rod photoreceptor

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human cone photoreceptors differ from rods and serve as the retinoblastoma cell-of-origin, yet the developmental basis for their distinct behaviors is poorly understood. Here, we used deep full-length single-cell RNA-sequencing to distinguish post-mitotic cone and rod developmental states and identify cone-specific features that contribute to retinoblastomagenesis. The analyses revealed early post-mitotic cone- and rod-directed populations characterized by higher THRB or NRL regulon activities, an immature photoreceptor precursor population with concurrent cone and rod gene and regulon expression, and distinct early and late cone and rod maturation states distinguished by maturation-associated declines in RAX regulon activity. Unexpectedly, both L/M cone and rod precursors co-expressed NRL and THRB RNAs, yet they differentially expressed functionally antagonistic NRL and THRB isoforms and prematurely terminated THRB transcripts. Early L/M cone precursors exhibited successive expression of several lncRNAs along with MYCN, which composed the seventh most L/M-cone-specific regulon, and SYK, which contributed to the early cone precursors\' proliferative response to RB1 loss. These findings reveal previously unrecognized photoreceptor precursor states and a role for early cone-precursor-intrinsic SYK expression in retinoblastoma initiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertebrate vision begins with light absorption by rod and cone photoreceptors, which transmit signals from their synaptic terminals to second-order neurons: bipolar and horizontal cells. In mouse rods, there is a single presynaptic ribbon-type active zone at which the release of glutamate occurs tonically in the dark. This tonic glutamatergic signaling requires continuous exo- and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles. At conventional synapses, endocytosis commonly requires dynamins: GTPases encoded by three genes (Dnm1-3), which perform membrane scission. Disrupting endocytosis by dynamin deletions impairs transmission at conventional synapses, but the impact of disrupting endocytosis and the role(s) of specific dynamin isoforms at rod ribbon synapses are understood incompletely. Here, we used cell-specific knock-outs (KOs) of the neuron-specific Dnm1 and Dnm3 to investigate the functional roles of dynamin isoforms in rod photoreceptors in mice of either sex. Analysis of synaptic protein expression, synapse ultrastructure, and retinal function via electroretinograms (ERGs) showed that dynamins 1 and 3 act redundantly and are essential for supporting the structural and functional integrity of rod ribbon synapses. Single Dnm3 KO showed no phenotype, and single Dnm1 KO only modestly reduced synaptic vesicle density without affecting vesicle size and overall synapse integrity, whereas double Dnm1/Dnm3 KO impaired vesicle endocytosis profoundly, causing enlarged vesicles, reduced vesicle density, reduced ERG responses, synaptic terminal degeneration, and disassembly and degeneration of postsynaptic processes. Concurrently, cone function remained intact. These results show the fundamental redundancy of dynamins 1 and 3 in regulating the structure and function of rod ribbon synapses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation of photoreceptor sensitivity to varying light intensities is a fundamental requirement for retinal function and vision. Adaptive mechanisms in signal transduction are well described, but little is known about the mechanisms that adapt the photoreceptor synapse to changing light intensities. The SNARE complex regulators Complexin 3 and Complexin 4 have been proposed to be involved in synaptic light adaptation by limiting synaptic vesicle recruitment and fusion. How this Complexin effect is exerted is unknown. Focusing on rod photoreceptors, we established Complexin 4 as the predominant Complexin in the light-dependent regulation of neurotransmitter release. The number of readily releasable synaptic vesicles is significantly smaller in light than in dark at wildtype compared to Complexin 4 deficient rod photoreceptor ribbon synapses. Electrophysiology indicates that Complexin 4 reduces or clamps Ca2+-dependent sustained synaptic vesicle release, thereby enhancing light signaling at the synapse. Complexin 4 deficiency increased synaptic vesicle release and desensitized light signaling. In a quantitative proteomic screen, we identified Transducin as an interactor of the Complexin 4-SNARE complex. Our results provide evidence for a presynaptic interplay of both Complexin 4 and Transducin with the SNARE complex, an interplay that may facilitate the adaptation of synaptic transmission to light at rod photoreceptor ribbon synapses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most vertebrates have one layer of the dim-light active rod photoreceptors. However, multiple rod layers, known as a multibank retina, can be found in over 100 species of fish, including several deep-sea species and one family of nocturnally active reef fish, the Holocentridae. Although seemingly associated with increased photon catch, the function of multibank retinas remained unknown. We used an integrative approach, combining histology, electrophysiology and amino acid sequence analysis, applied to three species of nocturnal reef fishes, two holocentrids with a multibank retina (Neoniphon sammara and Myripristis violacea) and an apogonid with a single rod bank (Ostorhinchus compressus), to determine the sensory advantage of multiple rod layers. Our results showed that fish with multibank retinas have both faster vision and enhanced responses to bright- and dim-light intensities. Faster vision was indicated by higher flicker fusion frequencies during temporal resolution electroretinography as well as faster retinal release rates estimated from their rhodopsin proteins. Enhanced sensitivity was demonstrated by broadened intensity-response curves derived from luminous sensitivity electroretinography. Overall, our findings provide the first functional evidence for enhanced dim-light sensitivity using a multibank retina while also suggesting novel roles for the adaptation in enhancing bright-light sensitivity and the speed of vision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The detection of a single photon by a rod photoreceptor is limited by two sources of physiological noise, called discrete and continuous noise. Discrete noise occurs as intermittent current deflections with a waveform very similar to that of the single-photon response to real light and is thought to be produced by spontaneous activation of rhodopsin. Continuous noise occurs as random and continuous fluctuations in outer-segment current and is usually attributed to some intermediate in the phototransduction cascade. To confirm the origin of these noise sources, we have recorded from retinas of mouse lines with rods having reduced levels of rhodopsin, transducin, or phosphodiesterase. We show that the rate of discrete noise is diminished in proportion to the decrease in rhodopsin concentration, and that continuous noise is independent of transducin concentration but clearly elevated when the level of phosphodiesterase is reduced. Our experiments provide new molecular evidence that discrete noise is indeed produced by rhodopsin itself, and that continuous noise is generated by spontaneous activation of phosphodiesterase resulting in random fluctuations in outer-segment current.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Migration is essential for the laminar stratification and connectivity of neurons in the central nervous system. In the retina, photoreceptors (PRs) migrate to positions according to birthdate, with early-born cells localizing to the basal-most side of the outer nuclear layer. It was proposed that apical progenitor mitoses physically drive these basal translocations non-cell autonomously, but direct evidence is lacking, and whether other mechanisms participate is unknown. Here, combining loss- or gain-of-function assays to manipulate cell cycle regulators (Sonic hedgehog, Cdkn1a/p21) with an in vivo lentiviral labelling strategy, we demonstrate that progenitor division is one of two forces driving basal translocation of rod soma. Indeed, replacing Shh activity rescues abnormal rod translocation in retinal explants. Unexpectedly, we show that rod differentiation also promotes rod soma translocation. While outer segment function or formation is dispensable, Crx and SNARE-dependent synaptic function are essential. Thus, both non-cell and cell autonomous mechanisms underpin PR soma sublaminar positioning in the mammalian retina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genes CNGA1 and CNGB1 encode the alpha and beta subunits of the rod CNG channel, a ligand-gated cation channel whose activity is controlled by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). Autosomal inherited mutations in either of the genes lead to a progressive rod-cone retinopathy known as retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The rod CNG channel is expressed in the plasma membrane of the outer segment and functions as a molecular switch that converts light-mediated changes in cGMP into a voltage and Ca2+ signal. Here, we will first review the molecular properties and physiological role of the rod CNG channel and then discuss the characteristics of CNG-related RP. Finally, we will summarize recent activities in the field of gene therapy aimed at developing therapies for CNG-related RP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Major retinal degenerative diseases, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and retinal detachment, are associated with a local decrease in oxygen availability causing the formation of hypoxic areas affecting the photoreceptor (PR) cells. Here, we addressed the underlying pathological mechanisms of PR degeneration by focusing on energy metabolism during chronic activation of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) in rod PR.
    We used two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) of genetically encoded biosensors delivered by adeno-associated viruses (AAV) to determine lactate and glucose dynamics in PR and inner retinal cells. Retinal layer-specific proteomics, in situ enzymatic assays and immunofluorescence studies were used to analyse mitochondrial metabolism in rod PRs during chronic HIF activation.
    PRs exhibited remarkably higher glycolytic flux through the hexokinases than neurons of the inner retina. Chronic HIF activation in rods did not cause overt change in glucose dynamics but an increase in lactate production nonetheless. Furthermore, dysregulation of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway (OXPHOS) and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in rods with an activated hypoxic response decelerated cellular anabolism causing shortening of rod photoreceptor outer segments (OS) before onset of cell degeneration. Interestingly, rods with deficient OXPHOS but an intact TCA cycle did not exhibit these early signs of anabolic dysregulation and showed a slower course of degeneration.
    Together, these data indicate an exceeding high glycolytic flux in rods and highlight the importance of mitochondrial metabolism and especially of the TCA cycle for PR survival in conditions of increased HIF activity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The photopic ON pathway defect is associated with nocturnal vision loss. However, the measurement of ON function to detect a rod-dominated disease (rods affected more than cones) has not been explored. We evaluated whether the psychophysical evaluation of ON/OFF pathways can be used to distinguish cone-dominated from rod-dominated diseases.
    Thirty-seven patients with inherited retinal diseases were tested using the \'EyeSpeed\' [iOS application] on an iPad. The test displayed a random number (1-3) of light or dark targets on a black-and-white noise background. Participants responded on a touch screen indicating the correct number of targets displayed. The outcome variables-reaction time, accuracy and performance index (speed [1/reaction time] * accuracy) to both light and dark targets were assessed for diagnostic ability using standard receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis.
    Mean ± standard deviation age and visual acuity for the cone- and rod-dominated groups were 25.15 ± 11.74 years, 0.80 ± 0.25 logMAR and 28.3 ± 14.29 years, 0.48 ± 0.26 logMAR, respectively. The median reaction time to light targets in rod-dominated disease [interquartile range] was 5.28 s [3.17], significantly greater than for patients with cone-dominated disease (2.07 s [0.93]; Mann-Whitney U test, p < 0.001). Amongst all of the outcome variables evaluated, the reaction time to light targets (criterion of ≥2.98 s) exhibited the highest area under the ROC curve (area = 0.89 ± 0.11; p < 0.001), with a sensitivity and specificity of 82.4% and 85% respectively.
    Reaction time to light targets using the ON/OFF pathway paradigm is a valid marker to differentiate between rod- and cone-dominated retinal dystrophies. ON pathway function measured using a tablet-based test could act as a supplemental test in the diagnosis of challenging photoreceptor-specific inherited retinal diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The light sensor of vertebrate scotopic (low-light) vision, rhodopsin, is a G-protein-coupled receptor comprising a polypeptide chain with bound chromophore, 11-cis-retinal, that exhibits remarkable physicochemical properties. This photopigment is extremely stable in the dark, yet its chromophore isomerises upon photon absorption with 70% efficiency, enabling the activation of its G-protein, transducin, with high efficiency. Rhodopsin\'s photochemical and biochemical activities occur over very different time-scales: the energy of retinaldehyde\'s excited state is stored in <1 ps in retinal-protein interactions, but it takes milliseconds for the catalytically active state to form, and many tens of minutes for the resting state to be restored. In this review, we describe the properties of rhodopsin and its role in rod phototransduction. We first introduce rhodopsin\'s gross structural features, its evolution, and the basic mechanisms of its activation. We then discuss light absorption and spectral sensitivity, photoreceptor electrical responses that result from the activity of individual rhodopsin molecules, and recovery of rhodopsin and the visual system from intense bleaching exposures. We then provide a detailed examination of rhodopsin\'s molecular structure and function, first in its dark state, and then in the active Meta states that govern its interactions with transducin, rhodopsin kinase and arrestin. While it is clear that rhodopsin\'s molecular properties are exquisitely honed for phototransduction, from starlight to dawn/dusk intensity levels, our understanding of how its molecular interactions determine the properties of scotopic vision remains incomplete. We describe potential future directions of research, and outline several major problems that remain to be solved.





