
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This longitudinal prospective cohort study examined participation between 6 months and 1.5 years after pediatric mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) in 68 children aged 6-18 years. Levels of participation in different settings remain mostly stable between 6 months and 1.5 years after mTBI, with a substantial proportion of children continuing to indicate less than full functioning. Future studies should examine risk factors and opportunities for early identification to prevent long-term negative consequences of pediatric mTBI regarding participation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To compare diabetic retinopathy screening among patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes under care in two distinct setups: hospital-based multidisciplinary and general practice-based.
    METHODS: In this retrospective observational case series, we collected data from a total of 133 diabetic patients: subjects from the hospital-based multidisciplinary setting were referred by the diabetologist and screened by an ophthalmologist using the Optomed Aurora IQ fundus camera. These patients were compared with those who underwent DR screening arranged through a general practice-based setting.
    RESULTS: The proportion of patients treated with insulin was higher in the hospital-based multidisciplinary group, both considering the totality patients and those affected by type 2 diabetes (71.6% vs. 32.2%; p < 0.001, and 58.8% vs. 31.0%; p = 0.004 respectively). Patients from the hospital-based multidisciplinary group had a longer mean diabetes duration (19.6 vs 14.9 years, p < 0.001), underwent DR screening more frequently in the previous three years (2.9 vs 1.4, p < 0.001), the mean time between two DR screenings was shorter (14.6 vs 77.9 weeks, p < 0.001), and DR was detected more frequently (32,4% vs 13.5%; p = 0.011).
    CONCLUSIONS: We were able to demonstrate that patients screened in the multidisciplinary center, which had characteristics predisposing to a higher risk of DR, were more likely to be diagnosed with DR on time, with a higher mean number of DR screenings and a shorted interval between diabetic and ophthalmological assessments.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: Cannabis is consumed in various social and environmental settings, and such contexts may be important predictors of subjective effects. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to examine the relationship between contextual factors and subjective effects of cannabis.
    METHODS: A PRISMA-guided search of MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, Global Health, and Google Scholar yielded 29 studies.
    RESULTS: Study type (Ecological Momentary Assessment or Experimental) was a significant predictor of intoxication effects, and experimental studies had a greater pooled effect size (z =.296,95 % CI [.132,.478], p=.004) than Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) studies (z =.071,95 % CI [.011,.130], p =.02). Contextual conditions (environment, social group, expectancy, time of day, day of week) were not significant predictors of cannabis effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings did not point to a significant association between contextual conditions and subjective effects. However, as current literature is methodologically weak, it may be premature to conclude that subjective effects are not shaped by contextual factors. In view of policy and therapeutic implications, replications and study refinements are recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper explores the ways in which community wellbeing is, and could be, related to individual subjective wellbeing by mapping current practice, teasing out the assumptions underlying a dominant approach and flagging neglected issues. The notion of community is widely understood as about something more than the sum of the parts. Capturing subjective aspects of local life that are not simply individual but reflect the ways in which people feel and are well together is a challenging undertaking. Most existing frameworks for assessing community wellbeing are premised on a theory of the self as an autonomous, rational and independently acting or feeling individual, and the primary interest is on how community aspects of life impact on individual subjective wellbeing. This dominant approach consistently neglects spatial and social inequalities, multiple settings and scales and temporal choices and legacies, all of which constitute important political dimensions to community wellbeing. Social theories of the self as relational put relations as prior to subjectivity and as such afford ways to conceptualise community wellbeing in terms of being well together. A relational approach can also offer routes to tackling the complex interactions of inequality, scale and time. Such an approach is not, however, easily translated into quantitative measures or simple policy interventions. The approach taken to community wellbeing is not a technological issue but a political choice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research has shown that people with an intellectual disability have higher rates of certain preventable health conditions and a higher rate of avoidable mortality relative to the general population. With respect to health behaviours, they also have lower levels of physical activity and poorer nutrition. Despite the increased health needs, this population cohort is less likely to have the opportunity to participate in health promotion programs. The interventions that have been delivered are programmatic and individual in focus and have lacked a broader ecological and settings focus, which makes them very difficult to scale. Health promotion programs designed for the general population, such as lifestyle campaigns, rarely reach people with an intellectual disability. This increases the importance of ensuring that the settings in which they live and engage with are as health promoting as possible. Interventions have been particularly absent in the workplace for people with an intellectual disability. This paper highlights gaps in a settings-and-systems-based approach to promoting the health and wellbeing of people with an intellectual disability, particularly with respect to workplace health promotion. The paper concludes with recommendations for a systems approach that integrates approaches across multiple settings to better promote the health of this population cohort.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Echo intensity determined by muscle ultrasound has been proposed as an efficient method for the assessment of muscle quality. The influence of changing ultrasound parameter settings on echo intensity values was assessed using a standardized approach. In this repeated measures cross-sectional study, sixteen repeated scans of rectus femoris, gracilis, and rectus abdominis were taken in 21 middle-aged persons with a portable Mindray M7 premium ultrasound machine equipped with a linear 5.0-10.0 MHz transducer. The settings of three parameters were fixed: gain, depth, and frequency. The settings of the following adjustable parameters were changed over their entire range: dynamic range, gray map, line density, persistence, and IClear. Repeated measures analyses were performed to evaluate the effect of changing the settings on echo intensity values. In all three muscles, dynamic range, gray map, and IClear correlated significantly (rrm-values ranging between -0.86 and 0.45) with echo intensity. In all three muscles, the echo intensity values differed significantly across the dynamic range (p < 0.013), gray map (p < 0.003), and IClear (p < 0.003). In middle-aged subjects, echo intensity values of lower limb and trunk muscles are significantly related to ultrasound parameters and significantly differ across their respective setting range. For the assessment of muscle quality through ultrasound, it is suggested to fix parameter settings within their midrange in order to minimize the effect of setting-dependent factors on EI values.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Does the setting in which a relationship initiation attempt occurs matter to its success? Identical initiations could yield differential success if enacted in different settings. Data from five independent samples highlight the role settings play in the perception of (hypothetical) relationship initiation attempts and (expectations of) their success. Study 1a sourced a wide variety of settings for real-world relationship initiations. A separate sample rated the identified settings on initiation appropriateness (Study 1b). Study 2 tested the appropriateness and associated outcomes of initiation settings while varying aspects of the interpersonal context (initiator attractiveness, Study 2a; initiator familiarity, Study 2b; sexual nature of proposition, Study 2c). Irrespective of initiator attractiveness, familiarity, or type of proposal, perceptions of initiations\' success were impacted by the settings\' appropriateness. This work is the first to empirically test whether perceptions and outcomes of initiation attempts differ as a function of the setting in which they occur.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify laser settings and limits applied by experts during laser vaporization (vapBT) and laser en-bloc resection of bladder tumors (ERBT) and to identify preventive measures to reduce complications.
    METHODS: After a focused literature search to identify relevant questions, we conducted a survey (57 questions) which was sent to laser experts. The expert selection was based on clinical experience and scientific contribution. Participants were asked for used laser types, typical laser settings during specific scenarios, and preventive measures applied during surgery. Settings for a maximum of 2 different lasers for each scenario were possible. Responses and settings were compared among the reported laser types.
    RESULTS: Twenty-three of 29 (79.3%) invited experts completed the survey. Thulium fiber laser (TFL) is the most common laser (57%), followed by Holmium:Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet (Ho:YAG) (48%), continuous wave (cw) Thulium:Yttrium-Aluminium-Garnet (Tm:YAG) (26%), and pulsed Tm:YAG (13%). Experts prefer ERBT (91.3%) to vapBT (8.7%); however, relevant limitations such as tumor size, number, and anatomical tumor location exist. Laser settings were generally comparable; however, we could find significant differences between the laser sources for lateral wall ERBT (p = 0.028) and standard ERBT (p = 0.033), with cwTm:YAG and pulsed Tm:YAG being operated in higher power modes when compared to TFL and Ho:YAG. Experts prefer long pulse modes for Ho:YAG and short pulse modes for TFL lasers.
    CONCLUSIONS: TFL seems to have replaced Ho:YAG and Tm:YAG. Most laser settings do not differ significantly among laser sources. For experts, continuous flow irrigation is the most commonly applied measure to reduce complications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To identify laser lithotripsy settings used by experts for specific clinical scenarios and to identify preventive measures to reduce complications.
    METHODS: After literature research to identify relevant questions, a survey was conducted and sent to laser experts. Participants were asked for preferred laser settings during specific clinical lithotripsy scenarios. Different settings were compared for the reported laser types, and common settings and preventive measures were identified.
    RESULTS: Twenty-six laser experts fully returned the survey. Holmium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Ho:YAG) was the primary laser used (88%), followed by thulium fiber laser (TFL) (42%) and pulsed thulium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Tm:YAG) (23%). For most scenarios, we could not identify relevant differences among laser settings. However, the laser power was significantly different for middle-ureteral (p = 0.027), pelvic (p = 0.047), and lower pole stone (p = 0.018) lithotripsy. Fragmentation or a combined fragmentation with dusting was more common for Ho:YAG and pulsed Tm:YAG lasers, whereas dusting or a combination of dusting and fragmentation was more common for TFL lasers. Experts prefer long pulse modes for Ho:YAG lasers to short pulse modes for TFL lasers. Thermal injury due to temperature development during lithotripsy is seriously considered by experts, with preventive measures applied routinely.
    CONCLUSIONS: Laser settings do not vary significantly between commonly used lasers for lithotripsy. Lithotripsy techniques and settings mainly depend on the generated laser pulse\'s and generator settings\' physical characteristics. Preventive measures such as maximum power limits, intermittent laser activation, and ureteral access sheaths are commonly used by experts to decrease thermal injury-caused complications.





