single-wavelength anomalous diffraction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging workers of the termite Neocapritermes taracua can defend their colony by sacrificing themselves by body rupture, mixing the externally stored blue laccase BP76 with hydroquinones to produce a sticky liquid rich in toxic benzoquinones. Here, we describe the crystal structure of BP76 isolated from N. taracua in its native form. The structure reveals several stabilization strategies, including compact folding, glycosylation, and flexible loops with disulfide bridges and tight dimer interface. The remarkable stability of BP76 maintains its catalytic activity in solid state during the lifespan of N. taracua workers, providing old workers with an efficient defensive weapon to protect their colony.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When solving a structure of a protein from single-wavelength anomalous diffraction X-ray data, the initial phases obtained by phasing from an anomalously scattering substructure usually need to be improved by an iterated electron-density modification. In this manuscript, the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for segmentation of the initial experimental phasing electron-density maps is proposed. The results reported demonstrate that a CNN with U-net architecture, trained on several thousands of electron-density maps generated mainly using X-ray data from the Protein Data Bank in a supervised learning, can improve current density-modification methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The success of experimental phasing in macromolecular crystallography relies primarily on the accurate locations of heavy atoms bound to the target crystal. To improve the process of substructure determination, a modified phase-retrieval algorithm built on the framework of the relaxed alternating averaged reflection (RAAR) algorithm has been developed. Importantly, the proposed algorithm features a combination of the π-half phase perturbation for weak reflections and enforces the direct-method-based tangent formula for strong reflections in reciprocal space. The proposed algorithm is extensively demonstrated on a total of 100 single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) experimental datasets, comprising both protein and nucleic acid structures of different qualities. Compared with the standard RAAR algorithm, the modified phase-retrieval algorithm exhibits significantly improved effectiveness and accuracy in SAD substructure determination, highlighting the importance of additional constraints for algorithmic performance. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm can be performed without human intervention under most conditions owing to the self-adaptive property of the input parameters, thus making it convenient to be integrated into the structural determination pipeline. In conjunction with the IPCAS software suite, we demonstrated experimentally that automatic de novo structure determination is possible on the basis of our proposed algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To determine a substructure from single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) data using Patterson or direct methods, the substructure-factor amplitude (|Fa|) is first estimated. Currently, the absolute value of the Bijvoet difference is widely used as an estimate of |Fa| values for SAD data. Here, an equation is derived from multivariate statistics and tested that takes into account the correlation between the observed positive (F+) and negative (F-) Friedel pairs and Fa along with measurement errors in the observed data. The multivariate estimation of |Fa| has been implemented in a new program, Afro. Results on over 180 test cases show that Afro provides a higher correlation to the final substructure-factor amplitudes (calculated from the refined, final substructures) than the Bijvoet differences and improves the robustness of direct-methods substructure detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) at X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) enables essentially radiation-damage-free macromolecular structure determination using microcrystals that are too small for synchrotron studies. However, SFX experiments often require large amounts of sample in order to collect highly redundant data where some of the many stochastic errors can be averaged out to determine accurate structure-factor amplitudes. In this work, the capability of the Swiss X-ray free-electron laser (SwissFEL) was used to generate large-bandwidth X-ray pulses [Δλ/λ = 2.2% full width at half-maximum (FWHM)], which were applied in SFX with the aim of improving the partiality of Bragg spots and thus decreasing sample consumption while maintaining the data quality. Sensitive data-quality indicators such as anomalous signal from native thaumatin micro-crystals and de novo phasing results were used to quantify the benefits of using pink X-ray pulses to obtain accurate structure-factor amplitudes. Compared with data measured using the same setup but using X-ray pulses with typical quasi-monochromatic XFEL bandwidth (Δλ/λ = 0.17% FWHM), up to fourfold reduction in the number of indexed diffraction patterns required to obtain similar data quality was achieved. This novel approach, pink-beam SFX, facilitates the yet underutilized de novo structure determination of challenging proteins at XFELs, thereby opening the door to more scientific breakthroughs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    SAD phasing can be challenging when the signal-to-noise ratio is low. In such cases, having an accurate estimate of the substructure content can determine whether or not the substructure of anomalous scatterer positions can successfully be determined. Here, a likelihood-based target function is proposed to accurately estimate the strength of the anomalous scattering contribution directly from the measured intensities, determining a complex correlation parameter relating the Bijvoet mates as a function of resolution. This gives a novel measure of the intrinsic anomalous signal. The SAD likelihood target function also accounts for correlated errors in the measurement of intensities from Bijvoet mates, which can arise from the effects of radiation damage. When the anomalous signal is assumed to come primarily from a substructure comprising one anomalous scatterer with a known value of f\'\' and when the protein composition of the crystal is estimated correctly, the refined complex correlation parameters can be interpreted in terms of the atomic content of the primary anomalous scatterer before the substructure is known. The maximum-likelihood estimation of substructure content was tested on a curated database of 357 SAD cases with useful anomalous signal. The prior estimates of substructure content are highly correlated to the content determined by phasing calculations, with a correlation coefficient (on a log-log basis) of 0.72.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long-wavelength pulses from the Swiss X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) have been used for de novo protein structure determination by native single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (native-SAD) phasing of serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) data. In this work, sensitive anomalous data-quality indicators and model proteins were used to quantify improvements in native-SAD at XFELs such as utilization of longer wavelengths, careful experimental geometry optimization, and better post-refinement and partiality correction. Compared with studies using shorter wavelengths at other XFELs and older software versions, up to one order of magnitude reduction in the required number of indexed images for native-SAD was achieved, hence lowering sample consumption and beam-time requirements significantly. Improved data quality and higher anomalous signal facilitate so-far underutilized de novo structure determination of challenging proteins at XFELs. Improvements presented in this work can be used in other types of SFX experiments that require accurate measurements of weak signals, for example time-resolved studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With better tools for data processing and with synchrotron beamlines that are capable of collecting data at longer wavelengths, sulfur-based native single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) phasing has become the `first-choice\' method for de novo protein structure determination. However, for many proteins native SAD phasing can be simplified by taking advantage of their interactions with natural metal cofactors that are stronger anomalous scatterers than sulfur. This is demonstrated here for four unique domains of a 1.5 MDa calcium-dependent adhesion protein using the anomalous diffraction of the chelated calcium ions. In all cases, low anomalous multiplicity X-ray data were collected on a home-source diffractometer equipped with a chromium rotating anode (λ = 2.2909 Å). In all but one case, calcium SAD phasing alone was sufficient to allow automated model building and refinement of the protein model after the calcium substructure had been determined. Given that Ca atoms will be present in a significant percentage of proteins that remain uncharacterized, many aspects of the data-collection and processing methods described here could be broadly applied for routine de novo structure elucidation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) is the most common method for de novo elucidation of macromolecular structures by X-ray crystallography. It requires an anomalous scatterer in a crystal to calculate phases. A recent study by Panneerselvam et al. emphasized the utility of cadmium ions for SAD phasing at the standard synchrotron wavelength of 1 Å. Here we show that cadmium is also useful for phasing of crystals collected in-house with CuKα radiation. Using a crystal of single-domain antibody as an experimental model, we demonstrate how cadmium SAD can be conveniently employed to solve a CuKα dataset. We then discuss the factors which make this method generally applicable.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (SAD) phasing from multiple crystals can be especially challenging in samples with weak anomalous signals and/or strong non-isomorphism. Here, advantage is taken of the combinatorial diversity possible in such experiments to study the relationship between merging statistics and downstream metrics of phasing signals. It is furthermore shown that a genetic algorithm (GA) can be used to optimize the grouping of data sets to enhance weak anomalous signals based on these merging statistics.





