scanner data

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We examine the relationship between BMI and food purchase behavior using a unique dataset that links individual-level food purchases to health data. We find that individuals with higher BMI are significantly more sensitive to price changes in vice categories but do not show similar sensitivity in comparable nonvice categories. We rely on past literature that defines and identifies vice categories as those that are tempting and purchased impulsively. We explore the effectiveness of a 10% price increase on vice food categories, a hypothetical policy similar in spirit to a fat tax or sugar tax. We predict that such a tax would substantially reduce consumption of these foods, and would be particularly effective in reducing consumption by individuals with higher BMI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We use Nielsen Homescan data to examine whether the incidence of cigarette taxes on menthol products varies with race. We find that taxes are shifted at significantly lower rates to Black smokers of menthol cigarettes than any other smokers. One possible explanation is that the industry targets price promotions to Black menthol smokers because they tend to be more responsive to cigarette prices relative to other smokers. We find evidence that Black smokers receive significantly more price discounts for menthol products than white menthol smokers. Our findings indicate that increasing cigarette taxes would effectively reduce menthol smoking among Black Americans because tax pass-through rate for Black menthol smokers is still substantially above zero.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The purpose of this study was to provide a detailed framework of wine purchases in supermarkets during the COVID-19 pandemic. The unexpected diffusion of the virus and the restrictions imposed in Italy to prevent its spread have significantly affected the food purchasing habits of consumers. By analyzing the scanner data of the wine sales in the Italian mass market retail channel, this study was intended to show whether and how the dynamics triggered by the pandemic have modified the overall value and type of wine purchases, focusing on prices, formats, and promotional sales. In particular, this study explores sales in two separate periods, namely March-April (the \"lockdown\", with general compulsory closing and severe restrictions) and June-July 2020 (the \"post-lockdown\", in which some limitations were no longer effective). The analysis of wine sales during lockdown and post-lockdown and the study of the variations compared to the sales of the previous years showed some significant changes in purchase behavior. The results could provide managers, researchers, and policy makers with extensive insights into the purchasing patterns of consumers during this unprecedented time and reveal trends that may characterize the structure of the future wine demand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lower diet quality is a leading preventable risk factor for obesity and chronic diseases. This study assesses differences in the nutritional quality of at-home food purchases, using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-2015 and its components, among households with and without a member reporting type 2 diabetes (T2D), cardiovascular disease (CVD), obesity, and/or smoking. We use the 2015 IRI Consumer Network nationally representative household food purchase scanner data, combined with the IRI MedProfiler and the USDA\'s Purchase-to-Plate Crosswalk datasets. For each/multiple condition(s), the difference in mean HEI score adjusted for covariates is tested for equivalence with the respective score against households without any member with the condition(s). The HEI score is higher for households without a member with reported T2D (2.4% higher), CVD (3.2%), obesity (3.3%), none of the three conditions (6.1%, vs. all three conditions), and smoking (10.5%) than for those with a member with the respective condition. Households with a member with T2D score better on the added sugar component than those with no member reporting T2D. We found that the average food purchase quality is lower than the recommended levels, especially for households with at least one member reporting a chronic condition(s).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In recent years, there has been an increased focus on developing a coherent obesity policy in the UK, which has led to various national policy initiatives aimed at improving population diet. We sought to determine whether there have been concurrent changes in trends in the nutrient content of take-home food and beverage purchases within this policy environment.
    UNASSIGNED: We used 2012-2017 data from the UK Kantar Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) panel, a nationally representative panel study of food and beverages bought by British households and brought into the home (n≈32 000 per year). Households used hand-held barcode scanners to report over 225 million product-level purchases of food and beverages, for which nutritional information was obtained. We estimated daily per capita purchases of energy and nutrients from 32 healthier and less healthy food groups defined using the nutrient profiling model used by the UK Department of Health.
    UNASSIGNED: From 2012 to 2017, daily purchases of energy from food and beverages taken home decreased by 35.4 kcal (95% CI 25.5 to 45.2) per capita. This is explained by moderate decreases in the purchase of products with high contents in carbohydrate (-13.1 g (-14.4 to -11.8)) and sugar (-4.4 g (-5.1 to -3.7)), despite small increases in protein (1.7 g (1.4 to 2.1)) and saturated fat (0.4 g (0.2 to 0.6)). Food and beverage purchases exceeded daily reference intake values in fat (on average +6%), saturated fat (+43%), sugar (+16%) and protein (+28%) across all years. Although substitutions between individual food groups were large in energy and nutrients purchased, the heterogeneity of these patterns resulted in modest overall changes.
    UNASSIGNED: There have been small declines in the purchase of less healthy food products, which translated to a small reduction of total energy and sugar purchases taken home. However, the rate of change needs to be accelerated in order to substantially reduce the health risks of poor diets, suggesting that more radical policies may be needed to attain larger population effects.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Household scanner data are increasingly used to inform health policy such as sugar-sweetened beverage taxes. This article examines whether differences in the level of reported expenditures between IRI Consumer Network scanner panel and the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) lead to important differences in demand elasticities and policy simulation outcomes. Using each dataset, we estimated a structural consumer demand system with seven food groups and a numéraire good. To compare the two datasets on a level playing field, we went to great lengths to ensure that the explanatory variables in the two demand models were comparably constructed. Results indicate that scanner data households are not consistently more price responsive than the general population and underreported Consumer Network expenditures do not seem to result in systematic differences in price elasticities. The income elasticities are uniformly lower in Consumer Network than in CES for higher income households because of the positive association between income and the degree of underreporting. This, however, has limited effects on uncompensated price elasticities and policy simulations because food budget shares are small for higher income households. Overall, these findings support continued use of household scanner data in health policy research related to effects of price (dis)incentives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Improvements in the healthfulness of packaged foods and beverages through reformulation could help reduce the prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents through improved diet quality. This study assessed changes in calories and four nutrients (saturated fat, total sugars, sodium, and dietary fiber) from 2012 through 2014 for packaged products frequently consumed by children and adolescents, simulated effects of potential improvements in 12 frequently consumed product categories based on actual purchasing patterns, and compared differences in prices of healthier versus less healthy products. Analysis of trends showed limited evidence that healthfulness of foods improved over the years examined. Simulation results showed minimal changes for calories and sodium, but daily intake of saturated fat could decrease by 4%, sugar consumption could decrease by 5%, and dietary fiber consumption could increase by 11% if products were reformulated to meet an existing healthfulness standard. Using a higher standard, caloric intake could decline by 4%, saturated fat by 6%, sugar by 9%, and sodium by 4%, and dietary fiber could increase by 14%. Healthier versions of most products ranged from an average of 3 to 12 cents more per serving, but not all healthier versions were more costly. Overall, reformulation is a potential avenue for improving diet quality in households with children and adolescents, but price could be a barrier to purchasing healthier products for some households.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We construct panel price indexes using retail scanner data that allow comparisons of consumption cost across space and time. Two types of panel indexes are examined: the rolling-window panel extensions of the multilateral Cave-Christensen-Diewert (CCD) index with the Törnqvist index as its elements, and of the multilateral Gini-Eltetö-Köves-Szulc (GEKS) index using the Fisher ideal index as its elements. The rolling window method maintains the nonrevisability of published index numbers while it allows index numbers for new periods and locations be calculated and the basket of items be updated. Meanwhile, the multilateral structure of price comparison eliminates significant downward drift in standard chained indexes. Using county-level bilateral and panel indexes based on retail beverage scanner data, we experimentally adjust for purchasing parity the portion of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits that participants spend on beverages. Accounting for temporal and spatial cost differences causes over 2% of SNAP allotment spent on beverages be reallocated, or approximately a 5% change in allotment on average for a county. About 90% of the relocated SNAP fund is to adjust for spatial differences in food cost. We also compare SNAP allotments implied by the retail scanner data indexes with those implied by indexes based on the USDA Quarterly Food-at-Home Price Database (QFAHPD). The treatment of unit values and product quality may have contributed to the significant differences observed between the retail scanner data indexes and the QFAHPD indexes.







  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    BACKGROUND: To encourage the consumption of more fresh fruits and vegetables, the 2014 United Sates Farm Bill allocated funds to the Double Up Food Bucks Program. This program provided Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program beneficiaries who spent $10 on fresh fruits and vegetables, in one transaction, with a $10 gift card exclusively for Michigan grown fresh fruits and vegetables. This study analyzes how fruit and vegetable expenditures, expenditure shares, variety and purchase decisions were affected by the initiation and conclusion, as well as any persistent effects of the program.
    METHODS: Changes in fruit and vegetable purchase behaviors due to Double Up Food Bucks in a supermarket serving a low-income, predominantly Hispanic community in Detroit, Michigan were evaluated using a difference in difference fixed effects estimation strategy.
    RESULTS: We find that the Double Up Food Bucks program increased vegetable expenditures, fruit and vegetable expenditure shares, and variety of fruits and vegetables purchased but the effects were modest and not sustainable without the financial incentive. Fruit expenditures and the fruit and vegetable purchase decision were unaffected by the program.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study provides valuable insight on how a nutrition program influences a low-income, urban, Hispanic community\'s fruit and vegetable purchase behavior. Policy recommendations include either removing or lowering the purchase hurdle for incentive eligibility and dropping the Michigan grown requirement to better align with the customers\' preferences for fresh fruits and vegetables.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The consumption of fruits, vegetables, and dietary supplements correlate. Most previous studies have aimed to identify the determinants of supplement uses or the distinct features of supplement users; this literature lacks a discussion on dietary supplement consumption as a predictor of fruit and vegetable consumption. Objective: This study examines how dietary supplement consumption correlates with fruit and vegetable consumption by combining scanner data and surveys of Korean household grocery shopping. Methods: Propensity score matching (PSM) is used to identify the relationship between dietary supplement consumption and fruit and vegetable consumption in a household. A logit regression using supplement consumption as the dependent variable is used. Then, the supplement takers (the treatment group) are matched with non-takers (the control group) based on the propensity scores estimated in the logit regression. The fruit and vegetable consumption levels of the groups are then compared. Results: We found that dietary supplement use is associated with higher fruit and vegetable consumption. This supports the health consciousness hypothesis based on attention bias, availability heuristics, the focusing effect, and the consumption episode effect. It rejects the health substitute hypothesis based on economic substitutes and mental accounting. Conclusions: Future research on the health benefits of dietary supplements should address the complementary consumption of fruits/vegetables and their health benefits to avoid misstating the health effects of supplements.





