sexual rights

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the World Health Organization and the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) Declaration of Sexual Rights, sex education aims to provide children and adolescents with comprehensive knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values, promoting equality and nondiscrimination while upholding freedom of thought and expression. However, current school curricula often focus on dichotomous sexual identity and hetero-cis-normative prevention strategies, neglecting the needs of gender minority (GM) and sexual minority (SM) youths. In family settings, discussions typically revolve around sexual risk reduction and basic contraception, omitting relational aspects and components of sexual identity such as orientations and gender expressions. This discrepancy highlights a gap between the official goals of sex education and its practical implementation, reflecting a cultural deficit in familial sex education. This study reviews the scientific literature on sexual health promotion interventions from 2015 to 2024 to identify inclusive approaches that enhance the participation of all youths, not just hetero-cis-normative individuals. The hypothesis is that most interventions primarily serve heterosexual and cisgender youths, indicating a need for more inclusive strategies to achieve better sexual health and educational outcomes. The study also suggests expanding curricula to align with recognized guidelines and the diverse needs of youth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHRs) are integral elements of the rights of everyone to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, but they are the most underdeveloped and least understood sphere of rights, especially in Africa, including the country of Ethiopia. The implementation of women\'s SRHRs is essential for achieving gender equality and promoting women\'s rights. Husbands\' knowledge and involvement play a significant role in improving women\'s practice of their SRHRs. However, there is limited information/data about the level of husbands\' knowledge and involvement in Northwest Ethiopia, including Bahir Dar City. Therefore, this study aimed to assess husbands\' knowledge, involvement, and factors influencing their involvement in women\'s SRHRs.
    Community-based cross-sectional study design was conducted from March 20 to April 5, 2023, in Bahir Dar City, Northwest Ethiopia, among 391 husbands. Multi-stage sampling and simple random sampling technique were applied to select kebeles and study participants, respectively. Participants were interviewed face-to-face using structured and pretested questionnaire. Binary logistic regression was applied to identify associated factors, and a p-value of <0.05 was a cutoff point to declare statistical significance.
    In this study, 50.6% (198/391) of the husbands had good knowledge about their wives\' SRHRs and 44.2% (173/391) (95% CI, 39.3-49.1%) of the husbands were involved when their wives practiced their SRHRs. Access training/education about sexual health [AOR = 5.99; 95% CI (2.7-13.2)], husbands\' advance educational level [AOR = 8.81; 95% CI (2.04-38)], good knowledge about SRHRs [AOR = 7.94; 95% CI (4.3-14.4)], low monthly income (<4,600 birr) [AOR = 9.25; 95% CI (4.2-20.5)], and had open discussion with family members and friends about SRHRs [AOR = 1.92; 95% CI (1.01-3.6)] were found to have significant association with husbands\' involvement.
    Husbands\' level of knowledge on SRHRs of women and their involvement remain low. Therefore, responsible concerned bodies need to work on the strategies that help to improve men involvement and knowledge, and tackle the above-mentioned factors influencing their involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Access to sexual health services and information is critical to achieving the highest attainable standard of sexual health, and enabling legal environments are key to advancing progress in this area. In determining overall alignment with human rights standards to respect, protect, and fulfil sexual health-related rights without discrimination, there are many aspects of laws, including their specificity and content, which impact which sexual health services and information are availed, which are restricted, and for whom. To understand the nature of existing legal provisions surrounding access to sexual health services and information, we analysed the content of 40 laws in English, French, and Spanish from 18 countries for the specific sexual health services and information to which access is ensured or prohibited, and the non-discrimination provisions within these laws. Overall, there was wide variation across countries in the types of laws covering these services and the types and number of services and information ensured. Some countries covered different services through multiple laws, and most of the laws dedicated specifically to sexual health addressed only a narrow aspect of sexual health and covered a small range of services. The protected characteristics in non-discrimination provisions and the specificity of these provisions with regard to sexual health services also varied. Findings may inform national legal and policy dialogues around sexual health to identify opportunities for positive change, as well as to guide further investigation to understand the relationship between such legal provisions, the implementation of these laws within countries, and relevant sexual health outcomes.
    Access to sexual health services and information is important to being able to have good sexual health. Laws are relevant because what they include and how specific they are affects what types of sexual health services people can access, what types of services are illegal, and whether or not all people can access services equally. We reviewed 40 laws in English, French, and Spanish from 18 countries to understand how many and which sexual health services and information countries ensure in their laws, which sexual health services are illegal, and which people are protected from discrimination in accessing these services. We found that countries use many different types of laws to ensure access to sexual health services or information, and most countries do not cover the same types or number of sexual health services. There are also differences in which people are specifically protected from discrimination in the laws we reviewed. These findings are important because they may help countries identify ways that access to sexual health services and information could be improved so as to improve people’s sexual health. They may also guide future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper develops a trauma-informed sex-positive framework as a public health, clinical, and research approach to sexual experience over the life course. The framework centers trauma-informed sex positivity as the linkage for sexual pleasure (along with sexual wellbeing and sexual health) to the social, cultural, and legal concepts of sexual justice. By providing a conceptual distinction of sexual pleasure from sexual wellbeing and sexual health, the framework improves clarity about how these constructs are related as well as provides possibilities for detailed operationalization in public health surveillance and in the new research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This article provides technical guidance on the content, meaning, and application of the World Association of Sexual Health (WAS) Declaration on Sexual Pleasure to various stakeholders and practitioners working in the area of sexuality, sexual health, and sexual rights. A growing body of work shows that sexual pleasure is integral to broader health, mental health, sexual health, well-being and rights and indeed can lead to improvements in health. Yet, more research is needed to identify the best ways to incorporate sexual pleasure to achieve sexual health for different outcomes and populations. In the first part of this article, we deconstruct each statement from the WAS Declaration on Sexual Pleasure and provide key evidence from the literature supporting these statements. In the latter part of the article, we provide guidance on how to include sexual pleasure as a fundamental part of sexual health and sexual rights work. We include a series of case studies and highlight key actions and principles for advocacy, implementation, and quality assurance in terms of law and policy, comprehensive sexuality education, health care services and dissemination of knowledge. This technical document seeks to inspire our partners and collaborators to embark on a journey toward a pleasure-based approach to sexual health and sexual rights. Our hope is that the literature, guidance and case studies provided here can ignite ongoing advocacy and collaboration to embrace sexual pleasure in all settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the acceptance of sex positivity centering pleasure and justice has grown, clinical and public health strategies for sexually transmitted infection management have remained focused on risk and adverse outcomes. To promote sex-positive health care practice in clinical settings and beyond, health care practitioners should use an integrated, patient-centered approach to sexual health. These strategies include initiating discussions, continued sexual health education, providing informative material for patients, and knowledge of different communication strategies. Patient-provider interactions might be enhanced by using such methods.






  • 文章类型: Video-Audio Media
    BACKGROUND: The establishment of laws has had a tremendous impact on holistic medical care. The Patient Right to Autonomy (PRA) Act and the Same-Sex Marriage Act have been passed in Taiwan, and both have sparked intense societal debate. The Same-Sex Marriage Act and PRA Act (SMPRA) teaching module was created for the Gender, Medicine, and Law (GML) course of the medical curriculum. This video trigger-assisted problem-based learning (VTA-PBL) software has integrated content on the aforementioned legislative proclamations. It upends conventional beliefs and fosters reflective practices on sexual rights and the right to representation among medical students. This study examined how the SMPRA module affected the knowledge and attitudes of medical students taking up the GML course.
    METHODS: A simple pre-/post-test design evaluated the outcomes of the PBL module to examine the changes in knowledge and attitudes of medical students toward same-sex marriage rights. In 2019 and 2020, 126 and 49 5th-year medical students took up the GML course, respectively. The GML components included a video scenario representing advanced decision-making and a healthcare agency with a same-sex couple, a PBL discussion, and student feedback presentations. The mechanisms of feedback collection and measuring student knowledge and attitudes toward sexual rights differed between one cohort in 2019 and the other in 2020. Pre- and post-lecture tests were used in the first school year, whereas a post-lecture open-ended questionnaire survey was used in the second school year.
    RESULTS: In total, 90 and 39 eligible questionnaires were received in the first and second school years, respectively, which corresponded to response rates of 71% and 80%. Students showed a better understanding of and positive enhancement of proficiency in legal and ethical content and relevant clinical practice. Qualitative analysis revealed that students viewed healthcare providers as checkpoints for conflicts of interest; medical ethics as the cornerstone of clinical practice; cultural background as a significant influence on decision-making; and empathetic communication as the cornerstone of relationships between patients, family members, and doctors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The GML course of the SMPRA module fosters reflective practices on ethical and legal sexual rights issues.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Although sexuality, reproductive health, and starting a family are human rights that should be guaranteed for all citizens, they are still taboo issues for people with intellectual disability (ID), and even more so for women with ID. This paper systematically reviews the current qualitative and quantitative evidence on the rights of people with ID in regard to Articles 23 (right to home and family) and 25 (health, specifically sexual and reproductive health) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). A systematic review of the current literature, following PRISMA 2020, was carried out in ERIC, PsychInfo, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, and Web of Science. In all, 151 articles were included for review. The studies were categorized into six themes: attitudes, intimate relationships, sexual and reproductive health, sexuality and sex education, pregnancy, and parenthood. There are still many barriers that prevent people with ID from fully exercising their right to sexuality, reproductive health, and parenthood, most notably communicative and attitudinal barriers. These findings underline the need to continue advancing the rights of people with ID, relying on Schalock and Verdurgo\'s eight-dimensional quality of life model as the ideal conceptual framework for translating such abstract concepts into practice and policy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Reproductive and sexual health policies have long mobilised religious and political forces. In this interview conducted in September of 2021, Brazilian feminist activist and researcher Sonia Corrêa guides us through a genealogy of anti-gender politics showing how they have been grounded in carefully crafted discourses about rights and gender that hinge on interpretations of the \'original\' intent as ascribed in \'founding\' documents such as the bible. In her overview of the transnational connections and ramifications of anti-gender politics, Corrêa provides a critical analysis of their geopolitical connections and the disastrous effects they\'ve had on sexual, reproductive and social rights. In highlighting the problems with naming anti-gender politics as \'anti-rights\' and dismissing the strength and complexity of the forces behind them, Corrêa alerts us to the depth of their roots and urgent need for a shift in strategy to fight them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In South Asia, social identity and location have always been important determinants of the opportunities available or denied to people and of their relationship to the State. They are also closely linked to the social norms that govern young people\'s lives. In recent times, religious and identity-centric fundamentalism and ethno-nationalism has gained extraordinary importance in the South Asian sub-continent, and this has implications for young people\'s SRHR. This roundtable article is based on a virtual discussion organised by SRHM to explore, from the perspectives of young people from five countries in South Asia, how a young person\'s identity and social location affect their SRHR. The discussion threw light on the ways in which conservative religious norms, nationalist discourse, and discriminatory legislation have constrained young people\'s choices, their access to health care services and their overall sexual and reproductive wellbeing. It also discussed, with critical reflection, the efforts that are being made by young people\'s collectives to bring about positive change. With respect to implications for practice in the SRHR domain, the discussion highlights the significance of understanding and acting on the interlinkages between political, social and cultural contexts with sexual and reproductive health while addressing the concerns of young people.





