
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    KCNMA1-linked channelopathy is a neurological disorder characterized by seizures, motor abnormalities, and neurodevelopmental disabilities. The disease mechanisms are predicted to result from alterations in KCNMA1-encoded BK K+ channel activity; however, only a subset of the patient-associated variants have been functionally studied. The localization of these variants within the tertiary structure or evaluation by pathogenicity algorithms has not been systematically assessed. In this study, 82 nonsynonymous patient-associated KCNMA1 variants were mapped within the BK channel protein. Fifty-three variants localized within cryoelectron microscopy-resolved structures, including 21 classified as either gain of function (GOF) or loss of function (LOF) in BK channel activity. Clusters of LOF variants were identified in the pore, the AC region (RCK1), and near the Ca2+ bowl (RCK2), overlapping with sites of pharmacological or endogenous modulation. However, no clustering was found for GOF variants. To further understand variants of uncertain significance (VUSs), assessments by multiple standard pathogenicity algorithms were compared, and new thresholds for sensitivity and specificity were established from confirmed GOF and LOF variants. An ensemble algorithm was constructed (KCNMA1 meta score (KMS)), consisting of a weighted summation of this trained dataset combined with a structural component derived from the Ca2+-bound and unbound BK channels. KMS assessment differed from the highest-performing individual algorithm (REVEL) at 10 VUS residues, and a subset were studied further by electrophysiology in HEK293 cells. M578T, E656A, and D965V (KMS+;REVEL-) were confirmed to alter BK channel properties in voltage-clamp recordings, and D800Y (KMS-;REVEL+) was assessed as benign under the test conditions. However, KMS failed to accurately assess K457E. These combined results reveal the distribution of potentially disease-causing KCNMA1 variants within BK channel functional domains and pathogenicity evaluation for VUSs, suggesting strategies for improving channel-level predictions in future studies by building on ensemble algorithms such as KMS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BK K+ channels are critical regulators of neuron and muscle excitability, comprised of a tetramer of pore-forming αsubunits from the KCNMA1 gene and cell- and tissue-selective β subunits (KCNMB1-4). Mutations in KCNMA1 are associated with neurological disorders, including autism. However, little is known about the role of neuronal BK channel β subunits in human neuropathology. The β2 subunit is expressed in central neurons and imparts inactivation to BK channels, as well as altering activation and deactivation gating. In this study, we report the functional effect of G124R, a novel KCNMB2 mutation obtained from whole-exome sequencing of a patient diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Residue G124, located in the extracellular loop between TM1 and TM2, is conserved across species, and the G124R missense mutation is predicted deleterious with computational tools. To investigate the pathogenicity potential, BK channels were co-expressed with β2WT and β2G124R subunits in HEK293T cells. BK/β2 currents were assessed from inside-out patches under physiological K+ conditions (140/6 mM K+ and 10 μM Ca2+) during activation and inactivation (voltage-dependence and kinetics). Using β2 subunits lacking inactivation (β2IR) revealed that currents from BK/β2IRG124R channels activated 2-fold faster and deactivated 2-fold slower compared with currents from BK/β2IRWT channels, with no change in the voltage-dependence of activation (V1/2). Despite the changes in the BK channel opening and closing, BK/β2G124R inactivation rates (τinact and τrecovery), and the V1/2 of inactivation, were unaltered compared with BK/β2WT channels under standard steady-state voltage protocols. Action potential-evoked current was also unchanged. Thus, the mutant phenotype suggests the β2G124R TM1-TM2 extracellular loop could regulate BK channel activation and deactivation kinetics. However, additional evidence is needed to validate pathogenicity for this patient-associated variant in KCNMB2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Atmospheric dispersion modeling was performed for a postulated design basis accident at a SLOWPOKE research reactor. The MCNP-5 computer code was used to estimate the neutron flux spectrum which was then used in the ORIGEN-S code to perform core depletion calculations and determine the radiological source term. The HotSpot health physics code was then used to model the atmospheric transport of the radioactive material released to estimate the resulting doses to the population downwind of the reactor. The highest total effective dose (TED) for a release from the reactor\'s exhaust stack in predominant meteorological conditions, stability class C, was 0.37 mSv, while a maximum TED of 4.29 mSv was estimated for a release at ground level. Ground deposition was estimated to be 3900 kBq/m2. It was shown that any hypothetical release of radioactive material resulting from such an accident would have no significant adverse effect on the municipal water reservoir close to the reactor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    KCNMA1-linked channelopathy is an emerging neurological disorder characterized by heterogeneous and overlapping combinations of movement disorder, seizure, developmental delay, and intellectual disability. KCNMA1 encodes the BK K+ channel, which contributes to both excitatory and inhibitory neuronal and muscle activity. Understanding the basis of the disorder is an important area of active investigation; however, the rare prevalence has hampered the development of large patient cohorts necessary to establish genotype-phenotype correlations. In this review, we summarize 37 KCNMA1 alleles from 69 patients currently defining the channelopathy and assess key diagnostic and clinical hallmarks. At present, 3 variants are classified as gain-of-function with respect to BK channel activity, 14 loss-of-function, 15 variants of uncertain significance, and putative benign/VUS. Symptoms associated with these variants were curated from patient-provided information and prior publications to define the spectrum of clinical phenotypes. In this newly expanded cohort, seizures showed no differential distribution between patients harboring GOF and LOF variants, while movement disorders segregated by mutation type. Paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dyskinesia was predominantly observed among patients with GOF alleles of the BK channel, although not exclusively so, while additional movement disorders were observed in patients with LOF variants. Neurodevelopmental and structural brain abnormalities were prevalent in patients with LOF mutations. In contrast to mutations, disease-associated KCNMA1 single nucleotide polymorphisms were not predominantly related to neurological phenotypes but covered a wider set of peripheral physiological functions. Together, this review provides additional evidence exploring the genetic and biochemical basis for KCNMA1-linked channelopathy and summarizes the clinical repository of patient symptoms across multiple types of KCNMA1 gene variants.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Paroxysmal dyskinesias (PxDs) are characterized by involuntary movements and altered pre-motor circuit activity. Causative mutations provide a means to understand the molecular basis of PxDs. Yet in many cases, animal models harboring corresponding mutations are lacking. Here we utilize the fruit fly, Drosophila, to study a PxD linked to a gain-of-function (GOF) mutation in the KCNMA1/hSlo1 BK potassium channel.
    We aimed to recreate the equivalent BK (big potassium) channel mutation in Drosophila. We sought to determine how this mutation altered action potentials (APs) and synaptic release in vivo; to test whether this mutation disrupted pre-motor circuit function and locomotion; and to define neural circuits involved in locomotor disruption.
    We generated a knock-in Drosophila model using homologous recombination. We used electrophysiological recordings and calcium-imaging to assess AP shape, neurotransmission, and the activity of the larval pre-motor central pattern generator (CPG). We used video-tracking and automated systems to measure movement, and developed a genetic method to limit BK channel expression to defined circuits.
    Neuronal APs exhibited reduced width and an enhanced afterhyperpolarization in the PxD model. We identified calcium-dependent reductions in neurotransmitter release, dysfunction of the CPG, and corresponding alterations in movement, in model larvae. Finally, we observed aberrant locomotion and dyskinesia-like movements in adult model flies, and partially mapped the impact of GOF BK channels on movement to cholinergic neurons.
    Our model supports a link between BK channel GOF and hyperkinetic movements, and provides a platform to dissect the mechanistic basis of PxDs. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.







  • 文章类型: Autobiography
    This is a brief reminiscence of my time in the Ganetzky lab from 1986-1990 and its effect on my scientific trajectory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Abstract Tethered flies allow studies of biomechanics and electrophysiology of flight control. We performed microelectrode recordings of spikes in an indirect flight muscle (the dorsal longitudinal muscle, DLMa) coupled with acoustic analysis of wing beat frequency (WBF) via microphone signals. Simultaneous electrophysiological recording of direct and indirect flight muscles has been technically challenging; however, the WBF is thought to reflect in a one-to-one relationship with spiking activity in a subset of direct flight muscles, including muscle m1b. Therefore, our approach enables systematic mutational analysis for changes in temporal features of electrical activity of motor neurons innervating subsets of direct and indirect flight muscles. Here, we report the consequences of specific ion channel disruptions on the spiking activity of myogenic DLMs (firing at ∼5 Hz) and the corresponding WBF (∼200 Hz). We examined mutants of the genes enconding: 1) voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels (cacophony, cac), 2) Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (slowpoke, slo), and 3) voltage-gated K(+) channels (Shaker, Sh) and their auxiliary subunits (Hyperkinetic, Hk and quiver, qvr). We found flight initiation in response to an air puff was severely disrupted in both cac and slo mutants. However, once initiated, slo flight was largely unaltered, whereas cac displayed disrupted DLM firing rates and WBF. Sh, Hk, and qvr mutants were able to maintain normal DLM firing rates, despite increased WBF. Notably, defects in the auxiliary subunits encoded by Hk and qvr could lead to distinct consequences, that is, disrupted DLM firing rhythmicity, not observed in Sh. Our mutant analysis of direct and indirect flight muscle activities indicates that the two motor activity patterns may be independently modified by specific ion channel mutations, and that this approach can be extended to other dipteran species and additional motor programs, such as electroconvulsive stimulation-induced seizures.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rhythmic motor behaviors are generated by networks of neurons. The sequence and timing of muscle contractions depends on both synaptic connections between neurons and the neurons\' intrinsic properties. In particular, motor neuron ion currents may contribute significantly to motor output. Large conductance Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) (BK) currents play a role in action potential repolarization, interspike interval, repetitive and burst firing, burst termination and interburst interval in neurons. Mutations in slowpoke (slo) genes encoding BK channels result in motor disturbances. This study examined the effects of manipulating slo channel expression on rhythmic motor activity using Drosophila larva as a model system. Dual intracellular recordings from adjacent body wall muscles were made during spontaneous crawling-related activity in larvae expressing a slo mutation or a slo RNA interference construct. The incidence and duration of rhythmic activity in slo mutants were similar to wild-type control animals, while the timing of the motor pattern was altered. slo mutants showed decreased burst durations, cycle durations, and quiescence intervals, and increased duty cycles, relative to wild-type. Expressing slo RNAi in identified motor neurons phenocopied many of the effects observed in the mutant, including decreases in quiescence interval and cycle duration. Overall, these results show that altering slo expression in the whole larva, and specifically in motor neurons, changes the frequency of crawling activity. These results suggest an important role for motor neuron intrinsic properties in shaping the timing of motor output.





