small mammal

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the dietary preferences and ecological niche characteristics of mammals not only reveals their adaptive strategies under environmental changes but also reveals the interspecific relationships and coexistence mechanisms among sympatric species. Nevertheless, such data are scarce for rodents inhabiting areas spanning a wide altitude range. This study employed DNA metabarcoding technology to analyze the stomach contents of Apodemus ilex, Apodemus chevrieri, and Niviventer confucianus, aiming to investigate their dietary compositions and diversity in the Meili Snow Mountain in Yunnan Province, China. Levins\'s and Pianka\'s indices were used to compare the interspecific niche breadth and niche overlaps. The results revealed the following: (1) Insecta (relative abundance: 59.4-78.4%) and Clitellata (relative abundance: 5.2-25.5%) were the primary animal food sources for the three species, while Magnoliopsida (relative abundance: 90.3-99.9%) constitutes their main plant food source. Considerable interspecific differences were detected in the relative abundance of primary animal and plant foods among the three species; (2) There was partial overlap in the genus-level animal food between A. ilex and N. confucianus (Ojk = 0.4648), and partial overlap in plant food between A. ilex and A. chevrieri (Ojk = 0.3418). However, no overlap exists between A. chevrieri and N. confucianus, either in animal or plant food; (3) There were no significant interspecific differences in the α-diversity of animal and plant foods among the three species. The feeding strategies and ecological niche variations of these rodents support the niche differentiation hypothesis, indicating that they have diversified in their primary food sources. This diversification may be a strategy to reduce competition and achieve long-term coexistence by adjusting the types and proportions of primary foods consumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rickettsia and related diseases have been identified as significant global public health threats. This study involved comprehensive field and systematic investigations of various rickettsial organisms in Yunnan Province.
    METHODS: Between May 18, 2011 and November 23, 2020, field investigations were conducted across 42 counties in Yunnan Province, China, encompassing small mammals, livestock, and ticks. Preliminary screenings for Rickettsiales involved amplifying the 16S rRNA genes, along with additional genus- or species-specific genes, which were subsequently confirmed through sequencing results. Sequence comparisons were carried out using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST). Phylogenetic relationships were analyzed using the default parameters in the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) program. The chi-squared test was used to assess the diversities and component ratios of rickettsial agents across various parameters.
    RESULTS: A total of 7964 samples were collected from small mammals, livestock, and ticks through Yunnan Province and submitted for screening for rickettsial organisms. Sixteen rickettsial species from the genera Rickettsia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Neoehrlichia, and Wolbachia were detected, with an overall prevalence of 14.72%. Among these, 11 species were identified as pathogens or potential pathogens to humans and livestock. Specifically, 10 rickettsial organisms were widely found in 42.11% (24 out of 57) of small mammal species. High prevalence was observed in Dremomys samples at 5.60%, in samples from regions with latitudes above 4000 m or alpine meadows, and in those obtained from Yuanmou County. Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis were broadly infecting multiple genera of animal hosts. In contrast, the small mammal genera Neodon, Dremomys, Ochotona, Anourosorex, and Mus were carrying individually specific rickettsial agents, indicating host tropism. There were 13 rickettsial species detected in 57.14% (8 out of 14) of tick species, with the highest prevalence (37.07%) observed in the genus Rhipicephalus. Eight rickettsial species were identified in 2375 livestock samples. Notably, six new Rickettsiales variants/strains were discovered, and Candidatus Rickettsia longicornii was unambiguously identified.
    CONCLUSIONS: This large-scale survey provided further insight into the high genetic diversity and overall prevalence of emerging Rickettsiales within endemic hotspots in Yunnan Province. The potential threats posed by these emerging tick-borne Rickettsiales to public health warrant attention, underscoring the need for effective strategies to guide the prevention and control of emerging zoonotic diseases in China.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study conducted biostatistical multivariate analyses on 23 craniodental morphological measurements from 209 specimens to study interspecific variations amongst 15 bat species of the genus Myotis in Vietnam. Univariate and multivariate analyses demonstrated that the studied species can be divided into four groups as follows: extra-large-sized species (M.chinensis), large-sized species (M.pilosus, M.indochinensis and M.annectans), medium-sized species (M.altarium, M.hasseltii, M.montivagus, M.horsfieldii, M.ater, M.laniger and M.muricola) and small-sized species (M.annamiticus, M.aff.siligorensis, M.rosseti and M.alticraniatus). Our data revealed that the main craniodental features contributing to the variations in distinguishing Myotis species are the width of the anterior palatal, least height of the coronoid process, length of the upper and lower canine-premolar, zygomatic width and width across the upper canines and lower premolar-molar length. Based on patterns of morphological differences, we conducted comparisons between morphometrically closely resembling species pairs and further discussed additional characteristics that are expected to support the taxonomy and systematics of Vietnamese Myotis bats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Globally, hundreds of mammal species face the threat of extinction in the coming decades, and in many cases, their ecology remains poorly understood. Fundamental ecological knowledge is crucial for effective conservation management of these species, but it is particularly lacking for small, cryptic mammals. The Julia Creek dunnart (Sminthopsis douglasi), a threatened, cryptic carnivorous marsupial that occurs in scattered populations in the central west of Queensland, Australia, was once so poorly studied that it was believed extinct. Sporadic research since its rediscovery in the early 1990s has revealed that S. douglasi is distributed across land at risk from many threats. Fundamental knowledge of S. douglasi population density is urgently required to inform conservation management at key sites, yet the species has historically proven hard to detect. Indeed, the status of the largest known population of S. douglasi, in Bladensburg National Park, is unknown. Here, we conducted a population study on S. douglasi at two sites within Bladensburg National Park via live mark-recapture surveys during 2022 and 2023. From likelihood-based spatially explicit capture-recapture (SECR) modelling we provide the first estimates of density and population size for S. douglasi. Live trapping resulted in captures of 49 individual S. douglasi (with 83 captures total, including recaptures). We estimated S. douglasi to occur at a density of 0.38 individuals ha-1 (0.25-0.58) at one site and 0.16 individuals ha-1 (0.09-0.27) at another site, with an estimated mean population size in suitable habitat at Bladensburg National Park of 1211 individuals (776-1646). Our S. douglasi density estimates were similar to that reported for other threatened small mammals in Australia. We also found evidence of extreme S. douglasi population fluctuations over time at Bladensburg National Park, which is of concern for its future conservation. Our study has provided the first estimate of density for S. douglasi, a threatened dasyurid species from the Mitchell Grass Downs of central western Queensland, Australia. Our research provides crucial population data to assist the management of this poorly studied species. We demonstrate a method that can be applied to species with low detection probability to ultimately help address the mammal extinction crisis faced by Australia and the rest of the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Bartonella are emerging bacterial zoonotic pathogens. Utilization of clotted blood samples for surveillance of these bacteria in wildlife has begun to supersede the use of tissues; however, the efficacy of these samples has not been fully investigated. Our objective was to compare the efficacy of spleen and blood samples for DNA extraction and direct detection of Bartonella spp. via qPCR. In addition, we present a protocol for improved DNA extraction from clotted, pelleted (i.e., centrifuged) blood samples obtained from wild small mammals.
    RESULTS: DNA concentrations from kit-extracted blood clot samples were low and A260/A280 absorbance ratios indicated high impurity. Kit-based DNA extraction of spleen samples was efficient and produced ample DNA concentrations of good quality. We developed an in-house extraction method for the blood clots which resulted in apposite DNA quality when compared to spleen samples extracted via MagMAX DNA Ultra 2.0 kit. We detected Bartonella in 9/30 (30.0%) kit-extracted spleen DNA samples and 11/30 (36.7%) in-house-extracted blood clot samples using PCR. Our results suggest that kit-based methods may be less suitable for DNA extraction from blood clots, and that blood clot samples may be superior to tissues for Bartonella detection.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Segmental aplasia of the caudal vena cava (CVC) with azygos continuation is a congenital malformation macroscopically described in mammals including humans, dogs, and rodents. It is usually detected as an incidental finding and the final diagnosis is reached by computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy, or post-mortem dissection.
    UNASSIGNED: A 3-year-old guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) presented with subacute dyspnea. A computed tomographic examination was performed for the evaluation of subtle pulmonary changes previously suspected on conventional radiography, and a segmental aplasia of the CVC with azygos continuation was identified as an incidental finding.
    UNASSIGNED: According to database negative results, this is the first report describing a segmental aplasia of the CVC and azygos continuation in a guinea pig by CT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change has the potential to disrupt species interactions across global ecosystems. Ectotherm-endotherm interactions may be especially prone to this risk due to the possible mismatch between the species in physiological response and performance. However, few studies have examined how changing temperatures might differentially impact species\' niches or available suitable habitat when they have very different modes of thermoregulation. An ideal system for studying this interaction is the predator-prey system. In this study, we used ecological niche modeling to characterize the niche overlap and examine biogeography in past and future climate conditions of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) and Ord\'s kangaroo rats (Dipodomys ordii), an endotherm-ectotherm pair typifying a predator-prey species interaction. Our models show a high niche overlap between these two species (D = 0.863 and I = 0.979) and further affirm similar paleoecological distributions during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and mid-Holocene (MH). Under future climate change scenarios, we found that prairie rattlesnakes may experience a reduction in overall suitable habitat (RCP 2.6 = -1.82%, 4.5 = -4.62%, 8.5 = -7.34%), whereas Ord\'s kangaroo rats may experience an increase (RCP 2.6 = 9.8%, 4.5 = 11.71%, 8.5 = 8.37%). We found a shared trend of stable suitable habitat at northern latitudes but reduced suitability in southern portions of the range, and we propose future monitoring and conservation be focused on those areas. Overall, we demonstrate a biogeographic example of how interacting ectotherm-endotherm species may have mismatched responses under climate change scenarios and the models presented here can serve as a starting point for further investigation into the biogeography of these systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light detection and ranging (lidar) has emerged as a valuable tool for examining the fine-scale characteristics of vegetation. However, lidar is rarely used to examine coastal wetland vegetation or the habitat selection of small mammals. Extensive anthropogenic modification has threatened the endemic species in the estuarine wetlands of the California coast, such as the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris; SMHM). A better understanding of SMHM habitat selection could help managers better protect this species. We assessed the ability of airborne topographic lidar imagery in measuring the vegetation structure of SMHM habitats in a coastal wetland with a narrow range of vegetation heights. We also aimed to better understand the role of vegetation structure in habitat selection at different spatial scales. Habitat selection was modeled from data compiled from 15 small mammal trapping grids collected in the highly urbanized San Francisco Estuary in California, USA. Analyses were conducted at three spatial scales: microhabitat (25 m2), mesohabitat (2025 m2), and macrohabitat (~10,000 m2). A suite of structural covariates was derived from raw lidar data to examine vegetation complexity. We found that adding structural covariates to conventional habitat selection variables significantly improved our models. At the microhabitat scale in managed wetlands, SMHM preferred areas with denser and shorter vegetation and selected for proximity to levees and taller vegetation in tidal wetlands. At the mesohabitat scale, SMHM were associated with a lower percentage of bare ground and with pickleweed (Salicornia pacifica) presence. All covariates were insignificant at the macrohabitat scale. Our results suggest that SMHM preferentially selected microhabitats with access to tidal refugia and mesohabitats with consistent food sources. Our findings showed that lidar can contribute to improving our understanding of habitat selection of wildlife in coastal wetlands and help to guide future conservation of an endangered species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Hepacivirus contains single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses belonging to the family Flaviviridae, which comprises 14 species. These 14 hepaciviruses have been found in different mammals, such as primates, dogs, bats, and rodents. To date, Hepacivirus has not been reported in the shrew genus of Crocidura. To study the prevalence and genetic evolution of Hepacivirus in small mammals in Yunnan Province, China, molecular detection of Hepacivirus in small mammals from Yunnan Province during 2016 and 2017 was performed using reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Our results showed that the overall infection rate of Hepacivirus in small mammals was 0.12% (2/1602), and the host animal was the Southeast Asian shrew (Crocidura fuliginosa) (12.5%, 2/16). Quantitative real-time PCR showed that Hepacivirus had the highest viral RNA copy number in the liver. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the hepaciviruses obtained in this study does not belong to any designated species of hepaciviruses and forms an independent clade. To conclude, a novel hepacivirus was identified for the first time in C. fuliginosa specimens from Yunnan Province, China. This study expands the host range and viral diversity of hepaciviruses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plague is a zoonotic vector-borne disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. In Madagascar, it persists in identified foci, where it is a threat to public health generally from September to April. A more complete understanding of how the disease persists could guide control strategies. Fleas are the main vector for transmission between small mammal hosts and humans, and fleas likely play a role in the maintenance of plague. This study characterized the dynamics of flea populations in plague foci alongside the occurrence of human cases. From 2018 to 2020, small mammals were trapped at sites in the central Highlands of Madagascar. A total of 2,762 small mammals were captured and 5,295 fleas were collected. The analysis examines 2 plague vector species in Madagascar (Synopsyllus fonquerniei and Xenopsylla cheopis). Generalized linear models were used to relate flea abundance to abiotic factors, with adjustments for trap location and flea species. We observed significant effects of abiotic factors on the abundance, intensity, and infestation rate by the outdoor-associated flea species, S. fonquerniei, but weak seasonality for the indoor-associated flea species, X. cheopis. A difference in the timing of peak abundance was observed between the 2 flea species during and outside the plague season. While the present study did not identify a clear link between flea population dynamics and plague maintenance, as only one collected X. cheopis was infected, the results presented herein can be used by local health authorities to improve monitoring and control strategies of plague vector fleas in Madagascar.





