
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) contributes significantly to chemotherapy resistance and remains a critical challenge in treating advanced breast cancer. The complexity of EMT, involving redundant pro-EMT signaling pathways and its paradox reversal process, mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (MET), has hindered the development of effective treatments. In this study, we utilized a Tri-PyMT EMT lineage-tracing model in mice and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) to comprehensively analyze the EMT status of tumor cells. Our findings revealed elevated ribosome biogenesis (RiBi) during the transitioning phases of both EMT and MET processes. RiBi and its subsequent nascent protein synthesis mediated by ERK and mTOR signalings are essential for EMT/MET completion. Importantly, inhibiting excessive RiBi genetically or pharmacologically impaired the EMT/MET capability of tumor cells. Combining RiBi inhibition with chemotherapy drugs synergistically reduced metastatic outgrowth of epithelial and mesenchymal tumor cells under chemotherapies. Our study suggests that targeting the RiBi pathway presents a promising strategy for treating patients with advanced breast cancer.
    Although there have been considerable improvements in breast cancer treatments over the years, there are still many patients whose cancerous cells become resistant to treatments, including chemotherapy. Several different factors can contribute to resistance to chemotherapy, but one important change is the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (or EMT for short). During this transition, breast cancer cells become more aggressive, and more able to metastasize and spread to other parts of the body. Cells can also go through the reverse process called the mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition (or MET for short). Together, EMT and MET help breast cancer cells become resilient to treatment. However, it was not clear if these transitions shared a mechanism or pathway that could be targeted as a way to make cancer treatments more effective. To investigate, Ban, Zou et al. studied breast cancer cells from mice which had been labelled with fluorescent proteins that indicated whether a cell had ever transitioned between an epithelial and mesenchymal state. Various genetic experiments revealed that breast cancer cells in the EMT or MET phase made a lot more ribosomes, molecules that are vital for producing new proteins. Ban, Zhou et al. found that blocking the production of ribosomes (using drugs or genetic tools) prevented the cells from undergoing both EMT and MET. Further experiments showed that when mice with breast cancer were treated with a standard chemotherapy treatment plus an anti-ribosome drug, this reduced the number and size of tumors that had metastasized to the lung. This suggests that blocking ribosome production makes breast cancer cells undergoing EMT and/or MET less resistant to chemotherapy. Future studies will have to ascertain whether these findings also apply to patients with breast cancer. In particular, one of the drugs used to block ribosome production in this study is in early-phase clinical trials, so future trials may be able to assess the drug’s effect in combination with chemotherapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nascent chains undergo co-translational enzymatic processing as soon as their N-terminus becomes accessible at the ribosomal polypeptide tunnel exit (PTE). In eukaryotes, N-terminal methionine excision (NME) by Methionine Aminopeptidases (MAP1 and MAP2), and N-terminal acetylation (NTA) by N-Acetyl-Transferase A (NatA), is the most common combination of subsequent modifications carried out on the 80S ribosome. How these enzymatic processes are coordinated in the context of a rapidly translating ribosome has remained elusive. Here, we report two cryo-EM structures of multi-enzyme complexes assembled on vacant human 80S ribosomes, indicating two routes for NME-NTA. Both assemblies form on the 80S independent of nascent chain substrates. Irrespective of the route, NatA occupies a non-intrusive \'distal\' binding site on the ribosome which does not interfere with MAP1 or MAP2 binding nor with most other ribosome-associated factors (RAFs). NatA can partake in a coordinated, dynamic assembly with MAP1 through the hydra-like chaperoning function of the abundant Nascent Polypeptide-Associated Complex (NAC). In contrast to MAP1, MAP2 completely covers the PTE and is thus incompatible with NAC and MAP1 recruitment. Together, our data provide the structural framework for the coordinated orchestration of NME and NTA in protein biogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the complex landscape of cancer biology, the discovery of microproteins has triggered a paradigm shift, thereby, challenging the conventional conceptions of gene regulation. Though overlooked for years, these entities encoded by the small open reading frames (100-150 codons), have a significant impact on various cellular processes. As precision medicine pioneers delve deeper into the genome and proteome, microproteins have come into the limelight. Typically characterized by a single protein domain that directly binds to the target protein complex and regulates their assembly, these microproteins have been shown to play a key role in fundamental biological processes such as RNA processing, DNA repair, and metabolism regulation. Techniques for identification and characterization, such as ribosome profiling and proteogenomic approaches, have unraveled unique mechanisms by which these microproteins regulate cell signaling or pathological processes in most diseases including cancer. However, the functional relevance of these microproteins in cancer remains unclear. In this context, the current review aims to \"rethink the essence of these genes\" and explore \"how these hidden players-microproteins orchestrate the signaling cascades of cancer, both as accelerators and brakes.\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small-molecule compounds that elicit mRNA-selective translation repression have attracted interest due to their potential for expansion of druggable space. However, only a limited number of examples have been reported to date. Here, we show that desmethyl desamino pateamine A (DMDA-PatA) represses translation in an mRNA-selective manner by clamping eIF4A, a DEAD-box RNA-binding protein, onto GNG motifs. By systematically comparing multiple eIF4A inhibitors by ribosome profiling, we found that DMDA-PatA has unique mRNA selectivity for translation repression. Unbiased Bind-n-Seq reveals that DMDA-PatA-targeted eIF4A exhibits a preference for GNG motifs in an ATP-independent manner. This unusual RNA binding sterically hinders scanning by 40S ribosomes. A combination of classical molecular dynamics simulations and quantum chemical calculations, and the subsequent development of an inactive DMDA-PatA derivative reveals that the positive charge of the tertiary amine on the trienyl arm induces G selectivity. Moreover, we identified that DDX3, another DEAD-box protein, is an alternative DMDA-PatA target with the same effects on eIF4A. Our results provide an example of the sequence-selective anchoring of RNA-binding proteins and the mRNA-selective inhibition of protein synthesis by small-molecule compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome (SDS) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic condition with 90% of cases associated with biallelic pathogenic variants in the Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond Syndrome (SBDS) gene on chromosome 7q.11.21. SDS belongs to ribosomopathies since SBDS gene encodes a protein involved in ribosomal maturation. Its phenotypic postnatal hallmark features include growth delay, bone marrow failure, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and skeletal abnormalities. We report a first fetal case of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome and extend its phenotype before birth. The clinical features mimicked vascular growth restriction with FGR and shortened long bones, associated with abnormal Doppler indices. Non-restricted fetal autopsy after termination of pregnancy allowed deep phenotyping disclosing the features of fetal skeletal dysplasia. Post-fetopathological trio exome sequencing identified biallelic pathogenic variants in the SBDS gene. Genotype-phenotype correlations confirmed the diagnosis and enabled an adequate genetic counseling of the parents. Our case is another example of the positive impact of fetal autopsy coupled with post-fetopathological genomic studies, even in the cases that were hitherto classified as maternal or fetal vascular malperfusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The formation of new ribosomes is tightly coordinated with cell growth and proliferation. In eukaryotes, the correct assembly of all ribosomal proteins and RNAs follows an intricate scheme of maturation and rearrangement steps across three cellular compartments: the nucleolus, nucleoplasm, and cytoplasm. We demonstrate that usnic acid, a lichen secondary metabolite, inhibits the maturation of the large ribosomal subunit in yeast. We combine biochemical characterization of pre-ribosomal particles with a quantitative single-particle cryo-EM approach to monitor changes in nucleolar particle populations upon drug treatment. Usnic acid rapidly blocks the transition from nucleolar state B to C of Nsa1-associated pre-ribosomes, depleting key maturation factors such as Dbp10 and hindering pre-rRNA processing. This primary nucleolar block rapidly rebounds on earlier stages of the pathway which highlights the regulatory linkages between different steps. In summary, we provide an in-depth characterization of the effect of usnic acid on ribosome biogenesis, which may have implications for its reported anti-cancer activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum, 1792) is an important economic cold-water fish that is susceptible to heat stress. To date, the heat stress response in rainbow trout is more widely understood at the transcriptional level, while little research has been conducted at the translational level. To reveal the translational regulation of heat stress in rainbow trout, in this study, we performed a ribosome profiling assay of rainbow trout liver under normal and heat stress conditions. Comparative analysis of the RNA-seq data with the ribosome profiling data showed that the folding changes in gene expression at the transcriptional level are moderately correlated with those at the translational level. In total, 1213 genes were significantly altered at the translational level. However, only 32.8% of the genes were common between both levels, demonstrating that heat stress is coordinated across both transcriptional and translational levels. Moreover, 809 genes exhibited significant differences in translational efficiency (TE), with the TE of these genes being considerably affected by factors such as the GC content, coding sequence length, and upstream open reading frame (uORF) presence. In addition, 3468 potential uORFs in 2676 genes were identified, which can potentially affect the TE of the main open reading frames. In this study, Ribo-seq and RNA-seq were used for the first time to elucidate the coordinated regulation of transcription and translation in rainbow trout under heat stress. These findings are expected to contribute novel data and theoretical insights to the international literature on the thermal stress response in fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The analysis of protein fold usage, similar to codon usage, offers profound insights into the evolution of biological systems and the origins of modern proteomes. While previous studies have examined fold distribution in modern genomes, our study focuses on the comparative distribution and usage of protein folds in ribosomes across bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. We identify the prevalence of certain \'super-ribosome folds,\' such as the OB fold in bacteria and the SH3 domain in archaea and eukaryotes. The observed protein fold distribution in the ribosomes announces the future power-law distribution where only a few folds are highly prevalent, and most are rare. Additionally, we highlight the presence of three copies of proto-Rossmann folds in ribosomes across all kingdoms, showing its ancient and fundamental role in ribosomal structure and function. Our study also explores early mechanisms of molecular convergence, where different protein folds bind equivalent ribosomal RNA structures in ribosomes across different kingdoms. This comparative analysis enhances our understanding of ribosomal evolution, particularly the distinct evolutionary paths of the large and small subunits, and underscores the complex interplay between RNA and protein components in the transition from the RNA world to modern cellular life. Transcending the concept of folds also makes it possible to group a large number of ribosomal proteins into five categories of urfolds or metafolds, which could attest to their ancestral character and common origins. This work also demonstrates that the gradual acquisition of extensions by simple but ordered folds constitutes an inexorable evolutionary mechanism. This observation supports the idea that simple but structured ribosomal proteins preceded the development of their disordered extensions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sequential lytic cycles driven by cascading transcriptional waves underlie pathogenesis in the apicomplexan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite\'s unique division by internal budding, short cell cycle, and jumbled up classically defined cell cycle stages have restrained in-depth transcriptional program analysis. Here, unbiased transcriptome and chromatin accessibility maps throughout the lytic cell cycle are established at the single-cell level. Correlated pseudo-timeline assemblies of expression and chromatin profiles maps transcriptional versus chromatin level transition points promoting the cell division cycle. Sequential clustering analysis identifies functionally related gene groups promoting cell cycle progression. Promoter DNA motif mapping reveals patterns of combinatorial regulation. Pseudo-time trajectory analysis reveals transcriptional bursts at different cell cycle points. The dominant burst in G1 is driven largely by transcription factor AP2XII-8, which engages a conserved DNA motif, and promotes the expression of 44 ribosomal proteins encoding regulon. Overall, the study provides integrated, multi-level insights into apicomplexan transcriptional regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosome profiling, which is based on deep sequencing of ribosome footprints, has served as a powerful tool for elucidating the regulatory mechanism of protein synthesis. However, the current method has substantial issues: contamination by rRNAs and the lack of appropriate methods to measure ribosome numbers in transcripts. Here, we overcome these hurdles through the development of \"Ribo-FilterOut\", which is based on the separation of footprints from ribosome subunits by ultrafiltration, and \"Ribo-Calibration\", which relies on external spike-ins of stoichiometrically defined mRNA-ribosome complexes. A combination of these approaches estimates the number of ribosomes on a transcript, the translation initiation rate, and the overall number of translation events before its decay, all in a genome-wide manner. Moreover, our method reveals the allocation of ribosomes under heat shock stress, during aging, and across cell types. Our strategy of modified ribosome profiling measures kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of cellular translation across the transcriptome.





