sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selenium biotransformation by lactic acid bacteria during the preparation of Se-enriched yogurt was evaluated. The study focused on the distribution of selenium in the aqueous soluble protein fraction and the detection of selenoamino acids. Screening of selenium in Tris-buffer-urea soluble fraction was carried out by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after pre-fractionating with asymmetric field flow fractionation using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry as the detector. Selenium-containing fractions were identified by peptide mapping using nano LC-ESI/LTQMS. Proteins such as thioredoxin, glutaredoxin, albumin, β-lactoglobulin, and lactoperoxidase were identified in the selenium-containing fraction. All these proteins were detected in both the control and the selenium-enriched yogurt except chaperones, which were only detected in the control samples. Chaperones are heat-shock proteins expressed in response to elevated temperature or other cellular stresses. Selenium may have an effect on chaperones expression in Lactobacillus. For the amino acids analysis, selenocysteine was the primary seleno-containing species.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    Extensive proteolysis takes place during the processing of dry-cured ham due to the action of muscle peptidases. The aim of this work was to study the degradation of LIM domain binding protein 3 (LDB3), which is located at the Z-lines of the sarcomere, at different times during the Spanish dry-cured ham processing (2, 3.5, 5, 6.5, and 9 months). A total of 107 peptides have been identified by mass spectrometry, most of them generated from the first region of the protein sequence (position 1-90) providing evidence for the complexity and variability of proteolytic reactions throughout the whole process of dry-curing. Methionine oxidation has been observed in several peptides by the end of the process. The potential of some of the identified peptides to be used as biomarkers of dry-cured ham processing has also been considered.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Five winter oilseed rape cultivars (Benefit, Californium, Cortes, Ladoga, Navajo) were subjected to 30 days of cold treatment (4 °C) to examine the effect of cold on acquired frost tolerance (FT), dehydrin (DHN) content, and photosynthesis-related parameters. The main aim of this study was to determine whether there are relationships between FT (expressed as LT50 values) and the other parameters measured in the cultivars. While the cultivar Benefit accumulated two types of DHNs (D45 and D35), the other cultivars accumulated three additional DHNs (D97, D47, and D37). The similar-sized DHNs (D45 and D47) were the most abundant; the others exhibited significantly lower accumulations. The highest correlations were detected between LT50 and DHN accumulation (r=-0.815), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi; r=-0.643), net photosynthetic rate (r=-0.628), stomatal conductance (r=0.511), and intracellular/intercellular CO2 concentration (r=0.505). Those cultivars that exhibited higher Pn rate in cold (and further a significant increase in WUEi) had higher levels of DHNs and also higher FT. No significant correlation was observed between LT50 and E, PRI, or NDVI. Overall, we have shown the selected physiological parameters to be able to distinguish different FT cultivars of winter oilseed rape.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACO) is a key enzyme that catalyses the final step in the biosynthesis of the plant hormone ethylene. Recently, the first ACO homologue gene was isolated in Agaricus bisporus, whereas information concerning the nature of the ethylene-forming activity of this mushroom ACO is currently lacking.
    METHODS: Recombinant ACO from A. bisporus (Ab-ACO) was purified and characterised for the first time. Molecular modelling combined with site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic and spectral analysis were used to investigate the property of Ab-ACO.
    RESULTS: Ab-ACO has eight amino acid residues that are conserved in the Fe (II) ascorbate family of dioxygenases, including four catalytic residues in the active site, but Ab-ACO lacks a key residue, S289. In comparison to plant ACOs, Ab-ACO requires ACC and Fe (II) but does not require ascorbate. In addition, Ab-ACO had relatively low activity and was completely dependent on bicarbonate, which could be ascribed to the replacement of S289 by G289. Moreover, the ferrous ion could induce a change in the tertiary, but not the secondary, structure of Ab-ACO.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results provide crucial experimental support for the ability of Ab-ACO to catalyse ethylene formation in a similar manner to that of plant ACOs, but there are differences between the biochemical and catalytic characteristics of Ab-ACO and plant ACOs.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work enhances the understanding of the ethylene biosynthesis pathways in fungi and could promote profound physiological research of the role of ethylene in the regulation of mushroom growth and development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathology of the lethal skeletal muscle disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and various antioxidants have been investigated as a potential therapy. Recently, treatment of the mdx mouse model for DMD with the antioxidant and cysteine and glutathione (GSH) precursor n-acetylcysteine (NAC) was shown to decrease protein thiol oxidation and improve muscle pathology and ex vivo muscle strength. This study further investigates the mechanism for the benefits of NAC on dystrophic muscle by administering l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (OTC) which also upregulates intracellular cysteine and GSH, but does not directly function as an antioxidant. We observed that OTC, like NAC, decreases protein thiol oxidation, decreases pathology and increases strength, suggesting that the both NAC and OTC function via increasing cysteine and GSH content of dystrophic muscle. We demonstrate that mdx muscle is not deficient in either cysteine or GSH and that these are not increased by OTC treatment. However, we show that dystrophic muscle of 12 week old mdx mice is deficient in taurine, a by-product of disposal of excess cysteine, a deficiency that is ameliorated by OTC treatment. These data suggest that in dystrophic muscles, apart from the strong association of increased oxidative stress and protein thiol oxidation with dystropathology, another major issue is an insufficiency in taurine that can be corrected by increasing the availability of cysteine. This study provides new insight into the molecular mechanism underlying the benefits of NAC in muscular dystrophy and supports the use of OTC as an alternative drug for potential clinical applications to DMD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanocarrier-based drug delivery systems have attracted wide interest for the treatment of brain disease. However, neurotoxicity of nanoparticle has limited their therapeutic application. Here we demonstrated that lipid nanoparticles (LNs) accumulated in the brain parenchyma within 3 h of intravenous injection to mice and persisted for more than 24 weeks, coinciding with a dramatic activation of brain microglia. Morphological characteristic of microglial activation also observed in LNs-treated Cx3cr1GFP/+ mice. In vivo study with two-photon confocal microscopy revealed abnormal Ca²⁺ waves in microglia following LNs injection. The correlated activation of caspase-1, IL-1β and neurovascular damage following LNs injection was attenuated in P2X₇-/- mice. PEGylation of LNs reduced correlated nanoparticles aggregation. Moreover, PEGylation of LNs ameliorated the P2X₇/caspase-1/IL-1β signalling-dependent microglia activation and neurovascular damage. In conclusion, PEGylation of LNs is a promising biomaterial for brain-targeted therapy that inhibits P2X7₇-dependent neuroinflammatory response.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    The aim was to study the in vivo gastric digestion of fat globules in bovine cream from raw, pasteurised or pasteurised and homogenised milk. Fasted rats were gavaged once and chyme samples were collected after 30, 120 and 180 min post-gavage. Proteins from raw (RC) and pasteurised (PC) creams appeared to be digested faster and to a greater extent. Free fatty acids (FAs) increased throughout the 3h postprandial period. Short and medium chain FAs were released more rapidly than long chain FAs which were hydrolysed to a greater degree from PC. The size of the fat globules of all creams increased in the stomach. Protein aggregates were observed in pasteurised and homogenised cream chyme. Protrusions, probably caused by the accumulation of insoluble lipolytic products, appeared at the surface of the globules in RC and PC chyme. Overall, PC proteins and lipids appeared to be digested to a greater extent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this research was to study the effect of milk processing on the in vivo upper digestive tract digestion of milk fat globules. Fasted rats were serially gavaged over a 5h period with cream from raw, pasteurised, or pasteurised and homogenised milk. Only a few intact dietary proteins and peptides were present in the small intestinal digesta. Significantly (P<0.05) more longer chain (C≥10) fatty acids were present in the digesta of rats gavaged with raw (448 mg g(-1) digesta dry matter (DDM)) and homogenised creams (528 mg g(-1) DDM), as compared to pasteurised and homogenised cream (249 mg g(-1) DDM). Microscopy techniques were used to investigate the structural changes during digestion. Liquid-crystalline lamellar phases surrounding the fat globules, fatty acid soap crystals and lipid-mucin interactions were evident in all small intestinal digesta. Overall, the pasteurised and homogenised cream appeared to be digested to a greater extent.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Wrightia tinctoria R. Br. (Apocyanaceae) is a folk medicinal plant known to have immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antihemorrhagic potential. Wrightia tinctoria latex is used for treatment of various clinical conditions including psoriasis, blisters, mouth ulcers, and extensively for topical application on fresh wounds to promote accelerated healing.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the wound healing potential of Wrightia tinctoria latex proteases using a mouse model.
    METHODS: Proteolytic activity of Wrightia tinctoria latex proteases (WTLP) was determined on various substrates (casein, gelatin and collagen (type-I and IV)). The thermal stability and the class of proteases present in WTLP were determined using heat treatment and specific protease inhibitors, respectively. Excision wound model in mice was used to evaluate the healing potential of WTLP application (twice daily, 10mg/kg). Neosporin, a standard drug, was used for comparison. The progression of healing was monitored using physical (wound contraction), biochemical (collagen content, catalase and MMP activity) and histological examinations.
    RESULTS: WTLP contains thermostable serine proteases, which are completely inhibited by PMSF. WTLP showed strong caseinolytic, gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activity. The excision wound healing rate upon WTLP treatment was significantly higher than (>2-fold) the control group (49% vs. 18%, (**)p<0.01) on day 3 and throughout the study. PMSF pre-treated and heat denatured WTLP failed to promote wound healing. In addition, serial biochemical analysis of the granulation tissue demonstrated 1.5-fold more (2444 ± 100 vs. 1579 ± 121 µg/100mg tissue) hydroxyproline content and 5.6-fold higher catalase activity (16.7 ± 1.3 vs. 3 ± 0.3 units/mg) compared to controls. Further, the enhanced collagen content and matrix metalloproteinase activity correlated with wound contraction rate following WTLP and Neosporin treatment. Histological analysis on day 9 confirmed complete epithelialization, re-establishment of skin structure and accelerated wound healing following WTLP treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The thermostable serine proteases of Wrightia tinctoria latex are directly involved in the wound healing process. Our findings provide a biochemical basis for the role of WTLP in the enhancement of wound healing. The study supports traditional topical application of Wrightia tinctoria latex on fresh wounds to promote accelerated healing.





