skin dose

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Alberta rotating biplanar linac-MR has a 0.5 T magnetic field parallel to the beamline. When developing a new linac-MR system, interactions of charged particles with the magnetic field necessitate careful consideration of skin dose and tissue interface effects.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of the magnetic field on skin dose using measurements and Monte Carlo (MC) simulations.
    METHODS: We develop an MC model of our linac-MR, which we validate by comparison with ion chamber measurements in a water tank. Additionally, MC simulation results are compared with radiochromic film surface dose measurements on solid water. Variations in surface dose as a function of field size are measured using a parallel plate ion chamber in solid water. Using an anthropomorphic computational phantom with a 2 mm-thick skin layer, we investigate dose distributions resulting from three beam arrangements. Magnetic field on and off scenarios are considered for all measurements and simulations.
    RESULTS: For a 20 × 20 cm2 field size, D 0.2 c c ${D_{0.2cc}}$ (the minimum dose to the hottest contiguous 0.2 cc volume) for the top 2 mm of a simple water phantom is 72% when the magnetic field is on, compared to 34% with magnetic field off (values are normalized to the central axis dose maximum). Parallel plate ion chamber measurements demonstrate that the relative increase in surface dose due to the magnetic field decreases with increasing field size. For the anthropomorphic phantom, D ∼ 0.2 c c ${D_{ \\sim 0.2cc}}$ (minimum skin dose in the hottest 1 × 1 × 1 cm3 cube) shows relative increases of 20%-28% when the magnetic field is on compared to when it is off. With magnetic field off, skin D ∼ 0.2 c c ${D_{ \\sim 0.2cc}}$ is 71%, 56%, and 21% for medial-lateral tangents, anterior-posterior beams, and a five-field arrangement, respectively. For magnetic field on, the corresponding skin D ∼ 0.2 c c ${D_{ \\sim 0.2cc}}$ values are 91%, 67%, and 25%.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using a validated MC model of our linac-MR, surface doses are calculated in various scenarios. MC-calculated skin dose varies depending on field sizes, obliquity, and the number of beams. In general, the parallel linac-MR arrangement results in skin dose enhancement due to charged particles spiraling along magnetic field lines, which impedes lateral motion away from the central axis. Nonetheless, considering the results presented herein, treatment plans can be designed to minimize skin dose by, for example, avoiding oblique beams and using a larger number of fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.This study aimed to develop a new approach to predict radiation dermatitis (RD) by using the skin dose distribution in the actual area of RD occurrence to determine the predictive dose by grade.Approach.Twenty-three patients with head and neck cancer treated with volumetric modulated arc therapy were prospectively and retrospectively enrolled. A framework was developed to segment the RD occurrence area in skin photography by matching the skin surface image obtained using a 3D camera with the skin dose distribution. RD predictive doses were generated using the dose-toxicity surface histogram (DTH) calculated from the skin dose distribution within the segmented RD regions classified by severity. We then evaluated whether the developed DTH-based framework could visually predict RD grades and their occurrence areas and shapes according to severity.Main results.The developed framework successfully generated the DTH for three different RD severities: faint erythema (grade 1), dry desquamation (grade 2), and moist desquamation (grade 3); 48 DTHs were obtained from 23 patients: 23, 22, and 3 DTHs for grades 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The RD predictive doses determined using DTHs were 28.9 Gy, 38.1 Gy, and 54.3 Gy for grades 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The estimated RD occurrence area visualized by the DTH-based RD predictive dose showed acceptable agreement for all grades compared with the actual RD region in the patient. The predicted RD grade was accurate, except in two patients.Significance. The developed DTH-based framework can classify and determine RD predictive doses according to severity and visually predict the occurrence area and shape of different RD severities. The proposed approach can be used to predict the severity and shape of potential RD in patients and thus aid physicians in decision making.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of different dosimeters and the treatment planning system (TPS) for assessing the skin dose due to the electron streaming effect (ESE) on a 1.5 T magnetic resonance (MR)-linac.
    METHODS: Skin dose due to the ESE on an MR-linac (Unity, Elekta) was investigated using a solid water phantom rotated 45° in the x-y plane (IEC61217) and centered at the isocenter. The phantom was irradiated with 1 × 1, 3 × 3, 5 × 5, 10 × 10, and 22 × 22 cm2 fields, gantry at 90°. Out-of-field doses (OFDs) deposited by electron streams generated at the entry and exit surface of the angled phantom were measured on the surface of solid water slabs placed ±20.0 cm from the isocenter along the x-direction. A high-resolution MOSkin™ detector served as a benchmark due to its shallower depth of measurement that matches the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommended depth for skin dose assessment (0.07 mm). MOSkin™ doses were compared to EBT3 film, OSLDs, a diamond detector, and the TPS where the experimental setup was modeled using two separate calculation parameters settings: a 0.1 cm dose grid with 0.2% statistical uncertainty (0.1 cm, 0.2%) and a 0.2 cm dose grid with 3.0% statistical uncertainty (0.2 cm, 3.0%).
    RESULTS: OSLD, film, the 0.1 cm, 0.2%, and 0.2 cm, 3.0% TPS ESE doses, underestimated skin doses measured by the MOSkin™ by as much as -75.3%, -7.0%, -24.7%, and -41.9%, respectively. Film results were most similar to MOSkin™ skin dose measurements.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results show that electron streams can deposit significant doses outside the primary field and that dosimeter choice and TPS calculation settings greatly influence the reported readings. Due to the steep dose gradient of the ESE, EBT3 film remains the choice for accurate skin dose assessment in this challenging environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A parallel-plate ionization chamber (PPC) with a nominal volume of 8.16 cm³ was developed based on theoretically simulated design parameters. Its purpose is to serve as a transfer standard for dosimetry in a beta radiation field. The entrance window of the PPC consists of an aluminized Mylar sheet with a thickness of 1.4 mg/cm2. The collecting and guard electrodes are created by applying a graphite coating on a Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA) substrate with a thickness of 5 mm. The nominal sheet resistance of the graphite-coated PMMA substrate was measured using a four-probe technique and found to be approximately 800 Ω per square (Ω/□). Dosimetric characterization of the PPC was performed in the ISO 6980 reference beta radiation field, utilizing 90Sr-90Y and 85Kr beta radiation sources. The assessment included studies on short-term stability, linearity, current-to-voltage characteristics, stabilization time, and leakage current. The PPC was calibrated and established as a transfer standard using the \'Extrapolation Ionization Chamber,\' recognized as an absolute standard for dose to tissue in 90Sr-90Y and 85Kr beta sources within the laboratory. The calibration coefficient of the PPC indicates an energy dependence of 0.6 % for 90Sr-90Y and 85Kr beta sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With the increasing use of flattening filter free (FFF) beams, it is important to evaluate the impact on the skin dose and target coverage of breast cancer treatments. This study aimed to compare skin doses of treatments using FFF and flattening filter (FF) beams for breast cancer. The study established treatment plans for left breast of an anthropomorphic phantom using Halcyon\'s 6-MV FFF beam and TrueBeam\'s 6-MV FF beam. Volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) with varying numbers of arcs and intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) were employed, and skin doses were measured at five points using Gafchromic EBT3 film. Each measurement was repeated three times, and averaged to reduce uncertainty. All plans were compared in terms of plan quality to ensure homogeneous target coverage. The study found that when using VMAT with two, four, and six arcs, in-field doses were 19%, 15%, and 6% higher, respectively, when using Halcyon compared to TrueBeam. Additionally, when using two arcs for VMAT, in-field doses were 10% and 15% higher compared to four and six arcs when using Halcyon. Finally, in-field dose from Halcyon using IMRT was about 1% higher than when using TrueBeam. Our research confirmed that when treating breast cancer with FFF beams, skin dose is higher than with traditional FF beams. Moreover, number of arcs used in VMAT treatment with FFF beams affects skin dose to the patient. To maintain a skin dose similar to that of FF beams when using Halcyon, it may be worth considering increasing the number of arcs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的:癌症是一项重大的健康挑战,每年在全世界造成数百万人死亡,肺癌的发病率增加了。增强透视支气管镜(AFB)程序,结合支气管镜和透视,对肺癌的诊断和治疗至关重要。然而,透视会让病人和医生暴露在辐射之下,因此,该过程需要仔细监测。国家辐射防护和测量理事会和国际辐射防护委员会强调了监测患者剂量和确保职业辐射安全的重要性。本研究评估了AFB手术期间的辐射剂量,专注于患者的皮肤剂量,有效剂量,以及相当于医生眼睛晶状体的个人剂量。 方法。使用热释光剂量计测量皮肤剂量。在患者手臂两侧观察到峰值皮肤剂量,特别是在最靠近X射线管的一侧。调查了参与本研究的两家医院之间的医生程序和经验差异。 主要结果。A医院的AFB程序比B医院的效率更高,导致较低的有效剂量。锥形束计算机断层扫描对患者有效剂量有很大贡献,因为它具有较高的射线照相参数。尽管他们的射线照相参数较高,与图像引导的介入和计算机断层扫描透视程序相比,AFB程序导致的皮肤剂量更小。由于工作流程的差异,本研究的两家医院之间的有效剂量有所不同,锥形束计算机断层扫描起主导作用。在医院之间没有观察到左眼和右眼Hp(3)值的显著差异。对于两家医院来说,Hp(3)值低于推荐限值,表明AFB程序可能不需要辐射监测。 意义。这项研究提供了对AFB过程中辐射暴露的见解,关于辐射剂量测定,以及患者和医生的安全。 .
    Cancer is a major health challenge and causes millions of deaths worldwide each year, and the incidence of lung cancer has increased. Augmented fluoroscopic bronchoscopy (AFB) procedures, which combine bronchoscopy and fluoroscopy, are crucial for diagnosing and treating lung cancer. However, fluoroscopy exposes patients and physicians to radiation, and therefore, the procedure requires careful monitoring. The National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement and the International Commission on Radiological Protection have emphasised the importance of monitoring patient doses and ensuring occupational radiation safety. The present study evaluated radiation doses during AFB procedures, focusing on patient skin doses, the effective dose, and the personal dose equivalent to the eye lens for physicians. Skin doses were measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters. Peak skin doses were observed on the sides of the patients\' arms, particularly on the side closest to the x-ray tube. Differences in the procedures and experience of physicians between the two hospitals involved in this study were investigated. AFB procedures were conducted more efficiently at Hospital A than at Hospital B, resulting in lower effective doses. Cone-beam computed tomography (CT) contributes significantly to patient effective doses because it has higher radiographic parameters. Despite their higher radiographic parameters, AFB procedures resulted in smaller skin doses than did image-guided interventional and CT fluoroscopy procedures. The effective doses differed between the two hospitals of this study due to workflow differences, with cone-beam CT playing a dominant role. No significant differences in left and right eyeHp(3) values were observed between the hospitals. For both hospitals, theHp(3) values were below the recommended limits, indicating that radiation monitoring may not be required for AFB procedures. This study provides insights into radiation exposure during AFB procedures, concerning radiation dosimetry, and safety for patients and physicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    在核医学中对放射性药物的操纵可导致操作者的液滴污染,从而导致显著的皮肤剂量的累积。目前估计这种皮肤剂量的方法通常使用50μl圆柱形液滴模型,这可能导致一些放射性药物的估计皮肤剂量过高。通过进行实验来测量模拟放射性药物操作产生的真实液滴的体积,这项工作发现,50μl是一个现实的污染液滴的高估。对于这项工作中考虑的几乎所有放射性药物,将较小的液滴体积纳入皮肤剂量模拟,导致每单位活动的皮肤剂量率估计更高,which,当结合适当的活性浓度和液滴体积时,导致较低的皮肤剂量的污染液滴事件。在这项工作中提出的结果挑战了50μl污染液滴体积,并强调了在估计污染情况下的皮肤剂量时具有准确模型的重要性。 .
    The manipulation of radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine can result in the droplet contamination of operators resulting in the accumulation of a significant skin dose. Current methods to estimate this skin dose often utilise a 50μl cylindrical droplet model, which can lead to unrealistically high estimated skin doses for some radiopharmaceuticals. By conducting experiments to measure the volume of real droplets arising from simulating the manipulation of radiopharmaceuticals, this work found that 50μl is an overestimation of a realistic contamination droplet. For almost all radiopharmaceuticals considered in this work, incorporating a smaller droplet volume into skin dose simulations resulted in higher estimates of skin dose rate per unit of activity, which, when combined with appropriate activity concentrations and droplet volumes, resulted in lower skin doses for contamination droplet incidents. The results presented in this work challenge the 50μl contamination droplet volume and highlight the importance of having an accurate model when estimating the skin dose for contamination scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Purpose: The dose expansion methods as the skin flash and virtual bolus were used to solve intrafraction movement for breast planning due to breathing motion. We investigated the skin dose in each planning method by using optically stimulated luminescence on an in-house moving phantom for breast cancer treatment in tomotherapy. The impact of respiratory motion on skin dose between static and dynamic phantom\'s conditions was evaluated. Methods: A phantom was developed with movement controlled by the respirator for generating the respiratory waveforms to simulate respiratory motion. Five optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters were placed on the phantom surface to investigate the skin dose for the TomoDirect and TomoHelical under static and dynamic conditions. Eight treatment plans were generated with and without skin flash or virtual bolus by varying the thickness. The difference in skin dose between the two phantom conditions for each plan was explored. Results: All plans demonstrated a skin dose of more than 87% of the prescription dose under static conditions. However, the skin dose was reduced to 84.1% (TomoDirect) and 78.9% (TomoHelical) for dynamic conditions. The treatment plans without skin flash or virtual bolus showed significant skin dose differences under static and dynamic conditions by 4.83% (TomoDirect) and 9.43% (TomoHelical), whereas the skin flash with two leaves (TomoDirect 2L) or virtual bolus of at least 1.0 cm thickness (VB1.0) application compensated the skin dose in case of intrafraction movements by presenting a skin dose difference of less than 2% between the static and dynamic conditions. Conclusion: The skin dose was reduced under dynamic conditions due to breathing motion. The skin flash method with TomoDirect 2L or virtual bolus application with 1.0 cm thickness was useful for maintaining skin dose following the prescription by compensating for intrafraction movement due to respiratory motion for breast cancer in tomotherapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: This research aimed to analyze electron stream effect (ESE) during magnetic resonance image guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) for breast cancer patients on a MR-Linac (0.35 Tesla, 6MV), with a focus on the prevention of redundant radiation exposure.
    UNASSIGNED: RANDO phantom was used with and without the breast attachment in order to represent the patients after breast conserving surgery (BCS) and those received modified radical mastectomy (MRM). The prescription dose is 40.05 Gy in fifteen fractions for whole breast irradiation (WBI) or 20 Gy single shot for partial breast irradiation (PBI). Thirteen different portals of intensity-modulated radiation therapy were created. And then we evaluated dose distribution in five areas (on the skin of the tip of the nose, the chin, the neck, the abdomen and the thyroid.) outside of the irradiated field with and without 0.35 Tesla. In addition, we added a piece of bolus with the thickness of 1cm on the skin in order to compare the ESE difference with and without a bolus. Lastly, we loaded two patients\' images for PBI comparison.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that 0.35 Tesla caused redundant doses to the skin of the chin and the neck as high as 9.79% and 5.59% of the prescription dose in the BCS RANDO model, respectively. For RANDO phantom without the breast accessory (simulating MRM), the maximal dose increase were 8.71% and 4.67% of the prescription dose to the skin of the chin and the neck, respectively. Furthermore, the bolus we added efficiently decrease the unnecessary dose caused by ESE up to 59.8%.
    UNASSIGNED: We report the first physical investigation on successful avoidance of superfluous doses on a 0.35T MR-Linac for breast cancer patients. Future studies of MRgRT on the individual body shape and its association with ESE influence is warranted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intraoperative electron radiation therapy (IOERT) is one of the most recently popular therapeutic methods for breast cancer. This study aimed to measure the skin dose near the applicator during IOERT of breast cancer patients, as well as, the incidence of acute toxicity after surgery.
    Thirty-six female patients participated in the current study with the prescribed dose of 21 and 12 Gy for IOERT as full and boost, respectively. The skin dose was investigated based on different applicator sizes, tumor bed thicknesses, and monitor units (MUs). The energy was chosen 8 MeV, and EBT3 film was used for the dosimetric process. In addition, the acute toxicity included healing time for the surgical wound, scaling of the skin, itching, necrosis, redness as well as seroma formation for 1 week and 1 month were recorded. The results were compared to those of 22 patients who underwent the surgery without IOERT.
    The highest skin dose for the patients was obtained 2.09 Gy, which is lower than the threshold dose (6 Gy). Furthermore, the findings showed that the average skin dose was higher in bigger applicator sizes and MU and lower tumor bed thicknesses. The average of wound healing for the patient underwent IOERT and without the use of IOERT (as the control group) was 19.32 and 11.67 days, respectively. One month after surgery, the volume of aspirated seroma was higher in the patients who performed IOERT compared to the control group (250 ml vs. 200 ml). It is notable that there were not observed any redness, itching, scaling, and necrosis in both investigated groups.
    Owing to the results, the skin dose during IOERT was lower than the recommended level. The dose of IOERT as a full was higher than boost which can be related to the lower number of the patients in full method; however, there was a well-tolerated without severe acute complication, especially seroma formation and wound healing time in both full and boost methods.





