sensory reweighting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Strobe training is a form of visual training where the athlete has to practice during intermittently dark conditions. Strobe training improves visual, perceptual, and cognitive skills, which will enhance athletic performance. Strobe training can influence multiple training components in climbing: psychological, tactical, physical, and technical training.
    UNASSIGNED: The study was conducted on 17 elite climbers from Romania (10 male and 7 female), representing the entire National Youth Climbing Team. The research group was divided into a control group (n = 8) and an experimental group (n = 9). The used instruments were the Cognitrom battery (for cognitive skills, such as spatial skills and reactivity), the Witty SEM system (for motor-cognitive skills, such as cognitive agility, visual processing speed, and visual memory), and the International Rock Climbing Research Association (IRCRA) performance-related test battery for climbers (climbing-specific motor skills). The experimental group had 20 strobe training sessions, which took place during one calendar year, as an additional session to their climbing schedule done with their principal trainer. The strobe session was once a week, depending on the periodization of the macrocycle (preparatory, competitional, and transition periods). The control group and the experimental group had similar climbing training sessions during the 1-year macrocycle in terms of intensity and volume of their training.
    UNASSIGNED: Strobe training improved on-sight performance (d = 0.38) and red-point performance (d = 0.36). Strobe training improved the majority of cognitive skills [all spatial skills (d = 1.27 for mental image transformation; d = 1.14 for spatial orientation; d = 1.59 for image generation) and simple reaction time (d = 0.99)]. Strobe training improved all motor-cognitive skills (d = 0.16 for visual memory; d = 1.96 for visual memory errors; d = 1.39 for visual processing speed; d = 1.94 for visual processing errors; d = 1.30 for cognitive agility). Strobe training improved many climbing-specific parameters (flexibility and upper body strength) (d = 0.44 and d = 0.47 for flexibility parameters; d = 0.50 to 0.73 for upper body strength parameters).
    UNASSIGNED: Strobe training is an effective training method for enhancing performance that should be used on more experienced climbers. It acts more on spatial skills, rather than on reactivity skills, developing the visual-motor coordination system. Strobe training has greater effects on climbers aged below 16 years, as youth athletes rely more on visual input compared to adults. The improvement in climbing-specific variables was due to the additional climbing session done weekly. Strobe training acts more on the cognitive component of training than on the motor component of training in climbing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postural control may encounter acute challenges when individuals are immersed in a virtual reality (VR) environment, making VR a potential pertinent tool for enhancing balance capacity. Nonetheless, the effects of repeated exposure to VR on balance control remain to be fully elucidated. Fifty-five healthy participants stood upright for six bouts of 90 s each in an immersive virtual reality (VR) environment using a head-mounted display (repeated VR exposure). During these bouts, participants experienced simulated forward and backward displacements. Before and after the repeated VR exposure, the center of pressure mean velocity (VELCOP) was measured in response to simulated forward and backward displacement in VR, as well as during quiet upright standing with eyes open (EO) and closed (EC) in the real environment. The results revealed a significant decrease in VELCOP for forward and backward simulated displacements in both antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions (p < 0.01) after compared to before repeated VR exposure. Furthermore, VELCOP significantly decreased when participants stood upright in EC (-5%; p = 0.004), but not EO (+3%; p > 0.05) in the real environment after repeated VR exposure. The Romberg ratio (EC/EO) was reduced in both antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions (p < 0.05) after VR exposure. This study indicates that repeated exposure to VR induces changes in balance control in both virtual and real environments. These changes may be attributed, in part, to a reduction in the weighting of visual inputs in the multisensory integration process occurring during upright standing. Accordingly, these findings highlight VR as a potentially effective tool for balance rehabilitation. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: This study indicates that repeated exposure to VR induces changes in balance control in both virtual and real environments that can rely, in part, on a reduction in the weighting of visual inputs in the multisensory integration process occurring during upright standing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tai Chi has proved to be an effective therapy for balance performance and cognition. However, non-consistency exists in the results of the effect of Tai Chi training on standing balance control in older adults. This study aimed to use traditional and non-traditional methods to investigate the effect of Tai Chi on standing balance in older adults.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty-six Tai Chi practitioners (TC group) and thirty-six older adults with no Tai Chi practice (control group) were recruited in this study. A Nintendo Wii Balance Board was used to record the center of pressure (COP) during standing balance over 20 s in the condition of eyes closed with three repetitions. The wavelet analysis, multiscale entropy, recurrence quantification analysis, and traditional methods were used to evaluate the standing balance control in the anterior-posterior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions.
    UNASSIGNED: (1) Greater sway mean velocity in the AP direction and sway Path length were found in the TC group compared with the control group; (2) lower Very-low frequency band (0.10-0.39 Hz) and higher Moderate frequency band (1.56-6.25 Hz) in the AP and ML directions were found in the TC group compared with the control group; (3) greater complexity index (CI) and lower determinism (DET) in the AP and ML directions were observed in the TC group compared with control group; (4) greater path length linked with smaller Very-low frequency band in the AP and ML directions and higher Moderate frequency band in the AP direction in both groups; (5) greater path length linked with lower DET and higher CI in the AP direction only in the TC group.
    UNASSIGNED: Long-term Tai Chi practice improved sensory reweighting (more reliance on the proprioception system and less reliance on the vestibular system) and complexity of standing balance control in older adults. In addition, greater sway velocity may be as an exploratory role in standing balance control of TC older adults, which correlated with greater complexity, but no such significant relationship in the control group. Therefore, the effects of Tai Chi practice on standing balance control in older adults may be attributed to the improvement of sensory reweighting and complexity rather than reduced sway velocity or amplitude.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human balance control relies on various sensory modalities, and conflict of sensory input may result in postural instability. Virtual reality (VR) technology allows to train balance under conflicting sensory information by decoupling visual from somatosensory and vestibular systems, creating additional demands on sensory reweighting for balance control. However, there is no metric for the design of visual input manipulations that can induce persistent sensory conflicts to perturb balance. This limits the possibilities to generate sustained sensory reweighting processes and design well-defined training approaches. This study aimed to investigate the effects that different onset characteristics, amplitudes and velocities of visual input manipulations may have on balance control and their ability to create persistent balance responses. Twenty-four young adults were recruited for the study. The VR was provided using a state-of-the-art head-mounted display and balance was challenged in two experiments by rotations of the visual scene in the frontal plane with scaled constellations of trajectories, amplitudes and velocities. Mean center of pressure speed was recorded and revealed to be greater when the visual input manipulation had an abrupt onset compared to a smooth onset. Furthermore, the balance response was greatest and most persistent when stimulus velocity was low and stimulus amplitude was large. These findings show clear dissociation in the state of the postural system for abrupt and smooth visual manipulation onsets with no indication of short-term adaption to abrupt manipulations with slow stimulus velocity. This augments our understanding of how conflicting visual information affect balance responses and could help to optimize the conceptualization of training and rehabilitation interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is growing evidence linking hearing impairments and the deterioration of postural stability in older adults. To our knowledge, however, no study to date has investigated the effect of age-related hearing loss on the sensory reweighting process during postural control. In the absence of data, much is unknown about the possible mechanisms, both deleterious and compensatory, that could underly the deterioration of postural control following hearing loss in the elderly. The aim of this study was to empirically examine sensory reweighting for postural control in older adults with age-related hearing loss as compared to older adults with normal hearing. The center of pressure of all participants was recorded using a force platform and the modified clinical test of sensory interaction and balance protocol. The results suggest that individuals with age-related hearing loss displayed increased somatosensory reliance relative to normal hearing younger adults. This increased reliance on somatosensory input does not appear to be effective in mitigating the loss of postural control, probably due to the concomitant deterioration of tactile and proprioceptive sensitivity and acuity associated with aging. Beyond helping to further define the role of auditory perception in postural control, these results further the understanding of sensory-related mechanisms associated with postural instability in older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Walking and balance impairment are common sequelae of stroke and significantly impact functional independence, morbidity, and mortality. Adequate postural stability is needed for walking, which requires sufficient integration of sensory information between the visual, somatosensory, and vestibular centers. \"Sensory reweighting\" describes the normal physiologic response needed to maintain postural stability in the absence of sufficient visual or somatosensory information and is believed to play a critical role in preserving postural stability after stroke. However, the extent to which sensory reweighting successfully maintains postural stability in the chronic stages of stroke and its potential impact on walking function remains understudied.
    UNASSIGNED: In this cross-sectional study, fifty-eight community-dwelling ambulatory chronic stroke survivors underwent baseline postural stability testing during quiet stance using the modified Clinical test of Sensory Interaction in Balance (mCTSIB) and assessment of spatiotemporal gait parameters.
    UNASSIGNED: Seventy-six percent (45/58) of participants showed sufficient sensory reweighting with visual and somatosensory deprivation for maintaining postural stability, albeit with greater postural sway velocity indices than normative data. In contrast, survivors with insufficient reweighting demonstrated markedly slower overground walking speeds, greater spatiotemporal asymmetry, and limited acceleration potential.
    UNASSIGNED: Adequate sensory system reweighting is essential for chronic stroke survivors\' postural stability and walking independence. Greater emphasis should be placed on rehabilitation strategies incorporating multisensory system integration testing and strengthening as part of walking rehabilitation protocols. Given its potential impact on outcomes, walking rehabilitation trials may benefit from incorporating formal postural stability testing in design and group stratification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Body lateropulsion (BL) is an active lateral tilt of the body during standing or walking that is thought to be affected by a lesion of the vestibulospinal tract (VST) and the subjective visual vertical (SVV) tilt. Interventions for BL have not been established.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined the effects of postural-control training with different sensory reweighting on standing postural control in a patient with BL.
    UNASSIGNED: The patient had BL to the left when standing or walking due to a left-side medullary and cerebellar infarct. This study was a single-subject A-B design with follow-up: Phase A was postural-control training with visual feedback; phase B provided reweighting plantar somatosensory information. Postural control, VST excitability, and SVV were measured.
    UNASSIGNED: At baseline and phase A, the patient could not stand with eyes-closed on a rubber mat, but became able to stand in phase B. The mediolateral center of pressure (COP) position did not change significantly, but the COP velocity decreased significantly during phase B and the follow-up on the firm surface. VST excitability was lower on the BL versus the non-BL side, and the SVV deviated to the right throughout the study.
    UNASSIGNED: Postural-control training with reweighting somatosensory information might improve postural control in a patient with BL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Children\'s ability to maintain balance requires effective integration of multisensory and biomechanical information. The current project examined the interaction between such sensory inputs, manipulating visual input (presence vs. absence), haptic (somatosensory) input (presence vs. absence of contact with a stable or unstable finger support surface), and biomechanical (sensorimotor) input (varying stance widths). Analyses of mean velocity of the center of pressure and the percentage stability gain highlighted the role of varying multisensory inputs in postural control. Developmentally, older children (6-11 years) showed a multisensory integration advantage compared with their younger counterparts (3-5.9 years), with the impact of varying sensory inputs more closely akin to that seen in adults. Subsequent analyses of the impact of anthropometric individual difference parameters (e.g., height, leg length, weight, areas of base of support) revealed a shifting pattern across development. For younger children, these parameters were positively related to postural stability across experimental conditions (i.e., increasing body size was related to increasing postural control). This pattern transitioned for older children, who showed a nonsignificant relation between body size and balance. Interestingly, because adults show a negative relation between anthropometric factors and stability (i.e., increasing body size is related to decreasing postural control), this shift for the older children can be seen as a developmental transition from child-like to adult-like balance control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Postural control requires effective sensory integration. People with Parkinson\'s disease (PD) are reported to have impaired visual and vestibular perception. While self-motion perception is a key aspect of locomotion, visual-vestibular integration has not been directly characterized in people with PD during gait. We compared the ability of people with PD and healthy older adults (OA) to integrate multi-sensory information during straight-line walking in response to visual and vestibular perturbations, using continuous translations of the visual surround and galvanic vestibular stimulation within a virtual reality environment. We measured their endpoint deviations from midline and changes in gait parameters. We found that people with PD deviated more than OA when walking in a dark environment but did not show differences in deviations when walking in a virtual room with visual information. With visual and vestibular perturbations, people with PD did not differ from OA in endpoint deviations nor variabilities. However, people with PD did not adopt a more cautious gait when GVS was applied in a virtual room, unlike OA. Overall, we showed that people with mild PD did not perform worse than OA but did show differences in gait patterns, suggesting that visual-vestibular integration is relatively preserved during gait in PD.





