seed production

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marginal populations usually have low densities and are considered to be particularly vulnerable to environmental stochasticity. Using data collected in nest boxes, we analyzed the breeding performance of the edible dormouse (Glis glis), an obligate hibernating rodent and a seed predator in deciduous forests, in two populations at the distribution range\'s edge. Despite being only 20 km apart from each other, Montseny is a large patch of mixed deciduous forests (oaks and beech), whereas Montnegre would be the harshest habitat, that is, a small, isolated patch with only oaks. First, we studied the differences in climate and tree cover change in the two populations. Second, we analyzed the direct and indirect roles of local climate conditions and seed availability on breeding performance over 10 years in each population. Finally, we explored the influence of tree cover change on the occupancy dynamics in the two populations. Our results showed contrasting responses between populations: in Montseny, asynchronous seed production between oaks and beech precluded skip breeding, and breeding performance increased with seed availability. Furthermore, dormice in Montseny may use pollen production to anticipate the amount of beech nut resources and adjust their breeding effort. Boxes showed higher occupancy and colonization and fewer extinctions in Montseny than in Montnegre, where seed availability did not drive breeding performance. Results from Montnegre suggest that skip breeding was an adaptive response to a more pulsed, harsher environment. Here, females produced a similar number of pups than at Montseny. Long-term studies dealing with population responses in marginal habitats can lead to a deeper understanding of the capacities of organisms to adapt to harsh environments. Although local adaptation is frequently documented across various taxa, studies at the distribution edge may shed light on our still limited comprehension of the underlying mechanisms responsible for its occurrence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial synchrony may be tail-dependent, meaning it is stronger for peaks rather than troughs, or vice versa. High interannual variation in seed production in perennial plants, called masting, can be synchronized at subcontinental scales, triggering extensive resource pulses or famines. We used data from 99 populations of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) to examine whether masting synchrony differs between mast peaks and years of seed scarcity. Our results revealed that seed scarcity occurs simultaneously across the majority of the species range, extending to populations separated by distances up to 1800 km. Mast peaks were spatially synchronized at distances up to 1000 km and synchrony was geographically concentrated in northeastern Europe. Extensive synchrony in the masting lower tail means that famines caused by beech seed scarcity are amplified by their extensive spatial synchrony, with diverse consequences for food web functioning and climate change biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global forests are increasingly lost to climate change, disturbance, and human management. Evaluating forests\' capacities to regenerate and colonize new habitats has to start with the seed production of individual trees and how it depends on nutrient access. Studies on the linkage between reproduction and foliar nutrients are limited to a few locations and few species, due to the large investment needed for field measurements on both variables. We synthesized tree fecundity estimates from the Masting Inference and Forecasting (MASTIF) network with foliar nutrient concentrations from hyperspectral remote sensing at the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) across the contiguous United States. We evaluated the relationships between seed production and foliar nutrients for 56,544 tree-years from 26 species at individual and community scales. We found a prevalent association between high foliar phosphorous (P) concentration and low individual seed production (ISP) across the continent. Within-species coefficients to nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) are related to species differences in nutrient demand, with distinct biogeographic patterns. Community seed production (CSP) decreased four orders of magnitude from the lowest to the highest foliar P. This first continental-scale study sheds light on the relationship between seed production and foliar nutrients, highlighting the potential of using combined Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) and hyperspectral remote sensing to evaluate forest regeneration. The fact that both ISP and CSP decline in the presence of high foliar P levels has immediate application in improving forest demographic and regeneration models by providing more realistic nutrient effects at multiple scales.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Silkworm seed production is vital for silk farming, requiring precise breeding techniques to optimize yields. In silkworm seed production, precise sex classification is crucial for optimizing breeding and boosting silk yields. A non-destructive approach for sex classification addresses these challenges, offering an efficient alternative that enhances both yield and environmental responsibility. Southern India is a hub for mulberry silk and cocoon farming, with the high-yielding double-hybrid varieties FC1 (foundation cross 1) and FC2 (foundation cross 2) being popular. Traditional methods of silkworm pupae sex classification involve manual sorting by experts, necessitating the cutting of cocoons - a practice with a high risk of damaging the cocoon and affecting yield. To address this issue, this study introduces an accelerated histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature extraction technique that is enhanced by block-level dimensionality reduction. This non-destructive method allows for efficient and accurate silkworm pupae classification. The modified HOG features are then fused with weight features and processed through a machine learning classification model that incorporates recursive feature elimination (RFE). Performance evaluation shows that an RFE-hybridized XGBoost model attained the highest classification accuracy, achieving 97.2% for FC1 and 97.1% for FC2. The model further optimized with a novel teaching learning-based population selection genetic algorithm (TLBPSGA) achieved a remarkable accuracy of 98.5% for FC1 and 98.2% for FC2. These findings have far-reaching implications for improving both the ecological sustainability and economic efficiency of silkworm seed production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The majority of the earth\'s land area is currently occupied by humans. Measuring how terrestrial plants reproduce in these pervasive environments is essential for understanding their long-term viability and their ability to adapt to changing environments.
    METHODS: We conducted hierarchical and phylogenetically-independent meta-analyses to assess the overall effects of anthropogenic land-use changes on pollination, and male and female fitness in terrestrial plants.
    RESULTS: We found negative global effects of land use change (i.e., mainly habitat loss and fragmentation) on pollination and on female and male fitness of terrestrial flowering plants. Negative effects were stronger in plants with self-incompatibility (SI) systems and pollinated by invertebrates, regardless of life form and sexual expression. Pollination and female fitness of pollination generalist and specialist plants were similarly negatively affected by land-use change, whereas male fitness of specialist plants showed no effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that angiosperm populations remaining in fragmented habitats negatively affect pollination, and female and male fitness, which will likely decrease the recruitment, survival, and long-term viability of plant populations remaining in fragmented landscapes. We underline the main current gaps of knowledge for future research agendas and call out not only for a decrease in the current rates of land-use changes across the world but also to embark on active restoration efforts to increase the area and connectivity of remaining natural habitats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change effects on tree reproduction are poorly understood, even though the resilience of populations relies on sufficient regeneration to balance increasing rates of mortality. Forest-forming tree species often mast, i.e. reproduce through synchronised year-to-year variation in seed production, which improves pollination and reduces seed predation. Recent observations in European beech show, however, that current climate change can dampen interannual variation and synchrony of seed production and that this masting breakdown drastically reduces the viability of seed crops. Importantly, it is unclear under which conditions masting breakdown occurs and how widespread breakdown is in this pan-European species. Here, we analysed 50 long-term datasets of population-level seed production, sampled across the distribution of European beech, and identified increasing summer temperatures as the general driver of masting breakdown. Specifically, increases in site-specific mean maximum temperatures during June and July were observed across most of the species range, while the interannual variability of population-level seed production (CVp) decreased. The declines in CVp were greatest, where temperatures increased most rapidly. Additionally, the occurrence of crop failures and low seed years has decreased during the last four decades, signalling altered starvation effects of masting on seed predators. Notably, CVp did not vary among sites according to site mean summer temperature. Instead, masting breakdown occurs in response to warming local temperatures (i.e. increasing relative temperatures), such that the risk is not restricted to populations growing in warm average conditions. As lowered CVp can reduce viable seed production despite the overall increase in seed count, our results warn that a covert mechanism is underway that may hinder the regeneration potential of European beech under climate change, with great potential to alter forest functioning and community dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest diversity is the outcome of multiple species-specific processes and tolerances, from regeneration, growth, competition and mortality of trees. Predicting diversity thus requires a comprehensive understanding of those processes. Regeneration processes have traditionally been overlooked, due to high stochasticity and assumptions that recruitment is not limiting for forests. Thus, we investigated the importance of seed production and seedling survival on forest diversity in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) using a forest gap model (ForClim). Equations for regeneration processes were fit to empirical data and added into the model, followed by simulations where regeneration processes and parameter values varied. Adding regeneration processes into ForClim improved the simulation of species composition, compared to Forest Inventory Analysis data. We also found that seed production was not as important as seedling survival, and the time it took for seedlings to grow into saplings was a critical recruitment parameter for accurately capturing tree species diversity in PNW forest stands. However, our simulations considered historical climate only. Due to the sensitivity of seed production and seedling survival to weather, future climate change may alter seed production or seedling survival and future climate change simulations should include these regeneration processes to predict future forest dynamics in the PNW. This article is part of the theme issue \'Ecological novelty and planetary stewardship: biodiversity dynamics in a transforming biosphere\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Masting (synchronous and interannually variable seed production) is frequently called a reproductive strategy; yet it is unclear whether the reproductive behaviour of individuals has a heritable component. To address this, we used 22 years of annual fruit production data from 110 Sorbus aucuparia L. trees to examine the contributions of genetic factors to the reproductive phenotype of individuals, while controlling for environmental variation. Trees sharing close genetic relationships and experiencing similar habitat conditions exhibited similar levels of reproductive synchrony. Trees of comparable sizes displayed similar levels of year-to-year variation in fruiting, with relatedness contributing to this variation. External factors, such as shading, influenced the time intervals between years with abundant fruit production. The effects of genetic relatedness on the synchrony of reproduction among trees and on interannual variation provide long-awaited evidence that the masting phenotype is heritable, and can respond to natural selection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low glyphosate doses that produce hormesis may alter the susceptibility to herbicides of weeds or enhance their propagation and dispersal. The objective of this work was to evaluate the hormetic effects of glyphosate on the vegetative, phenological and reproductive development in resistant (R) and susceptible (S) Conyza sumatrensis biotypes. The glyphosate resistance level of biotype R was 11.2-fold compared to the S biotype. Glyphosate doses <11.25 g ae ha-1 induced temporary and permanent hormetic effects for the number of leaves, plant height and dry mass accumulation up to 28 d after application in both R and S biotypes. The S biotype required 15-19% fewer thermal units at 1.4 and 2.8 g ae ha-1 glyphosate than untreated plants to reach the bolting stage. Also, this biotype had less thermal units associated with the appearance (1225 vs 1408 units) and opening (1520 vs 1765 units) of the first capitulum than the R biotype. In addition, glyphosate affected reproductive traits of both biotypes compared to their controls, increasing the number of capitulum\'s and seeds per plant up to 37 and 41% (at 2.8 and 0.7 g ae h-1, respectively) in the S biotype, and by 48 and 114% (both at 5.6 g ae ha-1) in the R biotype. Depending on environmental parameters, glyphosate may or may not cause hormetic effects on the vegetative and phenological development of C. sumatrenis biotypes; however, this herbicide increases the speed and fecundity of reproduction, regardless of the glyphosate susceptibility level, which can alter the population dynamics and glyphosate susceptibility of future generations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The clover seed weevil, Tychius picirostris Fabricius, a serious pest of white clover, Trifolium repens L., grown for seed in western Oregon, causing feeding damage to flowers and developing seeds. Since 2017, white clover seed producers have anecdotally reported T. picirostris control failures using foliar pyrethroid insecticide applications. This mode of action (MoA) is an important chemical control option for T. picirostris management. To evaluate insecticide resistance selection to pyrethroids (bifenthrin) and other MoAs labeled for T. picirostris management (malathion and chlorantraniliprole), adult populations were collected from 8 commercial white clover grown for seed fields in the Willamette Valley, OR, in 2022 and 2023. Among collected Oregon populations, very high resistance ratios (RR50 = 178.00-725.67) were observed to technical grade bifenthrin and low to high resistance ratios (RR50 = 7.80-32.80) to malathion in surface contact assays compared to a susceptible Canadian field population. Moreover, >2.73 times the labeled rate of formulated product containing bifenthrin as the sole MoA was required to kill >50% of T. picirostris in topical assays. Synergistic assays with a mixed-function oxidase inhibitor, an esterase inhibitor, and a glutathione-S-transferase inhibitor revealed phase I and II detoxification enzymes are present in Oregon T. picirostris populations and confer metabolic resistance to bifenthrin. This is the first report of T. picirostris insecticide resistance selection to pyrethroid and organophosphate insecticides. Results will inform continued monitoring and insecticide resistance management strategies to slow the evolution of T. picirostris insecticide resistance selection in Oregon\'s white clover seed production.





