
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consolidation of initially encoded hippocampal representations in the neocortex through reactivation is crucial for long-term memory formation and is facilitated by the coordination of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) with cortical slow and spindle oscillations during non-REM sleep. Recent evidence suggests that high-frequency cortical ripples can also coordinate with hippocampal SWRs in support of consolidation; however, the contribution of cortical ripples to reactivation remains unclear. We used high-density, continuous recordings in the hippocampus (area CA1) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) over the course of spatial learning and show that independent PFC ripples dissociated from SWRs are prevalent in NREM sleep and predominantly suppress hippocampal activity. PFC ripples paradoxically mediate top-down suppression of hippocampal reactivation rather than coordination, and this suppression is stronger for assemblies that are reactivated during coordinated CA1-PFC ripples for consolidation of recent experiences. Further, we show non-canonical, serial coordination of independent cortical ripples with slow and spindle oscillations, which are known signatures of memory consolidation. These results establish a role for prefrontal cortical ripples in top-down regulation of behaviorally relevant hippocampal representations during consolidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brain rhythms have been postulated to play central roles in animal cognition. A prominently reported dichotomy of hippocampal rhythms links theta-frequency oscillations (4-12 Hz) and ripples (120-250 Hz) exclusively to preparatory and consummatory behaviours, respectively. However, because of the differential power expression of these two signals across hippocampal strata, such exclusivity requires validation through analyses of simultaneous multi-strata recordings. We assessed co-occurrence of theta-frequency oscillations with ripples in multi-channel recordings of extracellular potentials across hippocampal strata from foraging rats. We detected all ripple events from an identified stratum pyramidale (SP) channel. We then defined theta epochs based on theta oscillations detected from the stratum lacunosum-moleculare (SLM) or the stratum radiatum (SR). We found ∼20% of ripple events (in SP) to co-occur with theta epochs identified from SR/SLM channels, defined here as theta ripples. Strikingly, when theta epochs were instead identified from the SP channel, such co-occurrences were significantly reduced because of a progressive reduction in theta power along the SLM-SR-SP axis. Behaviourally, we found most theta ripples to occur during immobile periods, with comparable theta power during exploratory and immobile theta epochs. Furthermore, the progressive reduction in theta power along the SLM-SR-SP axis was common to exploratory and immobile periods. Finally, we found a strong theta-phase preference of theta ripples within the fourth quadrant [3π/2 - 2π] of the associated theta oscillation. The prevalence of theta ripples expands the potential roles of ripple-frequency oscillations to span the continuum of encoding, retrieval and consolidation, achieved through interactions with theta oscillations. KEY POINTS: The brain manifests oscillations in recorded electrical potentials, with different frequencies of oscillation associated with distinct behavioural states. A prominently reported dichotomy assigns theta-frequency oscillations (4-12 Hz) and ripples (120-250 Hz) recorded in the hippocampus to be exclusively associated with preparatory and consummatory behaviours, respectively. Our multi-strata recordings from the rodent hippocampus coupled with cross-strata analyses provide direct quantitative evidence for the occurrence of ripple events nested within theta oscillations. These results highlight the need for an analysis pipeline that explicitly accounts for the specific strata where individual oscillatory power is high, in analysing simultaneously recorded data from multiple strata. Our observations open avenues for investigations involving cross-strata interactions between theta oscillations and ripples across different behavioural states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In developmental and epileptic encephalopathy with spike-and-wave activation in sleep (DEE-SWAS), the thalamocortical network is suggested to play an important role in the pathophysiology of the progression from focal epilepsy to DEE-SWAS. Ethosuximide (ESM) exerts effects by blocking T-type calcium channels in thalamic neurons. With the thalamocortical network in mind, we studied the prediction of ESM effectiveness in DEE-SWAS treatment using phase-amplitude coupling (PAC) analysis.
    METHODS: We retrospectively enrolled children with DEE-SWAS who had an electroencephalogram (EEG) recorded between January 2009 and September 2022 and were prescribed ESM at Okayama University Hospital. Only patients whose EEG showed continuous spike-and-wave during sleep were included. We extracted 5-min non-rapid eye movement sleep stage N2 segments from EEG recorded before starting ESM. We calculated the modulation index (MI) as the measure of PAC in pair combination comprising one of two fast oscillation types (gamma, 40-80 Hz; ripples, 80-150 Hz) and one of five slow-wave bands (delta, 0.5-1, 1-2, 2-3, and 3-4 Hz; theta, 4-8 Hz), and compared it between ESM responders and non-responders.
    RESULTS: We identified 20 children with a diagnosis of DEE-SWAS who took ESM. Fifteen were ESM responders. Regarding gamma oscillations, significant differences were seen only in MI with 0.5-1 Hz slow waves in the frontal pole and occipital regions. Regarding ripples, ESM responders had significantly higher MI in coupling with all slow waves in the frontal pole region, 0.5-1, 3-4, and 4-8 Hz slow waves in the frontal region, 3-4 Hz slow waves in the parietal region, 0.5-1, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-8 Hz slow waves in the occipital region, and 3-4 Hz slow waves in the anterior-temporal region.
    CONCLUSIONS: High MI in a wider area of the brain may represent the epileptic network mediated by the thalamus in DEE-SWAS and may be a predictor of ESM effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The granular retrosplenial cortex (gRSC) exhibits high-frequency oscillations (HFOs; ∼150 Hz), which can be driven by a hippocampus-subiculum pathway. How the cellular-synaptic and laminar organization of gRSC facilitates HFOs is unknown. Here, we probe gRSC HFO generation and coupling with hippocampal rhythms using focal optogenetics and silicon-probe recordings in behaving mice. ChR2-mediated excitation of CaMKII-expressing cells in L2/3 or L5 induces HFOs, but spontaneous HFOs are found only in L2/3, where HFO power is highest. HFOs couple to CA1 sharp wave-ripples (SPW-Rs) during rest and the descending phase of theta. gRSC HFO current sources and sinks are the same for events during both SPW-Rs and theta oscillations. Independent component analysis shows that high gamma (50-100 Hz) in CA1 stratum lacunosum moleculare is comodulated with HFO power. HFOs may thus facilitate interregional communication of a multisynaptic loop between the gRSC, hippocampus, and medial entorhinal cortex during distinct brain and behavioral states.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How do passing moments turn into lasting memories? Sheltered from external tasks and distractions, sleep constitutes an optimal state for the brain to reprocess and consolidate previous experiences. Recent work suggests that consolidation is governed by the intricate interaction of slow oscillations (SOs), spindles, and ripples - electrophysiological sleep rhythms that orchestrate neuronal processing and communication within and across memory circuits. This review describes how sequential SO-spindle-ripple coupling provides a temporally and spatially fine-tuned mechanism to selectively strengthen target memories across hippocampal and cortical networks. Coupled sleep rhythms might be harnessed not only to enhance overnight memory retention, but also to combat memory decline associated with healthy ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim was to investigate the long-term effects of a single episode of immature Status Epilepticus (SE) on the excitability of the septal and temporal hippocampus in vitro, by studying the relationship between interictal-like epileptiform discharges (IEDs) and high-frequency oscillations (HFOs; Ripples, Rs and Fast Ripples, FRs). A pentylenetetrazol-induced Status Epilepticus-(SE)-like generalized seizure was induced at postnatal day 20 in 22 male and female juvenile rats, sacrificed >40 days later to prepare hippocampal slices. Spontaneous IEDs induced by Mg2+-free ACSF were recorded from the CA3 area of temporal (T) or septal (S) slices. Recordings were band-pass filtered off-line revealing Rs and FRs and a series of measurements were conducted, with mean values compared with those obtained from age-matched controls (CTRs). In CTR S (vs T) slices, we recorded longer R & FR durations, a longer HFO-IED temporal overlap, higher FR peak power and more frequent FR initiation preceding IEDs (% events). Post-SE, in T slices all types of events duration (IED, R, FR) and the time lag between their onsets (R-IED, FR-IED, R-FR) increased, while FR/R peak power decreased; in S slices, the IED 1st population spike and the FR amplitudes, the R and FR peak power and the (percent) events where Rs or FRs preceded IEDs all decreased. The CA3 IED-HFO relationship offers insights to the septal-to-temporal synchronization patterns; its post-juvenile-SE changes indicate permanent modifications in the septotemporal excitability gradient. Moreover, these findings are in line to region-specific regulation of various currents post-SE, as reported in literature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Direct human brain recordings have confirmed the presence of high-frequency oscillatory events, termed ripples, during awake behavior. While many prior studies have focused on medial temporal lobe (MTL) ripples during memory retrieval, here we investigate ripples during memory encoding. Specifically, we ask whether ripples during encoding predict whether and how memories are subsequently recalled. Detecting ripples from MTL electrodes implanted in 116 neurosurgical participants (n = 61 male) performing a verbal episodic memory task, we find that encoding ripples do not distinguish recalled from not recalled items in any MTL region, even as high-frequency activity during encoding predicts recall in these same regions. Instead, hippocampal ripples increase during encoding of items that subsequently lead to recall of temporally and semantically associated items during retrieval, a phenomenon known as clustering. This subsequent clustering effect arises specifically when hippocampal ripples co-occur during encoding and retrieval, suggesting that ripples mediate both encoding and reinstatement of episodic memories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How the human cortex integrates (\"binds\") information encoded by spatially distributed neurons remains largely unknown. One hypothesis suggests that synchronous bursts of high-frequency oscillations (\"ripples\") contribute to binding by facilitating integration of neuronal firing across different cortical locations. While studies have demonstrated that ripples modulate local activity in the cortex, it is not known whether their co-occurrence coordinates neural firing across larger distances. We tested this hypothesis using local field-potentials and single-unit firing from four 96-channel microelectrode arrays in the supragranular cortex of 3 patients. Neurons in co-rippling locations showed increased short-latency co-firing, prediction of each other\'s firing, and co-participation in neural assemblies. Effects were similar for putative pyramidal and interneurons, during non-rapid eye movement sleep and waking, in temporal and Rolandic cortices, and at distances up to 16 mm (the longest tested). Increased co-prediction during co-ripples was maintained when firing-rate changes were equated, indicating that it was not secondary to non-oscillatory activation. Co-rippling enhanced prediction was strongly modulated by ripple phase, supporting the most common posited mechanism for binding-by-synchrony. Co-ripple enhanced prediction is reciprocal, synergistic with local upstates, and further enhanced when multiple sites co-ripple, supporting re-entrant facilitation. Together, these results support the hypothesis that trans-cortical co-occurring ripples increase the integration of neuronal firing of neurons in different cortical locations and do so in part through phase-modulation rather than unstructured activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-frequency oscillations (HFOs) represent an electrographic biomarker of endogenous epileptogenicity and seizure-generating tissue that proved clinically useful in presurgical planning and delineating the resection area. In the neocortex, the clinical observations on HFOs are not sufficiently supported by experimental studies stemming from a lack of realistic neocortical epilepsy models that could provide an explanation of the pathophysiological substrates of neocortical HFOs. In this study, we explored pathological epileptiform network phenomena, particularly HFOs, in a highly realistic murine model of neocortical epilepsy due to focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) type II. FCD was induced in mice by the expression of the human pathogenic mTOR gene mutation during embryonic stages of brain development. Electrographic recordings from multiple cortical regions in freely moving animals with FCD and epilepsy demonstrated that the FCD lesion generates HFOs from all frequency ranges, i.e., gamma, ripples, and fast ripples up to 800 Hz. Gamma-ripples were recorded almost exclusively in FCD animals, while fast ripples occurred in controls as well, although at a lower rate. Gamma-ripple activity is particularly valuable for localizing the FCD lesion, surpassing the utility of fast ripples that were also observed in control animals, although at significantly lower rates. Propagating HFOs occurred outside the FCD, and the contralateral cortex also generated HFOs independently of the FCD, pointing to a wider FCD network dysfunction. Optogenetic activation of neurons carrying mTOR mutation and expressing Channelrhodopsin-2 evoked fast ripple oscillations that displayed spectral and morphological profiles analogous to spontaneous oscillations. This study brings experimental evidence that FCD type II generates pathological HFOs across all frequency bands and provides information about the spatiotemporal properties of each HFO subtype in FCD. The study shows that mutated neurons represent a functionally interconnected and active component of the FCD network, as they can induce interictal epileptiform phenomena and HFOs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastics (MP) of all sizes and densities have been found deposited in streambeds. Several delivery processes were proposed to explain these observations. However, none of the previous studies explored these processes systematically, especially in cases of streambeds made of fine sediments that are regularly in motion. In this study, we quantified the effect of streambed motion on the deposition and accumulation of MP in streambed sediments using particle tracking simulations in a numerical flow and transport model. The model was run for streamwater velocities of 0.1-0.5 m s-1 and median grain sizes of 0.15-0.6 mm. Streambed morphodynamics were estimated from these input parameters using empirical relationships. MP propensity to become trapped in porous media was simulated using a filtration coefficient. For each grain size and streamwater velocity, a wide variety of filtration coefficients was used in simulations in order to predict the fate of particles in the sediment. We found that exchange due to sediment turnover leads to burial and long-term deposition of MP that originally were not expected to enter the bed due to size exclusion. The results also show that in streambeds with fine sediments, localized deposits of MP are expected to occur as a horizontal layer below the moving fraction of the bed (upper layer). However, increasing celerity reduces the depth of MP deposition in the streambed. We conclude that models that do not include the effect of bed motion on MP deposition are likely miscalculating the deposition, retention, resuspensions and long-term accumulation of MP in streambed sediments.





