soft palate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In Saudi Arabia, a traditional therapy for a folk labeled problem known as \"Autheem - \" is often offered to infants. The procedure involves manipulating an infant\'s soft palate to alleviate pain associated with infant colic and poor feeding. However, concerns remain about this procedure\'s impact on infant health and its potential to transmit infections. This study focused on perceptions that Saudi mothers hold about Autheem therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: A descriptive, cross-sectional, community-based study was conducted via an online platform to reach Saudi mothers in the Riyadh region of Saudi Arabia.
    UNASSIGNED: Five hundred and thirty-six Saudi mothers participated; half were older than 30 years of age. Despite a high rate of college degree attainment, the majority of mothers relied on their elders as a source of information (88.4%). Autheem was viewed to be a stand-alone disease by 86.5% of respondents; 71.4% believed it could not be treated with modern medicine. Most infants were under six months of age when they received Autheem therapy (72%). Roughly 13% of mothers found that their infant had a fever after the therapy; we found an association between Autheem therapy and viral illnesses. About 13% of mothers altered their child\'s vaccination schedule after Autheem therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: Older mothers have more positive attitudes towards and stronger beliefs in Autheem therapy than younger mothers. The therapy\'s strong association with viral illnesses and its negative impact on vaccination schedules are major public health concerns.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Nasal rustle (also called nasal turbulence) refers to a loud distracting sound that sometimes occurs with audible nasal emission (ANE) during the production of pressure-sensitive consonants in patients with velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). This article examines evidence for two hypotheses of causality: vibration of the soft palate (velar flutter) and periodic motion of mucus above the velopharyngeal port (turbulent mucus).
    CONCLUSIONS: A review of the relevant literature shows inconclusive evidence to support velar flutter as a cause of nasal rustle. In contrast, clinical observations and research involving high-speed nasopharyngoscopy suggest that nasal rustle is the result of turbulent mucus above a small velopharyngeal opening. Therefore, it is our contention that a plausible explanation for nasal rustle is one of turbulent mucus and not velar flutter.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It remains a significant challenge in prosthetic rehabilitation for combined hard and soft palate defects on account of two primary reasons. At first, conventional impressions can hardly get an accurate analogue and usually bring about a terrible experience for the patients. Secondly, conventional hard denture base resins used in obturator prostheses exhibit limitations in marginal sealing, undercut retention, and elastic buffering when in contact with the soft palate. This article presents a case where combined hard and soft palate defects were successfully and rapidly reconstructed by using digital intraoral impression technology and denture soft reline material.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Striated muscle fiber crossings at almost right angle are known to exist in the face, soft palate, pharyngeal wall and tongue. We aimed to identify a specific interface tissue at the crossing. We observed histological sections from 22 half-heads of 12 near-term fetuses at 26-40 weeks (crown-rump length, 215-334 mm). For comparison, we also observed tongue frontal sections from 5 elderly cadavers (75-85 years old). At the angle of mouth as well as in the soft palate and pharyngeal wall, a solitary striated muscle fiber (e.g., levator) consistently crossed a fiber bundle of the antagonist muscle (e.g., depressor), but a solitary-to-solitary fiber interdigitation was unlikely with the antagonist muscle. Near the external nasal orifice as well as in the tongue intrinsic muscle layer, at every section, there was a crossing with an endomysium-to-endomysium contact: the nasalis and platysma muscles and; the vertical and transverse (or inferior longitudinal) tongue muscles. Therein, the functional vectors crossed at almost right angle. Also in adult tongue, the vertical and transverse muscle fibers sometimes (0-2 sites per section) crossed with an endomysium-to-endomysium contact. At the muscle crossing with an endomysium contact, the endomysium and basement membrane seemed to receive a friction stress between two muscles. Although some crossings might disappear due to high muscle activity after birth, not a few of them were likely to maintain. To minimize the mechanical stress, a minute nervous control of the timing, duration and strength of muscle contraction seemed to be necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to cephalometrically evaluate the pharyngeal morphology in adults with unoperated Submucous Cleft Palate (SMCP), adults with unoperated Overt Cleft Palate (OCP), and adults without clefts.
    METHODS: This study employed a retrospective cross-sectional design. Lateral cephalometric radiography was performed on three groups of adults: 1) 29 with unrepaired SMCP; 2) 41 with unrepaired OCP; and 3) 39 without clefts, who served as controls. One-way ANOVA and rank-sum tests were used for intergroup comparisons. P value was set at .05.
    RESULTS: The soft palate length and the ratio of soft palate length to pharyngeal depth were significantly lower in subjects with unoperated SMCP and OCP than in non-cleft controls. Significant differences were also observed in pharyngeal depth, nasopharyngeal depth, and posterior pharyngeal wall thickness between subjects with unoperated OCP and non-cleft controls.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pharyngeal morphology differs significantly between individuals with and without clefts, particularly in soft palate length and the ratio of soft palate length to pharyngeal depth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is largely unknown how the tongue base and soft palate deform to alter the configuration of the oropharyngeal airway during respiration. This study is to address this important gap. After live sleep monitoring of five Yucatan and two Panepinto minipigs to verify obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), eight and four ultrasonic crystals were implanted into the tongue base and soft palate to circumscribe a cubic and square region, respectively. The 3D and 2D deformational changes of the circumscribed regions were measured simultaneously with electromyographic activity of the oropharyngeal muscles during spontaneous respiration under sedated sleep. The results indicated that both obese Yucatan and Panepinto minipigs presented spontaneous OSA, but not in three nonobese Yucatan minipigs. During inspiration, the tongue base showed elongation in both dorsal and ventral regions but thinning and thickening in the anterior and posterior regions, respectively. The widths showed opposite directions, widening in the dorsal but narrowing in the ventral regions. The soft palate expanded in both length and width. Compared to normal controls, obese/OSA ones showed similar directions of deformational changes, but the magnitude of change was two times larger in the tongue base and soft palate, and obese/OSA Panepinto minipigs presented 10 times larger changes in all dimensions of both the tongue base and the soft palate. The distance changes between the dorsal surface of tongue base and soft palate during inspiration increased in normal but decreased in obese OSA minipigs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Squamous papilloma of the oral cavity is frequently seen in adult patients and is typically presented as painless exophytic granular or cauliflower-like lesions over the tongue, floor of the mouth, palate, uvula, lips, and faucial pillars. Most of the lesions are solitary and grow rapidly to about 0.5 cm. Oral squamous papilloma has no known malignant potential, with conservative surgical excision being the treatment of choice. Recurrence is rare. It occasionally causes symptoms, unless the presentation is atypical, as in our case. An elongated uvula can cause discomfort and reduce a patient\'s quality of life. This study aims to report an atypical presentation of a squamous papilloma over the soft palate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Striated muscle insertions into the skin and mucosa are present in the head, neck, and pelvic floor. We reexamined the histology of these tissues to elucidate their role in transmission of the force. We examined histological sections of 25 human fetuses (gestational ages of ~11-19 weeks and ~26-40 weeks) and 6 cadavers of elderly individuals. Facial muscle insertion or terminal almost always formed as an interdigitation with another muscle or as a circular arrangement in which muscle fiber insertions were sandwiched and mechanically supported by other muscle fibers (like an in-series muscle). Our examination of the face revealed some limited exceptions in which muscle fibers that approached the dermis were always in the nasalis and mentalis muscles, and often in the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle. The buccinator muscle was consistently inserted into the basement membrane of the oral mucosa. Parts of the uvulae muscle in the soft palate and of the intrinsic vertical muscle of the tongue were likely to direct toward the mucosa. In contrast, the pelvic floor did not contain striated muscle fibers that were directed toward the skin or mucosa. Although \'cutaneous muscle\' is a common term, the actual insertion of a muscle into the skin or mucosa seemed to be very rare. Instead, superficial muscle insertion often consisted of interdigitated muscle bundles that had different functional vectors. In this case, the terminal of one muscle bundle was sandwiched and fixed mechanically by other bundles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pharyngeal flap (PF) is useful for reconstruction of soft palate defects, but effective arrangements of PF for various types of soft palate defects are controversial. Here, we classify three types of soft palate defects and discuss the arrangements of PF and their functional prognosis.
    Reconstruction was performed based on the classification of the defects. Clinical details were collected, and postoperative function was analyzed.
    Eight patients were included in the study. The defect sizes ranged from 25 (width) × 40 (depth) to 40 × 60 mm. Six patients underwent pharyngeal flap reconstruction with free-flap reconstruction, and two underwent pharyngeal flap reconstruction. The pharyngeal flap was harvested at the maximum width of the posterior pharyngeal wall, ranging from 25 to 40 mm in length. Eating and speaking functions were maintained in all patients.
    Good postoperative function can be maintained by narrowing the velopharyngeal space with a pharyngeal flap.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background One of the common craniofacial abnormalities is cleft lip and palate. Various surgical procedures have been employed to repair the cleft. However, immediate post-operative complications and formation of palatal fistula post surgery are common in surgical procedures. The study aims to compare the fistula rate, soft palate lengthening, and immediate complications of cleft palate repair of Furlow\'s Z-plasty and straight-line intravelar veloplasty techniques. Method Fifty Patients with isolated or unilateral cleft palate and lip with age between 9-18 months were randomly divided into two groups. One group underwent Furlow\'s Z-plasty while the other underwent straight-line intravelar veloplasty procedures. Post surgery, after discharge, the patients were followed up at 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months intervals. Immediate post-operative complications and fistula formation rate were compared along with other parameters like fistula width, duration of the procedure, intra-operative soft palate length, etc. Results Straight-line procedures took less time as compared to Furlow\'s Z-plasty. Bleeding (N=2, 8%) and dehiscence (N=1, 4%) of the wound were the immediate post-operative complications found in the straight-line group. Bleeding was also present in the Furlow\'s group (N=1, 4%). At 1-month follow-up, in the straight-line group (N=3, 12%) patients had fistula while (N=2, 8%) had minimal nasal regurgitation of liquids when compared to the Furlow\'s group. At 3-month follow-up, patients in the straight-line procedure group (three out of N=25, 12%) exhibited fistula, whereas in the Furlow\'s group, fistula occurrence was observed in one out of N=25 participants (4%). Intra-operative soft palate lengthening was 6.44 ± 0.768 mm and 1.64 ± 0.952 mm in the Furlow and straight-line groups, respectively. Conclusion Furlow\'s Z-plasty was observed to be the better surgical procedure for cleft repair as it had low immediate post-operative complications, and fistula development and had higher intra-operative soft palate lengthening.





