
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we investigate the optimal conditions to the boundaries where the unique existence of the solutions to an advection-diffusion-reaction equation is secured by applying the contraction mapping theorem from the study of fixed points. Also, we extract, traveling wave solutions of the underlying equation. To this purpose, a new extended direct algebraic method with traveling wave transformation has been used. Achieved soliton solutions are different functions which are hyperbolic, trigonometric, exponential, and some mixed trigonometric functions. These functions show the nature of solitons. Two and three-dimensional plots are drawn using different values of parameters and coefficients for the comparison and behavior of solitons as combined bright-dark, dark, and bright solitons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work examines the (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli model, which finds its use in hydrodynamics. This model explains how water waves vary over time in hydrodynamics. We provide new explicit solutions to the generalized (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equation by applying the Sardar sub-equation technique. This method is shown to be a reliable and practical tool for solving nonlinear wave equations. Furthermore, different types of solitary wave solutions are constructed: w-shaped, breather waved, chirped, dark, bright, kink, unique, periodic, and more. The results obtained with the variable coefficient Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equation are stable and different from previous methods. As compared to their constant-coefficient counterparts, the variable-coefficient models are more general here. In the current work, the problem is solved using the Sardar Sub-problem Technique to produce distinct soliton solutions with parameters. Plotting these graphs of the solutions will help you better comprehend the model. The outcomes demonstrate how well the method works to solve nonlinear partial differential equations, which are common in mathematical physics.With the help of this method, we may examine a variety of solutions from significant physical perspectives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the fractional form of modified Korteweg-de Vries-Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. This equation offers the physical description of how waves propagate and explains how nonlinearity and dispersion may lead to complex and fascinating wave phenomena arising in the diversity of fields like optical fibers, fluid dynamics, plasma waves, and shallow water waves. A variety of solutions in different shapes like bright, dark, singular, and combo solitary wave solutions have been extracted. Two recently developed integration tools known as generalized Arnous method and enhanced modified extended tanh-expansion method have been applied to secure the wave structures. Moreover, the physical significance of obtained solutions is meticulously analyzed by presenting a variety of graphs that illustrate the behaviour of the solutions for specific parameter values and a comprehensive investigation into the influence of the nonlinear parameter on the propagation of the solitary wave have been observed. Further, the governing equation is discussed for the qualitative analysis by the assistance of the Galilean transformation. Chaotic behavior is investigated by introducing a perturbed term in the dynamical system and presenting various analyses, including Poincare maps, time series, 2-dimensional 3-dimensional phase portraits. Moreover, chaotic attractor and sensitivity analysis are also observed. Our findings affirm the reliability of the applied techniques and suggest its potential application in future endeavours to uncover diverse and novel soliton solutions for other nonlinear evolution equations encountered in the realms of mathematical physics and engineering.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research examines pseudoparabolic nonlinear Oskolkov-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers (OBBMB) equation, widely applicable in fields like optical fiber, soil consolidation, thermodynamics, nonlinear networks, wave propagation, and fluid flow in rock discontinuities. Wave transformation and the generalized Kudryashov method is utilized to derive ordinary differential equations (ODE) and obtain analytical solutions, including bright, anti-kink, dark, and kink solitons. The system of ODE, has been then examined by means of bifurcation analysis at the equilibrium points taking parameter variation into account. Furthermore, in order to get insight into the influence of some external force perturbation theory has been employed. For this purpose, a variety of chaos detecting techniques, for instance poincaré diagram, time series profile, 3D phase portraits, multistability investigation, lyapounov exponents and bifurcation diagram are implemented to identify the quasi periodic and chaotic motions of the perturbed dynamical model. These techniques enabled to analyze how perturbed dynamical system behaves chaotically and departs from regular patterns. Moreover, it is observed that the underlying model is quite sensitivity, as it changing dramatically even with slight changes to the initial condition. The findings are intriguing, novel and theoretically useful in mathematical and physical models. These provide a valuable mechanism to scientists and researchers to investigate how these perturbations influence the system\'s behavior and the extent to which it deviates from the unperturbed case.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    This is an Editorial for the Special Issue on Solitons in Quantum Physics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we apply a machine-learning approach to learn traveling solitary waves across various physical systems that are described by families of partial differential equations (PDEs). Our approach integrates a novel interpretable neural network (NN) architecture, called Separable Gaussian Neural Networks (SGNN) into the framework of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). Unlike the traditional PINNs that treat spatial and temporal data as independent inputs, the present method leverages wave characteristics to transform data into the so-called co-traveling wave frame. This reformulation effectively addresses the issue of propagation failure in PINNs when applied to large computational domains. Here, the SGNN architecture demonstrates robust approximation capabilities for single-peakon, multi-peakon, and stationary solutions (known as \"leftons\") within the (1+1)-dimensional, b-family of PDEs. In addition, we expand our investigations, and explore not only peakon solutions in the ab-family but also compacton solutions in (2+1)-dimensional, Rosenau-Hyman family of PDEs. A comparative analysis with multi-layer perceptron (MLP) reveals that SGNN achieves comparable accuracy with fewer than a tenth of the neurons, underscoring its efficiency and potential for broader application in solving complex nonlinear PDEs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We demonstrate that the current flow in graphene can be guided on atomically thin current pathways by the engineering of Kekulé-O distortions. A grain boundary in these distortions separates the system into topologically distinct regions and induces a ballistic domain-wall state. The state is independent of the orientation of the grain boundary with respect to the graphene sublattice and permits guiding the current on arbitrary paths. As the state is gapped, the current flow can be switched by electrostatic gates. Our findings are explained by a generalization of the Jackiw-Rebbi model, where the electrons behave in one region of the system as Fermions with an effective complex mass, making the device not only promising for technological applications but also a test-ground for concepts from high-energy physics. An atomic model supported by DFT calculations demonstrates that the system can be realized by decorating graphene with Ti atoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laser frequency combs are enabling some of the most exciting scientific endeavours in the twenty-first century, ranging from the development of optical clocks to the calibration of the astronomical spectrographs used for discovering Earth-like exoplanets. Dissipative Kerr solitons generated in microresonators currently offer the prospect of attaining frequency combs in miniaturized systems by capitalizing on advances in photonic integration. Most of the applications based on soliton microcombs rely on tuning a continuous-wave laser into a longitudinal mode of a microresonator engineered to display anomalous dispersion. In this configuration, however, nonlinear physics precludes one from attaining dissipative Kerr solitons with high power conversion efficiency, with typical comb powers amounting to ~1% of the available laser power. Here we demonstrate that this fundamental limitation can be overcome by inducing a controllable frequency shift to a selected cavity resonance. Experimentally, we realize this shift using two linearly coupled anomalous-dispersion microresonators, resulting in a coherent dissipative Kerr soliton with a conversion efficiency exceeding 50% and excellent line spacing stability. We describe the soliton dynamics in this configuration and find vastly modified characteristics. By optimizing the microcomb power available on-chip, these results facilitate the practical implementation of a scalable integrated photonic architecture for energy-efficient applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction between photons and a single two-level atom constitutes a fundamental paradigm in quantum physics. The nonlinearity provided by the atom leads to a strong dependence of the light-matter interface on the number of photons interacting with the two-level system within its emission lifetime. This nonlinearity unveils strongly correlated quasiparticles known as photon bound states, giving rise to key physical processes such as stimulated emission and soliton propagation. Although signatures consistent with the existence of photon bound states have been measured in strongly interacting Rydberg gases, their hallmark excitation-number-dependent dispersion and propagation velocity have not yet been observed. Here we report the direct observation of a photon-number-dependent time delay in the scattering off a single artificial atom-a semiconductor quantum dot coupled to an optical cavity. By scattering a weak coherent pulse off the cavity-quantum electrodynamics system and measuring the time-dependent output power and correlation functions, we show that single photons and two- and three-photon bound states incur different time delays, becoming shorter for higher photon numbers. This reduced time delay is a fingerprint of stimulated emission, where the arrival of two photons within the lifetime of an emitter causes one photon to stimulate the emission of another.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study focuses on the recovery of quiescent optical solitons through the use of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation when the chromatic dispersion is rendered to be nonlinear. A dozen forms of self-phase modulation structures are taken into consideration. The utilization of the enhanced Kudryashov\'s scheme has led to the emergence of singular, dark, and bright soliton solutions. The existence of such solitons is subject to certain parametric restrictions, which are also discussed in this paper.





