scale validation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Few validated brief scales are available to measure constructs that may hinder mpox-related prevention and care engagement, such as knowledge and stigma. Both are highly salient barriers to infectious disease care and disease understanding, precursors to evaluating one\'s risk and need to, for example, accept vaccination. To address this gap, we developed and validated the Mpox Stigma Scale (MSS) and Mpox Knowledge Scale (MKS).
    METHODS: As part of a full-scale clinical trial, we offered an optional mpox survey to participants who self-identified as African American or Black, were 18-29 years old, and lived in Alabama, Georgia, or North Carolina (2023, N = 330). We calculated psychometric properties through confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) and applied Comparative Fit Index (CFI), Goodness of Fit Index (GFI), and Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) values equal to or exceeding 0.90 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) and Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) values less than 0.08 to determine adequate model fit. We computed internal reliability using Cronbach\'s alpha and calculated Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficients between the MSS and MKS and related variables.
    RESULTS: For the MSS, CFA results showed that the one-factor model fit the data well (χ2(df = 5, N = 330) = 34.962, CFI = 0.97, GFI = 0.99, TLI = 0.94, RMSEA = 0.13, SRMR = 0.03). For the MKS, the one-factor model provided a good fit to the data (χ2(df = 6, N = 330) = 8.44, CFI = 0.99, GFI = 0.99, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.15, SRMR = 0.02). Cronbach\'s alphas were MSS = 0.91 and MKS = 0.83, suggesting good to excellent reliability. The MSS was correlated with the MKS (r = .55, p < .001), stigmatizing attitudes (r = .24, p < .001), attitudes towards mpox vaccination (r=-.12, p = .030), and worry about contracting mpox (r = .44, p < .001). The MKS was correlated with worry about contracting mpox (r = .30, p < .001) and mpox disclosure (r=-.16, p = .003).
    CONCLUSIONS: The MSS and MKS are reliable and valid tools for public health practice, treatment and prevention research, and behavioral science. Further validation is warranted across populations and geographic locations.
    BACKGROUND: NCT05490329.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is a need for a validated Vietnamese translation of the colorectal cancer subscale (CCS) of the functional assessment of cancer therapy-colorectal (FACT-C) questionnaire to assess colorectal cancer-specific concerns of Vietnamese persons with colorectal cancer post-surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to translate and validate the CCS of FACT-C questionnaire in Vietnamese persons with colorectal cancer post-surgery.
    UNASSIGNED: The nine-item CCS was translated following the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy (FACIT) translation methodology guidelines. Psychometric properties of a Vietnamese version of the CCS were evaluated with a sample of 135 participants who were randomly selected from three hospitals in Vietnam, utilizing a multistage sampling method. Construct validity was examined through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and reliability was assessed using Cronbach\'s α coefficients. These measures aimed to validate the psychometric properties of the Vietnamese nine-item CCS version. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze participant demographics with SPSS.
    UNASSIGNED: The translated version demonstrated equivalence to the original English version. CFA results for the CCS Vietnamese version indicated that all 9 items were consistent with a unidimensional questionnaire (χ2 = 69.669, p > .05, df = 27, χ2/df = 2.58, RMSEA = .074, CFI = .917, TLI = .901, SRMR = .057). The Cronbach\'s α coefficient was .86, indicating high reliability. The Correlated Item-Total Correlation for the 9 items ranged from .39 to .76.
    UNASSIGNED: The nine-item CCS Vietnamese version demonstrated appropriate translation, establishing its validity and reliability in measuring colorectal cancer-related concerns within the health-related quality of life among Vietnamese persons post-surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: There is a growing recognition of the key role of the therapeutic relationship in the outcomes of psychotherapy. However, current understanding of its specific components, their interplay and related patient-therapist dynamics is limited.
    UNASSIGNED: (a) To validate two self-report measures to assess subjective affective reactions of patients toward their psychotherapists during specific therapy sessions, and (b) to explore the relationships and dynamics among four elements of the therapeutic relationship: patient reactions toward the therapist, working alliance, alliance ruptures and repairs, and the real relationship.
    UNASSIGNED: This study uses a nonrandomized, two-time point longitudinal design. The target population is adult patients currently engaged in individual psychotherapy for heterogeneous mental conditions. Participants are recruited through two online recruitment platforms: Research for Me and ResearchMatch. Data collection involves administering two surveys through the Qualtrics online survey platform. The baseline survey assesses information about the most recent therapy session and the preceding week, while the follow-up survey collects data on the subsequent therapy session and the days leading up to it.
    UNASSIGNED: This research offers three main contributions: (a) it furthers evidence-based assessment in psychotherapy by creating and validating two novel, succinct self-report tools; (b) it enhances theoretical understanding within therapeutic relationship research by exploring the significant impact of patients\' perceptions of relationship elements on session outcomes variability; and (c) it will identify therapeutic relationship elements that can either enhance or hinder the overall relationship quality and session outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED: The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The results will be published in indexed peer-reviewed journals and presented at relevant psychology and psychiatry conferences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The transtheoretical conceptualization of the working alliance and the resultant evaluation tools often overestimate the collaboration between therapist and client, while neglecting the negotiation process. The degree to which therapists and clients can negotiate disagreements regarding goals and tasks is an important indicator in establishing and maintaining the alliance. Even though the negotiation concept is not new, there is still a lack of reliable and parsimonious self-report measures of the construct. The purpose of this study was to translate, execute the cultural adaptation and, also, to perform a preliminary psychometric analysis of the Portuguese form of the therapist version of the Alliance Negotiation Scale (ANS-T_Pt).
    UNASSIGNED: Data were collected online from 100 Portuguese psychologists. Two random sub-samples were used to conduct both exploratory factorial analysis and confirmatory factorial analysis. Convergent validity was assessed through comparison with the Portuguese version of the Working Alliance Inventory.
    UNASSIGNED: The ANS-T_Pt showed a one-factorial structure, consistent with previous versions, and demonstrated adequate internal consistency. Evidence supporting criterion-related validity was found based on the correlations between ANS-T_Pt and WAI-T scores. The results showed moderate to large associations between the instruments. These results support the usefulness of the scale, construct\'s relevance and its transtheoretical nature.
    UNASSIGNED: These results are a step forward for Portuguese therapists\' and researchers\' ability to evaluate the bond between client and therapist and to compare results from different countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early home musical environments can significantly impact sensory, cognitive, and socioemotional development. While longitudinal studies may be resource-intensive, retrospective reports are a relatively quick and inexpensive way to examine associations between early home musical environments and adult outcomes. We present the Music@Home-Retrospective scale, derived partly from the Music@Home-Preschool scale (Politimou et al., 2018), to retrospectively assess the childhood home musical environment. In two studies (total n = 578), we conducted an exploratory factor analysis (Study 1) and confirmatory factor analysis (Study 2) on items, including many adapted from the Music@Home-Preschool scale. This revealed a 20-item solution with five subscales. Items retained for three subscales (Caregiver Beliefs, Caregiver Initiation of Singing, Child Engagement with Music) load identically to three in the Music@Home--Preschool Scale. We also identified two additional dimensions of the childhood home musical environment. The Attitude Toward Childhood Home Musical Environment subscale captures participants\' current adult attitudes toward their childhood home musical environment, and the Social Listening Contexts subscale indexes the degree to which participants listened to music at home with others (i.e., friends, siblings, and caregivers). Music@Home-Retrospective scores were related to adult self-reports of musicality, performance on a melodic perception task, and self-reports of well-being, demonstrating utility in measuring the early home music environment as captured through this scale. The Music@Home-Retrospective scale is freely available to enable future investigations exploring how the early home musical environment relates to adult cognition, affect, and behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate the Mobile Adherence Satisfaction Scale (MASS) for assessing user satisfaction with mobile health applications aimed to improve medication adherence.
    METHODS: The study involved patients over 18 with asthma, hypertension, heart failure, or diabetes, who used the CareAide® app for six months. Scale development included a literature review, expert consultations, and patient interviews, initially identifying 129 items. These were refined to 27 using a two-round Delphi technique and grouped into six dimensions: user interface, perceived usability, system quality, service quality, feature satisfaction, and general satisfaction. A pilot study with 30 participants further refined the model, which was then validated with 135 participants using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses in SPSS 29 and SmartPLS 4. Data were collected via self-administered questionnaires.
    RESULTS: A total of 135 complete questionnaires were analysed. Respondents had an average age of 66.7 years (SD = 11.6) with 42.2 % male (n = 57) and 57.8 % female (n = 78). After removal of an item due to cross loading, exploratory factor analysis resulted six dimensions and 26 items with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of 0.837 and Bartlett\'s Test of Sphericity (χ2(n = 325) = 2085.673, P < 0.001). The confirmatory factor analysis confirmed high reliability and validity: Cronbach\'s alpha values > 0.70 for each dimension and an overall alpha of 0.89, with Composite Reliability and Average Variance Extracted both >0.70 and >0.50, respectively, for each dimension. Structural model indicated a significant positive impact of user interface (β = 0.226, P = 0.006) and feature satisfaction (β = 0.230, P = 0.002) on general satisfaction, explaining 23.1 % of the variance (R2 = 0.231).
    CONCLUSIONS: The study developed and validated the MASS, a reliable tool for assessing user satisfaction with mHealth apps. User interface design and feature satisfaction are key for long-term engagement and consistent medication adherence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Arab world is one of the global regions the most directly concerned by, and suffering from climate change\'s adverse consequences. As such, there appears to be a strong need for an understanding of how Arab people may emotionally respond to climate change. Providing valid and reliable measures of climate change anxiety (CCA) can help gain a clear overview of the situation in Arab countries, and allow to intervene timely and effectively to mitigate any adverse effects on Arab people\'s mental health. To this end, the present study sought to validate the Arabic language version of the Climate Change Anxiety Scale (CCAS) in a sample of native Arabic-speaking adults from the general population of Lebanon.
    METHODS: This study adopted a cross-sectional approach and enrolled 763 adults between July and September 2023.
    RESULTS: A confirmatory analysis of the one-factor model showed poor fit indices as follows: CFI = 0.90, GFI = 0.83, SRMR = 0.048 and RMSEA 0.131 [90% CI 0.123, 0.138). The two-factor model showed a satisfactory fit with a high CFI of and a GFI of 0.91 and a SRMR of 0.04 and RMSEA of 0.05 [90% CI 0.04, 0.06]. Both McDonald\'s omega and Cronbach alpha values were high for the overall CCAS score (α = 0.96 and ω = 0.96) in the whole sample. Configural, metric and scalar invariance across gender was demonstrated. No significant difference was found between males and females in terms of total CCAS scores (24.53 ± 10.59 vs. 26.03 ± 11.17, t(761) = -1.82, p = .069). Higher CCA, functional impairment and cognitive impairment scores were significantly associated with higher depression, anxiety and stress.
    CONCLUSIONS: The reliability and validity of the CCAS in its Arabic version were proven. The availability of this self-report measure could offer a chance to assess CCA among Adults speaking Arabic, and to spread its future use for screening and research purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Confusion, Hubbub, and Order Scale (CHAOS in English Version) was originally developed in the USA by Matheny et al (Bringing order out of chaos: psychometric characteristics of the confusion, hubbub, and order scale. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 16(3):429-444, 1995) to measure chaos in the family environment, characterized by confusion, lack of routine, and organization.
    OBJECTIVE: To present evidence of content validity, internal structure validity, and validity based on relationships with external measures of an adapted version of the CHAOS into Brasilian Portuguese with adolescents sample in São Paulo - Brasil.
    METHODS: Study 1 involved the translation/back-translation and adaptation of the scale into Brazilian Portuguese [here named \"Escala de Confusão, Alvoroço e Ordem no Sistema familiar\" (CAOS)], assessed by 5 judges. In Study 2, we conducted an exploratory factor analyses (EFA) to determine the scale\'s factor structure (N = 180 adults). In Study 3, we carried out confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to confirm the internal validity of the scale, along with complete structural equation modeling to explore convergent validity in another sample (N = 239 adolescents).
    RESULTS: The CAOS scale displayed content validity, and the EFA and CFA showed a unifactorial structure (with some scale adjustments) with an acceptable fit. The family chaos latent factor was associated with externalizing symptoms and perceived stress in adolescents.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the Brazilian version of the scale presented evidence of construct, internal, and concurrent validity that indicate its usefulness in Brazil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Body Talk Scale (BTS) measures both negative body talk (including fat talk and muscle talk) and positive body talk across genders. In this study, we translated it into Chinese and assessed its structure, reliability and validity among mainland Chinese residents. Item analyses indicated that no item deletion was necessary for this study, and both exploratory factor analysis (n = 1853) and exploratory graph analysis (n = 1583) supported the three-factor structure of the original scale. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the scale had a good model fit with CFI= 0.95, GFI= 0.93, TLI= 0.94, and RMSEA= 0.079(90 %CI [0.075, 0.084]). The results also showed that the Chinese version of the BTS had adequate criterion-related validity,internal consistency and six-week test-retest reliability. Meanwhile, the scale has good measurement invariance with respect to gender and can be tested for gender differences. In conclusion, the BTS showed sufficient psychometric properties in a Chinese sample, making it a valid instrument for studying body talk and health status in Chinese populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To detect careless and insufficient effort (C/IE) survey responders, researchers can use infrequency items - items that almost no one agrees with (e.g., \"When a friend greets me, I generally try to say nothing back\") - and frequency items - items that almost everyone agrees with (e.g., \"I try to listen when someone I care about is telling me something\"). Here, we provide initial validation for two sets of these items: the 14-item Invalid Responding Inventory for Statements (IDRIS) and the 6-item Invalid Responding Inventory for Adjectives (IDRIA). Across six studies (N1 = 536; N2 = 701; N3 = 500; N4 = 499; N5 = 629, N6 = 562), we found consistent evidence that the IDRIS is capable of detecting C/IE responding among statement-based scales (e.g., the HEXACO-PI-R) and the IDRIA is capable of detecting C/IE responding among both adjective-based scales (e.g., the Lex-20) and adjective-derived scales (e.g., the BFI-2). These findings were robust across different analytic approaches (e.g., Pearson correlations; Spearman rank-order correlations), different indices of C/IE responding (e.g., person-total correlations; semantic synonyms; horizontal cursor variability), and different sample types (e.g., US undergraduate students; Nigerian survey panel participants). Taken together, these results provide promising evidence for the utility of the IDRIS and IDRIA in detecting C/IE responding.





