulated signal amplitude with more than 17% magnitude error and topography with more than 9% topographical error. Negligible modulation was found for the single source far from the lesion. For the multisource simulations of the cognitive effect, the CSF-filled lesion modulated signal amplitude with more than 6% magnitude error and topography with more than 16% topography error in a nonmonotonic fashion. In conclusion, the impact of a CSF-filled cavity cannot be neglected for scalp-level EEG data. Especially when group-level comparisons are made, any scalp-level attenuated, aberrant, or absent effects are difficult to interpret without considering the confounding effect of CSF.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beside the well-documented involvement of secondary somatosensory area, the cortical network underlying late somatosensory evoked potentials (P60/N60 and P100/N100) is still unknown. Electroencephalogram and magnetoencephalogram source imaging were performed to further investigate the origin of the brain cortical areas involved in late somatosensory evoked potentials, using sensory inputs of different strengths and by testing the correlation between cortical sources. Simultaneous high-density electroencephalograms and magnetoencephalograms were performed in 19 participants, and electrical stimulation was applied to the median nerve (wrist level) at intensity between 1.5 and 9 times the perceptual threshold. Source imaging was undertaken to map the stimulus-induced brain cortical activity according to each individual brain magnetic resonance imaging, during three windows of analysis covering early and late somatosensory evoked potentials. Results for P60/N60 and P100/N100 were compared with those for P20/N20 (early response). According to literature, maximal activity during P20/N20 was found in central sulcus contralateral to stimulation site. During P60/N60 and P100/N100, activity was observed in contralateral primary sensorimotor area, secondary somatosensory area (on both hemispheres) and premotor and multisensory associative cortices. Late responses exhibited similar characteristics but different from P20/N20, and no significant correlation was found between early and late generated activities. Specific clusters of cortical activities were activated with specific input/output relationships underlying early and late somatosensory evoked potentials. Cortical networks, partly common to and distinct from early somatosensory responses, contribute to late responses, all participating in the complex somatosensory brain processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hand motor activity can be identified and converted into commands for controlling machines through a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. Electroencephalography (EEG) based BCI systems employ electrodes to measure the electrical brain activity projected at the scalp and discern patterns. However, the volume conduction problem attenuates the electric potential from the brain to the scalp and introduces spatial mixing to the signals. EEG source imaging (ESI) techniques can be applied to alleviate these issues and enhance the spatial segregation of information. Despite this potential solution, the use of ESI has not been extensively applied in BCI systems, largely due to accuracy concerns over reconstruction accuracy when using low-density EEG (ldEEG), which is commonly used in BCIs. To overcome these accuracy issues in low channel counts, recent studies have proposed reducing the number of EEG channels based on optimized channel selection. This work presents an evaluation of the spatial and temporal accuracy of ESI when applying optimized channel selection towards ldEEG number of channels. For this, a simulation study of source activity related to hand movement has been performed using as a starting point an EEG system with 339 channels. The results obtained after optimization show that the activity in the concerned areas can be retrieved with a spatial accuracy of 3.99, 10.69, and 14.29 mm (localization error) when using 32, 16, and 8 channel counts respectively. In addition, the use of optimally selected electrodes has been validated in a motor imagery classification task, obtaining a higher classification performance when using 16 optimally selected channels than 32 typical electrode distributions under 10-10 system, and obtaining higher classification performance when combining ESI methods with the optimal selected channels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Source imaging of Electroencephalography (EEG) and Magnetoencephalography (MEG) provides a noninvasive way of monitoring brain activities with high spatial and temporal resolution. In order to address this highly ill-posed problem, conventional source imaging models adopted spatio-temporal constraints that assume spatial stability of the source activities, neglecting the transient characteristics of M/EEG. In this work, a novel source imaging method μ-STAR that includes a microstate analysis and a spatio-temporal Bayesian model was introduced to address this problem. Specifically, the microstate analysis was applied to achieve automatic determination of time window length with quasi-stable source activity pattern for optimal reconstruction of source dynamics. Then a user-specific spatial prior and data-driven temporal basis functions were utilized to characterize the spatio-temporal information of sources within each state. The solution of the source reconstruction was obtained through a computationally efficient algorithm based upon variational Bayesian and convex analysis. The performance of the μ-STAR was first assessed through numerical simulations, where we found that the determination and inclusion of optimal temporal length in the spatio-temporal prior significantly improved the performance of source reconstruction. More importantly, the μ-STAR model achieved robust performance under various settings (i.e., source numbers/areas, SNR levels, and source depth) with fast convergence speed compared with five widely-used benchmark models (including wMNE, STV, SBL, BESTIES, & SI-STBF). Additional validations on real data were then performed on two publicly-available datasets (including block-design face-processing ERP and continuous resting-state EEG). The reconstructed source activities exhibited spatial and temporal neurophysiologically plausible results consistent with previously-revealed neural substrates, thereby further proving the feasibility of the μ-STAR model for source imaging in various applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to provide preliminary evidence on temporal dynamics of resting-state brain networks in youth with anorexia nervosa (AN) using electroencephalography (EEG). Resting-state EEG data were collected in 18 young women with AN and 18 healthy controls (HC). Between-group differences in brain networks were assessed using microstates analyses. Five microstates were identified across all subjects (A, B, C, D, E). Using a single set of maps representative of the whole dataset, group differences were identified for microstates A, C, and E. A common-for-all template revealed a relatively high degree of consistency in results for reduced time coverage of microstate C, but also an increased presence of microstate class E. AN and HC had different microstate transition probabilities, largely involving microstate A. Using LORETA, for microstate D, we found that those with AN had augmented activations in the left frontal inferior operculum, left insula, and bilateral paracentral lobule, compared with HC. For microstate E, AN had augmented activations in the para-hippocampal gyrus, caudate, pallidum, cerebellum, and cerebellar vermis. Our findings suggest altered microstates in young women with AN associated with integration of sensory and bodily signals, monitoring of internal/external mental states, and self-referential processes. Future research should examine how EEG-derived microstates could be applied to develop diagnostic and prognostic models of AN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) is a new generation of magnetoencephalography (MEG) devices that is small, light, and works at room temperature. Due to these characteristics, OPMs enable flexible and wearable MEG systems. On the other hand, if we have a limited number of OPM sensors, we need to carefully design their sensor arrays depending on our purposes and regions of interests (ROIs). In this study, we propose a method that designs OPM sensor arrays for accurately estimating the cortical currents at the ROIs. Based on the resolution matrix of minimum norm estimate (MNE), our method sequentially determines the position of each sensor to optimize its inverse filter pointing to the ROIs and suppressing the signal leakage from the other areas. We call this method the Sensor array Optimization based on Resolution Matrix (SORM). We conducted simple and realistic simulation tests to evaluate its characteristics and efficacy for real OPM-MEG data. SORM designed the sensor arrays so that their leadfield matrices had high effective ranks as well as high sensitivities to ROIs. Although SORM is based on MNE, the sensor arrays designed by SORM were effective not only when we estimated the cortical currents by MNE but also when we did so by other methods. With real OPM-MEG data we confirmed its validity for real data. These analyses suggest that SORM is especially useful when we want to accurately estimate ROIs\' activities with a limited number of OPM sensors, such as brain-machine interfaces and diagnosing brain diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a widely used non-invasive tool to estimate brain activity with high temporal resolution. However, due to the ill-posed nature of the MEG source imaging (MSI) problem, the ability of MSI to identify accurately underlying brain sources along the cortical surface is still uncertain and requires validation.
    We validated the ability of MSI to estimate the background resting state activity of 45 healthy participants by comparing it to the intracranial EEG (iEEG) atlas (https://mni-open-ieegatlas. First, we applied wavelet-based Maximum Entropy on the Mean (wMEM) as an MSI technique. Next, we converted MEG source maps into intracranial space by applying a forward model to the MEG-reconstructed source maps, and estimated virtual iEEG (ViEEG) potentials on each iEEG channel location; we finally quantitatively compared those with actual iEEG signals from the atlas for 38 regions of interest in the canonical frequency bands.
    The MEG spectra were more accurately estimated in the lateral regions compared to the medial regions. The regions with higher amplitude in the ViEEG than in the iEEG were more accurately recovered. In the deep regions, MEG-estimated amplitudes were largely underestimated and the spectra were poorly recovered. Overall, our wMEM results were similar to those obtained with minimum norm or beamformer source localization. Moreover, the MEG largely overestimated oscillatory peaks in the alpha band, especially in the anterior and deep regions. This is possibly due to higher phase synchronization of alpha oscillations over extended regions, exceeding the spatial sensitivity of iEEG but detected by MEG. Importantly, we found that MEG-estimated spectra were more comparable to spectra from the iEEG atlas after the aperiodic components were removed.
    This study identifies brain regions and frequencies for which MEG source analysis is likely to be reliable, a promising step towards resolving the uncertainty in recovering intracerebral activity from non-invasive MEG studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visuo-motor integration shapes our daily experience and underpins the sense of feeling in control over our actions. The last decade has seen a surge in robotically and virtually mediated interactions, whereby bodily actions ultimately result in an artificial movement. But despite the growing number of applications, the neurophysiological correlates of visuo-motor processing during human-machine interactions under dynamic conditions remain scarce. Here we address this issue by employing a bimanual robotic interface able to track voluntary hands movement, rendered in real-time into the motion of two virtual hands. We experimentally manipulated the visual feedback in the virtual reality with spatial and temporal conflicts and investigated their impact on (1) visuo-motor integration and (2) the subjective experience of being the author of one\'s action (i.e., sense of agency). Using somatosensory evoked responses measured with electroencephalography, we investigated neural differences occurring when the integration between motor commands and visual feedback is disrupted. Our results show that the right posterior parietal cortex encodes for differences between congruent and spatially-incongruent interactions. The experimental manipulations also induced a decrease in the sense of agency over the robotically-mediated actions. These findings offer solid neurophysiological grounds that can be used in the future to monitor integration mechanisms during movements and ultimately enhance subjective experience during human-machine interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Impairment in cognitive flexibility is a core symptom of anorexia nervosa (AN) and is associated with treatment resistance. Nevertheless, studies on the neural basis of cognitive flexibility in adolescent AN are rare. This study aimed to investigate brain networks underlying cognitive flexibility in adolescents with AN. To address this aim, participants performed a Dimensional Change Card Sorting task during high-density electroencephalography (EEG) recording. Anxiety was measured with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Data were collected on 22 girls with AN and 23 controls. Evoked responses were investigated using global-spatial analysis. Adolescents with AN showed greater overall accuracy, fewer switch trial errors and reduced inverse efficiency switch cost relative to controls, although these effects disappeared after adjusting for trait and state anxiety. EEG results indicated augmented early visual orienting processing (P100) and subsequent impaired attentional mechanisms to task switching (P300b) in subjects with AN. During task switching, diminished activations in subjects with AN were identified in the posterior cingulate, calcarine sulcus and cerebellum, and task repetitions induced diminished activations in a network involving the medial prefrontal cortex, and several posterior regions, compared with controls. No significant associations were found between measures of cognitive flexibility and anxiety in the AN group. Findings of this study suggest atypical neural mechanisms underlying cognitive flexibility in adolescents with AN. More importantly, our findings suggest that different behavioural profiles in AN could relate to differences in anxiety levels. Future research should investigate the efficacy of cognitive training to rebalance brain networks of cognitive flexibility in AN.





