salmon louse

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major vault protein (MVP) is the main component of the vault complex, which is a highly conserved ribonucleoprotein complex found in most eukaryotic organisms. MVP or vaults have previously been found to be overexpressed in multidrug-resistant cancer cells and implicated in various cellular processes such as cell signaling and innate immunity. The precise function of MVP is, however, poorly understood and its expression and probable function in lower eukaryotes are not well characterized. In this study, we report that the Atlantic salmon louse expresses three full-length MVP paralogues (LsMVP1-3). Furthermore, we extended our search and identified MVP orthologues in several other ecdysozoan species. LsMVPs were shown to be expressed in various tissues at both transcript and protein levels. In addition, evidence for LsMVP to assemble into vaults was demonstrated by performing differential centrifugation. LsMVP was found to be highly expressed in cement, an extracellular material produced by a pair of cement glands in the adult female salmon louse. Cement is important for the formation of egg strings that serve as protective coats for developing embryos. Our results imply a possible novel function of LsMVP as a secretory cement protein. LsMVP may play a role in structural or reproductive functions, although this has to be further investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aims of this study were to compare male and female sea trout (Salmo trutta) with respect to their hypo-osmoregulatory ability over a simulated migration to seawater and their clinical and physiological response to salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infection in seawater and over a simulated pre-mature return to freshwater. For this purpose, 2-year-old hatchery-reared male and female brown trout (F1 offspring of wild caught anadromous fish) were infected with salmon lice and measured for changes in plasma ions, glucose, lactate and osmolality and relative heart, liver and gonad sizes during a simulated seawater migration and thereafter a premature return to freshwater after 4 weeks in seawater (pre-adult louse). Un-infected trout served as control. Male trout used longer time to develop full hypo-osmoregulatory ability in seawater and showed a stronger response in plasma glucose and lactate following simulated premature return to freshwater, compared to female trout. Response to salmon louse was stronger in female trout, shown by stronger osmotic stress by chalimus (plasma Cl-) and pre-adult louse (plasma osmolality) and elevated relative liver size (hepatosomatic index) by pre-adult louse in female compared to male trout. Moreover, high plasma cortisol in infected female and low plasma cortisol in infected male trout produced a significant treatment-sex interaction on plasma cortisol. Lice infection intensity was initially higher in male (0.18 lice g-1) compared to female trout (0.11 lice g-1) at the chalimus stage, but equal between sexes at the pre-adult stage (male 0.15 and female 0.17 lice g-1). This study showed that female trout were better adapted for changes in water salinity, while male trout were more robust against salmon louse infection. These results suggests that the elevated salmon louse infection pressure generated by salmon farming have strong and unexplored negative effects on wild sea trout populations. Further research on this topic is vital for the conservation of wild sea trout populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) is an obligate ectoparasitic copepod living on Atlantic salmon and other salmonids in the marine environment. Salmon lice cause a number of environmental problems and lead to large economical losses in aquaculture every year. In order to develop novel parasite control strategies, a better understanding of the mechanisms of moulting and development of the salmon louse at the transcriptional level is required.
    METHODS: Three weighted gene co-expression networks were constructed based on the pairwise correlations of salmon louse gene expression profiles at different life stages. Network-based approaches and gene annotation information were applied to identify genes that might be important for the moulting and development of the salmon louse. RNA interference was performed for validation. Regulatory impact factors were calculated for all the transcription factor genes by examining the changes in co-expression patterns between transcription factor genes and deferentially expressed genes in middle stages and moulting stages.
    RESULTS: Eight gene modules were predicted as important, and 10 genes from six of the eight modules have been found to show observable phenotypes in RNA interference experiments. We knocked down five hub genes from three modules and observed phenotypic consequences in all experiments. In the infection trial, no copepodids with a RAB1A-like gene knocked down were found on fish, while control samples developed to chalimus-1 larvae. Also, a FOXO-like transcription factor obtained highest scores in the regulatory impact factor calculation.
    CONCLUSIONS: We propose a gene co-expression network-based approach to identify genes playing an important role in the moulting and development of salmon louse. The RNA interference experiments confirm the effectiveness of our approach and demonstrated the indispensable role of a RAB1A-like gene in the development of the salmon louse. We propose that our approach could be generalized to identify important genes associated with a phenotype of interest in other organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lepeophtheirus salmonis is an ectoparasite causing economic concerns in Atlantic salmon farming. Salmon lice infestation management methods can be stressful and impact fish welfare. This work investigated the stress effect on the attachment of L. salmonis copepodids to Atlantic salmon through two approaches: (a) handling by netting and air exposure (acute stress), and (b) crowding with restricted surface access in a tank (chronic stress). In the first experiment, we compared the number of attached L. salmonis and cortisol levels between a group of handled salmon and a control group. In the second experiment, a group of densely packed salmon was compared to a control group based on the number of attached copepodids, cortisol levels and neutrophil:lymphocyte ratios. Handled salmon showed significantly higher plasma cortisol levels (p < .001) and more attached copepodids (p = .01) than control salmon. Conversely, the cortisol level and number of attached copepodids were not significantly different between the densely packed and control salmon (p > .05). The neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher (p = .0014) in the densely packed salmon than in the control salmon. Handling salmon increased their risk of infestation by L. salmonis. This has implications for reinfestation rates following delousing treatments in commercial salmon aquaculture, which often involve crowding and handling salmon.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Blood-feeding is a common strategy among parasitizing arthropods, including the ectoparasitic salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), feeding off its salmon host\'s skin and blood. Blood is rich in nutrients, among these iron and heme. These are essential molecules for the louse, yet their oxidative properties render them toxic to cells if not handled appropriately. Blood-feeding might therefore alter parasite gene expression.
    METHODS: We infected Atlantic salmon with salmon louse copepodids and sampled the lice in two different experiments at day 10 and 18 post-infestation. Parasite development and presence of host blood in their intestines were determined. Lice of similar instar age sampled from body parts with differential access to blood, namely from gills versus lice from skin epidermis, were analysed for gene expression by RNA-sequencing in samples taken at day 10 for both experiments and at day 18 for one of the experiments.
    RESULTS: We found that lice started feeding on blood when becoming mobile preadults if sitting on the fish body; however, they may initiate blood-feeding at the chalimus I stage if attached to gills. Lice attached to gills develop at a slower rate. By differential expression analysis, we found 355 transcripts elevated in lice sampled from gills and 202 transcripts elevated in lice sampled from skin consistent in all samplings. Genes annotated with \"peptidase activity\" were among the ones elevated in lice sampled from gills, while in the other group genes annotated with \"phosphorylation\" and \"phosphatase\" were pervasive. Transcripts elevated in lice sampled from gills were often genes relatively highly expressed in the louse intestine compared with other tissues, while this was not the case for transcripts elevated in lice sampled from skin. In both groups, more than half of the transcripts were from genes more highly expressed after attachment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Gill settlement results in an alteration in gene expression and a premature onset of blood-feeding likely causes the parasite to develop at a slower pace.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) rely on long ocean migrations to build energy stores for maturation and spawning. In seawater, wild Atlantic salmon are threatened by high salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestation levels resulting from intensive salmonid sea-cage aquaculture. Salmon lice infection can cause a stress response and an osmotic imbalance in the host. The lice infection intensity threshold values for these responses, however, remain to be identified in Atlantic salmon. In order to define this under laboratory conditions, individually tagged F1 wild origin Atlantic post-smolts (40 g) were infected with salmon lice copepodids or left as uninfected controls. Twenty-eight days post infection, infected post-smolts had a mean of 0.38 (range of 0.07-0.9) mobile lice g-1 fish weight. During this period, specific growth rates (SGRs) were lower in infected than control fish (0.4 vs 1.0% day-1). Higher plasma Na+, Cl- and osmolality in infected fish also indicate osmoregulatory impairment. SGR correlated negatively with plasma Na+, Cl-, osmolality and cortisol in the infected, but not in the control group. Infection intensity (lice g-1 fish) correlated positively with mortality rate and plasma Na+, Cl-, osmolality and cortisol and correlated negatively with SGR and condition factor. Calculated lice intensity threshold values for changes in plasma ions were 0.18 lice g-1 for plasma Cl-, and 0.22 lice g-1 for plasma Na+. Moribund infected fish occurred at infection intensities above 0.2 lice g-1, and these fish had extreme plasma Cl-, Na+, osmolality and cortisol levels. There was a positive correlation between plasma cortisol and plasma Na+, Cl- and osmolality in infected fish. This study provides vital information that can be used to define thresholds in the monitoring and conservation of wild Atlantic salmon populations affected by aquaculture-driven salmon lice infestations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infestation with the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, Caligidae) affects Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production in European aquaculture. Furthermore, high levels of salmon lice in farms significantly increase challenge pressure against wild salmon populations. Currently, available control methods for salmon louse have limitations, and vaccination appears as an attractive, environmentally sound strategy. In this study, we addressed one of the main limitations for vaccine development, the identification of candidate protective antigens. Based on recent advances in tick vaccine research, herein, we targeted the salmon louse midgut function and blood digestion for the identification of candidate target proteins for the control of ectoparasite infestations. The results of this translational approach resulted in the identification and subsequent evaluation of the new candidate protective antigens, putative Toll-like receptor 6 (P30), and potassium chloride, and amino acid transporter (P33). Vaccination with these antigens provided protection in Atlantic salmon by reducing adult female (P33) or chalimus II (P30) sea lice infestations. These results support the development of vaccines for the control of sea lice infestations.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis, is a hematophagous ectoparasite of salmonid fish. Due to its blood-feeding activity, the louse is exposed to great amounts of iron, which is an essential, yet potentially toxic mineral. The major known iron storage protein is ferritin, which the salmon louse encodes four genes of (LsFer1-4). Two of the ferritins are predicted to be secreted. These are one of the heavy chain homologs (LsFer1) and the light chain homolog (LsFer2). Here, we perform functional studies and characterize the two secreted ferritins. Our results show that knocking down LsFer1 and LsFer2 both negatively affect the parasite\'s physiology, as it is not able to properly feed and reproduce. In a starvation experiment, the transcript levels of both LsFer1 and LsFer2 decrease during the starvation period. Combined, these results demonstrate the importance of these genes for the normal parasite biology, and they could thus potentially be targets for pest management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemoreception is critical for marine ectoparasites - such as salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) - to identify and locate salmonid hosts. The molecular receptors that parasites employ to detect host-specific chemical stimuli from hosts (kairomones) have not been well characterised. In the present study, transcription of the sea louse Ionotropic receptor 25a (IR25a) was blocked to evaluate whether it functions as a chemical-perception related gene for a specific chemical cue from the Atlantic salmon host. Double-strand RNA interference (dsRNA) oligonucleotides were applied to salmon lice by in vitro transcription and then exposing salmon lice nauplii to dsRNA by soaking overnight. Silencing of the IR25a gene was confirmed by qPCR in experimental groups of knock-down copepodids (dsIR25a). Behavioural responses associated with host recognition were evaluated in dsIR25a sea lice after exposure to a peptide produced by the salmon host (Cath-2). The dsIR25a group decreased expression levels of IR25a by >7-fold with respect to the control group. This group was also 26% slower than the control group (control swimming speed was 69 mm/s, while the treated group was 51 mm/s). Since the swimming activity of salmon lice copepodids is associated with the activation of the chemosensory system, these results indicate that the L. salmonis chemosensory perception system was not fully activated due to gene silencing. The results of this study demonstrate the role of ionotropic receptor 25a during host recognition by sea lice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of this study was to identify gill pathogens in Labridae (wrasse) species used as cleaner fish to control salmon louse in western Norwegian aquaculture. Wrasse are often moved over long distances, raising issues of fish health, welfare and pathogen transmission. Histological examination and real-time RT-PCR analysis of the gills from Centrolabrus exoletus, Ctenolabrus rupestris, Labrus bergylta, L. mixtus and Symphodus melops revealed several pathogens: a new species of Ichthyobodo, Paramoeba perurans, microsporidia, trichodinids, Hatschekia spp., Candidatus Similichlamydia labri and 2 putative new species of Chlamydiae. Cand. S. labri or closely related bacteria were present on most wrasse specimens. Epitheliocysts on the gills of L. mixtus contained large inclusions (120 µm) with actiniae radiating from the inclusion membrane. A possible member of the Candidatus family Parilichlamydiaceae was present at a high prevalence on the gills of L. mixtus, L. bergylta and C. rupestris. Sequencing the 16S rRNA gene showed 93.9% similarity to Cand. S. labri and 96.8% similarity to Cand. Parilichlamydia carangidicola from the gills of Seriola lalandi. This bacterium probably represents a new species within the order Chlamydiales, family Cand. Parilichlamydiaceae. The other Chlamydiae detected on gills of S. melops could represent a new species in Cand. genus Syngnamydia. Ichthyobodo sp. and Paranucleospora theridion were detected on the gills of nearly all individuals, while Paramoeba spp. were detected on the gills of L. bergylta and L. mixtus. Trichodinids, microsporidia and parasitic copepods had low prevalence. Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus was not detected.





