secondary contact

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Invasive species are one of the main threats to global biodiversity and, within marine ecosystems, tunicates feature some prominent examples. Styela plicata is an ascidian species inhabiting harbours in all temperate oceans and seas, thus being considered a thriving invasive species. However, this species\' adaptive mechanisms, introduction history, and population structure have never been completely elucidated. Here, by genotyping 87 S. plicata individuals from 18 localities worldwide with 2b-RADseq, we confirm the global presence of four chromosome inversions, demonstrate population structuring on this species, detect local adaptation signals, and infer historical demographic events. We show that North Carolina individuals constitute an unrelated population, Atlanto-Mediterranean and Pacific localities form their own genetic clusters with substructuring, being the most evident the split between northern and southern Atlantic localities. The locality of South Carolina presents an intermediate genetic position between North Carolina and the other two groups pointing to a hybrid origin with recurrent gene flow. We generate and test demographic models, providing evidence of two independent introduction events to the Atlantic and Pacific, and an admixture that originated the population of South Carolina. Finally, we identify candidate loci for adaptation, with functions involved with cell processes, metabolism, development, and ion transport, among others. Overall, this study highlights the complex historical processes of S. plicata, which have led this species to its current distribution, population structure, and local adaptation footprint in oceans worldwide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Range expansion and contraction are among the most common biotic responses to changing environmental conditions, yet much is to be learned about the mechanisms that underlie range-edge population dynamics, especially when those areas are points of secondary contact between closely related species. Here, we present field-measured parentage data that document the reproductive outcomes of changes in mate availability at a secondary contact zone between two species of woodrat in the genus Neotoma. Changes in mate availability resulted from drought-driven differential survival between the species and their hybrids. As the availability of conspecific mates declined, rates of hybridization increased, leading to the accumulation of admixed individuals in the zone of contact. Patterns of reproductive success in the wild appear to be the result of a combination of both pre-mating isolation and post-zygotic selection resulting from genomic incompatibilities between the parental lineages. Evidence of asymmetric mate preference between the parental lineages came from both skewed reproductive output in the field and laboratory preference trials. Moreover, partial genomic incompatibility was evident from the near-zero reproductive success of F1 males and because nearly all surviving hybrids had one pure parent. Nonetheless, high reproductive success of F1 females and backcrossing in both parental directions allow for introgression between the parental species. These findings reveal how climate change may alter evolutionary outcomes for species at the edge of their ranges through an interplay of behavioral, demographic, and genetic mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization between divergent lineages can result in losses of distinct evolutionary taxa. Alternatively, hybridization can lead to increased genetic variability that may fuel local adaptation and the generation of novel traits and/or taxa. Here, we examined single-nucleotide polymorphisms generated using genotyping-by-sequencing in a population of Dolly Varden char (Pisces: Salmonidae) that is highly admixed within a contact zone between two subspecies (Salvelinus malma malma, Northern Dolly Varden [NDV] and S. m. lordi, Southern Dolly Varden [SDV]) in southwestern Alaska to assess the spatial distribution of hybrids and to test hypotheses on the origin of the admixed population. Ancestry analysis revealed that this admixed population is composed of advanced generation hybrids between NDV and SDV or advanced backcrosses to SDV; no F1 hybrids were detected. Coalescent-based demographic modelling supported the origin of this population about 55,000 years ago by secondary contact between NDV and SDV with low levels of contemporary gene flow. Ancestry in NDV and SDV varies within the watershed and ancestry in NDV was positively associated with distance upstream from the sea, contingent on habitat-type sampled, and negatively associated with the number of migrations that individual fish made to the sea. Our results suggest that divergence between subspecies over hundreds of thousands of years may not be associated with significant reproductive isolation, but that elevated diversity owing to hybridization may have contributed to adaptive divergence in habitat use and life history.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent work has revealed the importance of contemporary evolution in shaping ecological outcomes. In particular, rapid evolutionary divergence between populations has been shown to impact the ecology of populations, communities, and ecosystems. While studies have focused largely on the role of adaptive divergence in generating ecologically important variation among populations, much less is known about the role of gene flow in shaping ecological outcomes. After divergence, populations may continue to interact through gene flow, which may influence evolutionary and ecological processes. Here, we investigate the role of gene flow in shaping the contemporary evolution and ecology of recently diverged populations of anadromous steelhead and resident rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Results show that resident rainbow trout introduced above waterfalls have diverged evolutionarily from downstream anadromous steelhead, which were the source of introductions. However, the movement of fish from above to below the waterfalls has facilitated gene flow, which has reshaped genetic and phenotypic variation in the anadromous source population. In particular, gene flow has led to an increased frequency of residency, which in turn has altered population density, size structure, and sex ratio. This result establishes gene flow as a contemporary evolutionary process that can have important ecological outcomes. From a management perspective, anadromous steelhead are generally regarded as a higher conservation priority than resident rainbow trout, even when found within the same watershed. Our results show that anadromous and resident O. mykiss populations may be connected via gene flow, with important ecological consequences. Such eco-evolutionary processes should be considered when managing recently diverged populations connected by gene flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studying hybrid zones that form between morphologically cryptic taxa offers valuable insights into the mechanisms of cryptic speciation and the evolution of reproductive barriers. Although hybrid zones have long been the focus of evolutionary studies, the awareness of cryptic hybrid zones increased recently due to rapidly growing evidence of biological diversity lacking obvious phenotypic differentiation. The characterization of cryptic hybrid zones with genome-wide analysis is in its early stages and offers new perspectives for studying population admixture and thus the impact of gene flow. In this study, we investigate the population genomics of the Myotis nattereri complex in one of its secondary contact zones, where a putative hybrid zone is formed between two of its cryptic lineages. By utilizing a whole-genome shotgun sequencing approach, we aim to characterize this cryptic hybrid zone in detail. Demographic analysis suggests that the cryptic lineages diverged during the Pliocene, c. 3.6 million years ago. Despite this ancient separation, the populations in the contact zone exhibit mitochondrial introgression and a considerable amount of mixing in nuclear genomes. The genomic structure of the populations corresponds to geographic locations and the genomic admixture changes along a geographic gradient. These findings suggest that there is no effective hybridization barrier between both lineages, nevertheless, their population structure is shaped by dispersal barriers. Our findings highlight how such deeply diverged cryptic lineages can still readily hybridize in secondary contact.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybrid zones have been viewed as an opportunity to see speciation in action. When hybrid zones are replicated, it is assumed that if the same genetic incompatibilities are maintaining reproductive isolation across all instances of secondary contact, those incompatibilities should be identifiable by consistent patterns in the genome. In contrast, changes in allele frequencies due to genetic drift should be idiosyncratic for each hybrid zone. To test this assumption, we simulated 20 replicates of each of 12 hybrid zone scenarios with varied genetic incompatibilities, rates of migration, selection and different starting population size ratios of parental species. We found remarkable variability in the outcomes of hybridisation in replicate hybrid zones, particularly with Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities and strong selection. We found substantial differences among replicates in the overall genomic composition of individuals, including admixture proportions, inter-specific ancestry complement and number of ancestry junctions. Additionally, we found substantial variation in genomic clines among replicates at focal loci, regardless of locus-specific selection. We conclude that processes other than selection are responsible for some consistent outcomes of hybridisation, whereas selection on incompatibilities can lead to genomically widespread and highly variable outcomes. We highlight the challenge of mapping between pattern and process in hybrid zones and call attention to how selection against incompatibilities will commonly lead to variable outcomes. We hope that this study informs future research on replicate hybrid zones and encourages further development of statistical techniques, theoretical models and exploration of additional axes of variation to understand reproductive isolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Catastrophic flank collapses are recognized as important drivers of insular biodiversity dynamics, through the disruption of species ranges and subsequent allopatric divergence. However, little empirical data supports this conjecture, with their evolutionary consequences remaining poorly understood. Using genome-wide data within a population genomics and phylogenomics framework, we evaluate how mega-landslides have impacted evolutionary and demographic history within a species complex of weevils (Curculionidae) within the Canary Island of Tenerife. We reveal a complex genomic landscape, within which individuals of single ancestry were sampled in areas characterized by long-term geological stability, relative to the timing of flank collapses. In contrast, individuals of admixed ancestry were almost exclusively sampled within the boundaries of flank collapses. Estimated divergence times among ancestral populations aligned with the timings of mega-landslide events. Our results provide first evidence for a cyclical dynamic of range fragmentation and secondary contact across flank collapse landscapes, with support for a model where this dynamic is mediated by Quaternary climate oscillations. The context within which we reveal climate and topography to interact cyclically through time to shape the geographic structure of genetic variation, together with related recent work, highlights the importance of topoclimatic phenomena as an agent of diversification within insular invertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advances in genomic studies have revealed that hybridization in nature is pervasive and raised questions about the dynamics of different genetic and evolutionary factors following the initial hybridization event. While recent research has proposed that the genomic outcomes of hybridization might be predictable to some extent, many uncertainties remain. With comprehensive whole-genome sequence data, we investigated the genetic introgression between 2 divergent lineages of 9-spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius) in the Baltic Sea. We found that the intensity and direction of selection on the introgressed variation has varied across different genomic elements: while functionally important regions displayed reduced rates of introgression, promoter regions showed enrichment. Despite the general trend of negative selection, we identified specific genomic regions that were enriched for introgressed variants, and within these regions, we detected footprints of selection, indicating adaptive introgression. Geographically, we found the selection against the functional changes to be strongest in the vicinity of the secondary contact zone and weaken as a function of distance from the initial contact. Altogether, the results suggest that the stabilization of introgressed variation in the genomes is a complex, multistage process involving both negative and positive selection. In spite of the predominance of negative selection against introgressed variants, we also found evidence for adaptive introgression variants likely associated with adaptation to Baltic Sea environmental conditions.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    We analyzed the mitochondrial DNA of Gekko hokouensis collected from the Izu Islands (maybe an introduced population) and the Nansei Islands (native population), both in Japan. A molecular phylogenetic analysis suggested that G. hokouensis of Japan belongs to a cryptic monophyletic group different from that of the currently discovered sample of China. Furthermore, the Japanese clade of G. hokouensis is differentiated into two subclades (Clade 1 and Clade 2 in this article). In the Nansei Islands, these two subclades form a complicated nested-distribution pattern and do not coexist on any of the islands, whereas both clades appear to coexist in the Izu Islands. The two clades exhibit high genetic diversity in the Nansei islands, which are the source population. Surprisingly, it has been revealed that high genetic diversity has also been maintained in the Izu Islands, which are the introduced population, in each clade. AMOVA has also revealed that the genetic differentiation between the populations in the Izu Islands and the Nansei Islands was not significant in each clade. These results suggest that the population of the Izu Islands is now in secondary contact between two clades by multiple migrations from various regions of the Nansei Islands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding species boundaries maintenance in the face of hybridization/introgression is an intriguing yet complex topic in evolutionary biology. The underlying mechanisms, however, remain elusive. To address this, we propose to investigate the role of climatic shifts in shaping genetic structure and influencing species boundaries. We combine multilocus genetic data and species distribution modeling to explore how past and current climatic shifts affect the genetic structure and demographic history of two Taiwan endemic gingers, Zingiber pleiostachyum and Z. shuanglongense. We identified a well-delimited genetic structure with evidence of admixture, indicating incomplete reproductive isolation between the two gingers. This is likely due to secondary contact and range overlap during the last glacial maximum, leading to sporadic instances of hybridization. Niche overlap tests based on climate and soil data indicate that these two gingers occupy similar but nonidentical ecological niches. Furthermore, we found that the considerable differences in their current geographic distribution and altitude preferences might have resulted from different seed dispersal capabilities and competitive exclusion due to their similar niche preferences. Our results reveal a model where altitudinal differentiation and dispersal strategy synergistically reinforce the species divergence, thereby illuminating the importance of these factors in shaping and maintaining the island\'s biodiversity.





