skin folds

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Heavy brows in Chow Chow and Shar-Pei dogs can be associated with pseudoptosis and trichiasis-entropion of the upper eyelids, causing vision impairment and ocular discomfort. This study describes the outcomes of brow rhytidectomy ± Stades-like procedure to address these anatomical abnormalities.
    METHODS: Retrospective medical records review (2019-2022).
    RESULTS: Twenty-seven dogs (n = 15 Chow Chow, n = 12 Shar-Peis) were included, aged 1.9 ± 1.5 years (0.5-6.5 years). Presenting complaints included recurrent episodes of ocular inflammation (n = 13, 48.1%), blepharospasm (n = 10, 37.0%), corneal ulcers (n = 8, 29.6%), entropion (n = 6, 22.2%), and impaired vision (n = 4, 14.8%). Brow skin was removed as follows: (i) First incision parallel and 10-15 mm dorsal to upper lid, slightly extending beyond medial/lateral canthi; (ii) second incision forming an arc with its apex 15-35 mm dorsal to the first incision; and (iii) standard two or three layers closure. In 22/27 dogs, a Stades-like procedure was performed by removing a 2-4 mm strip of skin above eyelid margin and leaving it to heal by secondary intention (no sutures). At last recheck (follow-up 354.5 ± 187.8 days), 19/27 dogs (70.4%) had an adequate eyelid conformation, 7/27 dogs (25.9%) were considered under-corrected, and 1/27 dogs (3.7%) was over-corrected. Most owners (81.5%) were satisfied with the surgical results. Most cases (96.3%) had no recurrence of the clinical signs during the entire follow-up period.
    CONCLUSIONS: Brow rhytidectomy ± Stades-like procedure provide good cosmetic and clinical outcomes in Chow Chow and Shar-Pei dogs, although under correction may occur in severely affected dogs and with advancing time.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 10-year-old male Shar-Pei was referred for lethargy and proprioceptive deficits of the left thoracic limb. An magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination of the cervical spinal column and the brain was performed. The MRI examination of the brain was normal. A left-sided C3-C4 intervertebral disc extrusion with spinal cord compression was diagnosed. Medical treatment was elected. Within a week after the MRI examination, the dog presented with deep partial-thickness skin burn wounds in both axillae. Since the specific absorption rate had not exceeded the safety limits during any of the scans and no other procedures or circumstances were identified that could possibly have resulted in burn injuries, the thermal burn injuries were diagnosed as radiofrequency (RF) burns. The wounds healed by secondary intent over the next month. RF burns are the most reported complication in humans undergoing MRI but have not been reported in veterinary patients. Clinicians and technicians should consider the potential risk for RF burns in veterinary patients and take precautions regarding positioning of the patient and take notice of any signs of burn injury when performing follow-up examinations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brachycephalic dogs are not only affected by brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), but are also frequently referred to veterinary dermatologists for skin conditions, with English bulldogs and pugs particularly over-represented. Some skin diseases, such as skin fold dermatitis, are directly associated with the abnormal anatomic conformation of brachycephalic dogs, while for others, such as atopic dermatitis and viral pigmented plaques, there is an underlying genetic basis or a general predisposition. Anatomic alterations associated with brachycephaly, leading to fold formation of the skin and stenosis of the ear canal, together with primary immunodeficiencies described in some breeds, favor the development of pyoderma, Malassezia dermatitis, and otitis externa/media. In addition, the frequently neglected but often lifelong dermatological problems of brachycephalic dogs are an important consideration when discussing genetic and medical conditions affecting the welfare of those dogs. Here we review the current state of knowledge concerning dermatological problems in brachycephalic dogs and combine it with clinical experience in the management of these challenging disorders.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Circumferential skin creases is a rare and heterogeneous disorder characterized by multiple and redundant skin folds, which can present as an isolated feature or in association with other phenotypic anomalies. Here, we report the case of a newborn who immediately captured our attention because of his phenotype.
    A male Caucasian infant was born at 39 weeks and 4 days of gestational age with an instrumental delivery, after a pregnancy characterized by threat of preterm birth at 32 weeks. Fetal ultrasounds were reported to be normal. The patient was the first child of non-consanguineous parents. Anthropometry at birth: weight 3.590 kg (0.57 SDS); length 53 cm (1.73 SDS); cranial circumference 35.5 cm (0.83 SDS). Clinical examination soon after birth revealed multiple, asymmetric and deep skin folds involving forearms, legs and lower eyelids (right > left). These folds seemed not to cause any physical discomfort. In addition, hypertrichosis, micrognathia, low-set ears and a thin, down-turned border of upper lip were observed. Cardio-respiratory, abdominal and neurological examination was unremarkable. There was no family history of similar appearance or other physical abnormalities. Given the clinical picture, an array-CGH was performed, which was normal. A genetic counseling was requested and Circumferential Skin Creases disorder was diagnosed based on the typical cutaneous involvement and, given the absence of other clinical signs, it was supposed a benign evolution, with skin folds tending to disappear over time. In addition, the baby\'s DNA was requested for a targeted genetic analysis, which resulted negative.
    This clinical case underlines the need of performing a detailed neonatal physical examination in order to realize a timely diagnostic approach. Our patient presented with multiple skin folds, facial dysmorphism but normal systemic and neurological examination. Anyways, since Circumferential Skin Creases may be associated with later neurological symptoms, a regular reevaluation is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pseudo-pneumothorax refers to several conditions that can mimic pneumothorax on chest radiography, leading to diagnostic uncertainty and unnecessary interventions. These include skin folds, bed sheet folds, clothes, scapular borders, pleural cysts, and elevated hemidiaphragm. We report a case of a 64-year-old patient with pneumonia whose chest radiograph revealed, in addition to the typical pneumonia findings, what appeared similar to bilateral pleural lines raising the suspicion of bilateral pneumothorax, but this finding was not supported clinically. Careful reexamination and further imaging ruled out the possibility of pneumothorax and concluded that this was the result of artifacts produced by skin folds. The patient was admitted and received intravenous antibiotics and was discharged three days later in stable condition. Our case highlights the importance of careful examination of imaging findings before unnecessarily proceeding to tube thoracostomy, especially when the clinical suspicion of pneumothorax is low.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: Daily caloric intake should aim to reduce the risk of obesity or poor anthropometric development. Our study objective was to analyze the association between food consumption, inflammatory status and anthropometric development; (2) Methods: We performed a prospective observational analytical research during September 2020 and April 2021 on a group of 160 healthy subjects, aged between 6 and 12 years old, by analyzing food ingestion, the basal metabolic rate, anthropometric development and the inflammatory status; (3) Results: IL-6 was significantly correlated to the sum of skinfolds, along with both serum proteins and triglycerides. The skin folds were significantly correlated with the caloric intake and with total fat intake, next to saturated and trans fats. Unlike the skin folds, the body weight was significantly correlated with the caloric intake along with some vitamins, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin B12. Inactive mass increased with excessive folic acid, Vitamin E, Vitamin K and saturated fat intake; (4) Conclusions: The inflammatory status was influenced by the ingestion of micronutrients, total serum lipids and proteins. The anthropometric development was associated with the ingestion of carbohydrates, energy balance and energy intake. We can conclude that daily menu and nutrition imbalances can influence both the risk of obesity and the inflammatory status.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Michelin tire baby syndrome (MTBS) is a benign hamartomatous condition with ring-like lesions present on the limbs and trunk. MTBS is a rare genodermatosis. According to our search, only 20 cases have been reported. We present a case of a six-month-old female child, with complaints of fever and seizures. Since birth, she had asymptomatic multiple, asymmetric skin folds on all four limbs, resembling \"Michelin Man\" logo of the French tire manufacturer. She had microcephaly with characteristic round face hypertelorism, depressed nasal bridge, hypertrichosis with low set ears, a thin down-turned vermillion border of the upper lip, and a short neck. MRI was normal. Clinically, the diagnosis of MTBS was made. In addition, the parents were counseled about the self-limiting course of this disorder. MTBS itself might not be a single disorder but may manifest as a clinical finding associated with other disorders; therefore, a regular follow up of these patients is usually advised.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Segmental neurofibromatosis (SNF) is a rare type of neurofibromatosis (NF-1) resulting from post-zygotic somatic mutations in the neurofibromin gene that leads to mosaicism. Reported manifestations of SNF include neurofibromas, freckling, or café-au-lait spots limited to a single body region or limb. We present a 5-month-old male referred to our clinic for evaluation of congenital excessive skin folds on the back. A mildly erythematous, poorly demarcated soft plaque was noted, consisting of excessive skin folds. A cluster of light brown hyperpigmented macules was seen overlying the plaque. A punch biopsy of the plaque confirmed a diagnosis of neurofibroma. Further investigation ruled out other manifestations of NF-1. The early onset of our patient\'s neurofibroma and its gross appearance with redundant skin folds are all unusual features. To our knowledge, congenital excessive skin folds found in a single tumor have not been previously described in the literature as a manifestation of SNF. Clinicians should be educated about the possibility of congenital localized skin folds in association with SNF in order to identify the disease in infancy and monitor any changes in neurofibroma pathology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop reference curves for the body fat index (BFI) in the pediatric population, in adolescents from the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and verify their association with body mass index and body fat percentage.
    METHODS: The study is part of the research project \"Nutritional Profile of Adolescents from Public and Private Schools of São Paulo\" that was performed in 2004-2005. A total of 4,686 adolescents (2,130 boys and 2,556 girls) aged 10-15 years were divided into two groups: 10-12 and 13-15 years of age. Body mass, height, body mass index, hip circumference, body fat percentage, body fat index, and sexual maturation performed by the self-assessment method (prepubertal, pubertal, and postpubertal) were analyzed. ANOVA was performed, as well as percentile distribution, Pearson\'s correlation, and Bland-Altman plot.
    RESULTS: In boys, there was an increase in body mass, height, body mass index, and hip circumference with advancing age and Tanner stage. In girls, there was an increase in body fat index and body fat percentage with advancing age and stage of sexual maturation. An association was found between body fat index and body mass index (r = 0.67 in boys and 0.80 in girls, p < 0.001) and body fat percentage (r = 0.71 in boys and 0.68 in girls, p<0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: The body fat index seems to reflect well the phenomena of sexual dimorphism in adolescence, is easy to perform, and represents a method that should be used in population samples.





