sex reversal

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sex determination system of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides, LMB) is XX/XY; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in early sex differentiation, gonadal development, and exogenous hormone-induced sex reversal remain unknown. In this study, LMB at 15 days post-hatching (dph) were fed diets containing 20 mg/kg of 17α-methyltestosterone (17α-MT) or 30 mg/kg of 17β-estradiol (17β-E2) for 60 days, respectively. Serum steroid levels, histological observations of the gonads, and identification of sex-specific markers were employed to screen the gonads of 60-day-old normal female fish (XX-F), normal male fish (XY-M), 17β-E2 induced pseudo-female fish (XY-F), and 17α-MT-induced pseudo-male fish (XX-M) for transcriptome sequencing in order to uncover genes and pathway involved in the process of sexual reversal. The results from histology and serum sex steroid hormone analysis showed that both 17α-MT and 17β-E2 were capable of inducing sex reversal of LMB at 15 dph. Transcriptome results revealed a total of 2,753 genes exhibiting differential expression, and the expression pattern of these genes in the gonads of XX-M or XY-F resembled that of normal females or males. The male sex-biased genes that are upregulated in XX-M and downregulated in XY-F are referred to as key genes for male reversal, while the female sex-biased genes that are upregulated in XY-F and downregulated in XX-M are referred to as key genes for female reversal. Finally, 12 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) related to male sex reversal were screened, including star2, cyp17a, cyp11b1, dmrt1, amh, sox9a, katnal1, spata4, spata6l, spata7, spata18 and foxl3. 2 DEGs (foxl2a and cyp19a1b) were found to be associated with female sex reversal. The changes in these genes collectively influence the direction of sex differentiation of LMB. Among them, star2, dmrt1 and cyp19a1b with significantly altered expression levels may play potentially crucial role in the process of gender reversal. The expression patterns of 21 randomly selected genes were verified using qRT-PCR which confirmed the reliability and accuracy of the RNA-seq results. These findings not only enhance our understanding of the molecular basis underlying sex reversal but also provide crucial data support for future breeding research on unisexual LMB.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In reptiles, such as the red-eared slider turtle ( Trachemys scripta elegans), gonadal sex determination is highly dependent on the environmental temperature during embryonic stages. This complex process, which leads to differentiation into either testes or ovaries, is governed by the finely tuned expression of upstream genes, notably the testis-promoting gene Dmrt1 and the ovary-promoting gene Foxl2. Recent studies have identified epigenetic regulation as a crucial factor in testis development, with the H3K27me3 demethylase KDM6B being essential for Dmrt1 expression in T. s. elegans. However, whether KDM6B alone can induce testicular differentiation remains unclear. In this study, we found that overexpression of Kdm6b in T. s. elegans embryos induced the male development pathway, accompanied by a rapid increase in the gonadal expression of Dmrt1 at 31°C, a temperature typically resulting in female development. Notably, this sex reversal could be entirely rescued by Dmrt1 knockdown. These findings demonstrate that Kdm6b is sufficient for commitment to the male pathway, underscoring its role as a critical epigenetic regulator in the sex determination of the red-eared slider turtle.
    许多爬行动物(如红耳龟)的性别取决于胚胎发育的环境温度。该性别决定过程涉及一系列上游基因如促睾丸分化的 Dmrt1及促卵巢分化的 Foxl2的精细调控。作者前期研究表明,组蛋白去甲基化酶KDM6B的表达是直接激活 Dmrt1转录的必要条件。然而,KDM6B是否能单独诱导睾丸分化尚不清楚。在该研究中,我们发现在产雌温度下对红耳龟胚胎进行 Kdm6b过表达会迅速上调性腺中 Dmrt1的表达,并诱导性腺分化为睾丸。此外,敲低 Dmrt1能够阻断 Kdm6b过表达导致的雌向雄性逆转过程,性腺最终仍发育成卵巢。实验结果表明 Kdm6b通过上调 Dmrt1使性腺发育成睾丸。因此,KDM6B是红耳龟性别决定过程中的关键表观遗传调控因子。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, 17-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 (Hsd17b2) enzyme specifically catalyzes the oxidation of the C17 hydroxyl group and efficiently regulates the activities of estrogens and androgens to prevent diseases induced by hormone disorders. However, the functions of the hsd17b2 gene involved in animal sex differentiation are still largely unclear. The ricefield eel (Monopterus albus), a protogynous hermaphroditic fish with a small genome size (2n = 24), is usually used as an ideal model to study the mechanism of sex differentiation in vertebrates. Therefore, in this study, hsd17b2 gene cDNA was cloned and its mRNA expression profiles were determined in the ricefield eel. The cloned cDNA fragment of hsd17b2 was 1230 bp, including an open reading frame of 1107 bp, encoding 368 amino acid residues with conserved catalytic subunits. Moreover, real-time quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) analysis showed that hsd17b2 mRNA expressed strongly in the ovaries at early developmental stages, weakly in liver and intestine, and barely in testis and other tissues. In particular, hsd17b2 mRNA expression was found to peak in ovaries of young fish and ovotestis at the early stage, and eventually declined in gonads from the late ovotestis to testis. Likewise, chemical in situ hybridization results indicated that the hsd17b2 mRNA signals were primarily detected in the cytoplasm of oogonia and oocytes at stage I-II, subsequently concentrated in the granulosa cells around the oocytes at stage Ⅲ-Ⅳ, but undetectable in mature oocytes and male germ cells. Intriguingly, in ricefield eel ovaries, hsd17b2 mRNA expression could be significantly reduced by 17β-estradiol (E2) or tamoxifen (17β-estradiol inhibitor, E2I) induction at a low concentration (10 ng/mL) and increased by E2I induction at a high concentration (100 ng/mL). On the other hand, both the melatonin (MT) and flutamide (androgen inhibitor, AI) induction could significantly decrease hsd17b2 mRNA expression in the ovary of ricefield eel. This study provides a clue for demonstrating the mechanism of sexual differentiation in fish. The findings of our study imply that the hsd17b2 gene could be a key regulator in sexual differentiation and modulate sex reversal in the ricefield eel and other hermaphroditic fishes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies have suggested that adamts9 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease with thrombospondin type-1 motifs, member 9), an extracellular matrix (ECM) metalloprotease, participates in primordial germ cell (PGC) migration and is necessary for female fertility. In this study, we found that adamts9 knockout (KO) led to reduced body size, and female-to-male sex conversion in late juvenile or adult zebrafish; however, primary sex determination was not affected in early juveniles of adamts9 KO. Overfeeding and lowering the rearing density rescued growth defects in female adamts9 KO fish but did not rescue defects in ovarian development in adamts9 KO. Delayed PGC proliferation, significantly reduced number and size of Stage IB follicles (equivalent to primary follicles) in early juveniles of adamts9 KO, and arrested development at Stage IB follicles in mid- or late-juveniles of adamts9 KO are likely causes of female infertility and sex conversion. Via RNAseq, we found significant enrichment of differentially expressed genes involved in ECM organization during sexual maturation in ovaries of wildtype fish; and significant dysregulation of these genes in adamts9 KO ovaries. RNAseq analysis also showed enrichment of inflammatory transcriptomic signatures in adult ovaries of these adamts9 KO. Taken together, our results indicate that adamts9 is critical for development of primary ovarian follicles and maintenance of female sex, and loss of adamts9 leads to defects in ovarian follicle development, female infertility, and sex conversion in late juveniles and mature adults. These results show that the ECM and extracellular metalloproteases play major roles in maintaining ovarian follicle development in zebrafish.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Duplications on the short arm of chromosome X, including the gene NR0B1, have been associated with gonadal dysgenesis and with male to female sex reversal. Additional clinical manifestations can be observed in the affected patients, depending on the duplicated genomic region. Here we report one of the largest duplications on chromosome X, in a Lebanese patient, and we provide the first comprehensive review of duplications in this genomic region.
    METHODS: A 2-year-old female patient born to non-consanguineous Lebanese parents, with a family history of one miscarriage, is included in this study. The patient presents with sex reversal, dysmorphic features, optic atrophy, epilepsy, psychomotor and neurodevelopmental delay. Single nucleotide variants and copy number variants analysis were carried out on the patient through exome sequencing (ES). This showed an increased coverage of a genomic region of around 23.6 Mb on chromosome Xp22.31-p21.2 (g.7137718-30739112) in the patient, suggestive of a large duplication encompassing more than 60 genes, including the NR0B1 gene involved in sex reversal. A karyotype analysis confirmed sex reversal in the proband presenting with the duplication, and revealed a balanced translocation between the short arms of chromosomes X and 14:46, X, t(X;14) (p11;p11) in her/his mother.
    CONCLUSIONS: This case highlights the added value of CNV analysis from ES data in the genetic diagnosis of patients. It also underscores the challenges encountered in announcing unsolicited incidental findings to the family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to explore the roles of three estrogen receptors (Esr1, Esr2, and Gper1) in early differentiation of embryonic gonads of Trachemys scripta. The expression characteristics of the receptor genes were studied first. The Esr1, Esr2, and Gper1 agonists PPT, WAY 200070, and G-1 were respectively injected into the embryos at the male-producing temperature (MPT) before initiation of gonadal differentiation. The sex reversal of the treated embryonic gonads was analyzed in terms of morphological structure of gonads, distribution pattern of germ cells, and expression of key genes and proteins involved in sex differentiation. The expression level of esr1 during the critical stage of sex differentiation was higher than those of esr2 and gper1 (very low expression) and was particularly high in the gonads at the female-producing temperature (FPT). After treatment with PPT, the MPT gonads presented obviously feminized morphology and structure, with the germ cells exhibiting a female distribution pattern. Furthermore, the mRNA expression levels of the key genes (dmrt1, amh, and sox9) for male differentiation were down-regulated significantly, while those of the key genes (foxl2 and cyp19a1) for female differentiation were up-regulated observably. The fluorescent signals of Amh and Sox9 expression almost disappeared, while Foxl2 and Arom were activated to express abundantly, which fully demonstrated the sex reversal of the gonads from male to female (sex reversal rate: 70.27%). However, the MPT gonads treated with WAY 200070 and G-1 still differentiated into testes, and the expression patterns of the key genes and proteins were similar to those in male gonads. The above results demonstrate that activation of Esr1 alone can fully initiate the early female differentiation process of gonads, suggesting that estrogen may induce early ovarian differentiation via Esr1 in Trachemys scripta. The findings provide a basis for further revealing the mechanisms of estrogen regulation in sex determination and differentiation of turtles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The protandric shrimp Hippolyte inermis is the only known marine invertebrate whose sex determination is strongly influenced by the composition of its food. In H. inermis, a sex reversal is triggered by the ingestion of diatoms of the genus Cocconeis associated with leaves of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. These diatoms contain compounds that promote programmed cell death (PCD) in H. inermis and also in human cancer cells. Transcriptomic analyses suggested that ferroptosis is the primary trigger of the shrimp\'s sex reversal, leading to the rapid destruction of the androgen gland (AG) followed by a chain of apoptotic events transforming the testes into ovaries. Here, we propose a molecular approach to detect the effects of compounds stimulating the PCD. An RNA extraction method, suitable for young shrimp post-larvae (five days after metamorphosis; PL5 stage), was established. In addition, six genes involved in apoptosis, four involved in ferroptosis, and seven involved in the AG switch were mined from the transcriptome, and their expression levels were followed using real-time qPCR in PL5 fed on Cocconeis spp., compared to PL5 fed on a basic control feed. Our molecular approach, which detected early signals of sex reversal, represents a powerful instrument for investigating physiological progression and patterns of PCD in marine invertebrates. It exemplifies the physiological changes that may start a few days after the settlement of post-larvae and determine the life destiny of an individual.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA methylation is an important way to regulate gene expression in eukaryotes. In order to reveal the role of DNA methylation in the regulation of germ cell-specific piwi gene expression during spermatogenesis of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), the expression profiles of piwil1 (piwi-like 1) and piwil2 (piwi-like 2) genes in the gonads of female, male, and sex-reversed pseudo-male P. olivaceus were analyzed, and the dynamic of DNA methylation was investigated. As a result, piwil1 and piwil2 genes were highly expressed in the testis of both male and pseudo-male P. olivaceus, with significant variation among male individuals. The DNA methylation levels in the promoter regions of both piwil1 and piwil2 were negatively correlated with their expression levels, which may contribute to the transcriptional regulation of piwi genes during spermatogenesis. There was also sperm quality variation among male P. olivaceus, and the sperm curvilinear velocity was positively correlated with the expression of both piwil1 and piwil2 genes. These results indicated that the DNA methylation in piwil1 and piwil2 promoter regions may affect the initiation of piwi gene transcription, thereby regulating gene expression and further affecting the spermatogenesis process and gamete quality in P. olivaceus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex determination mechanisms differ widely among vertebrates, particularly in fish species, where diverse sex chromosomes and sex-determining genes have evolved. However, the sex-differentiation pathways activated by these sex-determining genes appear to be conserved. Gonadal soma-derived growth factor (Gsdf) is one of the genes conserved across teleost fish, especially in medaka fishes of the genus Oryzias, and is implicated in testis differentiation and germ cell proliferation. However, its role in sex differentiation remains unclear. In this study, we investigated Gsdf function in Oryzias hubbsi, a species with a ZW sex-determination system. We confirmed its male-dominant expression, as in other species. However, histological analyses revealed no male-to-female sex reversal in Gsdf-knockout fish, contrary to findings in other medaka species. Genetic sex determination remained intact without Gsdf function, indicating a Gsdf-independent sex-differentiation pathway in O. hubbsi. Instead, Gsdf loss led to germ cell overproliferation in both sexes and accelerated onset of meiosis in testes, suggesting a role in germ cell proliferation. Notably, the feminizing effect of germ cells observed in O. latipes was absent, suggesting diverse germ cell-somatic cell relationships in Oryzias gonad development. Our study highlights species-specific variations in the molecular pathways governing sex determination and differentiation, emphasizing the need for further exploration to elucidate the complexities of sexual development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thyroid hormones (THs) play important roles in growth, development, morphogenesis, reproduction, and so on. They are mainly meditated by binding to thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) in vertebrates. As important members of the nuclear receptor superfamily, TRs and their ligands are involved in many biological processes. To investigate the potential roles of TRs in the gonadal differentiation and sex change, we cloned and characterized the TRs genes in protogynous rice field eel (Monopterus albus). In this study, three types of TRs were obtained, which were TRαA, TRαB and TRβ, encoding preproproteins of 336-, 409- and 415-amino acids, respectively. Multiple alignments of the three putative TRs protein sequences showed they had a higher similarity. Tissue expression analysis showed that TRαA mainly expressed in the gonad, while TRαB and TRβ in the brain. During female-to-male sex reversal, the expression levels of all the three TRs showed a similar trend of increase followed by a decrease in the gonad. Intraperitoneal injection of triiodothyronine (T3) stimulated the expression of TRαA and TRαB, while it had no significant change on the expression of TRβ in the ovary. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) injection also significantly upregulated the expression levels of TRαA and TRαB after 6 h, while it had no significant effect on TRβ. These results demonstrated that TRs were involved in the gonadal differentiation and sex reversal, and TRα may play more important roles than TRβ in reproduction by the regulation of GnRHa in rice field eel.





