soft X-ray tomography

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The dysfunction of α and β cells in pancreatic islets can lead to diabetes. Many questions remain on the subcellular organization of islet cells during the progression of disease. Existing three-dimensional cellular mapping approaches face challenges such as time-intensive sample sectioning and subjective cellular identification. To address these challenges, we have developed a subcellular feature-based classification approach, which allows us to identify α and β cells and quantify their subcellular structural characteristics using soft X-ray tomography (SXT). We observed significant differences in whole-cell morphological and organelle statistics between the two cell types. Additionally, we characterize subtle biophysical differences between individual insulin and glucagon vesicles by analyzing vesicle size and molecular density distributions, which were not previously possible using other methods. These sub-vesicular parameters enable us to predict cell types systematically using supervised machine learning. We also visualize distinct vesicle and cell subtypes using Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) embeddings, which provides us with an innovative approach to explore structural heterogeneity in islet cells. This methodology presents an innovative approach for tracking biologically meaningful heterogeneity in cells that can be applied to any cellular system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-junctional connexin43 (Cx43) plasma membrane hemichannels have been implicated in several inflammatory diseases, particularly playing a role in ATP release that triggers activation of the inflammasome. Therapies targeting the blocking of the hemichannels to prevent the pathological release or uptake of ions and signalling molecules through its pores are of therapeutic interest. To date, there is no close-to-native, high-definition documentation of the impact of Cx43 hemichannel-mediated inflammation on cellular ultrastructure, neither is there a robust account of the ultrastructural changes that occur following treatment with selective Cx43 hemichannel blockers such as Xentry-Gap19 (XG19). A combination of same-sample correlative high-resolution three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy and soft X-ray tomography at cryogenic temperatures, enabled in the identification of novel 3D molecular interactions within the cellular milieu when comparing behaviour in healthy states and during the early onset or late stages under inflammatory conditions. Notably, our findings suggest that XG19 blockage of connexin hemichannels under pro-inflammatory conditions may be crucial in preventing the direct degradation of connexosomes by lysosomes, without affecting connexin protein translation and trafficking. We also delineated fine and gross cellular phenotypes, characteristic of inflammatory insult or road-to-recovery from inflammation, where XG19 could indirectly prevent and reverse inflammatory cytokine-induced mitochondrial swelling and cellular hypertrophy through its action on Cx43 hemichannels. Our findings suggest that XG19 might have prophylactic and therapeutic effects on the inflammatory response, in line with functional studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses are obligate intracellular pathogens that depend on their host cell machinery and metabolism for their replicative life cycle. Virus entry, replication, and assembly are dynamic processes that lead to the reorganisation of host cell components. Therefore, a complete understanding of the viral processes requires their study in the cellular context where advanced imaging has been proven valuable in providing the necessary information. Among the available imaging techniques, soft X-ray tomography (SXT) at cryogenic temperatures can provide three-dimensional mapping to 25 nm resolution and is ideally suited to visualise the internal organisation of virus-infected cells. In this chapter, the principles and practices of synchrotron-based cryo-soft X-ray tomography (cryo-SXT) in virus research are presented. The potential of the cryo-SXT in correlative microscopy platforms is also demonstrated through working examples of reovirus and hepatitis research at Beamline B24 (Diamond Light Source Synchrotron, UK) and BL09-Mistral beamline (ALBA Synchrotron, Spain), respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synchrotron-based soft X-ray tomography (SXT), providing three-dimensional morphology and quantitative distribution of linear absorption coefficient (LAC) of the imaged objects, is widely used in many fields to obtain ultra-structure images, especially in cellular imaging. Off-line fluorescence microscopies (FMs) are combined to identify the type of organelles and status of cells. However, deformation and displacement usually occur during the transfer and loading process, which decreases the precision of two-modal images\' registration. In this paper, we report on an on-line FM, at the SXT station (BL07W) of the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), which avoids deformation and displacement. Therefore, researchers can easily find the sample and take the useful data without tedious post-processing. Combining SXT with on-line FM, we achieved the identification and high-resolution imaging of an apoptotic cell. The experiments revealed that the LAC of the nucleus of the apoptotic cell was larger than that of a normal cell, which could be explained by nucleus pyknosis of the apoptotic cell.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Developing in silico models that accurately reflect a whole, functional cell is an ongoing challenge in biology. Current efforts bring together mathematical models, probabilistic models, visual representations, and data to create a multi-scale description of cellular processes. A realistic whole-cell model requires imaging data since it provides spatial constraints and other critical cellular characteristics that are still impossible to obtain by calculation alone. This review introduces Soft X-ray Tomography (SXT) as a powerful imaging technique to visualize and quantify the mesoscopic (~25 nm spatial scale) organelle landscape in whole cells. SXT generates three-dimensional reconstructions of cellular ultrastructure and provides a measured structural framework for whole-cell modeling. Combining SXT with data from disparate technologies at varying spatial resolutions provides further biochemical details and constraints for modeling cellular mechanisms. We conclude, based on the results discussed here, that SXT provides a foundational dataset for a broad spectrum of whole-cell modeling experiments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inter-organelle interactions are a vital part of normal cellular function; however, these have proven difficult to quantify due to the range of scales encountered in cell biology and the throughput limitations of traditional imaging approaches. Here, we demonstrate that soft X-ray tomography (SXT) can be used to rapidly map ultrastructural reorganization and inter-organelle interactions in intact cells. SXT takes advantage of the naturally occurring, differential X-ray absorption of the carbon-rich compounds in each organelle. Specifically, we use SXT to map the spatiotemporal evolution of insulin vesicles and their co-localization and interaction with mitochondria in pancreatic β cells during insulin secretion and in response to different stimuli. We quantify changes in the morphology, biochemical composition, and relative position of mitochondria and insulin vesicles. These findings highlight the importance of a comprehensive and unbiased mapping at the mesoscale to characterize cell reorganization that would be difficult to detect with other existing methodologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Imaging of actin filaments is crucial due to the integral role that they play in many cellular functions such as intracellular transport, membrane remodelling and cell motility. Visualizing actin filaments has so far relied on fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy/tomography. The former lacks the capacity to capture the overall local ultrastructure, while the latter requires rigorous sample preparation that can lead to potential artefacts, and only delivers relatively small volumes of imaging data at the thinnest areas of a cell. In this work, a correlative approach utilizing in situ super-resolution fluorescence imaging and cryo X-ray tomography was used to image bundles of actin filaments deep inside cells under near-native conditions. In this case, fluorescence 3D imaging localized the actin bundles within the intracellular space, while X-ray tomograms of the same areas provided detailed views of the local ultrastructure. Using this new approach, actin trails connecting vesicles in the perinuclear area and hotspots of actin presence within and around multivesicular bodies were observed. The characteristic prevalence of filamentous actin in cytoplasmic extensions was also documented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Niemann-Pick C2 protein (NPC2) is a sterol transfer protein in the lumen of late endosomes and lysosomes (LE/LYSs). Absence of functional NPC2 leads to endo-lysosomal buildup of cholesterol and other lipids. How NPC2\'s known capacity to transport cholesterol between model membranes is linked to its function in living cells is not known. Using quantitative live-cell imaging combined with modeling of the efflux kinetics, we show that NPC2-deficient human fibroblasts can export the cholesterol analog dehydroergosterol (DHE) from LE/LYSs. Internalized NPC2 accelerated sterol efflux extensively, accompanied by reallocation of LE/LYSs containing fluorescent NPC2 and DHE to the cell periphery. Using quantitative fluorescence loss in photobleaching of TopFluor-cholesterol (TF-Chol), we estimate a residence time for a rapidly exchanging sterol pool in LE/LYSs localized in close proximity to the plasma membrane (PM), of less than one min and observed non-vesicular sterol exchange between LE/LYSs and the PM. Excess sterol was released from the PM by shedding of cholesterol-rich vesicles. The ultrastructure of such vesicles was analyzed by combined fluorescence and cryo soft X-ray tomography (SXT), revealing that they can contain lysosomal cargo and intraluminal vesicles. Treating cells with apoprotein A1 and with nuclear receptor liver X-receptor (LXR) agonists to upregulate expression of ABC transporters enhanced cholesterol efflux from the PM, at least partly by accelerating vesicle release. We conclude that NPC2 inside LE/LYSs facilitates non-vesicular sterol exchange with the PM for subsequent sterol efflux to acceptor proteins and for shedding of sterol-rich vesicles from the cell surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multimodal imaging promises to revolutionize the understanding of biological processes across scales in space and time by combining the strengths of multiple imaging techniques. Fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs) are biocompatible, chemically inert, provide high contrast in light- and electron-based microscopy, and are versatile optical quantum sensors. Here it is demonstrated that FNDs also provide high absorption contrast in nanoscale 3D soft X-ray tomograms with a resolution of 28 nm in all dimensions. Confocal fluorescence, atomic force, and scanning electron microscopy images of FNDs inside and on the surface of PC3 cancer cells with sub-micrometer precision are correlated. FNDs are found inside ≈1 µm sized vesicles present in the cytoplasm, providing direct evidence of the active uptake of bare FNDs by cancer cells. Imaging artefacts are quantified and separated from changes in cell morphology caused by sample preparation. These results demonstrate the utility of FNDs in multimodal imaging, contribute to the understanding of the fate of FNDs in cells, and open up new possibilities for biological imaging and sensing across the nano- and microscale.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soft X-ray microscopy has excellent characteristics for imaging cells and subcellular structures. In this paper, the yeast strain, Candida utilis, was imaged by soft X-ray microscopy and three-dimensional volumes were reconstructed with the SART-TV method. We performed segmentation on the reconstruction in three dimensions and identified several types of subcellular architecture within the specimen cells based on their linear absorption coefficient (LAC) values. Organelles can be identified by the correlation between the soft X-ray LAC values and the subcellular architectures. Quantitative analyses of the volume ratio of organelles to whole cell in different phases were also carried out according to the three-dimensional datasets. With such excellent features, soft X-ray imaging has a great influence in the field of biological cellular and subcellular research.





