sinus surgery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) has become the gold standard for treating patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) refractory to medical therapy. It is considered a relatively safe and effective procedure in all age groups, with overall success rates ranging from 76% to 97.5%. However, failure of primary endoscopic sinus surgery (PESS) occurs at a rate ranging from 2% to 24%. Patients who are still symptomatic after PESS and optimal medical therapy are candidates for revision endoscopic sinus surgery (RESS).
    UNASSIGNED: to study the outcomes of ESS and assess the risk factors of recurrence of nasal polyps, as well as to compare the outcomes of PESS and RESS at a tertiary care teaching hospital.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective cross-sectional study.
    UNASSIGNED: This study is conducted on patients with CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) who underwent ESS at King Saud University Medical City (KSUMC) between May 2015 and December 2021. During this period, ESS was performed 470 times for CRSwNP. The Sinonasal Outcome Test 22 (SNOT-22) questionnaire, the Lund-Kennedy (LK) score, the Lund-MacKay (LM) score, and the polyp grading system were used to evaluate subjective and objective outcomes. They were scored preoperatively and from 6 to 12 months postoperatively.
    UNASSIGNED: Out of the 470 endoscopic sinus surgeries, 321 (68.3%) were PESS and 149 (31.7%) were RESS. Asthma, aspirin sensitivity, and Samter\'s triad were observed more in the RESS group. The LK and LM scores were significantly different between primary and revision sinus surgeries, revealing that PESS patients had better postoperative LK and LM scores. The RESS patients had significantly worse postoperative SNOT-22 scores compared to PESS patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Lund-MacKay, Lund-Kennedy, and SNOT-22 scores improved after ESS for both primary and revision ESS patients, with better outcomes observed after PESS compared to RESS. The presence of asthma, aspirin sensitivity, Samter\'s Triad, high-grade nasal polyps, and older age were identified as risk factors for CRSwNP recurrence, which may require RESS.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Adhesion of the middle turbinate to the lateral wall of the nasal cavity and synechia of the middle meatus are one of the common reasons for the failure of surgical interventions for chronic sinusitis. The use of specially shaped intranasal splints can solve the problem of preventing synechiae in the postoperative period. Many different devices and approaches have been proposed to prevent the development of this category of complications. This study proposes an anatomical version of the splint for the middle turbinate, developed using 3D computer modeling technologies followed by printing from a biocompatible elastic material on a Formlabs 3BL 3D printer. The shape and size of the splint were developed based on the analysis of computed tomography data of 50 adult patients. The safety of the developed device was studied in a group of 20 volunteers in whom the developed splint was installed on one side of the nasal cavity for 2 weeks after bilateral surgery. According to endoscopic examination and patient questionnaires, the developed splint did not cause local or systemic allergic reactions and did not create additional discomfort for the patient in the postoperative period. Installing a splint helped prevent the formation of synechiae. However, to determine clinical effectiveness, a study with a larger sample of patients is required.
    Адгезия средней носовой раковины к латеральной стенке полости носа, синехии среднего носового хода являются одной из частых причин неэффективности хирургических вмешательств по поводу хронического синусита. Использование внутриносовых сплинтов специальной формы может решить проблему профилактики синехий в послеоперационном периоде. Предложено множество различных устройств и подходов для профилактики развития данной категории осложнений.
    UNASSIGNED: Разработать анатомический внутриносовой сплинт для средней носовой раковины (СНР) с использованием аддитивных технологий и изучить его безопасность в клинических условиях.
    UNASSIGNED: Предложен анатомический вариант сплинта для СНР, разработанный с использованием технологий компьютерного 3D-моделирования с последующей печатью из биосовместимого эластического материала на 3D-принтере Formlabs 3BL. Разработка формы и размеров сплинта проведена на основе анализа данных компьютерной томографии 50 взрослых пациентов. Безопасность разработанного устройства исследована в группе из 20 добровольцев, которым сплинт установлен с одной стороны полости носа на 2 нед после двустороннего хирургического вмешательства.
    UNASSIGNED: По данным эндоскопического исследования и анкетирования пациентов, сплинт не вызывал местных или системных аллергических реакций, не создавал пациенту дополнительного дискомфорта в послеоперационном периоде.
    UNASSIGNED: Установка сплинта способствовала профилактике образования синехий. Однако для определения клинической эффективности требуется проведение исследования с большей выборкой пациентов.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nasal surgeries (e.g.: rhinoplasties, septoplasties) and sinus surgeries (e.g.: Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgeries) are common procedures in Otorhinolaryngology. Tranexamic acid (TXA), an antifibrinolytic drug, has been increasingly utilized to reduce hemorrhage recently. While close in proximity anatomically, the bleeding nature of sinus and nasal surgeries may differ. We present the first meta-analysis that has reviewed both nasal and sinus surgery collectively and compares the two. Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane Library and WoS were searched until April 2023. Outcomes of interest include Boezart Scoring, clotting time, postoperative complications and surgical field quality. 27 Studies were assessed, of which 25 studies were evaluated quantitatively. Of the 27 studies, 15 studies involved Sinus surgery while 12 involved Nasal surgery. The use of tranexamic acid was notably beneficial in the evaluation of blood loss, reduction of operating time, surgical field quality and surgeon satisfaction. TXA has proven to be efficacious in both nasal and sinus surgeries to varying degrees. TXA has more effects in sinus surgeries compared to nasal surgeries in objective markers such as reducing blood loss and operating time, but the converse occurs for subjective markers such as surgeon satisfaction scores.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12070-024-04579-x.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is characterized by chronic inflammation of the sinonasal mucosa, affects over 12% of the US population, and costs over $20 billion annually. CRS can be divided into 2 major phenotypes based on whether nasal polyps are present (chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps [CRSwNP]) or absent (chronic rhinosinusitis without nasal polyps). This grand rounds review will discuss the clinical approach to patients with CRSwNP, including typical presentations, workup, and currently available treatment options. Tools that physicians can use to assess subjective sinonasal symptoms, as well as objective measures of disease, will be reviewed. Additional focus will be on recognizing clinical comorbidities commonly associated with CRSwNP, including asthma, bronchiectasis, allergic rhinitis, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-exacerbated respiratory disease. Clinical outcomes can be improved by providing a comprehensive approach to evaluating (and managing) patients with CRSwNP.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The lateral recess of a well-pneumatized sphenoid sinus is challenging to access surgically. Traditional methods require the use of multiple angled endoscopes and curved instruments which may limit visualization. We describe a prelacrimal-transpterygoid/maxillary approach which offers direct access to this region with a 0° endoscope. Laryngoscope, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate surgical outcomes of invasive fungal rhinosinusitis MATERIALS AND METHODS: The National Inpatient Sample Database (2000-2015 Q3) was queried for patients with a diagnosis of aspergillosis and/or mucormycosis and a diagnosis of acute sinusitis using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition. Factors associated with inpatient mortality were then identified with multivariate logistic regression.
    RESULTS: 514 adult patients with a median age of 57.0 years were identified, of which 231 (44.9 %) underwent sinus surgery. Surgical patients had a longer length of stay (17.0 vs 9.0 days, p < 0.001) and higher total charges ($139,762.00 vs $57,945.00, p < 0.001). The number of sinus procedures was associated with reduced odds of inpatient mortality (OR 0.69; p < 0.001) in multivariate analysis. Hypertension (OR 0.34, p = 0.002) and chronic kidney disease (OR 0.23, p = 0.034) were associated with reduced odds of inpatient mortality. Total number of procedures (OR 1.24; p = 0.002), mucormycosis (OR 2.75, p = 0.002), age (OR 1.03, p = 0.006) and acid-base disorders (OR 2.85, p = 0.012) were associated with increased odds of inpatient mortality.
    CONCLUSIONS: This represents the first large scale study to evaluate outcomes for invasive fungal rhinosinusitis. These findings suggest the odds of inpatient mortality decrease with greater extent of sinus surgery performed. The potentially protective roles of hypertension and chronic kidney disease should be evaluated in future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: CRSwNP-specific mean total annual spending ranged from $5,837 (EDS-FLU) to $28,058 (dupilumab). Most CRSwNP patients receiving biologics had comorbid asthma and did not undergo sinus surgery. While biologics were covered by most Medicare Part D plans, only 37% of plans covered EDS-FLU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CONCLUSIONS: GPT-4 generated moderate quality information in response to questions regarding sinusitis and surgery. GPT-4 generated significantly higher quality responses to questions regarding treatment of sinusitis. Future studies exploring quality of GPT responses should seek to limit bias and use validated instruments.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: We describe the first case of ALHE in the orbit with extension to the maxillary sinus and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to achieve removal of the lesion.
    METHODS: A 72-year-old man presented with epiphora of the left eye and several episodes of recurrent acute dacryocystitis. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a solid homogeneous mass located in the inferomedial region of the left orbit. In addition, it was associated with destruction of the adjacent ethmoidal wall and upper wall of the left maxillary sinus. Incisional biopsy of the orbital mass was compatible with ALHE.
    RESULTS: It was decided to perform surgery using an orbital floor approach, left medial wall via subconjunctival and caruncular approach together with an endoscopic nasal approach (ESS), achieving complete removal of the orbital mass and cleaning of the maxillary sinus. After one year of treatment, no tumor recurrence was evident through endoscopy and imaging tests and the patient is asymptomatic.
    CONCLUSIONS: ALHE is a very rare benign vascular tumor that presents subcutaneous nodules in the head and neck region. We do not know of any case of ALHE in the paranasal sinuses described in the literature, either in isolation or together with orbital or cutaneous ALHE. In conclusion, ALHE disease should be considered as a diagnosis when faced with an orbital mass with extension to the paranasal sinuses, and a complete excision through a combined endonasal and orbital approach prevents recurrence in most cases.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the piezoelectric knife as a new tool for frontal beak surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) both in terms of imaging and perception of symptoms\' outcomes.
    METHODS: The study involved 28 patients with CRS who underwent endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) using a piezoelectric knife in the frontal recess region. Assessment of sinus imaging and patients\' quality of life (QoL) was performed before and after surgery with the Lund-Kennedy and Lund-Mackay systems and the 22-item Sino-Nasal Outcomes Test (SNOT-22).
    RESULTS: Median scores on the Lund-Kennedy and Lund-Mackay systems decreased within 24 weeks after surgery with piezo knife assistance by 4 and 5 points, respectively. QoL improved with SNOT-22 scores decreasing by 35.5 points.
    CONCLUSIONS: ESS with the piezoelectric knife used for frontal beak reduction turned out to be a safe procedure. In the studied group of patients, the improvement was observed in terms of imaging, patients\' perceptions of symptoms, and QoL outcomes. Therefore, the piezoelectric knife might be a valuable supporting tool in ESS in patients with CRS, although further observation is needed.





