social evolution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hamilton\'s rule provides the cornerstone for our understanding of the evolution of all forms of social behavior, from altruism to spite, across all organisms, from viruses to humans. In contrast to the standard prediction from Hamilton\'s rule, recent studies have suggested that altruistic helping can be favored even if it does not benefit relatives, as long as it decreases the environmentally induced variance of their reproductive success (\"altruistic bet-hedging\"). However, previous predictions both rely on an approximation and focus on variance-reducing helping behaviors. We derived a version of Hamilton\'s rule that fully captures environmental variability. This shows that decreasing (or increasing) the variance in the absolute reproductive success of relatives does not have a consistent effect-it can either favor or disfavor the evolution of helping. We then empirically quantified the effect of helping on the variance in reproductive success across 15 species of cooperatively breeding birds. We found that a) helping did not consistently decrease the variance of reproductive success and often increased it, and b) the mean benefits of helping across environments consistently outweighed other variability components of reproductive success. Altogether, our theoretical and empirical results suggest that the effects of helping on the variability components of reproductive success have not played a consistent or strong role in favoring helping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapid increase of antibiotic-resistant pathogens is severely limiting our current treatment possibilities. An important subset of the resistance mechanisms conferring antibiotic resistance have public effects, allowing otherwise susceptible bacteria to also survive antibiotic treatment. As susceptible bacteria can survive treatment without bearing the metabolic cost of producing the resistance mechanism, there is potential to increase their relative frequency in the population and, as such, select against resistant bacteria. Multiple studies showed that this altered selection for resistance is dependent on various environmental and treatment parameters. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of their most important findings and describe the main factors impacting the selection for resistance. In-depth understanding of the driving forces behind selection can aid in the design and implementation of alternative treatments which limit the risk of resistance development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Models of indirect reciprocity study how social norms promote cooperation. In these models, cooperative individuals build up a positive reputation, which in turn helps them in their future interactions. The exact reputational benefits of cooperation depend on the norm in place, which may change over time. Previous research focused on the stability of social norms. Much less is known about how social norms initially evolve when competing with many others. A comprehensive evolutionary analysis, however, has been difficult. Even among the comparably simple space of so-called third-order norms, there are thousands of possibilities, each one inducing its own reputation dynamics. To address this challenge, we use large-scale computer simulations. We study the reputation dynamics of each third-order norm and all evolutionary transitions between them. In contrast to established work with only a handful of norms, we find that cooperation is hard to maintain in well-mixed populations. However, within group-structured populations, cooperation can emerge. The most successful norm in our simulations is particularly simple. It regards cooperation as universally positive, and defection as usually negative-unless defection takes the form of justified punishment. This research sheds light on the complex interplay of social norms, their induced reputation dynamics, and population structure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We proposed a neighbor selection mechanism based on memory and target payoff, where the target payoff is the maximum value of the group\'s average expected payoff. According to this mechanism, individuals prioritize selecting neighbors whose average payoffs in the last M rounds are close to the target payoff for strategy learning, aiming to maximize the group\'s expected payoff. Simulation results on the grid-based Prisoner\'s Dilemma and Snowdrift games demonstrate that this mechanism can significantly improve the group\'s payoff and cooperation level. Furthermore, the longer the memory length, the higher the group\'s payoff and cooperation level. Overall, the combination of memory and target payoff can lead to the emergence and persistence of cooperation in social dilemmas as individuals are motivated to cooperate based on both their past experiences and future goals. This interplay highlights the significance of taking into account numerous variables in comprehending and promoting cooperation within evolutionary frameworks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social insect workers, renowned for their altruism, are frequently perceived as \'disposable\'. A new study finds that ants amputate the limbs of nestmates, which saves them from infection, and indicates that worker care is as critical to colony success as sacrifice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sociality underpins major evolutionary transitions and significantly influences the structure and function of complex ecosystems. Social insects, seen as the pinnacle of sociality, have traits like obligate sterility that are considered \'master traits\', used as single phenotypic measures of this complexity. However, evidence is mounting that completely aligning both phenotypic and evolutionary social complexity, and having obligate sterility central to both, is erroneous. We hypothesize that obligate and functional sterility are insufficient in explaining the diversity of phenotypic social complexity in social insects. To test this, we explore the relative importance of these sterility traits in an understudied but diverse taxon: the termites. We compile the largest termite social complexity dataset to date, using specimen and literature data. We find that although functional and obligate sterility explain a significant proportion of variance, neither trait is an adequate singular proxy for the phenotypic social complexity of termites. Further, we show both traits have only a weak association with the other social complexity traits within termites. These findings have ramifications for our general comprehension of the frameworks of phenotypic and evolutionary social complexity, and their relationship with sterility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the field of social evolution, inclusive fitness theory has been successful in making a wide range of qualitative predictions on expected patterns of cooperation and conflict. Nevertheless, outside of sex ratio theory, inclusive fitness models that make accurate quantitative predictions remain relatively rare. Past models dealing with caste fate conflict in insect societies, for example, successfully predicted that if female larvae can control their own caste fate, an excess should opt to selfishly develop as queens. Available models, however, were unable to accurately predict levels of queen production observed in Melipona bees-a genus of stingless bees where caste is self-determined-as empirically observed levels of queen production are approximately two times lower than the theoretically predicted ones. Here, we show that this discrepancy can be resolved by explicitly deriving the colony-level cost of queen overproduction from a dynamic model of colony growth, requiring the incorporation of parameters of colony growth and demography, such as the per-capita rate at which new brood cells are built and provisioned, the percentage of the queen\'s eggs that are female, costs linked with worker reproduction and worker mortality. Our revised model predicts queen overproduction to more severely impact colony productivity, resulting in an evolutionarily stable strategy that is approximately half that of the original model, and is shown to accurately predict actual levels of queen overproduction observed in different Melipona species. Altogether, this shows how inclusive fitness models can provide accurate quantitative predictions, provided that costs and benefits are modeled in sufficient detail and are measured precisely.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social reputations facilitate cooperation: those who help others gain a good reputation, making them more likely to receive help themselves. But when people hold private views of one another, this cycle of indirect reciprocity breaks down, as disagreements lead to the perception of unjustified behavior that ultimately undermines cooperation. Theoretical studies often assume population-wide agreement about reputations, invoking rapid gossip as an endogenous mechanism for reaching consensus. However, the theory of indirect reciprocity lacks a mechanistic description of how gossip actually generates consensus. Here, we develop a mechanistic model of gossip-based indirect reciprocity that incorporates two alternative forms of gossip: exchanging information with randomly selected peers or consulting a single gossip source. We show that these two forms of gossip are mathematically equivalent under an appropriate transformation of parameters. We derive an analytical expression for the minimum amount of gossip required to reach sufficient consensus and stabilize cooperation. We analyze how the amount of gossip necessary for cooperation depends on the benefits and costs of cooperation, the assessment rule (social norm), and errors in reputation assessment, strategy execution, and gossip transmission. Finally, we show that biased gossip can either facilitate or hinder cooperation, depending on the direction and magnitude of the bias. Our results contribute to the growing literature on cooperation facilitated by communication, and they highlight the need to study strategic interactions coupled with the spread of social information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the influence of social interactions on individual fitness is key to improving our predictions of phenotypic evolution. However, we often overlook the different components of selection regimes arising from interactions among organisms, including social, correlational, and indirect selection. This is due to the challenging sampling efforts required in natural populations to measure phenotypes expressed during interactions and individual fitness. Furthermore, behaviours are crucial in mediating social interactions, yet few studies have explicitly quantified these selection components on behavioural traits. In this study, we capitalize on an online multiplayer video game as a source of extensive data recording direct social interactions among prey, where prey collaborate to escape a predator in realistic ecological settings. We estimate natural and social selection and their contribution to total selection on behavioural traits mediating competition, cooperation, and predator-prey interactions. Behaviours of other prey in a group impact an individual\'s survival, and thus are under social selection. Depending on whether selection pressures on behaviours are synergistic or conflicting, social interactions enhance or mitigate the strength of natural selection, although natural selection remains the main driving force. Indirect selection through correlations among traits also contributed to the total selection. Thus, failing to account for the effects of social interactions and indirect selection would lead to a misestimation of the total selection acting on traits. Dissecting the contribution of each component to the total selection differential allowed us to investigate the causal mechanisms relating behaviour to fitness and quantify the importance of the behaviours of conspecifics as agents of selection. Our study emphasizes that social interactions generate complex selective regimes even in a relatively simple ecological environment.





