selective autophagy

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective autophagy is a protein clearance mechanism mediated by evolutionarily conserved selective autophagy receptors (SARs), which specifically degrades misfolded, misassembled, or metabolically regulated proteins. SARs help the host to suppress viral infections by degrading viral proteins. However, viruses have evolved sophisticated mechanisms to counteract, evade, or co-opt autophagic processes, thereby facilitating viral replication. Therefore, this review aims to summarize the complex mechanisms of SARs involved in viral infections, specifically focusing on how viruses exploit strategies to regulate selective autophagy. We present an updated understanding of the various critical roles of SARs in viral pathogenesis. Furthermore, newly discovered evasion strategies employed by viruses are discussed and the ubiquitination-autophagy-innate immune regulatory axis is proposed to be a crucial pathway to control viral infections. This review highlights the remarkable flexibility and plasticity of SARs in viral infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective macroautophagy/autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum, known as reticulophagy/ER-phagy, is essential to maintain ER homeostasis. We recently showed that members of the autophagy receptor family RETREG/FAM134 are regulated by phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination. In an unbiased screen we had identified several kinases downstream of MTOR with profound impact on reticulophagy flux, including ATR and CSNK2/CK2. Inhibition of CSNK2 by SGC-CK2-1 prevented regulatory ubiquitination of RETREG1/FAM134B and RETREG3/FAM134C upon autophagy activation as well as the formation of high-density RETREG1- and RETREG3-clusters. Here we report on additional resource data of global proteomics upon CSNK2 and ATR inhibition, respectively. Our data suggests that the function of CSNK2 is mainly limited to the ER/reticulophagy and Golgi/Golgiphagy, while ATR inhibition by VE-822 affects the vast majority of organelles/selective autophagy pathways.Abbreviation: ATRi: ATR inhibitor VE-822; CSNK2i: CSNK2 inhibitor SGC-CK2-1; ER: endoplasmic reticulum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Selective macroautophagy/autophagy in metazoans involves the conserved receptors NBR1 and SQSTM1/p62. Both autophagy receptors manage ubiquitinated cargo recognition, while SQSTM1 has an additional, distinct role of facilitating liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) during autophagy. Given that plants lack SQSTM1, it is postulated that plant NBR1 may combine activities of both metazoan NBR1 and SQSTM1. However, the precise mechanism by which plant NBR1 recognizes non-ubiquitinated substrates and its ability to undergo LLPS during selective autophagy remain elusive. Here, we implicate both the ZZ-type zinc finger motif and the four-tryptophan domain of Arabidopsis NBR1 (AtNBR1) in the recognition of non-ubiquitinated cargo proteins. Additionally, we reveal that AtNBR1 indeed undergoes LLPS prior to ATG8-mediated autophagosome formation, crucial for heat stress resistance in Arabidopsis. Our findings unveil the dual roles of AtNBR1 in both cargo recognition and LLPS during plant autophagy and advance our understanding of NBR1-mediated autophagy in plants compared to metazoans.Abbreviations: ATG8: autophagy 8; Co-IP: co-immunoprecipitation; EXO70E2: exocyst subunit EXO70 family protein E2; FRAP: fluorescence recovery after photobleaching; FW domain: four-tryptophan domain; GFP: green fluorescent protein; HS: heat stress; LLPS: liquid-liquid phase separation; LIR: LC3-interacting region; NBR1: next to BRCA1 gene 1; PAS: phagophore assembly site; PB1 domain: Phox and Bem1 domain; RFP: red fluorescent protein; ROF1: rotamase FKBP 1; SARs: selective autophagy receptors; UBA domain: ubiquitin-associated domain; Y2H: yeast two-hybrid; ZZ domain: ZZ-type zinc finger motif domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rabies virus causes an estimated 59,000 annual fatalities worldwide and promising therapeutic treatments are necessary to develop. In this study, affinity tag-purification mass spectrometry was employed to delineate RABV glycoprotein and host protein interactions, and PDIA3/ERP57 was identified as a potential inhibitor of RABV infection. PDIA3 restricted RABV infection with follow mechanisms: PDIA3 mediated the degradation of RABV G protein by targeting lysine 332 via the selective macroautophagy/autophagy pathway; The PDIA3 interactor, AP3B1 (adaptor related protein complex 3 subunit beta 1) was indispensable in PDIA3-triggered selective degradation of the G protein; Furthermore, PDIA3 competitively bound with NCAM1/NCAM (neural cell adhesion molecule 1) to block RABV G, hindering viral entry into host cells. PDIA3 190-199 aa residues bound to the RABV G protein were necessary and sufficient to defend against RABV. These results demonstrated the therapeutic potential of biologics that target PDIA3 or utilize PDIA3 190-199 aa peptide to treat clinical rabies.Abbreviation: aa: amino acids; ANXA2: annexin A2; AP-MS: affinity tag purification-mass spectrometry; AP3B1: adaptor related protein complex 3 subunit beta 1; ATP6V1A: ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit A; ATP6V1H: ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit H; BafA1: bafilomycin A1; CHX: cycloheximide; co-IP: co-immunoprecipitation; DDX17: DEAD-box helicase 17; DmERp60: drosophila melanogaster endoplasmic reticulum p60; EBOV: Zaire ebolavirus virus; EV: empty vector; GANAB: glucosidase II alpha subunit; G protein: glycoprotein; GRM2/mGluR2: glutamate metabotropic receptor 2; HsPDIA3: homo sapiens protein disulfide isomerase family A member 3; IAV: influenza virus; ILF2: interleukin enhancer binding factor 2; KO: knockout; MAGT1: magnesium transporter 1; MAP1LC3/LC3: microtubule associated protein 1 light chain 3; MmPDIA3: mus musculus protein disulfide isomerase associated 3; NCAM1/NCAM: neural cell adhesion molecule 1; NGFR/p75NTR: nerve growth factor receptor; NGLY1: N-glycanase 1; OTUD4: OTU deubiquitinase 4; PDI: protein disulfide isomerase; PPIs: protein-protein interactions; RABV: rabies virus; RUVBL2: RuvB like AAA ATPase 2; SCAMP3: secretory carrier membrane protein 3; ScPdi1: Saccharomyces cerevisiae s288c protein disulfide isomerase 1; SLC25A6: solute carrier family 25 member 6; SQSTM1/p62: sequestosome 1; VSV: vesicular stomatitis virus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Macroautophagy/autophagy plays a crucial role in inhibiting viral replication and regulating the host\'s immune response. The autophagy receptor SQSTM1/p62 (sequestosome 1) restricts viral replication by directing specific viral proteins to phagophores for degradation. In this study, we investigate the reciprocal relationship between Zika virus (ZIKV) and selective autophagy mediated by SQSTM1/p62. We show that NS2B3 protease encoded by ZIKV cleaves human SQSTM1/p62 at arginine 265 (R265). This cleavage also occurs with endogenous SQSTM1 in ZIKV-infected cells. Furthermore, overexpression of SQSTM1 inhibits ZIKV replication in A549 cells, while its absence increases viral titer. We have also shown that SQSTM1 impedes ZIKV replication by interacting with NS3 and NS5 and directing them to autophagic degradation, and that NS2B3-mediated cleavage could potentially alter this antiviral function of SQSTM1. Taken together, our study highlights the role of SQSTM1-mediated selective autophagy in the host\'s antiviral defense against ZIKV and uncovers potential viral evasion strategies that exploit the host\'s autophagic machinery to ensure successful infection.Abbreviation: Cas9: CRISPR-associated protein 9; Co-IP: co-immunoprecipitation; CRISPR: clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats; DENV: dengue virus; GFP: green fluorescent protein; IFA: indirect immunofluorescence assay; KIR: KEAP1-interacting region; KO: knockout; LIR: MAP1LC3/LC3-interacting region; mAb: monoclonal antibody; NBR1: NBR1 autophagy cargo receptor; OPTN: optineurin; pAb: polyclonal antibody; PB1: Phox/BEM1 domain; R265A, a SQSTM1 construct with the arginine (R) residue at position 265 replaced with glutamic acid (A); SQSTM1: sequestosome 1; SQSTM1-C, C-terminal fragment of SQSTM1; SQSTM1-N, N-terminal fragment of SQSTM1; SVV: Seneca Valley virus; TAX1BP1: Tax1 binding protein 1; TBD: TRAF6-binding domain; TCID50: 50% tissue culture infective dose; UBA: ubiquitin-associated domain; Ub: ubiquitin; WT: wild type; ZIKV: Zika virus; ZZ: ZZ-type zinc finger domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    p62 bodies are ubiquitin-positive cytoplasmic condensates formed by liquid-liquid phase separation. They are targeted by selective autophagy and play important roles in intracellular quality control and stress responses. However, little is known about their constituents. In this chapter, we describe a method for purifying p62 bodies using fluorescence-activated particle sorting. This method contributes to the identification of novel components of p62 bodies under various physiological and stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria-targeted Keima (mt-Keima) is a pH-sensitive, acid-stable fluorescent protein used for the quantification of mitophagy. Mt-Keima contains a mitochondrial matrix targeting sequence and has bimodal excitation with peaks at 440 nM in neutral environments and 586 nM in acidic environments. From this bimodal excitation, a ratiometric signal may be calculated to quantify mitophagy in live cells. This chapter describes procedures for measuring mitophagy by flow cytometry and live cell confocal microscopy with mt-Keima.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) serves as a central hub for protein synthesis, folding, and lipid biosynthesis in eukaryotic cells. Maintaining ER homeostasis is essential for optimal cellular function, and one mechanism that has garnered attention is endoplasmic reticulum-specific autophagy, or ER-phagy. ER-phagy selectively removes specific ER portions, playing a pivotal role in cellular health and adaptation to environmental stressors. ER-phagy can be induced by diverse cellular conditions such as amino acid starvation, disruption of ER quality control mechanisms, and accumulation of misfolded ER protein, highlighting cellular adaptability and the significance of ER-phagy in stress responses. Clinically relevant mutations in ER-phagy receptors are implicated in various diseases, underlining the fundamental importance of ER-phagy in ER homeostasis. Here, we provide comprehensive protocols and general considerations while investigating ER-phagy using three fundamental techniques-Western blotting, immunofluorescence, and flow cytometry-commonly used in ER-phagy detection and quantitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a significant issue in public health, displaying a high occurrence rate and mortality rate. Ferroptosis, a form of programmed cell death (PCD), is characterized by iron accumulation and intensified lipid peroxidation. Recent studies have demonstrated the pivotal significance of ferroptosis in AKI caused by diverse stimuli, including ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), sepsis and toxins. Autophagy, a multistep process that targets damaged organelles and macromolecules for degradation and recycling, also plays an essential role in AKI. Previous research has demonstrated that autophagy deletion in proximal tubules could aggravate tubular injury and renal function loss, indicating the protective function of autophagy in AKI. Consequently, finding ways to stimulate autophagy has become a crucial therapeutic strategy. The recent discovery of the role of selective autophagy in influencing ferroptosis has identified new therapeutic targets for AKI and has highlighted the importance of understanding the cross-talk between autophagy and ferroptosis. This study aims to provide an overview of the signaling pathways involved in ferroptosis and autophagy, focusing on the mechanisms and functions of selective autophagy and autophagy-dependent ferroptosis. We hope to establish a foundation for future investigations into the interaction between autophagy and ferroptosis in AKI as well as other diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii)-associated polymorphic effector proteins are crucial in parasite development and regulating host anti-T. gondii immune responses. However, the mechanism remains obscure. Here, it is shown that Toxoplasma effector dense granules 4 (GRA4) restricts host IFN-I activation. Infection with Δgra4 mutant T. gondii strain induces stronger IFN-I responses and poses a severe threat to host health. Mechanistically, GRA4 binds to phosphorylated TBK1 to promote TRIM27-catalyzed K48-ubiquitination at Lys251/Lys372 residues, which enhances its recognition by autophagy receptor p62, ultimately leading to TBK1 autophagic degradation. Furthermore, an avirulent Δgra4 strain (ME49Δompdc/gra4) is constructed for tumor immunotherapy due to its ability to enhance IFN-I production. Earlier vaccination with ME49Δompdc/gra4 confers complete host resistance to the tumor compared with the classical ME49Δompdc treatment. Notably, ME49Δompdc/gra4 vaccination induces a specific CD64+MAR-1+CD11b+ dendritic cell subset, thereby enhancing T cell anti-tumor responses. Overall, these findings identify the negative role of T. gondii GRA4 in modulating host IFN-I signaling and suggest that GRA4 can be a potential target for the development of T. gondii vaccines and tumor immunotherapy.





