
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cardiovascular diseases remain one of the main threats to human health, significantly affecting the quality and life expectancy. Effective and prompt recognition of these diseases is crucial. This research aims to develop an effective novel hybrid method for automatically detecting dangerous arrhythmias based on cardiac patients\' short electrocardiogram (ECG) fragments. This study suggests using a continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to convert ECG signals into images (scalograms) and examining the task of categorizing short 2-s segments of ECG signals into four groups of dangerous arrhythmias that are shockable, including ventricular flutter (C1), ventricular fibrillation (C2), ventricular tachycardia torsade de pointes (C3), and high-rate ventricular tachycardia (C4). We propose developing a novel hybrid neural network with a deep learning architecture to classify dangerous arrhythmias. This work utilizes actual electrocardiogram (ECG) data obtained from the PhysioNet database, alongside artificially generated ECG data produced by the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) approach, to address the issue of imbalanced class distribution for obtaining an accuracy-trained model. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves high accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, precision, and an F1-score of 97.75%, 97.75%, 99.25%, 97.75%, and 97.75%, respectively, in classifying all the four shockable classes of arrhythmias and are superior to traditional methods. Our work possesses significant clinical value in real-life scenarios since it has the potential to significantly enhance the diagnosis and treatment of life-threatening arrhythmias in individuals with cardiac disease. Furthermore, our model also has demonstrated adaptability and generality for two other datasets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human Activity Recognition (HAR), alongside Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), are integral components of smart homes, sports, surveillance, and investigation activities. To recognize daily activities, researchers are focusing on lightweight, cost-effective, wearable sensor-based technologies as traditional vision-based technologies lack elderly privacy, a fundamental right of every human. However, it is challenging to extract potential features from 1D multi-sensor data. Thus, this research focuses on extracting distinguishable patterns and deep features from spectral images by time-frequency-domain analysis of 1D multi-sensor data. Wearable sensor data, particularly accelerator and gyroscope data, act as input signals of different daily activities, and provide potential information using time-frequency analysis. This potential time series information is mapped into spectral images through a process called use of \'scalograms\', derived from the continuous wavelet transform. The deep activity features are extracted from the activity image using deep learning models such as CNN, MobileNetV3, ResNet, and GoogleNet and subsequently classified using a conventional classifier. To validate the proposed model, SisFall and PAMAP2 benchmark datasets are used. Based on the experimental results, this proposed model shows the optimal performance for activity recognition obtaining an accuracy of 98.4% for SisFall and 98.1% for PAMAP2, using Morlet as the mother wavelet with ResNet-101 and a softmax classifier, and outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: /Objective: Automatic apnea/hypopnea events classification, crucial for clinical applications, often faces challenges, particularly in hypopnea detection. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of a combined approach using nasal respiration flow (RF), peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), and ECG signals during polysomnography (PSG) for improved sleep apnea/hypopnea detection and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) severity screening.
    METHODS: An Xception network was trained using main features from RF, SpO2, and ECG signals obtained during PSG. In addition, we incorporated demographic data for enhanced performance. The detection of apnea/hypopnea events was based on RF and SpO2 feature sets, while the screening and severity categorization of OSA utilized predicted apnea/hypopnea events in conjunction with demographic data.
    RESULTS: Using RF and SpO2 feature sets, our model achieved an accuracy of 94 % in detecting apnea/hypopnea events. For OSA screening, an exceptional accuracy of 99 % and an AUC of 0.99 were achieved. OSA severity categorization yielded an accuracy of 93 % and an AUC of 0.91, with no misclassification between normal and mild OSA versus moderate and severe OSA. However, classification errors predominantly arose in cases with hypopnea-prevalent participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method offers a robust automatic detection system for apnea/hypopnea events, requiring fewer sensors than traditional PSG, and demonstrates exceptional performance. Additionally, the classification algorithms for OSA screening and severity categorization exhibit significant discriminatory capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper proposes fault diagnosis methods aimed at proactively preventing potential safety issues in robot systems, particularly human coexistence robots (HCRs) used in industrial environments. The data were collected from durability tests of the driving module for HCRs, gathering time-series vibration data until the module failed. In this study, to apply classification methods in the absence of post-failure data, the initial 50% of the collected data were designated as the normal section, and the data from the 10 h immediately preceding the failure were selected as the fault section. To generate additional data for the limited fault dataset, the Wasserstein generative adversarial networks with gradient penalty (WGAN-GP) model was utilized and residual connections were added to the generator to maintain the basic structure while preventing the loss of key features of the data. Considering that the performance of image encoding techniques varies depending on the dataset type, this study applied and compared five image encoding methods and four CNN models to facilitate the selection of the most suitable algorithm. The time-series data were converted into image data using image encoding techniques including recurrence plot, Gramian angular field, Markov transition field, spectrogram, and scalogram. These images were then applied to CNN models, including VGGNet, GoogleNet, ResNet, and DenseNet, to calculate the accuracy of fault diagnosis and compare the performance of each model. The experimental results demonstrated significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy when employing the WGAN-GP model to generate fault data, and among the image encoding techniques and convolutional neural network models, spectrogram and DenseNet exhibited superior performance, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The escalating global water usage and the increasing strain on major cities due to water shortages highlights the critical need for efficient water management practices. In water-stressed regions worldwide, significant water wastage is primarily attributed to leakages, inefficient use, and aging infrastructure. Undetected water leakages in buildings\' pipelines contribute to the water waste problem. To address this issue, an effective water leak detection method is required. In this paper, we explore the application of edge computing in smart buildings to enhance water management. By integrating sensors and embedded Machine Learning models, known as TinyML, smart water management systems can collect real-time data, analyze it, and make accurate decisions for efficient water utilization. The transition to TinyML enables faster and more cost-effective local decision-making, reducing the dependence on centralized entities. In this work, we propose a solution that can be adapted for effective leakage detection in real-world scenarios with minimum human intervention using TinyML. We follow an approach that is similar to a typical machine learning lifecycle in production, spanning stages including data collection, training, hyperparameter tuning, offline evaluation and model optimization for on-device resource efficiency before deployment. In this work, we considered an existing water leakage acoustic dataset for polyvinyl chloride pipelines. To prepare the acoustic data for analysis, we performed preprocessing to transform it into scalograms. We devised a water leak detection method by applying transfer learning to five distinct Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) variants, which are namely EfficientNet, ResNet, AlexNet, MobileNet V1, and MobileNet V2. The CNN models were found to be able to detect leakages where a maximum testing accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score of 97.45%, 98.57%, 96.70%, and 97.63%, respectively, were observed using the EfficientNet model. To enable seamless deployment on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE edge device, the EfficientNet model is compressed using quantization resulting in a low inference time of 1932 ms, a peak RAM usage of 255.3 kilobytes, and a flash usage requirement of merely 48.7 kilobytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ECG quality assessment is crucial for reducing false alarms and physician strain in automated diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Recent researches have focused on constructing an automatic noisy ECG record rejection mechanism. This work develops a noisy ECG record rejection system using scalogram and Tucker tensor decomposition. The system can reject ECG records, which cannot be analyzed or diagnosed. Scalogram of all 12‑lead ECG signals per subject are stacked to form a 3-way tensor. Tucker tensor decomposition is applied with empirical settings to obtain the core tensor. The core tensor is reshaped to form the latent features set. When tested using the PhysioNet challenge 2011 dataset in five-fold cross validation settings, the RusBoost ensemble classifier proved to be a very reliable option, producing an accuracy of 92.4% along with sensitivity of 87.1% and specificity of 93.5%. According to the experimental findings, combining the scalogram with Tucker tensor decomposition yields competitive performance and has the potential to be used in actual evaluation of ECG quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sleep is a natural state of rest for the body and mind. It is essential for a human\'s physical and mental health because it helps the body restore itself. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that causes difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep and can lead to several health problems. Conventional sleep monitoring and insomnia detection systems are expensive, laborious, and time-consuming. This is the first study that integrates an electrocardiogram (ECG) scalogram with a convolutional neural network (CNN) to develop a model for the accurate measurement of the quality of sleep in identifying insomnia. Continuous wavelet transform has been employed to convert 1-D time-domain ECG signals into 2-D scalograms. Obtained scalograms are fed to AlexNet, MobileNetV2, VGG16, and newly developed CNN for automated detection of insomnia. The proposed INSOMNet system is validated on the cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) and sleep disorder research center (SDRC) datasets. Six performance measures, accuracy (ACC), false omission rate (FOR), sensitivity (SEN), false discovery rate (FDR), specificity (SPE), and threat score (TS), have been calculated to evaluate the developed model. Our developed system attained the classifications ACC of 98.91%, 98.68%, FOR of 1.5, 0.66, SEN of 98.94%, 99.31%, FDR of 0.80, 2.00, SPE of 98.87%, 98.08%, and TS 0.98, 0.97 on CAP and SDRC datasets, respectively. The developed model is less complex and more accurate than transfer-learning networks. The prototype is ready to be tested with a huge dataset from diverse centers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The continuous advancements in healthcare technology have empowered the discovery, diagnosis, and prediction of diseases, revolutionizing the field. Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a pivotal role in achieving the goals of precision medicine, particularly in disease prevention, detection, and personalized treatment. This study aims to determine the optimal combination of the mother wavelet and AI model for the analysis of pediatric electroretinogram (ERG) signals. The dataset, consisting of signals and corresponding diagnoses, undergoes Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) using commonly used wavelets to obtain a time-frequency representation. Wavelet images were used for the training of five widely used deep learning models: VGG-11, ResNet-50, DensNet-121, ResNext-50, and Vision Transformer, to evaluate their accuracy in classifying healthy and unhealthy patients. The findings demonstrate that the combination of Ricker Wavelet and Vision Transformer consistently yields the highest median accuracy values for ERG analysis, as evidenced by the upper and lower quartile values. The median balanced accuracy of the obtained combination of the three considered types of ERG signals in the article are 0.83, 0.85, and 0.88. However, other wavelet types also achieved high accuracy levels, indicating the importance of carefully selecting the mother wavelet for accurate classification. The study provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of different combinations of wavelets and models in classifying ERG wavelet scalograms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most existing automated sleep staging methods rely on multimodal data, and scoring a specific epoch requires not only the current epoch but also a sequence of consecutive epochs that precede and follow the epoch.
    We proposed and tested a convolutional neural network called SleepInceptionNet, which allows sleep classification of a single epoch using a single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG).
    SleepInceptionNet is based on our systematic evaluation of the effects of different EEG preprocessing methods, EEG channels, and convolutional neural networks on automatic sleep staging performance. The evaluation was performed using polysomnography data of 883 participants (937,975 thirty-second epochs). Raw data of individual EEG channels (ie, frontal, central, and occipital) and 3 specific transformations of the data, including power spectral density, continuous wavelet transform, and short-time Fourier transform, were used separately as the inputs of the convolutional neural network models. To classify sleep stages, 7 sequential deep neural networks were tested for the 1D data (ie, raw EEG and power spectral density), and 16 image classifier convolutional neural networks were tested for the 2D data (ie, continuous wavelet transform and short-time Fourier transform time-frequency images).
    The best model, SleepInceptionNet, which uses time-frequency images developed by the continuous wavelet transform method from central single-channel EEG data as input to the InceptionV3 image classifier algorithm, achieved a Cohen κ agreement of 0.705 (SD 0.077) in reference to the gold standard polysomnography.
    SleepInceptionNet may allow real-time automated sleep staging in free-living conditions using a single-channel EEG, which may be useful for on-demand intervention or treatment during specific sleep stages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ECG wave recognition is one of the new topics where only one of the ECG beat waves (P-QRS-T) was used to detect heart diseases. Normal, tachycardia, and bradycardia heart rhythm are hard to detect using either time-domain or frequency-domain features solely, and a time-frequency analysis is required to extract representative features. This paper studies the performance of two different spectrum representations, iris-spectrogram and scalogram, for different ECG beat waves in terms of recognition of normal, tachycardia, and bradycardia classes. These two different spectra are then sent to two different deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), i.e., Resnet101 and ShuffleNet, for deep feature extraction and classification. The results show that the best accuracy for detection of beats rhythm was using ResNet101 and scalogram of T-wave with an accuracy of 98.3%, while accuracy was 94.4% for detection using iris-spectrogram using also ResNet101 and QRS-Wave. Finally, based on these results we note that using deep features from time-frequency representation using one wave of ECG beat we can accurately detect basic rhythms such as normal, tachycardia, and bradycardia.





