shade avoidance

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After perception of vegetation proximity by phytochrome photoreceptors, shade-avoider plants initiate a set of responses known as the Shade Avoidance Syndrome (SAS). Shade perception by the phytochrome B (phyB) photoreceptor unleashes the PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs) and initiates SAS responses. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings, shade perception involves rapid and massive changes in gene expression, increases auxin production, and promotes hypocotyl elongation. Other components, such as phyA and ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5), also participate in the shade regulation of the hypocotyl elongation response by repressing it. However, why and how so many regulators with either positive or negative activities modulate the same response remain unclear. Our physiological, genetic, cellular, and transcriptomic analyses showed that (1) these components are organized into two main branches or modules and (2) the connection between them is dynamic and changes with the time of shade exposure. We propose a model for the regulation of shade-induced hypocotyl elongation in which the temporal and spatial functional importance of the various SAS regulators analyzed here helps to explain the co-existence of differentiated regulatory branches with overlapping activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For plants adapted to bright light, a decrease in the amount of light received can be detrimental to their growth and survival. Consequently, in response to shade from surrounding vegetation, they initiate a suite of molecular and morphological changes known as the shade avoidance response through which stems and petioles elongate in search for light. Under sunlight-night cycles, the plant\'s responsiveness to shade varies across the day, being maximal at dusk time. While a role for the circadian clock in this regulation has long been proposed, mechanistic understanding of how it is achieved is incomplete. Here, we show that the clock component GIGANTEA (GI) directly interacts with the transcriptional regulator PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 7 (PIF7), a key player in the response to shade. GI represses PIF7 transcriptional activity and the expression of its target genes in response to shade, thereby fine-tuning the magnitude of the response to limiting light conditions. We find that under light/dark cycles, this function of GI is required to adequately modulate the gating of the response to shade at dusk. Importantly, we also show that this circuit primarily operates in epidermal cells, highlighting the relevance of tissue-specific clock-output connections for the regulation of plant development in resonance with the environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants growing in dense vegetation stands need to flexibly position their photosynthetic organs to ensure optimal light capture in a competitive environment. They do so through a suite of developmental responses referred to as the shade avoidance syndrome. Belowground, root development is also adjusted in response to aboveground neighbour proximity. Canopies are dynamic and complex environments with heterogenous light cues in the far-red, red, blue and UV spectrum, which can be perceived with photoreceptors by spatially separated plant tissues. Molecular regulation of plant architecture adjustment via PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF) transcription factors and growth-related hormones such as auxin, gibberellic acid, brassinosteroids and abscisic acid were historically studied without much attention to spatial or tissue-specific context. Recent developments and technologies have, however, sparked strong interest in spatially explicit understanding of shade avoidance regulation. Other environmental factors such as temperature and nutrient availability interact with the molecular shade avoidance regulation network, often depending on the spatial location of the signals, and the responding organs. Here, we aim to review recent advances in how plants respond to heterogenous light cues and integrate these with other environmental signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants use light as a resource and signal. Photons within the 400-700 nm waveband are considered photosynthetically active. Far-red photons (FR, 700-800 nm) are used by plants to detect nearby vegetation and elicit the shade avoidance syndrome. In addition, FR photons have also been shown to contribute to photosynthesis, but knowledge about these dual effects remains scarce. Here, we study shoot-architectural and photosynthetic responses to supplemental FR light during the photoperiod in several rice varieties. We observed that FR enrichment only mildly affected the rice transcriptome and shoot architecture as compared to established model species, whereas leaf formation, tillering and biomass accumulation were clearly promoted. Consistent with this growth promotion, we found that CO2-fixation in supplemental FR was strongly enhanced, especially in plants acclimated to FR-enriched conditions as compared to control conditions. This growth promotion dominates the effects of FR photons on shoot development and architecture. When substituting FR enrichment with an end-of-day FR pulse, this prevented photosynthesis-promoting effects and elicited shade avoidance responses. We conclude that FR photons can have a dual role, where effects depend on the environmental context: in addition to being an environmental signal, they are also a potent source of harvestable energy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last decade, knowledge about BBX proteins has greatly increased. Genome-wide studies identified the BBX gene family in several ornamental, industry, and food crops; however, reports regarding the role of these genes as regulators of agronomically important traits are scarce. Here, by phenotyping a knockout mutant, we performed a comprehensive functional characterization of the tomato locus Solyc12g089240, hereafter called SlBBX20. The data revealed the encoded protein as a positive regulator of light signaling affecting several physiological processes during the life span of plants. Through inhibition of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (SlPIF4)-auxin crosstalk, SlBBX20 regulates photomorphogenesis. Later in development, it controls the balance between cell division and expansion to guarantee correct vegetative and reproductive development. In fruits, SlBBX20 is transcriptionally induced by the master transcription factor RIPENING INHIBITOR (SlRIN) and, together with ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (SlHY5), up-regulates flavonoid biosynthetic genes. Finally, SlBBX20 promotes the accumulation of steroidal glycoalkaloids and attenuates Botrytis cinerea infection. This work clearly demonstrates that BBX proteins are multilayer regulators of plant physiology because they affect not only multiple processes during plant development but they also regulate other genes at the transcriptional and post-translational levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants lack behavioral responses to avoid dramatic environmental changes associated with the annual seasons. For survival, they have evolved complex sensory systems to sense fluctuations in light and optimize their architecture in response to changes in these cues. Phytochrome A (phyA) was initially identified as a photoreceptor that senses far-red light signals. It was then identified as playing a central role in promoting hypocotyl growth, fiber development, and flowering time in a variety of plants including Arabidopsis, rice, soybean and cotton. Under dark conditions, phyA is present in the cytoplasm in the physiologically inactive (Pr) form. Far-red light signals induce the transformation of Pr into the physiologically active (Pfr) form, after which Pfr-phyA is recognized by FAR-RED ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 1 (FHY1) and FHY1-LIKE (FHL) and translocated to the nucleus, initiating a series of signaling cascades. The current review comprehensively summarizes recent advances in understanding the function of phyA in plants, including phyA-mediated shade avoidance and flowering time. Remaining issues and possible directions for future research on phyA are also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shade avoidance syndrome (SAS) is triggered by a low ratio of red (R) to far-red (FR) light (R/FR ratio), which is caused by neighbor detection and/or canopy shade. In order to compete for the limited light, plants elongate hypocotyls and petioles by deactivating phytochrome B (phyB), a major R light photoreceptor, thus releasing its inhibition of the growth-promoting transcription factors PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs. Under natural conditions, plants must cope with abiotic stresses such as drought, soil salinity, and extreme temperatures, and biotic stresses such as pathogens and pests. Plants have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to simultaneously deal with multiple environmental stresses. In this review, we will summarize recent major advances in our understanding of how plants coordinately respond to shade and environmental stresses, and will also discuss the important questions for future research. A deep understanding of how plants synergistically respond to shade together with abiotic and biotic stresses will facilitate the design and breeding of new crop varieties with enhanced tolerance to high-density planting and environmental stresses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hypocotyl is the embryonic stem connecting the primary root to the cotyledons. Hypocotyl length varies tremendously depending on the conditions. This developmental plasticity and the simplicity of the organ explain its success as a model for growth regulation. Light and temperature are prominent growth-controlling cues, using shared signaling elements. Mechanisms controlling hypocotyl elongation in etiolated seedlings reaching the light differ from those in photoautotrophic seedlings. However, many common growth regulators intervene in both situations. Multiple photoreceptors including phytochromes, which also respond to temperature, control the activity of several transcription factors, thereby eliciting rapid transcriptional reprogramming. Hypocotyl growth often depends on sensing in green tissues and interorgan communication comprising auxin. Hypocotyl auxin, in conjunction with other hormones, determines epidermal cell elongation. Plants facing cues with opposite effects on growth control hypocotyl elongation through intricate mechanisms. We discuss the status of the field and end by highlighting open questions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plants can detect neighbouring plants through a reduction in the ratio between red and far-red light (R:FR). This provides a signal of plant-plant competition and induces rapid plant growth while inhibiting defence against biotic stress, two interlinked responses designated as the shade avoidance syndrome (SAS). Consequently, the SAS can influence plant-herbivore interactions that could cascade to higher trophic levels. However, little is known about how the expression of the SAS can influence tritrophic interactions. We investigated whether changes in R:FR affect the emission of herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs), and whether these changes influence the attraction of the zoophytophagous predator Macrolophus pygmaeus. We also studied how the expression of the SAS and subsequent inhibition of plant defences affects the reproduction of M. pygmaeus in both the presence and absence of the greenhouse whitefly (WF) (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) as arthropod prey. The results show that changes in R:FR have little effect on HIPV emissions and predator attraction. However, a reduction in R:FR leads to increased reproduction of both the predator and the WFs. We discuss that shade avoidance responses can increase the population development of M. pygmaeus through a combination of reduced plant defences and increased herbivore densities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the natural ecosystem, plants usually grow at high vegetation density for yield maximization. The high-density planting triggers a variety of strategies to avoid canopy shade and competes with their neighbors for light and nutrition, which are collected termed shade avoidance responses. The molecular mechanism underlying shade avoidance and nutrition has expanded largely in the past decade; however, how these two responses intersect remains poorly understood. Here, we show that simulated shade undermined Pi starvation response and the phytohormone JA is involved in this process. We found that the JA signaling repressor JAZ proteins directly interact with PHR1 to repress its transcriptional activity on downstream targets, including phosphate starvation induced genes. Furthermore, FHY3 and FAR1, the negative regulators of shade avoidance, directly bind to promoters of NIGT1.1 and NIGT1.2 to activate their expression, and this process is also antagonized by JAZ proteins. All these results finally result in attenuation of Pi starvation response under shade and Pi-depleted conditions. Our findings unveil a previously unrecognized molecular framework whereby plants integrate light and hormone signaling to modulate phosphate responses under plant competition.





