skeletal biology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots utilizing large language models (LLMs) have recently garnered significant interest due to their ability to generate humanlike responses to user inquiries in an interactive dialog format. While these models are being increasingly utilized to obtain medical information by patients, scientific and medical providers, and trainees to address biomedical questions, their performance may vary from field to field. The opportunities and risks these chatbots pose to the widespread understanding of skeletal health and science are unknown. Here we assess the performance of 3 high-profile LLM chatbots, Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) 4.0, BingAI, and Bard, to address 30 questions in 3 categories: basic and translational skeletal biology, clinical practitioner management of skeletal disorders, and patient queries to assess the accuracy and quality of the responses. Thirty questions in each of these categories were posed, and responses were independently graded for their degree of accuracy by four reviewers. While each of the chatbots was often able to provide relevant information about skeletal disorders, the quality and relevance of these responses varied widely, and ChatGPT 4.0 had the highest overall median score in each of the categories. Each of these chatbots displayed distinct limitations that included inconsistent, incomplete, or irrelevant responses, inappropriate utilization of lay sources in a professional context, a failure to take patient demographics or clinical context into account when providing recommendations, and an inability to consistently identify areas of uncertainty in the relevant literature. Careful consideration of both the opportunities and risks of current AI chatbots is needed to formulate guidelines for best practices for their use as source of information about skeletal health and biology.
    Artificial intelligence chatbots are increasingly used as a source of information in health care and research settings due to their accessibility and ability to summarize complex topics using conversational language. However, it is still unclear whether they can provide accurate information for questions related to the medicine and biology of the skeleton. Here, we tested the performance of three prominent chatbots—ChatGPT, Bard, and BingAI—by tasking them with a series of prompts based on well-established skeletal biology concepts, realistic physician–patient scenarios, and potential patient questions. Despite their similarities in function, differences in the accuracy of responses were observed across the three different chatbot services. While in some contexts, chatbots performed well, and in other cases, strong limitations were observed, including inconsistent consideration of clinical context and patient demographics, occasionally providing incorrect or out-of-date information, and citation of inappropriate sources. With careful consideration of their current weaknesses, artificial intelligence chatbots offer the potential to transform education on skeletal health and science.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Absence of leptin confers metabolic dysfunction resulting in morbid obesity. Bone growth and maturation are also impaired. Partial leptin resistance is more common than leptin deficiency and, when induced by feeding mice a high fat diet, often has a negative effect on bone. Here, we used a genetic model to investigate the skeletal effects of partial and total leptin resistance in mice. This was accomplished by comparing the skeletal phenotypes of 17-week-old female C57Bl6/J wild-type (WT) mice, partial leptin receptor-deficient (db/+) mice and leptin receptor-deficient (db/db) mice (n = 7-8/group), all fed a standard diet. Compared to WT mice, db/db mice were dramatically heavier and hyperleptinemic. These mice were also hypogonadal, hyperglycemic, osteopenic and had lower serum levels of bone turnover markers, osteocalcin and C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen (CTX). Compared to WT mice, db/+ mice were 14% heavier, had 149% more abdominal white adipose tissue, and were mildly hyperglycemic. db/+ mice did not differ from WT mice in uterine weight or serum levels of markers of bone turnover, although there was a trend for lower osteocalcin. At the bone microarchitectural level, db/+ mice differed from WT mice in having more massive femurs and a trend (P = 0.072) for larger vertebrae. These findings suggest that db/+ mice fed a normal mouse diet compensate for partial leptin resistance by increasing white adipose tissue mass which results in higher leptin levels. Our findings suggest that db/+ mice are a useful diet-independent model for studying the effects of partial leptin resistance on the skeleton.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphological intraspecific variation is due to the balance between skeletal plasticity and genetic constraint on the skeleton. Osteogenic responses to external stimuli, such as locomotion, have been well documented interspecifically across the primate order, but less so at the intraspecific level. Here, we examine the differences in cross-sectional variability of the femur, humerus, radius, and tibia in Pan troglodytes troglodytes versus Gorilla gorilla gorilla. We investigate whether there are sex, species, bone, and trait differences in response to variable body size and locomotion.
    Adult male and female P. t. troglodytes and G. g. gorilla long bones from the Cleveland Museum of Natural History were scanned with a peripheral quantitative computer tomography system. Scans were taken at the midshaft of each bone according to functional bone length. Coefficients of variation were used to provide a size-independent measure of variation. We applied a Bonferroni correction to account for the multiple pairwise tests.
    There were limited significant differences between males and females, however, females tended to be more variable than males. Variation in Gorilla, when significant, was greater than in Pan, although significant differences were limited. There were no differences between bone variability in male and female Gorilla, and female Pan.
    Increased female variability may be due to more variable locomotor behavior, particularly during periods of pregnancy, lactation, and caring for an offspring compared to consistent locomotion over the life course by males. Body size may be a contributing factor to variability; more work is needed to understand this relationship.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent studies have shown that global variation in body proportions is more complex than previously thought as some traits formerly associated with climate adaptation are better explained by geographic proximity and neutral evolutionary forces. While the recent incorporation of quantitative genetic methodologies has improved understanding of patterns related to climate in Africa, Europe, and the Americas, Asia remains underrepresented in recent and historic studies of body form. As ecogeographic studies tend to focus on male morphology, potential sex differences in features influenced by climate remain largely unexplored. Skeletal measurements encompassing the dimensions of the skull, pelvis, limbs, hands, and feet were collected from male (n = 459) and female (n = 442) remains curated in 13 collections across seven countries in East Asia (n = 901). Osteological data were analyzed with sex and minimum temperature as covariates adjusted by autosomal single-nucleotide polymorphism population genetic distance using univariate Bayesian linear mixed models, and credible intervals were calculated for each trait. Analysis supports a relationship between specific traits and climate as well as providing the magnitude of response in both sexes. After accounting for genetic distance between populations, greater association between climate and morphology was found in postcranial traits, with the relationship between climate and the skull limited primarily to breadth measurements. Larger body size is associated with colder climates with most measurements increasing with decreased temperature. The same traits were not always associated with climate for males and females nor correlated with the same intensity for both sexes. The varied directional association with climate for different regions of the skeleton and between the sexes underscores the necessity of future ecogeographic research to holistically evaluate body form and to look for sex-specific patterns to better understand population responses to environmental stresses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-resolution computed tomography images were acquired for 31 proximal human tibiae, age 8 to 37.5 years, from Norris Farms #36 cemetery site (A.D. 1300). Morphometric analysis of subchondral cortical and trabecular bone architecture was performed between and within the tibial condyles. Kruskal−Wallis and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to examine the association between region, age, body mass, and each morphometric parameter. The findings indicate that age-related changes in mechanical loading have varied effects on subchondral bone morphology. With age, trabecular microstructure increased in bone volume fraction (p = 0.033) and degree of anisotropy (p = 0.012), and decreased in connectivity density (p = 0.001). In the subchondral cortical plate, there was an increase in thickness (p < 0.001). When comparing condylar regions, only degree of anisotropy differed (p = 0.004) between the medial and lateral condyles. Trabeculae in the medial condyle were more anisotropic than in the lateral region. This research represents an innovative approach to quantifying both cortical and trabecular subchondral bone microarchitecture in archaeological remains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the complex mechanism by which skeletal tissue heals has been well described, the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skeletal tissue regeneration is less understood. It has been widely recognized that a high level of ROS is cytotoxic and inhibits normal cellular processes. However, with more recent discoveries, it is evident that ROS also play an important, positive role in skeletal tissue repair, specifically fracture healing. Thus, dampening ROS levels can potentially inhibit normal healing. On the same note, pathologically high levels of ROS cause a sharp decline in osteogenesis and promote nonunion in fracture repair. This delicate balance complicates the efforts of therapeutic and engineering approaches that aim to modulate ROS for improved tissue healing. The physiologic role of ROS is dependent on a multitude of factors, and it is important for future efforts to consider these complexities. This review first discusses how ROS influences vital signaling pathways involved in the fracture healing response, including how they affect angiogenesis and osteogenic differentiation. The latter half glances at the current approaches to control ROS for improved skeletal tissue healing, including medicinal approaches, cellular engineering, and enhanced tissue scaffolds. This review aims to provide a nuanced view of the effects of ROS on bone fracture healing which will inspire novel techniques to optimize the redox environment for skeletal tissue regeneration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foot and ankle dysfunction in barefoot/minimally shod populations remains understudied. Although factors affecting musculoskeletal pain in Western populations are well-studied, little is known about how types of work, gender, and body shape influence bone and joint health in non-Western and minimally shod communities. This study examines the effect of human variation on locomotor disability in an agrarian community in Madagascar.
    Foot measurements were collected along with height, weight, age, and self-report data on daily activity and foot and ankle pain from 41 male and 48 female adults. A short form revised foot function index (FFI-R), that measures functional disability related to foot pain, was calculated. Raw and normalized foot measurements were compared by gender and used in a multiple linear regression model to determine predictors of FFI-R.
    Compared to men, women reported higher FFI-R scores (p = 0.014), spent more time on their feet (p = 0.019), and had higher BMIs (p = 0.0001). For their weight, women had significantly smaller and narrower feet than men. Bimalleolar breadth (p = 0.0005) and foot length (p = 0.0223) standardized by height, time spent on feet (p = 0.0102), ankle circumference standardized by weight (p = 0.0316), and age (p = 0.0090) were significant predictors of FFI-R score.
    Our findings suggest that human variation in anatomical and behavioral patterns serve as significant explanations for increased foot and ankle pain in women in this non-Western rural population. Foot and ankle pain were prevalent at similar levels to those in industrialized populations, indicating that research should continue to examine its effect on similar barefoot/minimally shod communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone formation starts near the end of the embryonic stage of development and continues throughout life during bone modeling and growth, remodeling, and when needed, regeneration. Bone-forming cells, traditionally termed osteoblasts, produce, assemble, and control the mineralization of the type I collagen-enriched bone matrix while participating in the regulation of other cell processes, such as osteoclastogenesis, and metabolic activities, such as phosphate homeostasis. Osteoblasts are generated by different cohorts of skeletal stem cells that arise from different embryonic specifications, which operate in the pre-natal and/or adult skeleton under the control of multiple regulators. In this review, we briefly define the cellular identity and function of osteoblasts and discuss the main populations of osteoprogenitor cells identified to date. We also provide examples of long-known and recently recognized regulatory pathways and mechanisms involved in the specification of the osteogenic lineage, as assessed by studies on mice models and human genetic skeletal diseases.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in appendage structure underlie key transitions in vertebrate evolution. Addition of skeletal elements along the proximal-distal axis facilitated critical transformations, including the fin-to-limb transition that permitted generation of diverse modes of locomotion. Here, we identify zebrafish mutants that form supernumerary long bones in their pectoral fins. These new bones integrate into musculature, form joints, and articulate with neighboring elements. This phenotype is caused by activating mutations in previously unrecognized regulators of appendage patterning, vav2 and waslb, that function in a common pathway. This pathway is required for appendage development across vertebrates, and loss of Wasl in mice causes defects similar to those seen in murine Hox mutants. Concordantly, formation of supernumerary bones requires Hox11 function, and mutations in the vav2/wasl pathway drive enhanced expression of hoxa11b, indicating developmental homology with the forearm. Our findings reveal a latent, limb-like pattern ability in fins that is activated by simple genetic perturbation.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    We test the hypothesis that physiological stress increased in response to increasing social turmoil following waves of colonization and social transition. The ways local conditions, including variation in geography, environment, and levels of urbanization impact physiological stress are also explored.
    In Albania, the historic period is a sequence of different waves of colonization. Skeletal data come from three Albanian archaeological sites: Apollonia (n = 231), Durrës (n = 246), and Lofkënd (n = 129).
    Prevalence of cribra orbitalia, porotic hyperostosis, linear enamel hypoplasia, and periosteal new bone formation are analyzed using chi-square and logistic regression tests.
    We observe increased skeletal manifestations of physiological stress between prehistoric and historic groups, but physiological stress is generally consistent through time.
    General increase in skeletal pathology between prehistoric and historic periods corresponds to broad increases in political unrest associated with colonization spanning the entire historic period. However, little difference in physiological stress across colonization episodes (Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Bulgarian, Ottoman) suggests skeletal health is affected similarly by colonization, regardless of particularities in method and type of colonial control.
    Examining human response to social change across broad time scales is useful in identifying broad patterns in the human experience.
    Exploring variation across broad time scales and multiple sites is potentially problematic because confounding factors could impact results and interpretations.
    Environmental, social, and geographic differences, likely impacted the lives and lifestyles of individuals living in the past and should be explored further to understand the nuances in local response to colonization.





