
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1. This study investigated the effects of incorporating yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) larval meal as a partial and/or complete substitute for soybean meal on carcass and meat quality in slow-growing chickens.2. A total of 256 one-day-old male broilers were randomly allocated to 1 of 32 experimental units distributed among four treatments (n = 8): the control treatment (C), where soybean (SB) meal was the protein source, and three experimental treatments, in which SB meal was replaced by Tenebrio molitor (TM) larval meal at levels of 50% (T1), 75% (T2) and 100% (T3), respectively. Three different feed phases (1-29; 29-57 and 57-92 d of age) were used for each treatment. All chickens were slaughtered at 92 d of age, with eight animals per treatment randomly selected to assess carcass and meat quality. Near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIR) was used to classify meat quality.3. Carcass traits were not significantly different between treatments, except for head and thigh weight, which were higher in the control group (p < 0.01). In terms of physicochemical characteristics, treatment T2 showed less yellowness (p < 0.05), while water and cooking losses were lower in treatments T1 and T2 (p < 0.01). Meat from both T1 and T2 groups had lower shear forces (p < 0.01), higher moisture content (p < 0.01) and less protein (p < 0.05) compared to treatments C andT3. Birds fed T3 had the highest meat ash content (p < 0.01). Chickens consuming TM had higher monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) levels and lower polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and n-6 acidsPUFA (p < 0.01).4. Substitution of SB with TM is a protein alternative for slow-growing chickens that supports carcass and meat quality comparable to those fed a conventional diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1. Epidemiological surveillance of Salmonella spp. serves as a primary tool for maintaining the health of poultry flocks. Characterising circulating serotypes is crucial for implementing control and prevention measures. This study conducted phenotypic and molecular characterisation of S. enterica Pullorum, S. enterica Heidelberg, and S. enterica Corvalis isolated from broiler chickens during slaughtering.2. All strains were susceptible to gentamicin, neomycin and norfloxacin. However, resistance rates exceeded 50% for ciprofloxacin and tiamulin, irrespective of the serotype. Approximately 64% of strains were classified as multidrug-resistant, with S. enterica Heidelberg strains exhibiting significantly higher overall resistance. The isolates demonstrated the ability to adhere and produce biofilm at a minimum of three temperatures, with S. enterica Pullorum capable of biofilm production at all temperatures encountered during poultry rearing.3. Each strain possessed between two and seven different virulence-associated genes. Genetic similarity, as indicated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, exceeded 90% for all three serotypes and strains were classified in the R5 ribotype by PCR, regardless of serotype. Sequencing revealed high similarity among all strains, with homology ranging from 99.61 to 100% and all were classified to a single cluster.4. The results suggested a clonal relationship among the strains, indicating the possible circulation of a unique clonal group of S. enterica Pullorum in the southern region of Brazil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Movements in cattle after captive bolt stunning cause problems in the slaughter process and lead to uncertainties in assessing stunning effectiveness. The objective of this study was to categorize and quantify these movements and determine animal- and process-related impact factors, as well as connections to stunning effectiveness and shooting position. In total 2911 cows, heifers, and bulls (dairy, beef, and crossbreeds) were examined (mean age 3.02 years). Movements from landing until at least four minutes after sticking were recorded by action cams (Apeman® A100). Nine movement categories were defined (\"kicking hind limb\", \"twitching\", \"bending and stretching hind limb\", \"lifting and bending forelimb\", \"body arching laterally\", \"body arching ventrally\", and \"arching backwards\"). According to the movement severity, a score was assigned to each category. The scores were summed, either for certain process intervals, e.g., LANDING (ejection from the stunning box), HOISTING, or STICKING, or for the total time between LANDING and end of the FOURTH MINUTE OF BLEEDING (sum score). Statistical analysis (ANOVA) was performed on the scores. Only 6.6% of cattle showed no movement. Most movements occurred during STICKING and FIRST MINUTE OF BLEEDING, occurring rarely up to 8 min after sticking. While cows moved most at LANDING, bulls and heifers moved more if all process intervals were considered. The sum score was highest in German Angus, Charolais, and Limousin and lowest in Brown Swiss and Simmental. The score at LANDING was highest in German Angus and Black Holstein. The use of pneumatic stunners and an increase in bolt-exit length significantly reduced movements. No impact of stunning effectiveness on movements was found, but only 19 cattle showed reduced effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Horse transport is considered a cause of stress in animals and is known to affect the 5-HT concentrations in both the brain and other tissues. The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of horse transportation and slaughter stress on plasma serotonin\'s concentration and the expression levels of the related 5-HT1B and 5-HT2A receptors in PBMCs. Furthermore, the IL-12 levels and a variety of blood parameters, including triglycerides, total cholesterol, glucose, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, were also considered. This research was carried out on 32 horses submitted to short road transport of 40 km to slaughter. Blood samples were collected in baseline conditions (T0) and 24 h later, after they were slaughtered (T1). The results showed a significantly increased expression of 5-HT1B and 5-HT2A receptors and a significantly decreased expression of IL-12 in PBMCs at T1 vs. T0. Furthermore, a significant increase in cortisol and glucose concentrations, and LDH activity was observed at T1. In contrast, a significantly lower circulating 5-HT concentration was observed at T1 vs. T0. These results indicate that the stress induced by transport and slaughter stimuli led to the serotoninergic system\'s activation, suggesting that the expression of serotonin receptors could be used as a pivotal marker of stress, with potential applications for the improvement of elective protocols to observe the guidelines relating to transported horses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Large numbers of decapod crustacea are farmed and harvested globally for human consumption. Growing evidence for the capacity of these animals to feel pain, and therefore to suffer, has led to increased concern for their welfare, including at slaughter. In New Zealand, decapod crustacea are protected by animal welfare legislation. There is a requirement that all farmed or commercially caught animals of these species killed for commercial purposes are first rendered insensible. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the Crustastun™, a commercially available bench-top electrical stunner, in two commercially important New Zealand crustacean species; the rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) and kōura (freshwater crayfish [Paranephrops zealandicus]). Animals were anaesthetised via intramuscular injection of lidocaine and instrumented to record the electrical activity of the nervous system, prior to being stunned according to the manufacturer\'s instructions. Stunning efficacy was determined by analysing neural activity and observing behaviour post stunning. All ten P. zealandicus and three J. edwardsii appeared to be killed outright by the stun. Of the remaining J. edwardsii, six exhibited some degree of muscle tone and/or slow unco-ordinated movements of the limbs or mouthparts after stunning, although there was no recovery of spontaneous or evoked movements. One J. edwardsii was unable to be stunned successfully, likely due to its very large size (1.76 kg). None of the successfully stunned animals showed any evidence of return of awareness in the five minutes following stunning. It was concluded that the Crustastun™ is an acceptable method for killing P. zealandicus and for stunning all but the largest J. edwardsii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies on the transport of deer (Cervidae), in the UK, were published > 15 years ago. A more recent study of deer transport is required to allow for assessments and improvements to the transport of farmed deer. Sixteen deer farmers participated in a survey describing their management practices related to transport. Their responses showed that most vehicles used to transport deer were designed for other livestock. Participating farmers estimated journey times to slaughter as 1-8 h, with an arithmetic mean of 4.8 (± 2.38) h. Specific concerns raised by the respondents, relating to the transport of deer, included a need for deer-specific vehicles, stop-off areas for long journeys, market locations and haulier experience. Furthermore, data were collected from two abattoirs between July 2019 and June 2020 comprising journey times, slaughter times, bruising, location of origin, vehicle type and the number of animals. In total, 4,922 deer were transported across 133 journeys (from farm to abattoir) from 61 farms. Median and range for journey length were 3.2 (0.4-9.8) h and 154.2 (7.1-462.2) km, whereas group size and time spent in the lairage were 24 (1-121) and 17.8 (10.2-68.9) h, respectively. Group size was found to be significantly associated with both the presence of bruising in a group and the amount of bruising per deer. This study provides a much-needed update on the transport of farmed deer in the UK and highlights key areas for future research including the welfare impact of transport in larger groups and for longer durations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aimed to investigate the physiological and meat quality differences between Non-Ambulatory, Non-Injured (NANI), and without apparent abnormalities (non-NANI) pigs in a commercial slaughterhouse setting, focusing on the impact of stress and health conditions on the overall well-being and meat quality of the animals. A total of 241 surgically castrated crossbred male pigs from Southern Brazil were analyzed, with 131 non-NANI pigs and 110 NANI pigs. Infrared orbital temperature, rectal temperature, hematological parameters, and meat quality measurements were collected. Statistical analysis included ANOVA tests and principal component analysis (PCA). NANI pigs exhibited significantly higher infrared orbital temperatures and rectal temperature (p < 0.01). Hematological analysis revealed higher levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cells in NANI pigs (p < 0.05). White blood cell count and lactate dehydrogenase were significantly elevated in NANI pigs (p < 0.01), indicating potential infections or inflammatory responses. Meat quality parameters showed that NANI pigs had lower pH values, higher luminosity, and increased drip loss (p < 0.01), reflecting poorer water retention and potential muscle glycogen depletion. The study highlights the physiological and meat quality differences between NANI and non-NANI pigs, emphasizing the impact of stress, health conditions, and handling procedures on the animals. Blood biomarkers proved valuable in assessing physiological stress, immune response, and potential health issues in pigs, correlating with meat quality abnormalities. Utilizing these biomarkers as predictive tools can enhance animal welfare practices and contribute to improving meat quality in the swine industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Both male and female food animals are slaughtered for meat. Some cows, ewes and does  slaughtered are found with viable foetuses resulting in foetal wastage and loss of future replacement stock. Foetal wastage accounts for about 20%-25% of the decline in livestock numbers in sub-Saharan Africa. Slaughter of pregnant cows, ewes and does results in economic losses and threatens food security with consequent decrease in available animal proteins to the fast growing human population. Protein requirement for healthy human development is inadequate in most developing countries including Uganda. The prevalence and economic losses associated with foetal wastage were assessed in an abattoir.
    The study was cnducted to assess the prevalence of feotal wastage at the study abattoir and estimate the associated economic losses.
    The researchers supported by abattoir resident meat inspectors examined all slaughtered female animals during the study period. Gravid uteri obtained from slaughtered animals after dressing of carcasses were eviscerated using a sharp knife across the long axis to recover foetuses. The crown rump lengths (CRLs) of the recovered foetuses were measured using a tape measure, weighed on a scale and categorised into first, second and third trimesters. Prevalence of pregnant animals slaughtered was determined by calculating the percentage of pregnant animals over the total number of female animals slaughtered. Economic losses were estimated based on the monetary losses at birth, weaning, maturity, and carcass loss at weaning and maturity.
    The aggregate slaughters were bovine 604 (73.6%), caprine 169 (20.6%) and ovine 48 (5.9%). The overall prevalence of foetal wastage was 21.9%. The aggregate prevalence of foetal wastage by species include 160 (88.9%) cows, 8 (4.4%) heifers, 4 (2.2%) does and 8 (4.4%) ewes. Foetal wastage of cows by trimester included 62 (38.8%), 26 (16.25%) and 72 (45.0%) in first, second and third trimesters, respectively, translating into loss of US$13,055. Foetal wastage was high and the associated economic losses were substantial which undermines sustainability of the national herd. Farmers should be sensitised about the economic losses and long-term impact associated with foetal wastage and dissuaded from this practice. A policy is needed to deter farmers from selling pregnant animals for slaughter.
    A total of 168 bovine, 8 caprine and 12 ovine foetuses were wasted within 60 days study period. These foetal wastages translated to US$ 13,224 monetary losses at birth, US$ 31,849 monetary loss at weaning and US$ 57,0896 monetary loss at maturity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study analysed the importance of individual variables and different thematic blocks of production areas, management, and herd infectious disease status on cow persistence, characterised by herd on-farm mortality rate (MR), culling rate (CR), and mean age of culled cows (MAofCC) applying multiblock partial least squares (mbPLS) analysis. This study included 120 free-stall dairy herds with ≥ 100 cows. Data on the previous year\'s predominant cow housing system and management practices were collected, and on-farm measurements and cow scoring were performed. Bulk tank milk (BTM) and heifer blood samples (10 samples per herd) were collected and analysed for antibodies against the selected pathogens. In total, 172 variables were aggregated into 14 thematic blocks. The annual CR, MR, and MAofCC values were calculated for each herd. Thematic blocks with significant impact on cow persistence (included herd MR, CR and MAofCC) were \'infectious diseases\' (block importance index out of all blocks = 13.6%, 95% CI 10.3; 20.5), \'fertility management\' (16.3%, 95% CI 6.8; 26.9), \'lactating cow management\' (11.5%, 95% CI 6.4; 17.8), \'milking\' (11.3%, 95% CI 3.2; 17.1), \'herd characteristics\' (10.1%, 95% CI 6.3; 14.2), \'close-up period management\' (9.7%, 95% CI 2.7; 15.7), \'calving management\' (7.9%, 95% CI 3.1; 11.4) and \'disease management\' (7.3%, 95% CI 0.2; 12.0). Variable categories with the highest importance in explaining composite outcome including herd MR, CR and MAofCC were rear-end and udder lesions in ≥ 20% of the cows, BTM and heifers seropositive to bovine respiratory syncytial virus, vaccination against bovine herpesvirus 1, twice daily milking and herd location in Northwest region. Larger herd size, higher levels of milk yield, and rearing predominantly Holstein breed cattle were herd factors associated with poorer cow persistency. Grazing cows and having semi-insulated barns were associated with lower CR and MR, respectively. Heat detection and farm pregnancy testing strategies were significant factors in the fertility block. Using disposable dry papers for teat cleaning and not using any wet teat-cleaning tools were risk factors for high MR. A robotic milking system was protective for increased herd MR and CR. A high pre-calving body condition score and poor rear body cleanliness of ≥ 30% of cows were associated with inferior herd persistency outcomes. Calving in group pens with deep litter bedding was associated with a lower CR. Multiblock PLS model is innovative tool that helped to identify most influential farming areas but also single risk factors associated with cow persistency described by multiple parameters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of eugenol, benzocaine, and ice water during the sedative, anesthetic or euthanasia processes on the welfare of adult grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). The experimental design was randomized and the animals were divided into eight groups. Sixty-two animals underwent an acclimation period. The neutral group used to obtain basal data of grass carp were not subjected to treatments, but anesthetized to collect blood samples and euthanized by medullary section. The others seven groups were submitted to seven treatments with eight repetitions (control group; ethanol; eugenol 50 mgL-1, eugenol 250 mgL-1, benzocaine 100 mgL-1, benzocaine 300 mgL-1, and ice water 2:1), their behavior was observed. Blood samples was collected and then euthanized by medullary sectioning. Biometric data were measured and a part of the liver was collected for hepatic glycogen analysis. There was a statistically significant difference in the time required to reach the anesthetic stage between the groups (p < 0.01). Benzocaine and eugenol at the higher concentration provided the fastest responses to sedatives and anesthetics, respectively. The animals subjected to higher anesthetic concentrations reached stage five and did not return from anesthesia, therefore, benzocaine and eugenol were effective euthanizing agents. Benzocaine at the lowest concentration showed the highest concentrations of glucose and cortisol (p < 0.05). Although benzocaine at 100 mgL-1 concentrations is widely used as an anesthetic in fish, this study demonstrated its use as a stressor agent. Basal data of grass carp for stress parameters are presented for the first time.





