
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The avian immune system plays a vital role in poultry production to obtain good productibility and products that are safe and of high quality. Historically, adaptive immunity has been the main target of vaccination. However, over the past decade, innate immunity has been reported to be enhanced in different animals through vaccination and feed additives. This enhancement is due to innate immune memory termed \"trained immunity,\" in which epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming play significant roles. Although reports on trained immunity in poultry are limited, several studies have suggested that vaccinations and feed additives affect the innate immunity. This review discusses the possible effects of vaccination and β-glucan on innate immunity for potential incorporation in advanced strategies to enhance the defense function in poultry while considering the information on trained immunity in mammals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of cancer cells to detach from the primary site and metastasize is the main cause of cancer- related death among all cancer types. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is the first event of the metastatic cascade, resulting in the loss of cell-cell adhesion and the acquisition of motile and stem-like phenotypes. A critical modulator of EMT in cancer cells is the stromal tumor microenvironment (TME), which can promote the acquisition of a mesenchymal phenotype through direct interaction with cancer cells or changes to the broader microenvironment. In this review, we will explore the role of stromal cells in modulating cancer cell EMT, with particular emphasis on the function of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) through the activation of EMT-inducing pathways, extra cellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, immune cell alteration, and metabolic rewiring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adult stem cells (ASCs) can be cultured with difficulty from most tissues, often requiring chemical or transgenic modification to achieve adequate quantities. We show here that mouse primary fibroblasts, grown in suspension, change from the elongated and flattened morphology observed under standard adherent culture conditions of generating rounded cells with large nuclei and scant cytoplasm and expressing the mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) marker (Sca1; Ly6A) within 24 h. Based on this initial observation, we describe here a suspension culture method that, irrespective of the lineage used, mouse fibroblast or primary human somatic cells (fibroblasts, hepatocytes and keratinocytes), is capable of generating a high yield of cells in spheroid form which display the expression of ASC surface markers, circumventing the anoikis which often occurs at this stage. Moreover, mouse fibroblast-derived spheroids can be differentiated into adipogenic and osteogenic lineages. An analysis of single-cell RNA sequence data in mouse fibroblasts identified eight distinct cell clusters with one in particular comprising approximately 10% of the cells showing high levels of proliferative capacity expressing high levels of genes related to MSCs and self-renewal as well as the extracellular matrix (ECM). We believe the rapid, high-yield generation of proliferative, multi-potent ASC-like cells via the process we term suspension-induced stem cell transition (SIST) could have significant implications for regenerative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Krüppel-like factors (KLFs) belong to the family of transcription factors with three highly conserved zinc finger domains in the C-terminus. They regulate homeostasis, development, and disease progression in many tissues. It has been shown that KLFs play an essential role in the endocrine and exocrine compartments of the pancreas. They are necessary to maintain glucose homeostasis and have been implicated in the development of diabetes. Furthermore, they can be a vital tool in enabling pancreas regeneration and disease modeling. Finally, the KLF family contains proteins that act as tumor suppressors and oncogenes. A subset of members has a biphasic function, being upregulated in the early stages of oncogenesis and stimulating its progression and downregulated in the late stages to allow for tumor dissemination. Here, we describe KLFs\' function in pancreatic physiology and pathophysiology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Methionine addiction is a general and fundamental hallmark of cancer cells, termed the Hoffman effect. Previously Vanhamme and Szpirer showed that methionine addiction could be induced by transfection of the activated HRAS1 gene to a normal cell line. In the present study, we investigated the role of the c-MYC oncogene in methionine addiction of cancer, by comparison of c-Myc expression and malignancy of methionine-addicted osteosarcoma cells and rare methionine-independent revertants, derived from the methionine-addicted cells.
    METHODS: Methionine-independent revertant 143B osteosarcoma cells (143B-R) were derived from methionine-addicted parental 143B osteosarcoma cells (143B-P), by continuous culture in medium depleted of methionine by recombinant methioninase. To compare in vitro malignancy of methionine-addicted parental cells and methionine-independent revertant cells, the following experiments were performed: for 143B-P and 143B-R cells, cell proliferation capacity was measured with a cell-counting assay, and colony-formation capacity was determined on plastic and in soft agar, all in methionine-containing Dulbecco\'s Modified Eagle\'s Medium (DMEM). Tumor growth was measured in orthotopic xenograft nude-mouse models, to compare in vivo malignancy of 143B-P and 143B-R cells. c-MYC expression was examined with western immunoblotting and compared in 143B-P and 143B-R cells.
    RESULTS: 143B-R cells had reduced cell proliferation capacity, compared to 143B-P cells, in methionine-containing medium (p=0.003). 143B-R cells had reduced colony formation capacity on plastic (p=0.003) and in soft agar, compared to 143B-P cells in methionine-containing medium. 143B-R cells had reduced tumor growth in orthotopic xenograft nude-mouse models, compared to 143B-P cells, (p=0.002). These results demonstrate that 143B-R methionine-independent revertant cells lost malignancy. Expression of c-MYC was reduced in 143B-R methionine-independent revertant osteosarcoma cells, compared to 143B-P cells, (p=0.0007).
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrated that c-MYC expression is linked to malignancy and methionine addiction of cancer cells. The present study on c-MYC, and the previous study on HRAS1, suggest that oncogenes may play a role in methionine addiction, which is a hallmark of all cancers, as well as in malignancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer cells reprogram their metabolisms to achieve high energetic requirements and produce precursors that facilitate uncontrolled cell proliferation. Metabolic reprograming involves not only the dysregulation in glucose-metabolizing regulatory enzymes, but also the enzymes engaging in the lipid and amino acid metabolisms. Nevertheless, the underlying regulatory mechanisms of reprograming are not fully understood. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) as functional RNA molecules cannot translate into proteins, but they do play a regulatory role in gene expression. Moreover, ncRNAs have been demonstrated to be implicated in the metabolic modulations in breast cancer (BC) by regulating the metabolic-related enzymes. Here, we will focus on the regulatory involvement of ncRNAs (microRNA, circular RNA and long ncRNA) in BC metabolism, including glucose, lipid and glutamine metabolism. Investigation of this aspect may not only alter the approaches of BC diagnosis and prognosis, but may also open a new avenue in using ncRNA-based therapeutics for BC treatment by targeting different metabolic pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mutations in granulin (GRN) have been associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (NCL). In Portugal, GRN mutations account for around half of all FTLD cases with known genetic origin. Here, we describe the generation and characterization of three human-induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines from a Portuguese family harboring heterozygous and homozygous GRN mutation. hiPSCs were reprogrammed from human dermal fibroblasts by episomal nucleofection of the Yamanaka factors. The new generated lines were positive for pluripotency markers, could be further differentiated to cells expressing all trilineage markers, and presented a normal karyotype. They were also capable of differentiating into 3D brain organoids and presented a significant decrease in progranulin protein levels. Hence, these cell lines constitute suitable new tools to elucidate the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with the GRN mutations in the context of FTLD.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The application of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in advanced therapies is increasing at pace, but concerns remain over their clinical safety profile. We report the first-ever application of doggybone DNA (dbDNA) vectors to generate human iPSCs. dbDNA vectors are closed-capped linear double-stranded DNA gene expression cassettes that contain no bacterial DNA and are amplified by a chemically defined, current good manufacturing practice (cGMP)-compliant methodology. We achieved comparable iPSC reprogramming efficiencies using transiently expressing dbDNA vectors with the same iPSC reprogramming coding sequences as the state-of-the-art OriP/EBNA1 episomal vectors but, crucially, in the absence of p53 shRNA repression. Moreover, persistent expression of EBNA1 from bacterially derived episomes resulted in stimulation of the interferon response, elevated DNA damage, and increased spontaneous differentiation. These cellular activities were diminished or absent in dbDNA-iPSCs, resulting in lines with a greater stability and safety potential for cell therapy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) of M2 phenotype have mediated the immunosuppression in a tumor microenvironment, facilitating the escape of tumor cells from immunosurveillance. Reprograming the immunosuppressive M2 TAMs to immunostimulatory M1 phenotype can activate the antitumor immune responses for cancer immunotherapy. Herein, hollow iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (NPs) were employed to reprogram M2 TAMs toward M1 TAMs, aiming to release proinflammatory cytokines and recruit T cells to kill tumor cells. After loaded with l-arginine (l-Arg) and sealed with poly(acrylic acid) (PAA), hollow Fe3O4 NPs were fabricated into LPFe3O4 NPs, which could release l-Arg based on pH-responsive PAA and produce nitric oxide (NO) with the help of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) overexpressed by M1 TAMs, as a result of additional tumor elimination for gas therapy. In vitro and in vivo studies demonstrate that LPFe3O4 NPs could effectively reprogram M2 to M1 macrophages, activating T cells, releasing TNF-α, and producing high levels of NO, leading to synergistic tumor therapy.





