sensitive parenting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leveraging data from a longitudinal study of Chinese families (n = 364), this research aims to understand the role of secure base script knowledge as a cognitive mechanism by which early caregiving experiences inform adolescents\' friendship quality and feelings of loneliness. Results showed that observed maternal sensitivity at 14 and 24 months old was negatively associated with adolescents\' self-reported conflicts with close friends (β = -0.17, p = 0.044) at 15 years old, and this association was partially mediated by their secure base script knowledge assessed at 10 years old. Further, secure base script knowledge moderated the link between adolescents\' friend conflict and feelings of loneliness (β = -0.15, p = 0.037). The results support a cognitive script perspective on the association between early caregiving experiences and later socio-emotional adjustment. Furthermore, this study adds to the developmental literature that has previously focused on more stringent and authoritarian aspects of parenting in Chinese families, thereby contributing to our understanding of how sensitive and supportive parenting practices contribute to socio-emotional development outside of Western contexts. RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Maternal sensitivity during infancy and toddlerhood has a long-term association with adolescents\' friendship quality and adolescents\' secure base script partially explains the association. First evidence to demonstrate that the secure base script in attachment relationships mediates the association between early maternal caregiving and socio-emotional development in Chinese adolescents. Adolescents lacking secure base script knowledge are particularly vulnerable to feelings of loneliness when facing high levels of conflict in close friendships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Parenting that is sensitive and responsive to children\'s needs has been shown to support children\'s optimal growth and development in many cultural contexts. Numerous studies suggest that self-compassion is positively related to sensitive parenting. Despite growing research interest linking self-compassion to responsive parenting, there are considerable gaps in the literature. The current study examined the associations between self-compassion, depressive symptoms, socioeconomic status, and sensitive parenting. Data was obtained from a cohort study of 300 families in central Ohio enrolled when children were a mean (SD) calendar age of 18.2 (0.7) months. Children of all gestational ages at birth are included, and 37% were born preterm (<37 weeks\' gestation). Observational protocols were used to determine maternal sensitivity in a semi-structured play setting. Self-compassion was assessed with the Self-Compassion Scale when children were 24 months old. Self-compassion was not associated with sociodemographic characteristics including maternal education, household income, child sex and gestational age. In unadjusted regression models, depressive symptoms were related to sensitive parenting (B = -0.036, SE = 0.016, p = 0.03), but self-compassion was not a statistically significant predictor (p = 0.35) of sensitivity, and neither self-compassion nor depressive symptoms were statistically significant predictors of sensitive parenting after adjustment for covariates. Considerations for future studies are discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main objective of the present longitudinal study is to describe the progression of early adult-child interactions between the first and second years of life. Changes identified in interactions are described, focusing on both the qualitative aspects of maternal responses, as well as maternal response latency to the child\'s behavior using a microanalytical methodology that collected data on maternal and child behavior in real-time without losing sight of the temporal dimension.
    This study examined 52 mother-child dyads from intact families that presented no psychological, social, or biological risk factors at 6, 12 and 18 months of age.
    CITMI-R (early mother-child interaction coding system, revised edition) was used to assess early mother-infant interactions during free play sessions between mother and child the.
    The results indicate that some components of maternal sensitivity improve as children progress towards the second year of life, detecting an increase in sensitive maternal behavior and a decrease in intrusive behavior in the evolutive observed period; moreover, regarding latency of maternal response, we observed that mothers of older children give more time for their children to explore, which stimulates autonomy. Finally, the implication of these results for intervention directed to optimizing early adult-child interactions are addressed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explored how patterns of physiological stress reactivity underpin individual differences in sensitivity to early rearing experiences and childhood risk for psychopathology. To examine individual differences in parasympathetic functioning, past research has largely relied on static measures of stress reactivity (i.e., residual and change scores) in infancy which may not adequately capture the dynamic nature of regulation across contexts. Using data from a prospective longitudinal study of 206 children (56% African Americans) and their families, this study addressed these gaps by employing the latent basis growth curve model to characterize the dynamic, non-linear patterns of change in infants\' respiratory sinus arrhythmia (i.e., vagal flexibility) across the Face-to-Face Still-Face Paradigm. Furthermore, it investigated whether and how infants\' vagal flexibility moderates the links between sensitive parenting, observed during a free play task when children were 6 months of age, and parent-report of children\'s externalizing problems at 7 years of age. Results of the structural equation models revealed that infants\' vagal flexibility moderates the predictive relations between sensitive parenting in infancy and children\'s later externalizing problems. Simple slope analyses revealed that low vagal flexibility, characterized by less suppression and flatter recovery patterns, exacerbated risk for externalizing psychopathology in the context of insensitive parenting. Children with low vagal flexibility also benefited most from sensitive parenting, as indicated by the lower number of externalizing problems. Findings are interpreted in the light of the biological sensitivity to context model and provide evidence for vagal flexibility as a biomarker of individual\'s sensitivity to early rearing contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) is an intervention targeted at enhancing the socioemotional and regulatory functioning of at-risk infants. However, to use the ABC for infants/toddlers with intellectual disabilities/developmental delays (ID/DD) and in novel cultural contexts, such as South Africa, adaptations may be required. This study aimed, therefore, to explore the opinions of clinical experts and perceptions of caregivers regarding the use of ABC for children with ID/DD in South Africa. It also sought to incorporate the experiences of families of children with ID/DD who received, and intervenors who delivered, ABC in its first implementation in South Africa. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 participants. Thematic analysis explicated 12 main themes: Intervention Strengths, Points of Concern, and Recommendations (Experts); Focus on Caregiver-child Relationship, and Intervention Targets and Duration (Caregivers); Benefits of ABC, and Cultural Considerations (ABC Recipients); Focused and Targeted, Value of Feedback, Supportive Supervision, Working Alliance, and Challenges Experienced (ABC Intervenors). Practice and training recommendations include psychoeducation for parents and training for intervenors that is ID/DD-specific, expanding supervision capacity, building intervenors\' cultural/linguistic sensitivity and competence, accessing referral networks, including local Community Health Workers as intervenors, and greater flexibility in how the sessions are organized.
    La intervención de Afectividad y Alcance del Bio-comportamiento (ABC) está dirigida a mejorar el funcionamiento socioemocional y regulatorio de los infantes bajo riesgo. Sin embargo, para usar el ABC para infantes y niños pequeñitos con discapacidades intelectuales / retrasos en el desarrollo (ID/DD) y dentro de nuevos contextos culturales, tal como en Sudáfrica, se requieren adaptaciones. Este estudio se propuso, por tanto, explorar las opiniones de expertos clínicos y las percepciones de quienes prestan el cuidado acerca del uso del ABC con niños con ID/DD en Sudáfrica. También buscaba incorporar las experiencias de familias de niños con ID/DD que recibían, así como de practicantes de la intervención que ofrecían el servicio de ABC durante su primera implementación en Sudáfrica. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas con 18 participantes. Análisis temáticos explicaron los 12 principales temas: Puntos Fuertes de la Intervención, Puntos que Preocupan y Recomendaciones (Expertos); Enfoque en la Relación Cuidador-Niño y Metas de Enfoque y Duración de la Intervención (Cuidadores); Beneficios del ABC y Consideraciones Culturales (Quienes recibían el ABC); Lo Enfocado y Diseñado como Meta, Valor de Ideas Recibidas, Supervisión con Apoyo, Alianza de Trabajo y Retos Experimentados (Practicantes de la Intervención ABC). Las recomendaciones de práctica y entrenamiento incluyen la psico-educación de padres, entrenamiento a quienes practican la intervención específicamente orientada a ID/DD, expandir la capacidad de supervisión, formar la sensibilidad y competencia cultural/lingüística de quienes practican la intervención, acceso a los sistemas de referencias, incluir Trabajadores de Salud Comunitarios como practicantes de la intervención y mayor flexibilidad en cómo organizar las sesiones.
    L\'attachement et le rattrapage bio-comportemental (en anglais Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up, soit ABC) est une intervention ciblée sur l\'amélioration du fonctionnement socio-émotionnel et régulatoire de bébés à risques. Cependant, pour utiliser l\'ABC pour des bébés/jeunes enfants avec des retards intellectuels et des retards du comportement (ID/DD) et dans des contextes culturels nouveaux, comme l\'Afrique du Sud, des adaptations pourraient être nécessaires. Par conséquent cette étude s\'est donné pour but d\'explorer les opinions d\'experts cliniques et les perceptions des personnes prenant soin d\'un bébé quant à l\'utilisation de l\'ABC pour des enfants avec ID/DD en Afrique du Sud. On a aussi cherché à incorporer les expériences de familles d\'enfants avec ID/DD qui ont reçu l\'ABC, ainsi que des intervenants qui l\'ont facilité, dans sa première mise en oeuvre en Afrique du Sud. Des entretiens semi-structurés ont été faits avec 18 participants. Une analyse thématique a explicité 12 thèmes principaux: Forces de l\'Intervention, Points d\'Inquiétude, et Recommandations (Experts); Accent sur la Relation Personne prenant soin de l\'enfant-enfant et Cibles d\'Intervention et Durée d\'Intervention (Personnes prenant soin d\'un bébé); Bénéfices de l\'ABS, et Considérations Culturels (personnes ayant reçu l\'ABC); Ciblé et Centré, Valeur du Retour, Supervision de Soutien, Alliance entre entités, et Défis Vécus (Intervenants ABC). Les recommandations de pratique et de formation incluent une psychoéducation pour les parents, une formation pour les intervenants qui est spécifique à l\'ID/DD, l’élargissement de la capacité de supervision, le développement de la sensibilité et de la compétence culturelle/linguistique des intervenants, l\'accès aux réseau d\'orientation, y compris des Travailleurs de Santé Communautaires en tant qu\'intervenants, et une plus grande flexibilité dans la manière dont les sessions sont organisées.
    Die Anpassung des Programms „Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up“ an Säuglinge und Kleinkinder mit geistigen Behinderungen und Entwicklungsverzögerungen in Südafrika: Überlegungen und Empfehlungen von lokalen Akteur:innen „Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up; ABC) ist eine Intervention, die darauf abzielt, die sozio-emotionalen und regulatorischen Funktionen von gefährdeten Säuglingen zu verbessern. Wenn der ABC bei Säuglingen/Kleinkindern mit geistigen Behinderungen/ Entwicklungsverzögerungen (disabilities/developmental delays; ID/DD) und in neuen kulturellen Kontexten - wie z. B. in Südafrika - angewendet wird, können jedoch Anpassungen erforderlich sein. Ziel dieser Studie war es daher, die Meinung von klinischen Expert:innen und die Wahrnehmung von Betreuungspersonen in Bezug auf die Anwendung des ABC für Kinder mit ID/DD in Südafrika zu untersuchen. Außerdem sollten die Erfahrungen von Familien mit Kindern mit ID/DD, die bei seiner Ersteinführung in Südafrika an ABC teilgenommen hatten, und diejenigen der durchführenden Interventions-Fachkräfte einbezogen werden. Mit 18 Teilnehmenden wurden halbstrukturierte Interviews geführt. Aus einer thematischen Analyse ergaben sich 12 Hauptthemen: Stärken der Intervention, Bedenken und Empfehlungen (Expert:innen); Fokus auf die Beziehung zwischen Betreuungsperson und Kind sowie Ziele und Dauer der Intervention (Betreuungspersonen); Vorteile des ABC und kulturelle Überlegungen (ABC-Teilnehmende); Fokussiert- und Zielgerichtetheit, Wert des Feedbacks, unterstützende Supervision, Arbeitsbündnis und erlebte Herausforderungen (ABC-Interventions-Fachkräfte). Zu den Empfehlungen für Praxis und Ausbildung gehören Psychoedukation für die Eltern und eine ID/DD-spezifische Ausbildung für die Interventions-Fachkräfte, eine Erweiterung der Supervisionskapazitäten, Förderung der kulturellen/sprachlichen Sensibilität und Kompetenz der Interventions-Fachkräfte, Zugang zu Überweisungsnetzwerken, Einbeziehung lokaler „Community Health“-Kräfte als Interventions-Fachkräfte und eine größere Flexibilität bei der Organisation der Sitzungen.
    南アフリカにおける知的障がいおよび発達遅延のある乳幼児に対する愛着と生物行動学的キャッチアップの適応:現地の関係者の考察と提言 愛着と生物行動学的キャッチアップ (ABC) は、リスクのある乳幼児の社会情緒的・調節的機能を高めることを目的とした介入である。しかし、知的障がい・発達遅延 (ID/DD) のある乳幼児や南アフリカのような新しい文化的背景でABCを使用するためには、-適応させることが必要だろう。そこで本研究では、南アフリカのID/DD児に対するABCの使用について、臨床専門家の意見と養育者の認識を調査することを目的とした。また、南アフリカで初めてABCを実施したID/DDの子どもの家族と、ABCを実施した介入者の経験も取り入れることを目指した。18名の参加者に対して半構造化面接を実施した。主題分析により、12の主要なテーマが明らかにされた。介入の長所、懸念点、推奨事項 (専門家) 、養育者と子どもの関係性への焦点、介入目標と期間 (養育者) 、ABCの利点、文化的配慮 (ABC受益者) 、焦点と目標、フィードバックの価値、支持的スーパービジョン、作業同盟、経験された困難 (ABC介入者) 。実践と訓練に関する推奨事項には、親に対する心理教育、介入者に対するID/DDに特化した訓練、スーパービジョン能力の向上、介入者の文化的/言語的感受性と能力の構築、地域のコミュニティヘルスワーカーを介入者に加えた紹介ネットワークへのアクセス、セッションの構成方法における柔軟性の向上が含まれている。.
    “依恋和生物行为追赶” (ABC) 是一种旨在增强高危婴儿社交情感和调节功能的干预措施。然而, 在南非等新的文化背景下, 将ABC用于智力残疾或发育迟缓 (ID/DD) 的婴幼儿, 可能需要进行调整适应。因此, 本研究旨在探讨临床专家的意见和护理人员对南非ID/DD儿童使用ABC的看法。研究还试图将接受ABC的ID/DD儿童家庭以及实施ABC的干预者的经验融入南非首次开展ABC的实践中。对18名参与者进行了半结构化访谈。主题分析阐述了12个主题:干预优势、关注点和建议 (专家) ;关注护理人员与儿童的关系、干预目标和持续时间 (护理人员) ;ABC的好处和文化考量 (ABC受众) ;重点突出、目标明确、反馈价值、支持性监督、工作联盟和经历的挑战 (ABC干预者) 。实践和培训建议包括对父母进行心理教育和针对ID/DD的干预者培训, 扩大监督能力, 培养干预者的文化、语言敏感性和能力, 使用转诊网络, 将当地“社区卫生工作者”纳入干预者, 以及如何更加灵活地组织课程。.
    برنامج التعلق واللحاق السلوكي الحيوي (ABC) هو تدخل يستهدف تعزيز الأداء الاجتماعي والعاطفي والتنظيمي للرضع المعرضين للخطر. ومع ذلك ، فإنه يحتاج إلى تكييف وتعديل حتى يمكن استخدامه للرضع / الأطفال الصغار الذين يعانون من إعاقات ذهنية / تأخيرات في النمو وفي السياقات الثقافية الجديدة ، مثل جنوب إفريقيا. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى استكشاف آراء الخبراء الاكلينيكيين وتصورات مقدمي الرعاية فيما يتعلق باستخدام ABC للأطفال الذين يعانون من إعاقات ذهنية أو تأخر نمو (DD-ID) في جنوب إفريقيا. كما سعت إلى دمج تجارب أسر الأطفال والمختصين الذين تعاملوا مع برنامج (ABC) في أول تطبيق له في جنوب إفريقيا. أجريت مقابلات شبه منظمة مع 18 مشاركا. أسفر التحليل الموضوعي عن 12 موضوعًا رئيسيًا: جوانب القوة في التدخل ، جوانب تدعو للقلق ، والتوصيات (الخبراء) ؛ التركيز على العلاقة بين مقدم الرعاية والطفل ، وأهداف التدخل ومدته (مقدمو الرعاية) ؛ فوائد ABC والاعتبارات الثقافية (متلقو ABC) ؛ التركيز والاستهداف ، قيمة التعليقات ، الإشراف الداعم ، تحالف العمل ، والتحديات التي تم مواجهتها. (متدخلو ABC). تتضمن توصيات الممارسة والتدريب التثقيف النفسي للآباء وتدريب المتدخلين في الإعاقة الذهنية وتأخر النمو ، وتوسيع القدرة على الإشراف ، وبناء الحساسية والكفاءة الثقافية / اللغوية للمتدخلين ، والوصول إلى شبكات الإحالة ، بما في ذلك العاملين في الصحة في المجتمع المحلي كمتدخلين ، ومرونة أكبر في كيفية تنظيم الجلسات.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Maternal substance use disorder (SUD) represents a risk condition for quality of parenting and child development. The current literature highlights the need to identify interventions that effectively enhance the quality of parenting and to better understand which mechanisms are involved in the process of change. The present study protocol describes a randomized wait-list controlled trial that aims to examine (1) the efficacy of the Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) in improving the quality of parenting (i.e., sensitive parenting and sensitive discipline) in mothers with SUD, (2) whether the intervention affects parental cognitive mechanisms (i.e., attentional disengagement to infant negative emotions, inhibitory control confronted with children\'s affective expression, and parental reflective functioning), and (3) whether changes in these processes act as mechanisms of change, mediating the effect of the VIPP-SD program on quality of parenting. Moreover, the study aims (4) to explore whether the VIPP-SD has an effect on parenting stress and (5) to compare mothers with SUD to low-risk mothers on the outcome measures.
    METHODS: The study will involve 40 mothers with SUD and 20 low-risk mothers of children aged between 14 months and 6 years old. Mothers in the SUD group will be randomly divided into two groups, one receiving the intervention (SUD experimental group) and one undergoing treatment as usual (SUD control group). All the mothers will be assessed pre-test and post-test. Quality of parenting will be assessed through observed parenting behaviors, whereas parental cognitive mechanisms will be assessed through neuropsychological tasks and self-report measures.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of the study will reveal whether an intervention that has been proven effective in other at-risk samples is also effective in improving parenting behaviors in the context of SUD. The results will also provide insight into potential cognitive mechanisms involved in the process of change.
    BACKGROUND: ISRCTN registry ISRCTN63070968 . Registered on 25 June 2021. Retrospectively registered.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    Child mental health problems are a major public health concern associated with poor mental and physical health later in development. The study evaluates a new community-based intervention to promote sensitive parenting and reduce enduring mental health problems and unhealthy weight among vulnerable infants aged 9-24 months.
    We use a step-wedge cluster randomized controlled trial design conducted within a home visiting program offered by community health nurses to infant families in Denmark. Sixteen municipalities are randomly allocated to implement the intervention starting at three successive time points from May 1, 2022 to January 1, 2023. A total of 900-1000 families will be included. A standardized program, Psykisk Udvikling og Funktion (PUF), is used to identify infants with major problems of eating, sleep, emotional or behavioral regulation or developmental problems. The intervention builds on the Video-Feedback Intervention to Promote Positive Parenting (VIPP) program, adapted to the PUF-context and named the VIPP-PUF. Children will be followed up at ages 18 and 24 months. Primary outcome measure is the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) at child age 24 months. The other outcome measures include body mass index z-scores, the Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social-Emotional (ASQ:SE2); the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1½ -5); Eating behavior Questionnaires; the Being a Mother-questionnaire (BaM13); the Parental Stress Scale (PSS); and the WHO-5 well-being index (WHO-5). Data on child and family factors are obtained from National registries and the Child Health Database. Quantitative measures are applied to examine the effectiveness of the VIPP-PUF intervention and the implementation process. Qualitative measures include interviews with CHNs, parents and municipality stakeholders to explore factors that may influence the adherence and effectiveness of the intervention.
    The study examines a service-setting based intervention building on the promotion of sensitive parenting to vulnerable infants. We use a mixed methods approach to evaluate the intervention, taking into account the influences of COVID-19 pandemic running since March 2020. Overall, the study has potential to add to the knowledge on the possibilities of prevention within the municipality child health care to reduce the risk of mental health problems and unhealthy weight in early childhood. ; ID NCT04601779 ; Protocol ID 95-110-21307. Registered 25 June 2021.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many studies focus on proximal associations between parental sensitivity and emotional well-being in early childhood, with less data examining how parenting in infancy predicts children\'s emotional trajectories across childhood, in particular negative emotional symptoms of anxiety and depression. Thus, this study utilized data from The Family Life Project (N = 1015), a prospective study of child development in rural poverty, and assessed whether sensitive parenting in the first 4 years of life predicted child internalizing emotional symptoms (i.e., anxiety and depression) from kindergarten to fifth grade and whether early child executive functioning mediated this relationship. Path models indicated that observation of sensitive parenting predicted a decrease in teachers\' report of child negative emotional symptoms over time and predicted fewer negative emotional symptoms in fifth grade. Moreover, though executive functioning performance did not mediate change in symptoms over time, executive functioning did mediate the relationship between sensitive parenting and fifth-grade symptoms, suggesting that executive functioning is one mechanism by which early sensitive parenting buffers long-term emotional development. Findings highlight the importance of early parenting and executive functioning in development of anxiety and depression symptoms and suggests potential targets for transdiagnostic intervention.
    Muchos estudios se enfocan en asociaciones proximales entre la sensibilidad del progenitor y el bienestar emocional en la temprana niñez, aunque una menor información examina cómo la crianza en la infancia predice las trayectorias emocionales de los niños a lo largo de la niñez, particularmente los síntomas emocionales de ansiedad y depresión. Por tanto, este estudio utilizó datos de [BLINDED FOR REVIEW] (N = 1,015), un estudio en prospecto del desarrollo del niño en la pobreza rural, y evaluó si la crianza sensible en los primeros 4 años de vida predijo los síntomas emocionales de internalización en el niño (v.g. ansiedad y depresión) a partir del kínder hasta el quinto grado y si el temprano funcionamiento ejecutivo del niño mediaba esta relación. Los modelos de trayecto indicaron que la observación de la crianza sensible predijo una baja en los reportes de los maestros sobre síntomas emocionales negativos en el niño a lo largo del tiempo y predijo menos síntomas emocionales negativos en el quinto grado. Es más, a pesar de que el rendimiento del funcionamiento ejecutivo no medió el cambio en los síntomas a lo largo del tiempo, el funcionamiento ejecutivo sí medió la relación entre la crianza sensible y los síntomas en el quinto grado, lo cual sugiere que el funcionamiento ejecutivo es un mecanismo por medio del cual la temprana crianza sensible amortigua el desarrollo emocional a largo plazo. Los resultados subrayan la importancia de la crianza temprana y el funcionamiento ejecutivo en el desarrollo de los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión y sugiere metas probables para la intervención de transdiagnosis.
    Beaucoup d’études portent sur les liens proximaux entre la sensibilité parentale et le bien-être émotionnel dans la petite enfance, avec moins de données examinant comment le parentage dans la petite enfance prédit les trajectoires émotionnelles des enfants durant l\'enfance, en particulier les symptômes émotionnels négatifs d\'anxiété et de dépression. Donc, cette étude a utilisé des données du Project de Vie Familiale (en anglais Family Life Project) (N = 1015), une étude prospective du développement de l\'enfant en pauvreté rurale, et évalué si la sensibilité de parentage dans les quatre premières années de vie prédisaient l\'internalisation de symptômes émotionnels de la part de l\'enfant (comme l\'anxiété et la dépression) de la maternelle au CM2 (ou 5ème au Québec) et si le fonctionnement exécutif précoce de l\'enfant servait de médiateur à la relation. Les analyses causales ont indiqué que l\'observation d\'un parentage sensible prédisait une baisse des rapports faits par les enseignants de symptômes émotionnels négatifs de la part des enfants et prédisaient moins de symptômes émotionnels négatifs au CM2 (5ème au Québec). De plus, bien que la performance du fonctionnement exécutif n\'a pas médié les changements dans les symptômes au fil du temps, le fonctionnement exécutif a médié la relation entre le parentage sensible et les symptômes au CM2 (5ème au Québec), suggérant que le fonctionnement exécutif est un mécanisme par lequel le parentage sensible précoce sert de tampon au développement émotionnel à long terme. Les résultats mettent en lumière l\'importance du parentage précoce et du fonctionnement exécutif dans le développement de symptômes d\'anxiété et de dépression et suggèrent des cibles potentielles pour une intervention trans-diagnostique.
    Durch frühe Elternkompetenz ausgelöste Entwicklungskaskaden, exekutiver Funktionen und emotionale Symptome im Laufe der Kindheit Es gibt viele Studien, die sich auf proximale Assoziationen zwischen elterlicher Sensibilität und frühkindlichem emotionalem Wohlbefinden fokussieren. Bislang gibt es wenig Forschung dazu, inwiefern Elternkompetenz während der frühen Kindheit auch emotionale Entwicklungsverläufe (insbesondere Angst- und Depressionssymptomatik) über die gesamte Kindheit hinweg vorhersagt. Die vorliegende Studie verwendete Daten einer prospektiven Untersuchung zur Entwicklung von Kindern in ländlicher Armut, [BLINDED FOR REVIEW] (N = 1.015). Es wurde untersucht, ob elterliche Sensibilität in den ersten vier Lebensjahren eine kindliche Internalisierung emotionaler Symptome (d.h. Angst und Depression) in der Zeit vom Kindergarten bis zur 5. Klasse vorhersagt. Außerdem wurde untersucht, ob frühkindliche exekutive Funktionen diesen Zusammenhang mediieren. Pfadmodelle zeigten, dass Lehrer:innen im Laufe der Zeit weniger negative emotionale Symptome berichteten und in der 5. Klasse weniger negative Symptome vorhanden waren, wenn elterliche Sensibilität in der frühen Kindheit beobachtet worden war. Exekutive Funktionen mediierten nicht die Veränderung der Symptome im Laufe der Zeit. Allerdings konnte ein Mediationseffekt von exekutiven Funktionen im Zusammenhang zwischen elterlicher Sensibilität und Symptomen der 5. Klasse gefunden werden. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass exekutive Funktionen einen Mechanismus darstellen, durch den elterliche Sensibilität in der frühen Kindheit die langfristige emotionale Entwicklung verbessert. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung der exekutiven Funktionen und der Elternkompetenz in frühen Jahren bei der Entwicklung von Angst- und Depressionssymptomen. Dadurch ergeben sich potenzielle Ziele für transdiagnostische Interventionen.
    人生早期の子育ての発達的な連鎖,執行機能の出現と児童期の情緒的な症状  親の感受性と乳幼児期の情緒の健康との近接した関連性についての研究報告が多くある一方で、児童期を通じた子どもの情緒的な軌道、特に不安や抑うつの情緒的な陰性症状を乳幼児期の子育てがどのように予測するかを検討した報告は少ない。そこで、本研究では、人生の初めの4年間の感受性のある子育てが、幼稚園から第5学年の子どもの情緒的な症状 (例えば不安やうつ) の内在化をどのように予測するか、早期の子どもの執行機能がこの関連性にどのように介在するのかについて、農村貧困地域における子どもの発達に関する前向き研究である<レビューのため盲検>のデータを用いて検討した。パス解析によると、感受性のある子育てが観察されると、時間の経過に従って教員からの子どもの否定的な情緒的な症状の報告が減少することを予測し、第5学年時の情緒的な症状の減少を予測した。また、執行機能の遂行は時間の経過に従う症状の変化に介在しないが、執行機能は感受性のある子育てと第5学年での症状との関連性に介在しており、執行機能は早期の感受性のある子育てが長期的な情緒発達を保護するしくみの一つであることを示唆した。この結果は、不安や抑うつ的症状の発達における早期の子育てと執行機能の重要性を強調し、診断横断的介入の潜在的な目標を示唆する。.
    摘 要:许多研究集中于父母敏感性与儿童早期情绪健康之间的近端关联, 而很少有数据研究婴儿期的养育如何预测儿童在整个童年时期的情绪轨迹, 尤其是焦虑和抑郁的负面情绪症状。因此, 本研究利用了来自 [BLINDED FOR REVIEW] (N = 1,015) 的数据, 这是一项关于农村贫困地区儿童发展的前瞻性研究, 并且评估了在出生后的头四年中敏感养育是否可以预测儿童从幼儿园到五年级的内在情绪症状 (即焦虑和抑郁) , 以及早期儿童执行功能是否介导了这种关系。路径模型显示, 观察到的敏感养育预测了教师对儿童负面情绪症状的报告会随着时间的推移而减少, 并预测了五年级儿童的负面情绪症状会更少。此外, 尽管执行功能不能随时间推移介导症状的变化, 但执行功能可以介导敏感养育与五年级症状之间的关系, 这表明执行功能是早期敏感养育缓冲长期情绪发展的一种机制。研究结果强调了早期养育和执行功能在焦虑和抑郁症状发展中的重要性, 并提出了需要转诊干预的潜在目标。.
    مسار تطور الرعاية الوالدية المبكرة، ونشوء الأداء التنفيذي، والأعراض العاطفية في مرحلة الطفولة تركز العديد من الدراسات على الروابط القريبة بين حساسية الوالدين والرفاه العاطفي في مرحلة الطفولة المبكرة ، في ظل وجود بيانات أقل تعبر عن مدى تنبؤ الأبوة والأمومة في مرحلة الطفولة للمسارات العاطفية للأطفال عبر مرحلة الطفولة ، ولا سيما الأعراض العاطفية السلبية مثل القلق والاكتئاب. ولذلك، استخدمت هذه الدراسة بيانات من دراسة تحت المراجعة (N = 1.015) وهي دراسة استطلاعية عن نمو الطفل في فقر الريف، وقيمت ما إذا كانت الأبوة والأمومة الحساسة في السنوات الأربعة الأولى من الحياة قد تنبأت بالأعراض العاطفية (أي القلق والاكتئاب) من مرحلة الحضانة إلى الصف الخامس وما إذا كان الأداء التنفيذي المبكر قد توسط في هذه العلاقة. وأشارت نماذج المسار إلى أن ملاحظة الأبوة والأمومة الحساسة توقعت انخفاضًا في تقرير المعلمين عن الأعراض العاطفية السلبية للأطفال بمرور الوقت وتوقعت انخفاضًا في الأعراض العاطفية السلبية عند أطفال الصف الخامس. وعلاوة على ذلك، وعلى الرغم من أن الأداء التنفيذي لم يتوسط في تغيير الأعراض بمرور الوقت، فإن الأداء التنفيذي قد توسط في العلاقة بين الأبوة والأمومة الحساسة وأعراض أطفال الصف الخامس، مما يشير إلى أن الأداء التنفيذي هو إحدى الآليات التي تعمل بها الرعاية الوالدية الحساسة المبكرة على الحفاظ على النمو العاطفي على المدى الطويل. وتسلط النتائج الضوء على أهمية التنشئة المبكرة للوالدين والأداء التنفيذي في ظهور أعراض القلق والاكتئاب، وتشير إلى أهداف محتملة للتدخل عبر التشخيص.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Existing research suggests that approximately 19% of females experience childhood sexual trauma (CST). Little is known, however, about the parenting behaviour of mothers who have experienced CST. Using propensity-matched controls, the present study examines prenatal psychosocial distress, postnatal depressive symptomatology, and caregiving behaviours of women reporting CST at or before the age of 14. Data for these analyses were obtained from mother reports and from observational protocols from a longitudinal study of low-income, rural families. Propensity score methodology was used to create a contrast group matched on family of origin variables in an effort to isolate and examine the long-term associations of CST beyond the effects of other childhood adversities such as poverty. Study findings provide evidence that women with CST histories report greater prenatal psychosocial distress compared to women without trauma histories. Findings further provide evidence for a spillover process from prenatal distress to the broader caregiving system including less sensitive parenting through postnatal depressive symptoms for women with CST histories. These results highlight the importance of screening for CST and psychosocial distress and depression prenatally. Interventions for women with CST histories and directions for future study are proposed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study examined the attachment development of 92 internationally adopted Chinese girls, focusing on the influence of type of pre-adoption care (institutional versus foster care) and sensitive adoptive parenting. Although the children were more often insecurely attached than non-adopted children 2 and 6 months after adoption (Times 1 and 2, N = 92), they had similar levels of secure base script knowledge (SBS knowledge) as a non-adopted comparison group at age 10 (Time 3, N = 87). Furthermore, concurrently observed sensitive parenting was positively associated with SBS knowledge. Finally, a significant interaction between type of pre-adoption care and early-childhood sensitive parenting indicated that the post-institutionalized children showed a stronger increase in security than the post-foster children when parents were more sensitive.





