source identification

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cadmium (Cd) pollution has gained significant attention in mangrove sediments due to its high toxicity and mobility. However, the sources of Cd and the factors influencing its accumulation in these sediments have remained elusive. In this study, we utilized lead (Pb) isotopic signatures for the first time to assess Cd contamination in mangrove sediments from the northern region of the Beibu Gulf. A strong correlation was observed between Cd and Pb concentrations in the mangrove sediments, suggesting a shared source that can be estimated using Pb isotopic signatures. By employing a Bayesian mixing model, we determined that 70.1 ± 8.2 % of Cd originated from natural sources, while 12.9 ± 4.9 %, 9.8 ± 3.7 %, and 7.1 ± 3.4 % were attributed to agricultural activities, non-ferrous metal smelting, and coal combustion, respectively. Our study clearly suggests that natural Cd could also dominate the high Cd content. Agricultural activities were the most important anthropogenic Cd sources, and the increased anthropogenic Cd accumulation in mangrove sediment was related to organic matter. This study introduces a novel approach for assessing Cd contamination in mangrove sediment, providing useful insights into Cd pollution in coastal wetlands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Groundwater pollution has attracted widespread attention as a threat to human health and aquatic ecosystems. However, the mechanisms of pollutant enrichment and migration are unclear, and the spatiotemporal distributions of human health risks are poorly understood, indicating insufficient groundwater management and monitoring. This study assessed groundwater quality, human health risks, and pollutant sources in the Fen River Basin(FRB). Groundwater quality in the FRB is good, with approximately 87 % of groundwater samples rated as \"excellent\" or \"good\" in both the dry and rainy seasons. Significant precipitation elevates groundwater levels, making it more susceptible to human activities during the rainy season, slightly deteriorating water quality. Some sampling points in the southern of Taiyuan Basin are severely contaminated by mine drainage, with water quality index values up to 533.80, over twice the limit. Human health risks are mainly from As, F, NO3-, and Cr. Drinking water is the primary pathway of risk. From 2019 to 2020, the average non-carcinogenic risk of As, F, and NO3- increased by approximately 28 %, 170 % and 8.5 %, respectively. The average carcinogenic risk of As and Cr increased by 28 % and 786 %, the overall trend of human health risks is increasing. Source tracing indicates As and F mainly originate from geological factors, while NO3- and Cr are significantly influenced by human activities. Various natural factors, such as hydrogeochemical conditions and aquifer environments, and processes like evaporation, cation exchange, and nitrification/denitrification, affect pollutant concentrations. A multi-tracer approach, integrating hydrochemical and isotopic tracers, was employed to identify the groundwater pollution in the FRB, and the response of groundwater environment to pollutant enrichment. This study provides a scientific basis for the effective control of groundwater pollution at the watershed scale, which is very important in the Loess Plateau.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a carcinogenic disinfection byproduct formed from reactions between dichloramine and organic nitrogen-containing precursors. It is unclear if NDMA precursors in surface water intakes originate in anthropogenic (i.e., wastewater) or natural sources. The Truckee River has a single point source release of treated wastewater effluent, making it an ideal system to study the relative importance of precursor sources. Three Lagrangian sampling events were conducted. NDMA formation potential (FP, a measurement of precursors) above the wastewater outfall indicated that the natural background of NDMA precursors was 2-28 ng/L. NDMA FP increased to 18-31 ng/L immediately downstream of the wastewater outfall, but decreased rapidly in a first order manner, and were not statistically different from the upstream samples in only ∼6 km. This suggests that the dominant source of NDMA precursors may be wastewater derived only near wastewater outfalls and deviates from the previous belief that wastewater-derived precursors are responsible for NDMA formation in drinking water sources located further downstream. Additionally, given the rapid loss of the wastewater precursors in this study, precursors which are slow to biodegrade/photolyze/adsorb to sediment are likely to be poor surrogates for the overall wastewater NDMA precursor pool. To understand temporal changes in the wastewater impact on environmental NDMA precursor loading, two 24-hour sampling events were conducted near (<3 km) the wastewater outfall and demonstrated that temporal changes in the NDMA precursors directly downstream of the wastewater outfall are directly linked to the wastewater flow contribution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Excessive dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in subsurface aquifers posed a threat to human health and sustainable development of groundwater resources. Accurately identifying the sources of DNAPLs is crucial for groundwater remediation and prevention efforts. In the previous studies, significant advances were made in using isotope techniques for identifying DNAPLs in groundwater. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of the commonly used isotopic tools applied to source identification. This overview will outline the advantages and limitations of the isotope technique and describe the needs for future research. Isotope tracing techniques are based on the unique isotopic characteristics of DNAPLs from different sources, enabling the identification and differentiation of DNAPL sources. The δ13C and δ37Cl values are most commonly used for identifying DNAPLs in groundwater. In field applications, however, the differences in isotopic characteristics from diverse sources can be weakened after undergoing a series of human and natural factors, which can affect the accuracy of source identification. To improve the accuracy of DNAPL source identification, a dual-isotope tracing approach seems the best available solution. Nonetheless, in the face of complex polluted environments, the dual-isotope method seems stretched. Therefore, further researches remain to be carried out to accurately and efficiently assess the sources of DNAPLs in groundwater and their individual contributions. This is a prerequisite for groundwater resource conservation and remediation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phthalate acid esters (PAEs), as a common group of plasticizers, are widely present in indoor environments and pose a risk to human health. Indoor dust samples collected from dormitory, classroom, laboratory, and office in several universities in China, were analyzed for seven types of PAEs. The total concentrations of seven PAEs (Σ7PAEs) ranged from 4.87 to 360 μg/g, with a median concentration of 51 μg/g, which is lower than that reported by other studies. Using the median concentration of Σ7PAEs as a metric, we assessed the levels of contamination in different microenvironments, resulting in the following ranking: dormitory > classroom > laboratory > office. There are significant differences in the levels of individual PAEs in different microenvironments. Radiation from sunlight, ventilation rates, cleaning frequency, and sprays were influential factors for the concentrations of individual PAEs in indoor dust. The indoor environmental conditions and consumption patterns profoundly affect PAEs levels. The sources of PAEs in classroom and office were more complex than in dormitory and laboratory. Daily intakes of PAEs were used to calculate carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic human risk for males and females, indicating a low health risk to humans. This is the first study to assess the risk of PAEs in university microenvironments and provides a valuable reference for further research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potentially toxic elements (PTEs), especially arsenic in drinking water, pose significant global health risks, including cancer. This study evaluates the groundwater quality in Giresun province on the Black Sea coast of Türkiye by analyzing twelve groundwater resources. The mean concentrations of macronutrients (mg/L) were: Ca (10.53 ± 6.63), Na (6.81 ± 3.47), Mg (3.39 ± 2.27), and K (2.05 ± 1.10). The mean levels of PTEs (µg/L) were: Al (40.02 ± 15.45), Fe (17.65 ± 14.35), Zn (5.63 ± 2.59), V (4.74 ± 5.85), Cu (1.57 ± 0.81), Mn (1.02 ± 0.76), As (0.93 ± 0.73), Cr (0.75 ± 0.57), Ni (0.41 ± 0.18), Pb (0.36 ± 0.23), and Cd (0.10 ± 0.05). All PTE levels complied with WHO drinking water safety guidelines, and overall water quality was excellent. The heavy metal evaluation index (HEI < 10) and heavy metal pollution index (HPI < 45) indicate low pollution levels across all stations. Irrigation water quality was largely adequate, as shown by the magnesium hazard (MH), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), Na%, and Kelly\'s ratio (KR). The total hazard index (THI) values consistently remained below 1, indicating no non-carcinogenic health risks. However, at station 10 (city center), the cancer risk (CR) for adults due to arsenic was slightly above the threshold (1.44E-04). Using principal component analysis (PCA), positive matrix factorization (PMF), and geographic information system (GIS) mapping, the study determined that most PTEs originated from natural geological formations or a combination of natural and human sources, with minimal impact from human activities. These findings highlight the safety and reliability of the groundwater sources studied, emphasizing their potential as a long-term, safe water supply for nearby populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The monitoring and evaluation of fluoride pollution are essentially important to make sure that concentrations do not exceed threshold limit, especially for surrounding atmosphere and soil, which are located close to the emission source. This study aimed to describe the atmospheric HF and edaphic fluoride distribution from an electrolytic aluminum plant located in Yunnan province, on which the effects of meteorological conditions, time, and topography were explored. Meanwhile, six types of solid waste genereted from different electrolytic aluminum process nodes were characterized to analyze the fluoride content and formation characteristics. The results showed that fluoride in solid waste mainly existed in the form of Na3AlF6, AlF3, CaF2, and SiF4. Spent electrolytes, carbon residue, and workshop dust are critical contributors to fluoride emissions in the primary aluminum production process, and the fluorine content is 17.14 %, 33.30 %, and 31.34 %, respectively. Unorganized emissions from electrolytic aluminum plants and solid waste generation are the primary sources of fluoride in the environment, among which the edaphic fluoride content increases most at the sampling sites S1 and S7. In addition, the atmospheric HF concentration showed significant correlations with wind speed, varying wildly from March to September, with daily average and hourly maximum HF concentrations of 4.32 μg/m3 and 9.0 μg/m3, respectively. The results of the study are crucial for mitigating fluorine pollution in the electrolytic aluminum industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Illicit discharges into sewer systems are a widespread concern within China\'s urban drainage management. They can result in unforeseen environmental contamination and deterioration in the performance of wastewater treatment plants. Consequently, pinpointing the origin of unauthorized discharges in the sewer network is crucial. This study aims to evaluate an integrative method that employs numerical modeling and statistical analysis to determine the locations and characteristics of illicit discharges. The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was employed to track water quality variations within the sewer network and examine the concentration profiles of exogenous pollutants under a range of scenarios. The identification technique employed Bayesian inference fused with the Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling method, enabling the estimation of probability distributions for the position of the suspected source, the discharge magnitude, and the commencement of the event. Specifically, the cases involving continuous release and multiple sources were examined. For single-point source identification, where all three parameters are unknown, concentration profiles from two monitoring sites in the path of pollutant transport and dispersion are necessary and sufficient to characterize the pollution source. For the identification of multiple sources, the proposed SWMM-Bayesian strategy with improved sampling is applied, which significantly improves the accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bioavailable heavy metal and their efficient phytoremediation in mining areas have major implications for environmental and human health. In this study, we investigated 12 dominant plants in a typical Mn ore area of Zunyi, Guizhou Province, China, to determine the heavy metal contents, morphologies, and environmental factors affecting Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, and Cr in the plant parts and rhizosphere soil. The bioavailabilities and degrees of metals were evaluated using the ratios of the secondary to primary phase distributions and potential ecological risk indices. Principal component analysis, cluster analysis, positive matrix factorisation modelling, and redundancy analysis were used to trace the origins and correlations among the metals. The results indicate that the bioavailabilities were the highest for Mn and Cd in the study area, and all of the target heavy metals had bioavailabilities above the moderate ecological harm level. Statistical modelling indicates that there are four main pollution sources: mining, smelting, processing operations, and atmospheric deposition. The dominant plants had high heavy metal enrichments, bioconcentration factors, and translocation factors for Mn, Cu, Cr, Cd, and Zn. The redundancy analysis indicates that soil total N, total P, and pH affect metal absorption and distributions in Compositae and non-Compositae plants in low-N, low-P, and slightly alkaline mining environments. This study provides a feasible basis for the screening of heavy metal enrichment plants and the improvement of remediation technology in manganese ore area under the extreme environment of poor nutrition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gas stations not only serve as sites for oil storage and refueling but also as locations where vehicles frequently brake, significantly enriching the surrounding soil with potentially toxic elements (PTEs). Herein, 117 topsoil samples from gas stations were collected in Beijing to explore the impact of gas stations on PTE accumulation. The analysis revealed that the average Pollution Index (PI) values for Cd, Hg, Pb, Cu, and Zn in the soil samples all exceeded 1. The random forest (RF) model, achieving an AUC score of 0.95, was employed to predict PTE pollution at 372 unsampled gas stations. Additionally, a Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model indicated that gas station operations and vehicle emissions were responsible for 70 % of the lead (Pb) enrichment. Probabilistic health risk assessments showed that the carcinogenic risk (CR) and noncarcinogenic risk (NCR) for PTE pollution to adult females were the highest, at 0.451 and 1.61E-05 respectively, but still within acceptable levels. For adult males at contaminated sites, the Pb-associated CR and NCR were approximately twice as high as those at uncontaminated sites, with increases of 107 % and 81 %, respectively. This study provides new insights for managing pollution caused by gas stations.





