
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rapidly expanding Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) landscape fosters enormous opportunities for personalized healthcare, yet it also exposes patients and healthcare systems to diverse security threats. Heterogeneous IoMT devices present challenges that need comprehensive risk assessment due to their varying functionality, protocols, and vulnerabilities. Hence, to achieve the goal of having risk-free IoMT devices, the authors used a hybrid approach using fuzzy logic and the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to evaluate risks, providing effective and useful results for developers and researchers. The presented approach specifies qualitative descriptors such as the frequency of occurrence, consequence severity, weight factor, and risk level. A case study with risk events in three different IoMT devices was carried out to illustrate the proposed method. We performed a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) attack on an oximeter, smartwatch, and smart peak flow meter to discover their vulnerabilities. Using the FAHP method, we calculated fuzzy weights and risk levels, which helped us to prioritize criteria and alternatives in decision-making. Smartwatches were found to have a risk level of 8.57 for injection attacks, which is of extreme importance and needs immediate attention. Conversely, jamming attacks registered the lowest risk level of 1, with 9 being the maximum risk level and 1 the minimum. Based on this risk assessment, appropriate security measures can be implemented to address the severity of potential threats. The findings will assist healthcare industry decision-makers in evaluating the relative importance of risk factors, aiding informed decisions through weight comparison.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to survive, animals often need to navigate a complex odor landscape where odors can exist in airborne plumes. Several odor plume properties change with distance from the odor source, providing potential navigational cues to searching animals. Here, we focus on odor intermittency, a temporal odor plume property that measures the fraction of time odor is above a threshold at a given point within the plume and decreases with increasing distance from the odor source. We sought to determine if mice can use changes in intermittency to locate an odor source. To do so, we trained mice on an intermittency discrimination task. We establish that mice can discriminate odor plume samples of low and high intermittency and that the neural responses in the olfactory bulb can account for task performance and support intermittency encoding. Modulation of sniffing, a behavioral parameter that is highly dynamic during odor-guided navigation, affects both behavioral outcome on the intermittency discrimination task and neural representation of intermittency. Together, this work demonstrates that intermittency is an odor plume property that can inform olfactory search and more broadly supports the notion that mammalian odor-based navigation can be guided by temporal odor plume properties.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfaction is one of the evolutionarily oldest senses and plays a fundamental role in foraging and social interactions across mammals. In primates, the role of olfaction is now well recognized, but better investigated in strepsirrhine and platyrrhine primates than in catarrhines. We observed the sniffing behavior of semi-free ranging Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus, at Affenberg Salem, Germany, to assess how frequently macaques sniff and in which contexts, and how sniffing is affected by sex and age. Focal observations of 24 males and 24 females aged 1-25 years showed that Barbary macaques sniffed, on average, 5.24 times per hour, with more than 80% of sniffs directed at food. Irrespective of the context, younger individuals sniffed more often than older ones. Females\' sniffs were more often directed at food than male sniffs, while males sniffed more often than females in a social context. Sniffs at conspecifics occurred primarily in a sexual context, with 70% of social sniffs directed at female anogenital swellings performed by males. Of the observed 176 anogenital inspections, 51 involved sniffing of the swelling. Olfactory inspections were followed by copulation significantly less often than merely visual inspections, suggesting that anogenital odors may play a role in male mating decisions, but the role of olfaction in sexual interactions warrants further investigations. In sum, results show that Barbary macaques routinely use olfaction during feeding, but also in a socio-sexual context, corroborating the relevance of the olfactory sense in the lives of catarrhine primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The 25°back-up position is proposed to increase the efficacy of preoxygenation and provide better tracheal intubating conditions when using a direct laryngoscope. This study aimed to compare the ease of tracheal intubation between supine and 25° back-up positions when using two video laryngoscopes (VLS).
    UNASSIGNED: One hundred adults with normal airways and belonging to the American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status classes I and II, requiring general anaesthesia, were randomised in groups K and M. The trachea was intubated using King Vision and McGrath VLS in either supine (groups K1 and M1) or 25° back-up (groups K2 and M2) positions. The 25° backup position was given by raising the operating table from the horizontal position by flexing the torso at the hips so that an imaginary line connected the patient\'s external auditory meatus to the sternal notch. Modified Intubation Difficulty Scale (mIDS) was the primary outcome, and intubation time, the number of intubation attempts, vital parameters, and complications were compared secondarily. Statistical analysis was done using MedCalc software by applying an independent t-test for parametric data and a Chi-square test for categorical data and finding the risk ratio.
    UNASSIGNED: Mean (Standard deviation) mIDS was significantly reduced using both VLS in the 25° back-up position [0.92 (0.75) versus 0.48 (0.58), P = 0.025, degree of freedom (DF): 48, mean difference (95% confidence interval [CI]):-0.44 (-0.821 to - 0.059) in group K1 versus group K2 and 0.76 (0.59) versus 0.36 (0.48), P = 0.012, DF: 48, mean difference (95% CI): -0.40(-0.706 to - 0.094) in group M1 versus group M2, respectively]. The risk ratio comparing both the positions for the total number of patients requiring manoeuvres during intubation using both the VLS was 0.48 with P = 0.0004 and 95% CI = 0.305 - 0.765. Intubation time was shorter in the 25° backup position by using King Vision (P = 0.005) and McGrath (P = 0.042) VLS.
    UNASSIGNED: The 25° backup position helps provide ease of intubation using both the channelled (King Vision) and non-channelled (McGrath) VLS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We propose a novel odor-sensing system based on the dynamic response of phospholipid molecular layers for artificial olfaction. Organisms obtain information about their surroundings based on multidimensional information obtained from sniffing, i.e., periodic perturbations. Semiconductor- and receptor-based odor sensors have been developed previously. However, these sensors predominantly identify odors based on one-dimensional information, which limits the type of odor molecule they can identify. Therefore, the development of odor sensors that mimic the olfactory systems of living organisms is useful to overcome this limitation. In this study, we developed a novel odor-sensing system based on the dynamics of phospholipids that responds delicately to chemical substances at room temperature using multidimensional information obtained from periodic perturbations. Odor molecules are periodically supplied to the phospholipid molecular layer as an input sample. The waveform of the surface tension of the phospholipid molecular layer changes depending on the odor molecules and serves as an output. Such characteristic responses originating from the dynamics of odor molecules on the phospholipid molecular layer can be reproduced numerically. The phospholipid molecular layer amplified the information originating from the odor molecule, and the mechanism was evaluated by using surface pressure-area isotherms. This paper offers a platform for an interface-chemistry-based artificial sniffing system as an active sensor and a novel olfactory mechanism via physicochemical responses of the receptor-independent membranes of the organism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vocalizations are pivotal in mammalian communication, especially in humans. Rodents accordingly rely on ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) that reflect their internal state as a primary channel during social interactions. However, attributing vocalizations to specific individuals remains challenging, impeding internal state assessment. Rats emit 50-kHz USVs to indicate positive states and intensify sniffing during alertness and social interactions. Here, we present a method involving a miniature microphone attached to the rat nasal cavity that allows to capture both male and female individual rat vocalizations and sniffing patterns during social interactions. We found that while the emission of 50-kHz USVs increases during close interactions, these signals lack specific behavioral associations. Moreover, a previously unreported low-frequency vocalization type marking rat social interactions was uncovered. Finally, different dynamics of sniffing and vocalization activities point to distinct underlying internal states. Thus, our method facilitates the exploration of internal states concurrent with social behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Respiration is a highly dynamic signal that influences voluntary behaviors including odor sampling and entrains rhythmic activity in the brain. Many techniques exist to record respiration with each exhibiting strengths and drawbacks given the ultimate goals of the respiration recording. Intranasal cannula implantation, coupled with pressure sensor recording, allows for temporal precision and detailed feature extraction of the respiratory waveform. Here we describe the implantation process and necessary recording equipment to effectively conduct intranasal pressure recording of respiration. This is an ideal method for understanding the dynamics of odor sampling in conjunction with olfactory sensory transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding neural function requires quantification of the sensory signals that an animal\'s brain evolved to interpret. These signals in turn depend on the morphology and mechanics of the animal\'s sensory structures. Although the house mouse (Mus musculus) is one of the most common model species used in neuroscience, the spatial arrangement of its facial sensors has not yet been quantified. To address this gap, the present study quantifies the facial morphology of the mouse, with a particular focus on the geometry of its vibrissae (whiskers). The study develops equations that establish relationships between the three-dimensional (3D) locations of whisker basepoints, whisker geometry (arclength, curvature) and the 3D angles at which the whiskers emerge from the face. Additionally, the positions of facial sensory organs are quantified relative to bregma-lambda. Comparisons with the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) indicate that when normalized for head size, the whiskers of these two species have similar spacing density. The rostral-caudal distances between facial landmarks of the rat are a factor of ∼2.0 greater than the mouse, while the scale of bilateral distances is larger and more variable. We interpret these data to suggest that the larger size of rats compared with mice is a derived (apomorphic) trait. As rodents are increasingly important models in behavioral neuroscience, the morphological model developed here will help researchers generate naturalistic, multimodal patterns of stimulation for neurophysiological experiments and allow the generation of synthetic datasets and simulations to close the loop between brain, body and environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Although the sense of smell in pigs is widely recognized as being highly developed, surprisingly little is known about their sensory ability. This study aimed to (a) identify which non-social odors pigs were able to detect and distinguish between, (b) investigate the types of behavior expressed when exploring odors and, (c) compare pigs\' responses to the different odors to evaluate their interest in the odors.
    UNASSIGNED: Growing pigs (N = 192) of crossbred commercial breeds were enrolled in the experiment (32-110 days of age, weighing 64.9 ± 10.1kg). Littermate pairs of opposite sex were tested in test pens with two odor insertion points in the pen wall, 55 cm apart. All pigs were habituated to the test pens and experimenters. Twelve odors were tested (eight essential oils and four synthetic perfumes) in groups of three odors, with each pig pair tested once with one set of three odors (all possible orders of the three odors were tested on 24 pairs in total), always against a non-odor control (demineralized water). In a test, each of the three odors were presented during three trials in a row (a total of 9 trials per test; trial duration: 1 min; inter-trial breaks: 2 min; total test duration: 25 min). Response variables included: duration of sniffing, feeding-related behavior (licking, biting and rooting), agonistic behavior (biting, displacement and pushing) and no approach of the odor or control, recorded throughout each 1-min odor presentation.
    UNASSIGNED: All pigs sniffed an odor less when repeatedly presented (LMM: all odors P < 0.05), and significantly longer at the subsequent presentation of a new odor [LMM (3rd vs. 1st presentations): P < 0.001]. Specific odor and odor type (essential oil vs. synthetic perfume) had no significant effect on sniffing duration. Overall, feeding-related behavior and agonistic behavior were expressed significantly more when pigs explored the odor compared with the control insertion point (Paired t-tests: P < 0.001), and specific odor only affected the expression of feeding-related behavior.
    UNASSIGNED: Collectively, pigs express sniffing, agonistic, and feeding-related behavior when exploring odors, which suggests that pigs perceive odors of non-social origin as a resource. Odors may thus constitute relevant enrichment material for pigs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients are at risk of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) during manipulation for endotracheal intubation. The aim of this cadaveric study was to quantify this relationship. Five fresh frozen adult cadaveric heads were used. The internal carotid artery (ICA) and internal jugular vein (IJV) were dissected bilaterally. All vessels were occluded on the right side. To mimic central venous pressures, the left IJV was cannulated and filled with water to maintain a pressure of approximately 7 cm H2O. The ICA cannula was attached to an oscillating water pump. Next, an ICP monitor was placed. Normophysiological volumes of water were infused to maintain normal ICP. Baseline ICP and IJV pressures were recorded. The heads were then placed in the sniffing position and in neutral position for nasal intubation, and finally an oral endotracheal tube was placed using standard head/neck maneuvers. The ICP was recorded. Mean baseline ICP was 13 mmHg (range 4-18 mmHg) and mean IJV pressure was 6 cm H2O. In the sniffing position, ICP increased in all specimens by a mean of 5 mmHg. In the neutral position, after intubation, the ICP increased in all specimens by a mean of 3 mmHg. Nasal intubation resulted in an increase in four of the five specimens. The mean increase in ICP with this maneuver was 2 mmHg. We present a cadaveric model of ICP measurement during neck manipulation using intracranial fluid dynamics. The ICP increased consistently. Following clinical studies, physicians involved in intubating patients with concern for raised ICP should change the technique to avoid complications.





