
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vertebrates utilize various respiratory organs like gills, lungs, and skin in combination with diverse cardiovascular structures, including single, three, and four-chambered hearts, to enable oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal. They also exhibit differences in aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during exertion, but the cardiorespiratory gas transport of all vertebrates follow is a similar a four-step process governed by Fick\'s Principle and Fick\'s Law of Diffusion over the entire range of metabolic rates. Hillman et al. (2013) suggested that previous exercise studies have focused too narrowly on mammals and proposed that the cardiorespiratory system\'s excess capacity serves an evolutionary role in enhancing CO2 excretion in non-mammalian vertebrates. In contrast, an analysis by Hicks and Wang (2021) concluded that vertebrates maintain effective gas exchange even at peak activity, finding no evidence of arterial hypercapnia at maximal oxygen consumption and thus challenging the proposal of significant limitations to pulmonary or branchial CO2 efflux. In the present study, we investigate the limits for CO2 exchange in exercising American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) and provide evidence that the cardiorespiratory system is adequately built to sustain CO2 excretion during strenuous exercise and maintain arterial PCO2 , with no evidence of diffusion limitation for pulmonary CO2 excretion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Regardless of species, calcium, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone physiology are intricately linked. However, there are many unique differences between taxa that may affect husbandry recommendations, common disease processes, and effective treatment. This article aims to provide a basic overview of calcium metabolism and physiology then specifically delve into unique attributes of calcium homeostasis in common zoologic companion animal species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies report on the influence of temperature on blood gases in ectothermic vertebrates, but there is merely a cursory understanding of these effects in developing animals. Animals that develop in eggs are at the mercy of environmental temperature and are expected to lack the capacity to regulate gas exchange and may regulate blood gases by means of altered conductance for gas exchange. We, therefore, devised a series of studies to characterize the developmental changes in blood gases when embryonic alligators were exposed to 25, 30 and 35 °C. To determine how blood parameters were impacted by changes in embryonic temperature, blood was sampled from the chorioallantoic membrane artery. The blood in the chorioallantoic membrane artery is a mixture of oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich blood, which based on the embryonic vascular anatomy may reflect blood that perfuses the chemoreceptors of the developing animal. Our findings indicate that following a 48 h exposure to 25 °C or 35 °C, there was a positive relationship between CAM artery blood PO2, PCO2 and glucose. However, blood pH suggests embryonic alligators lack an acute regulatory mechanism for adjusting blood pH.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scavenging on carrion is critical and often fiercely competitive for a range of vertebrate species, from native apex predators to invasive species and even reptiles. Within Australia, a notable reptilian scavenger is the lace monitor (Varanus varius). In this study, we quantified lace monitor activity at carcasses and compared their use of the resource to common co-occurring predators that also scavenge; the invasive red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and a native apex predator, the dingo (Canis dingo). To do so, we deployed 80 macropod carcasses equally across seasons (summer and winter) and habitats (open and closed canopy) in a temperate bioregion and monitored vertebrate scavenging with camera traps. Lace monitor activity (visitation at carcass sites inclusive of both non-scavenging and scavenging events) was 1.67 times higher in summer than in winter, but it did not differ across closed and open habitats. Monitor activity occurred earlier after carcass deployment at sites deployed in summer than winter (1.47-fold earlier), and at carcasses in open than closed habitats (0.22-fold earlier). Lace monitors initially discovered carcass sites faster in summer than winter and before both red foxes and dingoes in summer. The species was active diurnally in both summer and winter, differing from the red fox, which was strictly a nocturnal scavenger and the dingo, which was significantly more active at night across both seasons. Finally, we found that lace monitor activity at carcass sites decreased slightly with higher rates of activity for dingoes (0.04-fold decrease as dingo activity increased), but not with red fox activity. Our results have implications for understanding lace monitor foraging and scavenging and highlight the value of monitoring carcasses to provide important insights into the behaviour of varanid lizards that scavenge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Computed tomography is commonly used to evaluate the reptile coelom. One challenge in the acquisition of contrast-enhanced CT studies in reptiles is the difficulty in placing intravenous catheters due to the poor conspicuity of peripheral vessels. To overcome these limitations, intraosseous catheterization of the long bones (humerus, femur, and tibia) can be used. The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the feasibility and diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced CT of the coelom using a femoral intraosseous route for contrast administration. Twelve healthy juvenile green iguanas were enrolled. In 9 of 12 iguanas, vascular phases were obtained, providing strong, homogeneous enhancement of the arterial and venous tree concurrently. In these nine cases, Phase #1, acquired 60 s after beginning the injection of contrast medium, provided maximal contrast between the hepatic parenchyma and hepatic vasculature. In the remaining three cases, injection failure resulted from intracortical placement of the catheter tip. Histological examination of the liver, kidneys, and femur was performed to determine the pathomorphological correlates of the CT findings; in a third of patients, some degree of contrast-induced renal toxicity was documented, which in mammalians shows potential for reversibility. Four iguanas had iatrogenic structural damage to the femoral growth plates attributed to intraosseous catheter placement. A femoral intraosseous route can be used in green iguanas for iodinated contrast medium administration for CT angiography. For the greatest contrast between coelomic organs and vascular structures, at least one postcontrast acquisition 60 s after initiation of contrast administration is recommended when using this technique.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allocation of acquired resources to phenotypic traits is affected by resource availability and current selective context. While differential investment in traits is well documented, the mechanisms driving investment at lower levels of biological organization, which are not directly related to fitness, remain poorly understood. We supplemented adult male and female Anolis carolinensis lizards with an isotopically labelled essential amino acid (13C-leucine) to track routing in four tissues (muscle, liver, gonads, and spleen) under different combinations of resource availability (high and low-calorie diets) and exercise training (sprint training and endurance capacity). We predicted sprint training should drive routing to muscle, and endurance training to liver and spleen, and that investment in gonads should be of lower priority in each of the cases of energetic stress. We found complex interactions between training regime, diet, and tissue type in females, and between tissue type and training and tissue type and diet in males, suggesting that males and females adjust their 13C-leucine routing strategies differently in response to similar environmental challenges. Importantly, our data show evidence of increased 13C-leucine routing in training contexts not to muscle as we expected, but to the spleen, which turns over blood cells, and to the liver, which supports metabolism under differing energetic scenarios. Our results reveal the context-specific nature of long-term tradeoffs associated with increased chronic activity. They also illustrate the importance of considering the costs of locomotion in studies of life history strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA meiotic recombinase 1 (disrupted meiotic cDNA, Dmc1) protein is homologous to the Escherichia coli RecA protein, was first identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This gene has been well studied as an essential role in meiosis in many species. However, studies on the dmc1 gene in reptiles are limited. In this study, a cDNA fragment of 1,111 bp was obtained from the gonadal tissues of the Chinese soft-shell turtle via RT-PCR, containing a 60 bp 3\' UTR, a 22 bp 5\' UTR, and an ORF of 1,029 bp encoding 342 amino acids, named Psdmc1. Multiple sequence alignments showed that the deduced protein has high similarity (>95 %) to tetrapod Dmc1 proteins, while being slightly lower (86-88 %) to fish species.Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that PsDmc1 was clustered with the other turtles\' Dmc1 and close to the reptiles\', but far away from the teleost\'s. RT-PCR and RT-qPCR analyses showed that the Psdmc1 gene was specifically expressed in the gonads, and much higher in testis than the ovary, especially highest in one year-old testis. In situ hybridization results showed that the Psdmc1 was mainly expressed in the perinuclear cytoplasm of primary and secondary spermatocytes, weakly in spermatogonia of the testes. These results indicated that dmc1 would be majorly involved in the developing testis, and play an essential role in the germ cells\' meiosis. The findings of this study will provide a basis for further investigations on the mechanisms behind the germ cells\' development and differentiation in Chinese soft-shell turtles, even in the reptiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of cardiac shunts in ectothermic tetrapods is thought to be consistent with active vascular modulations for proper hemodynamic support. Local control of blood flow modulates tissue perfusion and thus systemic conductance (Gsys) is assumed to increase with body temperature (Tb) to accommodate higher aerobic demand. However, the general increase of Gsys presses for a higher right-to-left (R-L) shunt, which reduces arterial oxygen concentration. In contrast, Tb reduction leads to a Gsys decrease and a left-to-right shunt, which purportedly increases pulmonary perfusion and plasma filtration in the respiratory area. This investigation addressed the role of compensatory vascular adjustments in the face of the metabolic alterations caused by Tb change in the South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus). Cardiovascular recordings were performed in decerebrated rattlesnake preparations at 10, 20 and 30°C. The rise in Tb increased metabolic demand, and correlated with an augmentation in heart rate. Although cardiac output increased, systemic stroke volume reduced while pulmonary stroke volume remained stable. Although that resulted in a proportionally higher increase in pulmonary blood flow, the R-L shunt was maintained. While the systemic compliance of large arteries was the most relevant factor in regulating arterial systemic blood pressure, peripheral conductance of pulmonary circulation was the major factor influencing the final cardiac shunt. Such dynamic adjustment of systemic compliance and pulmonary resistance for shunt modulation has not been demonstrated before and contrasts with previous knowledge on shunt control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resolving the phylogenetic relationships of early amniotes, in particular stem reptiles, remains a difficult problem. Three-dimensional morphological analysis of well-preserved stem-reptile specimens can reveal important anatomical data and clarify regions of phylogeny. Here, we present the first thorough description of the unusual early Permian stem reptile Bolosaurus major, including the first comprehensive description of a bolosaurid braincase. We describe previously obscured details of the palate, allowing for insight into bolosaurid feeding mechanics. Aspects of the rostrum, palate, mandible, and neurocranium suggest that B. major had a particularly strong bite. We additionally found B. major has a surprisingly slender stapes, similar to that of the middle Permian stem reptile Macroleter poezicus, which may suggest enhanced hearing abilities compared to other Paleozoic amniotes (e.g., captorhinids). We incorporated our new anatomical information into a large phylogenetic matrix (150 OTUs, 590 characters) to explore the relationship of Bolosauridae among stem reptiles. Our analyses generally recovered a paraphyletic \"Parareptilia,\" and found Bolosauridae to diverge after Captorhinidae + Araeoscelidia. We also included B. major within a smaller matrix (10 OTUs, 27 characters) designed to explore the interrelationships of Bolosauridae and found all species of Bolosaurus to be monophyletic. While reptile relationships still require further investigation, our phylogeny suggests repeated evolution of impedance-matching ears in Paleozoic stem reptiles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) are farmed in Australia primarily for their skins and meat. Commercially, they are raised in group pens as hatchlings and grower crocodiles and then moved to unitised (individual) pens for the final finishing stage when they are several years old. They will exhibit aggressive behaviour towards each other in captivity. Unitised pens can prevent animal injury and teeth marks on the skins but may result in other social restrictions. Research into behavioural housing preferences could assist the industry and inform the process of guideline development for optimal crocodile management and welfare. This study assessed the impacts of two housing systems, unitised or group pens, in 20 commercial finishing crocodiles through measuring behavioural profiles of individuals from video recordings, including housing preference when given a choice. Both pens included water and an above-water shelf, but the crocodiles in unitised pens could also access underneath the shelf. A threat perception test was applied to assess anxiety when housed individually or in groups. However, it was difficult to apply a standardised stimulus to all animals that reliably elicited a behavioural response. Further work would be needed to validate this test for commercial reptiles as the outcomes were not robust. The behavioural observation results showed clear differences in where the crocodiles spent their time across the day and in their activity levels between the pen types. However, interpretation of this variation was confounded by the physical and social differences between the pen types given the inconsistency in shelf access. Behaviours exhibited also differed given there were social opportunities in the group pens where individuals were observed engaged in both aggressive and non-aggressive contact interactions. In the free choice environment, crocodiles spent similar amounts of time in both unitised and group pens, suggesting there were features of both pen types that were attractive to the animals. However, skins were damaged from teeth marks highlighting the physical and economical risks of group housing. Further work could validate behavioural tests to quantify affective state impacts in different housing environments and whether social interactions do provide benefits for improving crocodile welfare.





