sound production

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Like other odontocetes, Risso\'s dolphins actively emit clicks and passively listen to the echoes during echolocation. However, the head anatomy of Risso\'s dolphins differs from that of other odontocetes by a unique vertical cleft along the anterior surface of the forehead and a differently-shaped lower jaw. In this study, 3D finite-element sound reception and production models were constructed based on computed tomography (CT) data of a deceased Risso\'s dolphin. Our results were verified by finding good agreement with experimental measurements of hearing sensitivity. Moreover, the acoustic pathway for sounds to travel from the seawater into the dolphin\'s tympanoperiotic complexes (TPCs) was computed. The gular reception mechanism, previously discovered inDelphinus delphisandZiphius cavirostris, was also found in this species. The received sound pressure levels and relative displacement at TPC surfaces were compared between the cases with and without the mandibular fats or mandible. The results demonstrate a pronounced wave-guiding role of the mandibular fats and a limited bone-conductor role of the mandible. For sound production modelling, we digitally filled the cleft with neighbouring soft tissues, creating a hypothetical \'cleftless\' head. Comparison between sound travelling through a \'cleftless\' head vs. an original head indicates that the distinctive cleft plays a limited role in biosonar sound propagation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to communicate through vocalization plays a key role in the survival of animals across all vertebrate groups. Although avian reptiles have received much attention relating to their stunning sound repertoire, non-avian reptiles have been wrongfully assumed to have less elaborate vocalization types, and little is known about the biomechanics of sound production and their underlying neural pathways in this group. We investigated alarm calls of Gekko gecko using audio and cineradiographic recordings. Acoustic analysis revealed three distinct call types: a sinusoidal call type (type 1); a train-like call type, characterized by distinct pulse trains (type 3); and an intermediate type, which showed both sinusoidal and pulse train components (type 2). Kinematic analysis of cineradiographic recordings showed that laryngeal movements differ significantly between respiratory and vocal behavior. During respiration, animals repeatedly moved their jaws to partially open their mouths, which was accompanied by small glottal movements. During vocalization, the glottis was pulled back, contrasting with what has previously been reported. In vitro retrograde tracing of the nerve innervating the laryngeal constrictor and dilator muscles revealed round to fusiform motoneurons in the hindbrain-spinal cord transition ipsilateral to the labeled nerve. Taken together, our observations provide insight into the alarm calls generated by G. gecko, the biomechanics of this sound generation and the underlying organization of motoneurons involved in the generation of vocalizations. Our observations suggest that G. gecko may be an excellent non-avian reptile model organism for enhancing our understanding of the evolution of vertebrate vocalization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aquatic insects are a major indicator used to assess ecological condition in freshwater environments. However, current methods to collect and identify aquatic insects require advanced taxonomic expertise and rely on invasive techniques that lack spatio-temporal replication. Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is emerging as a non-invasive complementary sampling method allowing broad spatio-temporal and taxonomic coverage. The application of PAM in freshwater ecosystems has already proved useful, revealing unexpected acoustic diversity produced by fishes, amphibians, submerged aquatic plants, and aquatic insects. However, the identity of species producing sounds remains largely unknown. Among them, aquatic insects appear to be the major contributor to freshwater soundscapes. Here, we estimate the potential number of soniferous aquatic insects worldwide using data from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility. We found that four aquatic insect orders produce sounds totalling over 7000 species. This number is probably underestimated owing to poor knowledge of aquatic insects bioacoustics. We then assess the value of sound producing aquatic insects to evaluate ecological condition and find that they might be useful despite having similar responses in pristine and degraded environments in some cases. Both expert and automated identifications will be necessary to build international reference libraries and to conduct acoustic bioassessment in freshwaters. This article is part of the theme issue \'Towards a toolkit for global insect biodiversity monitoring\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sound production during feeding by the pot-bellied seahorse, Hippocampus abdominalis, was quantified with an observation of clicks (acoustic signal) and snicks (visual behavior). Female, male, and juvenile seahorses had feeding sounds characterized for peak (dominant) frequency (Hz), sound pressure level (SPL), and duration (ms). Subject body size and condition was estimated by standard length (SL, cm), to determine an estimate of body condition index (BCI). An inverse correlation between mean peak frequency (Hz) of clicks and SL was found for females. A negative correlation between peak frequency (Hz) of clicks and a residual BCI was determined for both males and females, suggesting that acoustic signals may contain information regarding fitness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wolves howl and dogs bark, both are able to produce variants of either vocalization, but we see a distinct difference in usage between wild and domesticate. Other domesticates also show distinct changes to their vocal output: domestic cats retain meows, a distinctly subadult trait in wildcats. Such differences in acoustic output are well-known, but the causal mechanisms remain little-studied. Potential links between domestication and vocal output are intriguing for multiple reasons, and offer a unique opportunity to explore a prominent hypothesis in domestication research: the neural crest/domestication syndrome hypothesis. This hypothesis suggests that in the early stages of domestication, selection for tame individuals decreased neural crest cell (NCCs) proliferation and migration, which led to a downregulation of the sympathetic arousal system, and hence reduced fear and reactive aggression. NCCs are a transitory stem cell population crucial during embryonic development that tie to diverse tissue types and organ systems. One of these neural-crest derived systems is the larynx, the main vocal source in mammals. We argue that this connection between NCCs and the larynx provides a powerful test of the predictions of the neural crest/domestication syndrome hypothesis, discriminating its predictions from those of other current hypotheses concerning domestication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Motion is the basis of nearly all animal behavior. Evolution has led to some extraordinary specializations of propulsion mechanisms among invertebrates, including the mandibles of the dracula ant and the claw of the pistol shrimp. In contrast, vertebrate skeletal movement is considered to be limited by the speed of muscle, saturating around 250 Hz. Here, we describe the unique propulsion mechanism by which Danionella cerebrum, a miniature cyprinid fish of only 12 mm length, produces high amplitude sounds exceeding 140 dB (re. 1 µPa, at a distance of one body length). Using a combination of high-speed video, micro-computed tomography (micro-CT), RNA profiling, and finite difference simulations, we found that D. cerebrum employ a unique sound production mechanism that involves a drumming cartilage, a specialized rib, and a dedicated muscle adapted for low fatigue. This apparatus accelerates the drumming cartilage at over 2,000 g, shooting it at the swim bladder to generate a rapid, loud pulse. These pulses are chained together to make calls with either bilaterally alternating or unilateral muscle contractions. D. cerebrum use this remarkable mechanism for acoustic communication with conspecifics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Teleost fishes have evolved a number of sound-producing mechanisms, including vibrations of the swim bladder. In addition to sound production, the swim bladder also aids in sound reception. While the production and reception of sound by the swim bladder has been described separately in fishes, the extent to which it operates for both in a single species is unknown. Here, using morphological, electrophysiological and modelling approaches, we show that the swim bladder of male plainfin midshipman fish (Porichthys notatus) exhibits reproductive state-dependent changes in morphology and function for sound production and reception. Non-reproductive males possess rostral \'horn-like\' swim bladder extensions that enhance low-frequency (less than 800 Hz) sound pressure sensitivity by decreasing the distance between the swim bladder and inner ear, thus enabling pressure-induced swim bladder vibrations to be transduced to the inner ear. By contrast, reproductive males display enlarged swim bladder sonic muscles that enable the production of advertisement calls but also alter swim bladder morphology and increase the swim bladder to inner ear distance, effectively reducing sound pressure sensitivity. Taken together, we show that the swim bladder exhibits a seasonal functional plasticity that allows it to effectively mediate both the production and reception of sound in a vocal teleost fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish are ectothermic and small changes in water temperature could greatly affect reproduction. The two-spotted goby is a small semi-pelagic species that uses visual and acoustic displays to mate. Here, we studied the effect of temperature (16 and 20 °C) on acoustic and visual courtship and associated reproductive success in 39 males. Temperature influenced male visual courtship performed outside the nest, but it did not influence calling rate and the number of laid eggs. Interestingly, the number of sounds (drums) was the sole predictor of spawning success. These findings suggest that exposure to different temperatures within the species\' natural range affect courtship behaviour but not its reproductive success. We propose that finding the link between acoustic behaviour and reproduction in fishes offers the opportunity to monitor fish sounds both in the lab and in nature to learn how they respond to environmental changes and human impacts, namely global warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The morphology of otoliths determines the function they perform, and it is influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Knowing those relationships is necessary to understand the role of hearing in fish. The objectives of this work were: exploring the shape of the sulcus of the sagittal otolith in seven species of Sciaenidae, in relation to sound production, and analyzing whether the shape and size of the sulcus can be used as a phylogenetic character. For this purpose, geometric morphometry analysis was carried out using landmarks data. It was found that there is an influence of size on the shape of the sulcus, and significant differences were found between the shapes of the sulcus (permutational multivariate analysis of variance). Three general shapes of the sulcus were identified (using principal component analysis, canonical variate analysis, and clustering): (1) in species that produce sounds at dominant frequencies <350 Hz, the deformation of the sulcus showed a tendency towards circularity of the ostium; (2) in those species that produce sounds at frequencies >350 Hz, the ostium showed a flattened ovoid shape, and the cauda increased its length; (3) the species that do not produce sounds, did not show any modifications, relative to the form of consensus. Despite finding sister species that presented similar sulcus shapes in the phylogeny, the results did not confirm that this can be used as a phylogenetic character. This work discusses whether the combined effects of phylogenetic legacy and natural functional selection have led to convergent evolution for the sulcus form. The differences presented by the sulcus of species that occupy the same clade, could indicate that there is a displacement of characters. The sagittal otolith and the sensory macula associated with the sulcus acusticus are highly plastic structures that are subject to strong evolutionary pressure in relation to environmental and behavioral factors, resulting in great variability in shapes that can be associated with a specific character. The variation in the shape of the sulcus would allow the analysed species to coexist in the same coastal soundscapes, without losing their particular hearing needs, even in case of overlapping their spatial and temporal distribution areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sensory systems of crustaceans (aquatic decapods and stomatopods) have adapted to a diverse range of aquatic ecosystems. Sound production in aquatic crustaceans is more widespread than previously thought, and has been shown to play a major role in many of their life-history strategies; however, there are still many gaps in our understanding of their sound reception abilities. Crustaceans have three main sensory receptors for sound - the statocyst, superficial hair cells and chordotonal organs - which are all sensitive to the particle motion component of the sound field, rather than the pressure component. Our current understanding of these receptors is that they are sensitive to low-frequency sounds (<2000 Hz). There are a wide variety of sound-producing mechanisms employed by these animals, ranging from stridulation to implosive cavitation (see Glossary). These signals are used for a range of social behaviours, such as courtship, territorial defence and assessing \'resource guarding\'. Furthermore, there are examples of sound signals that exceed their hearing range, highlighting a mismatch in our understanding of their hearing systems. This mismatch provides weight to the suggestion that another sound transmission channel - substrate-borne vibrations - might be at play, particularly because most crustaceans live on or near the seafloor. Finally, suggestions are made regarding potential future work that is needed to fill the substantial gaps in our understanding of how crustaceans hear and produce sound.





