social epidemiology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scholars, activists, and policymakers have long called for reparations - a process of repair and restitution for harm and injustices done - to descendants of enslaved Africans in the U.S. as a structural intervention to address historic and ongoing injustices. However, there has been very limited epidemiologic work examining reparations. We explore some of the epidemiologic benefits and challenges of using causal inference frameworks to model reparations as an example of a large-scale, structural intervention that pushes the limits of what is considered \"well-defined\" and may violate key identification assumptions. Finally, we weigh these methodological limitations with the utility of assessing public health implications of reparations policies and conclude by discussing implications for future epidemiologic research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to document existing geographical inequalities in health in the city of Milan (Lombardy Region, Northern Italy), examining the association between area socioeconomic disadvantage and health outcomes, with the aim to suggest policy action to tackle them.
    METHODS: the analysis used an ecological framework; multiple health indicators were considered in the analysis; socioeconomic disadvantage was measured through indicators such as low education, unemployment, immigration status, and housing crowding. For each municipal statistical area, Bayesian Relative Risks of the outcomes (using the Besag-Yorkand-Mollié model) were plotted on the city map. To evaluate the association between social determinants and health outcomes, Spearman correlation coefficients were estimated.
    METHODS: residents in the City of Milan aged between 30 and 75 years who were residing in Milan as of 01.01.2019, grouped in 88 statistical areas.
    METHODS: all-cause mortality, type-2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, neoplasms, respiratory diseases, metabolic syndrome, antidepressants use, polypharmacy, and multimorbidity.
    RESULTS: the results consistently demonstrated a significant association between socioeconomic disadvantage and various health outcomes, with low education exhibiting the strongest correlations. Neoplasms displayed an inverse social gradient, while the relationship with antidepressant use varied.
    CONCLUSIONS: these findings provide valuable insights into the distribution of health inequalities in Milan and contribute to the existing literature on the social determinants of health. The study highlights the need for targeted interventions to address disparities and promote equitable health outcomes. The results can serve to inform the development of effective public health strategies and policies aimed at reducing health inequalities in the city.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This critical review considers the status of 21st-century epidemiological theories of disease distribution, updating to 2024 prior analyses published up through 2014, and discusses the implications of these theories for research, practice, and pedagogy. Three key trends stand out: (a) the continued dominance of individualistic biomedical and lifestyle theories; (b) growth and elaboration of social epidemiological alternatives; and (c) the ongoing inattention to epidemiologic theories of disease distribution in the training of epidemiologists and public health professionals and in current efforts to improve the rigor of epidemiological research and causal inference. In a context of growing global political polarization, climate crisis, broader environmental and ecological crises, and stubbornly persistent health inequities within and between nations, producing actionable knowledge relevant to improving the people\'s health and advancing health justice will require much greater engagement with social epidemiologic theories of disease distribution in research, pedagogy, and practice. At issue is critically engaging with the embodied truths manifested in the stories bodies tell in population patterns of health, disease, and well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This commentary responds to the article by Qureishi et al. (Am J Epidemol. XXXX;XXX(XX):XXXX-XXXX)) that criticizes a new proposal for \"positive epidemiology.\" They argue that positive epidemiology as it is being proposed and conducted ignores supra-individual social contextual factors that constrain wellbeing of some individuals more than others, and it could exacerbate inequalities if applied at a population level, among other harms. They offer an alternative approach to defining causal factors that are helpful for wellbeing, and seek to ground their view in human rights and economic justice frameworks. This commentary considers their criticisms of PE and suggests that their alternative as well as all research into positive health and wellbeing would benefit from drawing on the ongoing debates and works in health equity and justice philosophy. A coherent conception of health and wellbeing, the link between health/wellbeing and theories of justice, and the capabilities approach are discussed. The efforts at conducting epidemiology for the causes and distribution of good health and wellbeing grounded in justice is welcomed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Critical feminist research addresses social inequities, encourages equitable partnerships between researchers and participants, and acknowledges that research can be inherently political. Building upon critical feminist research practices, community-based participatory research, and social and structural epidemiology, we propose the approach of critical feminist epidemiology. A critical feminist epidemiology approach can study community and population health inequities with an eye towards identifying interventions that reduce inequities, through research processes that center the lived experiences of people from minoritized genders. We describe how our interdisciplinary, community-led team used a critical feminist epidemiology approach for an applied public health research project. Mujeres Unidas y Activas, a community organizing non-profit led by and for Latina and Indigenous immigrant women, partnered with academic researchers to conduct community-led research around how their approach to building community power affected the health and wellbeing of organization members and their families. Critical feminist epidemiology is a promising approach for conducting research that is grounded in and relevant to the lives of women and gender expansive people. Building upon social epidemiology and community-based participatory research, critical feminist epidemiology can be a useful research approach to generate novel evidence to inform action towards health equity for communities and populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measuring age-specific, contextual exposures is crucial for lifecourse epidemiology research. Longitudinal residential data offers a \"golden ticket\" to cumulative exposure metrics and can enhance our understanding of health disparities. Residential history can be linked to myriad spatiotemporal databases to characterize environmental, socioeconomic, and policy contexts that a person experienced throughout life. However, obtaining accurate residential history is challenging in the United States due to the limitations of administrative registries and self-reports. Xu et al. (Am J Epidemiol. 2024; 193(2):348-359) detail an approach to linking residential history sourced from LexisNexis ® Accurint ® to a Wisconsin-based research cohort, offering insights into challenges with residential history collection. Researchers must analyze the magnitude of selection and misclassification biases inherent to ascertaining residential history from cohort data. A lifecourse framework can provide insights into why the frequency and distance of moves is patterned by age, birth cohort, racial/ethnic identity, socioeconomic status, and urbanicity. Historic and contemporary migration patterns of marginalized people seeking economic and political opportunities must guide interpretations of residential history data. We outline methodologic priorities for use of residential history in health disparities research, including contextualizing residential history data with determinants of residential moves, triangulating spatial exposure assessment methods, and transparently quantifying measurement error.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Housing insecurity is rising among older adults; health researchers know little about how this may impact their cognitive health. We investigated links between foreclosure and older adults\' memory and probability of dementia.
    METHODS: Using the Health and Retirement Study (2008 to 2018), we fit mixed models comparing the memory and dementia probability scores of 249 older adults who experienced foreclosure (treated) with 15,645 who did not. Baseline covariates included sociodemographics, health, and cognition. Models were stratified by age group.
    RESULTS: Foreclosure was associated with faster memory decline among middle-aged (50 to 64) older adults (-0.007 standard deviations/year, 95% confidence interval: -0.13, -0.001). Compared to average memory decline among middle-aged older adults who were stably housed, foreclosure equated to 3.7 additional years of aging over 10 years. Among those 65+, differences between those who were and were not foreclosed upon were short-lived and less clear, potentially driven by depletion-of-susceptibles bias.
    CONCLUSIONS: Foreclosure may endanger older adults\' memory.
    CONCLUSIONS: Housing instability is a key determinant of cognitive aging. We examined foreclosure and levels and changes in memory and dementia probability scores in the US older adult population. Foreclosure was associated with faster memory decline among middle-aged (50 to 64) older adults, equivalent to 3.7 additional years of cognitive aging over 10 years. Foreclosure yielded sharp memory declines and increases in dementia probability among older adults 65 and above. Foreclosure imposes a greater risk for older adults\' cognitive decline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aims: The aims of this study were to examine the association of social network size with severe tooth loss and the number of missing teeth among Hispanic adults with diabetes in the United States and to assess whether the association varied by glycemic control. Methods: Data obtained from 1,007 adults who participated in the Hispanic Community Health Study were analyzed. Structural social support was measured with the Social Network Index (SNI), which assessed network size and frequency of social contacts. Tooth loss was measured by a count of the number of missing teeth and categorically as severe tooth loss (<9 remaining teeth). Descriptive statistical analyses were conducted to examine the sample characteristics. Logistic and negative binomial regression analyses were performed to examine the independent association between SNI and tooth loss and to test whether the association was modified by the glycemic target. Results: The prevalence of severe tooth loss was 5.91%. For each one-unit increase in SNI, the expected log count of the number of missing teeth was reduced by 3.3% (p-value: 0.037). Conclusions: In this study, a larger social network size was associated with fewer missing teeth among Hispanic persons living with diabetes. Further examination of social support and oral health is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Contemporary research on the exposome, i.e. the sum of all the exposures an individual encounters throughout life and that may influence human health, bears the promise of an integrative and policy-relevant research on the effect of environment on health. Critical analyses of the first generation of exposome projects have voiced concerns over their actual breadth of inclusion of environmental factors and a related risk of molecularization of public health issues. The emergence of the European Human Exposome Network (EHEN) provides an opportunity to better situate the ambitions and priorities of the exposome approach on the basis of new and ongoing research.
    METHODS: We assess the promises, methods, and limitations of the EHEN, as a case study of the second generation of exposome research. A critical textual analysis of profile articles from each of the projects involved in EHEN, published in Environmental Epidemiology, was carried out to derive common priorities, innovations, methodological and conceptual choices across EHEN and to discuss it.
    RESULTS: EHEN consolidates its integrative outlook by reinforcing the volume and variety of data, its data analysis infrastructure and by diversifying its strategies to deliver actionable knowledge. Yet data-driven limitations severely restrict the geographical and political scope of this knowledge to health issues primarily related to urban setups, which may aggravate some socio-spatial inequalities in health in Europe.
    CONCLUSIONS: The second generation of exposome research doubles down on the initial ambition of an integrative study of the environmental effects of health to fuel better public health interventions. This intensification is, however, accompanied by significant epistemological challenges and doesn\'t help to overcome severe restrictions in the geographical and political scope of this knowledge. We thus advocate for increased reflexivity over the limitations of this conceptually and methodologically integrative approach to public and environmental health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Empirical evaluation of inverse probability weighting (IPW) for self-selection bias correction is inaccessible without the full source population. We aimed to: (i) investigate how self-selection biases frequency and association measures and (ii) assess self-selection bias correction using IPW in a cohort with register linkage.
    METHODS: The source population included 17 936 individuals invited to the Copenhagen Aging and Midlife Biobank during 2009-11 (ages 49-63 years). Participants counted 7185 (40.1%). Register data were obtained for every invited person from 7 years before invitation to the end of 2020. The association between education and mortality was estimated using Cox regression models among participants, IPW participants and the source population.
    RESULTS: Participants had higher socioeconomic position and fewer hospital contacts before baseline than the source population. Frequency measures of participants approached those of the source population after IPW. Compared with primary/lower secondary education, upper secondary, short tertiary, bachelor and master/doctoral were associated with reduced risk of death among participants (adjusted hazard ratio [95% CI]: 0.60 [0.46; 0.77], 0.68 [0.42; 1.11], 0.37 [0.25; 0.54], 0.28 [0.18; 0.46], respectively). IPW changed the estimates marginally (0.59 [0.45; 0.77], 0.57 [0.34; 0.93], 0.34 [0.23; 0.50], 0.24 [0.15; 0.39]) but not only towards those of the source population (0.57 [0.51; 0.64], 0.43 [0.32; 0.60], 0.38 [0.32; 0.47], 0.22 [0.16; 0.29]).
    CONCLUSIONS: Frequency measures of study participants may not reflect the source population in the presence of self-selection, but the impact on association measures can be limited. IPW may be useful for (self-)selection bias correction, but the returned results can still reflect residual or other biases and random errors.





