seizure forecasting

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wearable devices have attracted significant attention in epilepsy research in recent years for their potential to enhance patient care through improved seizure monitoring and forecasting. This narrative review presents a detailed overview of the current clinical state of the art while addressing how devices that assess autonomic nervous system (ANS) function reflect seizures and central nervous system (CNS) state changes. This includes a description of the interactions between the CNS and the ANS, including physiological and epilepsy-related changes affecting their dynamics. We first discuss technical aspects of measuring autonomic biosignals and considerations for using ANS sensors in clinical practice. We then review recent seizure detection and seizure forecasting studies, highlighting their performance and capability for seizure detection and forecasting using devices measuring ANS biomarkers. Finally, we address the field\'s challenges and provide an outlook for future developments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to develop a machine learning algorithm using an off-the-shelf digital watch, the Samsung watch (SM-R800), and evaluate its effectiveness for the detection of generalized convulsive seizures (GCS) in persons with epilepsy.
    METHODS: This multisite epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) phase 2 study included 36 adult patients. Each patient wore a Samsung watch that contained accelerometer, gyroscope, and photoplethysmographic sensors. Sixty-eight time and frequency domain features were extracted from the sensor data and were used to train a random forest algorithm. A testing framework was developed that would better reflect the EMU setting, consisting of (1) leave-one-patient-out cross-validation (LOPO CV) on GCS patients, (2) false alarm rate (FAR) testing on nonseizure patients, and (3) \"fixed-and-frozen\" prospective testing on a prospective patient cohort. Balanced accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and FAR were used to quantify the performance of the algorithm. Seizure onsets and offsets were determined by using video-electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring. Feature importance was calculated as the mean decrease in Gini impurity during the LOPO CV testing.
    RESULTS: LOPO CV results showed balanced accuracy of .93 (95% confidence interval [CI] = .8-.98), precision of .68 (95% CI = .46-.85), sensitivity of .87 (95% CI = .62-.96), and FAR of .21/24 h (interquartile range [IQR] = 0-.90). Testing the algorithm on patients without seizure resulted in an FAR of .28/24 h (IQR = 0-.61). During the \"fixed-and-frozen\" prospective testing, two patients had three GCS, which were detected by the algorithm, while generating an FAR of .25/24 h (IQR = 0-.89). Feature importance showed that heart rate-based features outperformed accelerometer/gyroscope-based features.
    CONCLUSIONS: Commercially available wearable digital watches that reliably detect GCS, with minimum false alarm rates, may overcome usage adoption and other limitations of custom-built devices. Contingent on the outcomes of a prospective phase 3 study, such devices have the potential to provide non-EEG-based seizure surveillance and forecasting in the clinical setting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Recently, a deep learning artificial intelligence (AI) model forecasted seizure risk using retrospective seizure diaries with higher accuracy than random forecasts. The present study sought to prospectively evaluate the same algorithm.
    METHODS: We recruited a prospective cohort of 46 people with epilepsy; 25 completed sufficient data entry for analysis (median = 5 months). We used the same AI method as in our prior study. Group-level and individual-level Brier Skill Scores (BSSs) compared random forecasts and simple moving average forecasts to the AI.
    RESULTS: The AI had an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of .82. At the group level, the AI outperformed random forecasting (BSS = .53). At the individual level, AI outperformed random in 28% of cases. At the group and individual level, the moving average outperformed the AI. If pre-enrollment (nonverified) diaries (with presumed underreporting) were included, the AI significantly outperformed both comparators. Surveys showed most did not mind poor-quality LOW-RISK or HIGH-RISK forecasts, yet 91% wanted access to these forecasts.
    CONCLUSIONS: The previously developed AI forecasting tool did not outperform a very simple moving average forecasting in this prospective cohort, suggesting that the AI model should be replaced.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Predicting seizure likelihood for the following day would enable clinicians to extend or potentially schedule video-electroencephalography (EEG) monitoring when seizure risk is high. Combining standardized clinical data with short-term recordings of wearables to predict seizure likelihood could have high practical relevance as wearable data is easy and fast to collect. As a first step toward seizure forecasting, we classified patients based on whether they had seizures or not during the following recording.
    METHODS: Pediatric patients admitted to the epilepsy monitoring unit wore a wearable that recorded the heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV), electrodermal activity (EDA), and peripheral body temperature. We utilized short recordings from 9:00 to 9:15 pm and compared mean values between patients with and without impending seizures. In addition, we collected clinical data: age, sex, age at first seizure, generalized slowing, focal slowing, and spikes on EEG, magnetic resonance imaging findings, and antiseizure medication reduction. We used conventional machine learning techniques with cross-validation to classify patients with and without impending seizures.
    RESULTS: We included 139 patients: 78 had no seizures and 61 had at least one seizure after 9 pm during the concurrent video-EEG and E4 recordings. HR (P < 0.01) and EDA (P < 0.01) were lower and HRV (P = 0.02) was higher for patients with than for patients without impending seizures. The average accuracy of group classification was 66%, and the mean area under the receiver operating characteristics was 0.72.
    CONCLUSIONS: Short-term wearable recordings in combination with clinical data have great potential as an easy-to-use seizure likelihood assessment tool.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Seizure risk forecasting could reduce injuries and even deaths in people with epilepsy. There is great interest in using non-invasive wearable devices to generate forecasts of seizure risk. Forecasts based on cycles of epileptic activity, seizure times or heart rate have provided promising forecasting results. This study validates a forecasting method using multimodal cycles recorded from wearable devices.
    METHODS: Seizure and heart rate cycles were extracted from 13 participants. The mean period of heart rate data from a smartwatch was 562 days, with a mean of 125 self-reported seizures from a smartphone app. The relationship between seizure onset time and phases of seizure and heart rate cycles was investigated. An additive regression model was used to project heart rate cycles. The results of forecasts using seizure cycles, heart rate cycles, and a combination of both were compared. Forecasting performance was evaluated in 6 of 13 participants in a prospective setting, using long-term data collected after algorithms were developed.
    RESULTS: The results showed that the best forecasts achieved a mean area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) of 0.73 for 9/13 participants showing performance above chance during retrospective validation. Subject-specific forecasts evaluated with prospective data showed a mean AUC of 0.77 with 4/6 participants showing performance above chance.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study demonstrate that cycles detected from multimodal data can be combined within a single, scalable seizure risk forecasting algorithm to provide robust performance. The presented forecasting method enabled seizure risk to be estimated for an arbitrary future period and could be generalised across a range of data types. In contrast to earlier work, the current study evaluated forecasts prospectively, in subjects blinded to their seizure risk outputs, representing a critical step towards clinical applications.
    BACKGROUND: This study was funded by an Australian Government National Health & Medical Research Council and BioMedTech Horizons grant. The study also received support from the Epilepsy Foundation of America\'s \'My Seizure Gauge\' grant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Previous studies suggested that patients with epilepsy might be able to forecast their own seizures. This study aimed to assess the relationships between premonitory symptoms, perceived seizure risk, and future and recent self-reported and electroencephalographically (EEG)-confirmed seizures in ambulatory patients with epilepsy in their natural home environments.
    Long-term e-surveys were collected from patients with and without concurrent EEG recordings. Information obtained from the e-surveys included medication adherence, sleep quality, mood, stress, perceived seizure risk, and seizure occurrences preceding the survey. EEG seizures were identified. Univariate and multivariate generalized linear mixed-effect regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (ORs) for the assessment of the relationships. Results were compared with the seizure forecasting classifiers and device forecasting literature using a mathematical formula converting OR to equivalent area under the curve (AUC).
    Fifty-four subjects returned 10 269 e-survey entries, with four subjects acquiring concurrent EEG recordings. Univariate analysis revealed that increased stress (OR = 2.01, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.12-3.61, AUC = .61, p = .02) was associated with increased relative odds of future self-reported seizures. Multivariate analysis showed that previous self-reported seizures (OR = 5.37, 95% CI = 3.53-8.16, AUC = .76, p < .001) were most strongly associated with future self-reported seizures, and high perceived seizure risk (OR = 3.34, 95% CI = 1.87-5.95, AUC = .69, p < .001) remained significant when prior self-reported seizures were added to the model. No correlation with medication adherence was found. No significant association was found between e-survey responses and subsequent EEG seizures.
    Our results suggest that patients may tend to self-forecast seizures that occur in sequential groupings and that low mood and increased stress may be the result of previous seizures rather than independent premonitory symptoms. Patients in the small cohort with concurrent EEG showed no ability to self-predict EEG seizures. The conversion from OR to AUC values facilitates direct comparison of performance between survey and device studies involving survey premonition and forecasting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The factors that influence seizure timing are poorly understood, and seizure unpredictability remains a major cause of disability. Work in chronobiology has shown that cyclical physiological phenomena are ubiquitous, with daily and multiday cycles evident in immune, endocrine, metabolic, neurological, and cardiovascular function. Additionally, work with chronic brain recordings has identified that seizure risk is linked to daily and multiday cycles in brain activity. Here, we provide the first characterization of the relationships between the cyclical modulation of a diverse set of physiological signals, brain activity, and seizure timing.
    In this cohort study, 14 subjects underwent chronic ambulatory monitoring with a multimodal wrist-worn sensor (recording heart rate, accelerometry, electrodermal activity, and temperature) and an implanted responsive neurostimulation system (recording interictal epileptiform abnormalities and electrographic seizures). Wavelet and filter-Hilbert spectral analyses characterized circadian and multiday cycles in brain and wearable recordings. Circular statistics assessed electrographic seizure timing and cycles in physiology.
    Ten subjects met inclusion criteria. The mean recording duration was 232 days. Seven subjects had reliable electroencephalographic seizure detections (mean = 76 seizures). Multiday cycles were present in all wearable device signals across all subjects. Seizure timing was phase locked to multiday cycles in five (temperature), four (heart rate, phasic electrodermal activity), and three (accelerometry, heart rate variability, tonic electrodermal activity) subjects. Notably, after regression of behavioral covariates from heart rate, six of seven subjects had seizure phase locking to the residual heart rate signal.
    Seizure timing is associated with daily and multiday cycles in multiple physiological processes. Chronic multimodal wearable device recordings can situate rare paroxysmal events, like seizures, within a broader chronobiology context of the individual. Wearable devices may advance the understanding of factors that influence seizure risk and enable personalized time-varying approaches to epilepsy care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: While it is known that poor sleep is a seizure precipitant, this association remains poorly quantified. This study investigated whether seizures are preceded by significant changes in sleep efficiency as measured by a wearable equipped with an electrocardiogram, respiratory bands, and an accelerometer.
    UNASSIGNED: Nocturnal recordings from 47 people with epilepsy hospitalized at our epilepsy monitoring unit were analyzed (304 nights). Sleep metrics during nights followed by epileptic seizures (24 h post-awakening) were compared to those of nights which were not.
    UNASSIGNED: Lower sleep efficiency (percentage of sleep during the night) was found in the nights preceding seizure days (p < 0.05). Each standard deviation decrease in sleep efficiency and increase in wake after sleep onset was respectively associated with a 1.25-fold (95 % CI: 1.05 to 1.42, p < 0.05) and 1.49-fold (95 % CI: 1.17 to 1.92, p < 0.01) increased odds of seizure occurrence the following day. Furthermore, nocturnal seizures were associated with significantly lower sleep efficiency and higher wake after sleep onset (p < 0.05), as well as increased odds of seizure occurrence following wake (OR: 5.86, 95 % CI: 2.99 to 11.77, p < 0.001).
    UNASSIGNED: Findings indicate lower sleep efficiency during nights preceding seizures, suggesting that wearable sensors could be promising tools for sleep-based seizure-day forecasting in people with epilepsy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objectives.People with refractory epilepsy are overwhelmed by the uncertainty of their next seizures. Accurate prediction of future seizures could greatly improve the quality of life for these patients. New evidence suggests that seizure occurrences can have cyclical patterns for some patients. Even though these cyclicalities are not intuitive, they can be identified by machine learning (ML), to identify patients with predictable vs unpredictable seizure patterns.Approach.Self-reported seizure logs of 153 patients from the Human Epilepsy Project with more than three reported seizures (totaling 8337 seizures) were used to obtain inter-seizure interval time-series for training and evaluation of the forecasting models. Two classes of prediction methods were studied: (1) statistical approaches using Bayesian fusion of population-wise and individual-wise seizure patterns; and (2) ML-based algorithms including least squares, least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, support vector machine (SVM) regression, and long short-term memory regression. Leave-one-person-out cross-validation was used for training and evaluation, by training on seizure diaries of all except one subject and testing on the left-out subject.Main results.The leading forecasting models were the SVM regression and a statistical model that combined the median of population-wise seizure time-intervals with a test subject\'s prior seizure intervals. SVM was able to forecast 50%, 70%, 81%, 84%, and 87% of seizures of unseen subjects within 0, 1, 2, 3 to 4 d of mean absolute forecasting error, respectively. The subject-wise performances show that patients with more frequent seizures were generally better predicted.Significance.ML models can leverage non-random patterns within self-reported seizure diaries to forecast future seizures. While diary-based seizure forecasting alone is only one of many aspects of clinical care of patients with epilepsy, studying the level of predictability across seizures and patients paves the path towards a better understanding of predictable vs unpredictable seizures on individualized and population-wise bases.





