
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We adopt Rapley\'s (2008) concept of distributed decision making to explore the role of the body in people\'s decisions to seek medical care. We conducted in-depth interviews with patients diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AF) who were taking long-term anticoagulants to prevent stroke. We interviewed seventeen patients recruited from English anticoagulant clinics using the biographic-narrative-interpretive method, and conducted thematic, structural and metaphorical analyses. This pluralistic analysis focused on how distributed decision-making was enacted through a range of socio-material, relational and embodied practices. Participants told how they experienced AF-related sensations that fluctuated in intensity and form. Some had no symptoms at all; others experienced sudden incapacitation - these experiences shaped different journeys towards seeking medical help. We draw on work by Mol (2002) to show how the body was differently observed, experienced and done across contexts as the narratives unfolded. We show that as part of a relational assemblage, involving social, material and technological actors over time, a new body-in-need-of-help was enacted and medical help sought. This body-in-need-of-help was collectively discussed, interpreted and experienced through distribution of body parts, fluids and technological representations to shape decisions. RAPLEY T., 2008. Distributed decision making: the anatomy of decisions-in-action. Sociology of Health & Illness, 30, 429-444. MOL A., 2002. The body multiple: ontology in medical practice. Duke University Press: Durham.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), characterized by problems regarding storage and/or voiding of urine, is known to significantly increase with age. Effective communication between the lower urinary tract and the central nervous system (CNS) is essential for the optimal function of this system, and heavily relies on the efficient interaction between the bladder urothelium and the afferent nerve fibers situated in close proximity to the urothelium within the lamina propria.
    METHODS: We aimed to quantify aging-related differences in the expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP, an established marker for sensory nerve fibers) in the trigonal mucosal layers of young (3-4 months) and aged (25-30 months) rats. We evaluated trigonal tissue from 3 animals per age group. Tissue was serially sectioned at 10 μm and stained for CGRP. Images were taken along the full length of the tissue. For each image we computed the total CGRP-positive area (μm2) and the median value for each animal was used for further analysis.
    RESULTS: Upon statistical analysis the aged rats show a significantly lower CGRP-positive area compared to young rats (P=0.0049). These results indicate that aging has a negative effect on the area of CGRP-positive signal in the trigone.
    CONCLUSIONS: The structural and functional integrity of the sensory web in the trigonum of rats is negatively affected by the aging process, potentially leading to impaired communication between the bladder urothelium the CNS. Consequently, these perturbations in the sensory system may contribute to the pathogenesis or exacerbation LUTS.






  • 文章类型: Editorial
    This special issue explores the evolving landscape of medical semiotics of conventional biomedicine. With expansion we refer to the range of phenomena considered signs or symptoms of underlying disease, but also the growing anthropological attention to the medical sign system in ways which reach beyond classic semiotic analysis. The articles testify to the expansion in terms of empirical foci and theoretical contributions. As part of the introduction, we discuss three modes of reading symptoms within medical anthropology: the hermeneutic, material, and critical readings, all highlighting the crucial role of medical anthropology in understanding the biosocial and cultural dimensions of medical semiotics.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    Objective. Selective neuromodulation of deep brain regions has for a long time only been possible through invasive approaches, because of the steep depth-focality trade-off of conventional non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques.Approach. An approach that has recently emerged for deep NIBS in humans is transcranial Temporal Interference Stimulation (tTIS). However, a crucial aspect for its potential wide use is to ensure that it is tolerable, compatible with efficient blinding and safe.Main results. Here, we show the favorable tolerability and safety profiles and the robust blinding efficiency of deep tTIS targeting the striatum or hippocampus by leveraging a large dataset (119 participants, 257 sessions), including young and older adults and patients with traumatic brain injury. tTIS-evoked sensations were generally rated as \'mild\', were equivalent in active and placebo tTIS conditions and did not enable participants to discern stimulation type.Significance. Overall, tTIS emerges as a promising tool for deep NIBS for robust double-blind, placebo-controlled designs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensory responses dynamically change while eating foods. Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) methods record temporal evolution and have attracted attention in the last decade. ISO 13299 recommends that different levels of attributes are investigated in separate TDS trials. However, only a few studies have attempted to link the dynamics of two different levels of sensory attributes. We propose a method to link the concurrent values of dominance proportions for primary- and multi-sensory attributes using canonical correlation analysis. First, panels categorized several attributes into primary- and multi-sensory attributes. Primary-sensory attributes included sweet, sour, fruity, green, watery, juicy, aromatic, and light. Multi-sensory attributes included refreshing, fresh, pleasurable, rich/deep, ripe, and mild. We applied the TDS methods to strawberries using these two categories of attributes. The obtained canonical correlation model reasonably represented the relationship between the sensations in a reductive manner using five latent variables. The latent variables couple multiple primary- and multi-sensory responses that covary. Hence, the latent variables suggest key components to comprehend food intake experiences. We further compared the model based on the dominance proportions and the time-derivatives of the dominance proportions. We found that the former model was better in terms of the ease of interpreting the canonical variables and the degree to which the canonical variables explain the dominance proportions. Thus, these models help understand and leverage the sensory values of food products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People living with cerebral palsy (CP) exhibit motor and sensory impairments that affect unimanual and bimanual functions. The importance of sensory functions for motor control is well known, but the association between motor and sensory functions remains unclear in people living with CP. The objective of this systematic review was to characterize the relationship between sensory deficits and upper limb motor function in individuals living with CP.
    METHODS: Five databases were screened. The inclusion criteria were: (1) including people living with CP, (2) reporting measurements of upper limb motor and sensory functions. A qualitative analysis of the studies\' level of evidence was done.
    RESULTS: Thirty-three articles were included. Twenty-five articles evaluated tactile functions, 10 proprioceptive functions and 7 visual functions; 31 of the articles reported on unimanual functions and 17 of them reported on bimanual functions. Tactile functions showed a moderate to high association; it was not possible to reach definitive conclusions for proprioceptive and visual functions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The heterogeneity of the results limits the ability to draw definitive conclusions. Further studies should aim to perform more comprehensive assessments of motor and sensory functions, to determine the relative contribution of various sensory modalities to simple and more complex motor functions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between the physiological data from subjects and their reported sensory experiences during two types of recovery methods following a handball training session. Female handball players (average age: 21.4 ± 1.3 years; weight: 59.2 ± 3.3 kg; height: 158 ± 3 cm; body mass index, 23.4 ± 2.0 kg.m-2) carried out an athletic training session (rating of perceived exertion RPE: 14.70 ± 0.89) with either a passive recovery (PR) period or cold water immersion (CWI) for 14 min) (cross-over design). Physiological data were collected during the recovery period: CWI had a greater effect than PR on heart rate (HR; bpm), the higher frequencies (HF) of heart rate variability (HRV: 46.44 ± 21.50 vs. 24.12 ± 17.62), delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS: 1.37 ± 0.51 vs. 2.12 ± 1.25), and various reported emotional sensations. Spectrum HRV analysis showed a significant increase in HF during CWI. Sensorial experiences during the recovery periods were gathered from verbatim reports 24 h later. Players\' comments about CWI revealed a congruence between the physiological data and sensorial reports. They used words such as: \"thermal shock,\" \"regeneration,\" \"resourcefulness,\" \"dynamism,\" and \"disappearance of pain\" to describe their sensations. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the link between physiological and experiential data during CWI and we propose that action of the parasympathetic system on the autonomic nervous system can, at least in part, explain the observed correlations between the corporeal data measured and the sensorial experiences reported.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thirst motivates consumption of water necessary for optimal health and cognitive-physiological functions. Other than thirst, little is known about coexisting perceptions and moods that provide information to the brain and participate in body water homeostasis. The purpose of this investigation was to observe perceptions, somatic sensations, and moods during controlled changes of hydration status. During routine daily activities interspersed with laboratory visits, 18 healthy young men (age, 23±3 y; body mass, 80.13±10.61 kg) self-reported hourly ratings (visual analog scales, VAS) of 17 subjective perceptions, across two 24-h periods (ad libitum food and water intake while euhydrated; water restriction with dry food intake [WR]) and during a 30-min rehydration session (R30, 1.46±0.47 L water intake). At the end of WR, body mass loss reached 1.67 kg (2.12%). Distinct perceptions were identified during euhydration, WR and immediately after R30. Starting approximately 4 h after WR began (body mass loss of ∼0.5%), perceptual changes included progressively intensifying ratings of thirst, mouth dryness, desire for water, and pleasantness of drinking. In comparison, immediately after R30, participants reported a reversal of the perceptions observed during WR (above) plus cooler thermal sensation, increased satisfaction, and stomach fullness. These VAS ratings suggested that aversive moods contributed to drinking behavior and supported previously published animal studies. In conclusion, this investigation delineates previously unreported perceptions and their evolution (e.g., appearance, extinction, time course) that motivated drinking during WR and discouraged overdrinking after R30.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nocturia is the number of times urine is passed during main sleep. This definition tells us that it is a need to void; it does not tell us what triggers it. The aim of this study is to report bladder sensations that wake up women with nocturia (N). Descriptions of sensations in relation to various overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms, most bothersome symptoms, urinary incontinence (UI) and urodynamic findings are examined.
    A prospective study of women > 18 years old presenting with OAB and nocturia. Data collected included presenting and most bothersome symptoms, descriptions of bladder sensations associated with nocturia, number of frequency and nocturia episodes, nighttime UI and urodynamic findings.
    One hundred fifty women were recruited with mean age 52 years, mean duration of symptoms 10.5 months and mean number of nocturia episodes 4.5. All women reported multiple presenting and bothersome symptoms. Fifty-five per cent had detrusor overactivity (DO). \"Multiple\" and \"more intense\" bladder sensation descriptions of nocturia were associated with advanced age, more frequent nighttime UI, when nocturia was considered most bothersome and in the presence of DO. The most frequent single description was \"strong desire to void\". The most frequently used combination was \"strong desire to void, sudden compelling desire to void, bladder pain and full bladder\".
    Descriptions of bladder sensations associated with nocturia in women with OAB were diverse and overlapping. It is important to report clinically and in research why patients have nocturia as this will have bearing on its treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Programs for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) such as sleeping sickness increasingly involve patients and community workers in syndromic case detection with little exploration of patient understandings of symptoms. Drawing on concepts from sensorial anthropology, I investigate peoples\' experiences of sleeping sickness in South Sudan. People here sense the disease through discourses about four symptoms (pain, sleepiness, confusion and hunger) using biomedical and ethnophysiological concepts and sensations of risk in the post-conflict environment. When identified together, the symptoms interlock as a complete disease, prompting people to seek hospital-based care. Such local forms of sense-making enable diagnosis and help control programs function.





