reproductive tract development

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dlx5 and Dlx6 encode distal-less homeodomain transcription factors that are present in the genome as a linked pair at a single locus. Dlx5 and Dlx6 have redundant roles in craniofacial, skeletal, and uterine development. Previously, we performed a transcriptome comparison for anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)-induced genes expressed in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme of male and female mouse embryos. In that study, we found that Dlx5 transcripts were nearly seven-fold higher in males compared to females and Dlx6 transcripts were found only in males, suggesting they may be AMH-induced genes. Therefore, we investigated the role of Dlx5 and Dlx6 during AMH-induced Müllerian duct regression. We found that Dlx5 was detected in the male Müllerian duct mesenchyme from E14.5 to E16.5. In contrast, in female embryos Dlx5 was detected in the Müllerian duct epithelium. Dlx6 expression in Müllerian duct mesenchyme was restricted to males. Dlx6 expression was not detected in female Müllerian duct mesenchyme or epithelium. Genetic experiments showed that AMH signaling is necessary for Dlx5 and Dlx6 expression. Müllerian duct regression was variable in Dlx5 homozygous mutant males at E16.5, ranging from regression like controls to a block in Müllerian duct regression. In E16.5 Dlx6 homozygous mutants, Müllerian duct tissue persisted primarily in the region adjacent to the testes. In Dlx5-6 double homozygous mutant males Müllerian duct regression was also found to be incomplete but more severe than either single mutant. These studies suggest that Dlx5 and Dlx6 act redundantly to mediate AMH-induced Müllerian duct regression during male differentiation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ex vivo explant culture is an appealing alternative to in vivo studies on fetal reproductive organ development. There is extensive literature on ex vivo methods of growing the fetal gonad. However, a method for culturing the whole fetal reproductive tract that has a different shape and size has not been documented. Here, with careful dissection and proper tissue orientation, we successfully cultured the entire bicornuate reproductive tracts from mouse embryos of both sexes on the Transwell insert membrane. The cultured reproductive tract system undergoes sexually dimorphic establishment and region-specific morphogenesis comparable to in vivo development of their counterparts. To test this culture method\'s applications, we used chemical treatment (dihydrotestosterone and BMS 564929) and genetic cellular ablation mouse model (Gli1-CreER; Rosa-DTA) to investigate the roles of androgen signaling and Gli1+ mesenchyme in Wolffian duct development. Dihydrotestosterone and BMS 564929 promoted the ectopic maintenance of Wolffian ducts in cultured XX tissues. The efficient and specific elimination of Gli1+ mesenchyme was successfully achieved in the cultured tissues, resulting in defective coiling of Wolffian ducts. These results demonstrate the amenability of this organ culture method for chemical and genetic manipulations that are otherwise difficult to study in vivo. Taken together, the establishment of this organ culture method provides a valuable tool complementary to in vivo studies for understanding fetal reproductive tract development in mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, the developing reproductive tract primordium of male and female fetuses consists of the Wolffian duct and the Müllerian duct (MD), two epithelial tube pairs surrounded by mesenchyme. During male development, mesenchyme-epithelia interactions mediate MD regression to prevent its development into a uterus, oviduct, and upper vagina. It is well established that transforming growth factor-β family member anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) secreted from the fetal testis and its type 1 and 2 receptors expressed in MD mesenchyme regulate MD regression. However, little is known about the molecular network regulating downstream actions of AMH signaling. To identify potential AMH-induced genes and regulatory networks controlling MD regression in a global nonbiased manner, we examined transcriptome differences in MD mesenchyme between males (AMH signaling on) and females (AMH signaling off) by RNA-seq analysis of purified fetal MD mesenchymal cells. This analysis found 82 genes up-regulated in males during MD regression and identified Osterix (Osx)/Sp7, a key transcriptional regulator of osteoblast differentiation and bone formation, as a downstream effector of AMH signaling during MD regression. Osx/OSX was expressed in a male-specific pattern in MD mesenchyme during MD regression. OSX expression was lost in mutant males without AMH signaling. In addition, transgenic mice ectopically expressing human AMH in females induced a male pattern of Osx expression. Together, these results indicate that AMH signaling is necessary and sufficient for Osx expression in the MD mesenchyme. In addition, MD regression was delayed in Osx-null males, identifying Osx as a factor that regulates MD regression.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In horses, pregnancy is characterized by high levels of maternal estrogens that are produced largely by the interstitial tissue inside the gonads of the offspring, associated with a physiological gonadal hyperplasia, that is uncommon in other species. However, a detailed structural-functional understanding of the early stages of gonadal development and hyperplasia has remained elusive in horse pregnancy because of the lack of substantial data. The goal of this study was to describe the genital organs\' development in 19 early horse embryos and fetuses (days 20-140 of gestation) of both sexes by means of anatomy, histology, stereology, and immunohistochemistry, with a specific focus on gonadal hyperplasia and interstitial tissue development. Gonadal hyperplasia with similar amounts of interstitial cells was observed in both sexes, but only during the early stage of development (days 40-90). Surprisingly, a higher degree of hyperplasia, characterized by larger amounts of interstitial cell-rich areas, was seen in fetal ovaries from 90 days of gestation onwards. Another novel aspect was that parallel to the hyperplasia of the interstitial cells, a much more precocious and pronounced differentiation of germinal cells was seen in the ovary, characterized by an earlier peak and decrease of DAZL and OCT protein immune markers. In conclusion, a reduced degree of hyperplasia and interstitial tissue in the fetal testis after 90 days of gestation suggests the existence of a more efficient mechanism regarding the synthesis of estrogen precursors as a structural or physiological difference between both fetal sexes, which warrants further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A key event during mammalian sexual development is regression of the Müllerian ducts (MDs) in the bipotential urogenital ridges (UGRs) of fetal males, which is caused by the expression of Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) in the Sertoli cells of the differentiating testes. The paracrine signaling mechanisms involved in MD regression are not completely understood, particularly since the receptor for MIS, MISR2, is expressed in the mesenchyme surrounding the MD, but regression occurs in both the epithelium and mesenchyme. Microarray analysis comparing MIS signaling competent and Misr2 knockout embryonic UGRs was performed to identify secreted factors that might be important for MIS-mediated regression of the MD. A seven-fold increase in the expression of Wif1, an inhibitor of WNT/β-catenin signaling, was observed in the Misr2-expressing UGRs. Whole mount in situ hybridization of Wif1 revealed a spatial and temporal pattern of expression consistent with Misr2 during the window of MD regression in the mesenchyme surrounding the MD epithelium that was absent in both female UGRs and UGRs knocked out for Misr2. Knockdown of Wif1 expression in male UGRs by Wif1-specific siRNAs beginning on embryonic day 13.5 resulted in MD retention in an organ culture assay, and exposure of female UGRs to added recombinant human MIS induced Wif1 expression in the MD mesenchyme. Knockdown of Wif1 led to increased expression of β-catenin and its downstream targets TCF1/LEF1 in the MD mesenchyme and to decreased apoptosis, resulting in partial to complete retention of the MD. These results strongly suggest that WIF1 secretion by the MD mesenchyme plays a role in MD regression in fetal males.






  • 文章类型: Congress
    An international workshop titled \"Assessing Endocrine-Related Endpoints within the First Years of Life\" was held 30 April-1 May 2007, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Representatives from a number of pregnancy cohort studies in North America and Europe presented options for measuring various endocrine-sensitive endpoints in early life and discussed issues related to performing and using those measures. The workshop focused on measuring reproductive tract developmental endpoints [e.g., anogenital distance (AGD)], endocrine status, and infant anthropometry. To the extent possible, workshop participants strove to develop or recommend standardized measurements that would allow comparisons and pooling of data across studies. The recommended outcomes include thigh fat fold, breast size, vaginal cytology, AGD, location of the testis, testicular size, and growth of the penis, with most of the discussion focusing on the genital exam. Although a number of outcome measures recommended during the genital exam have been associated with exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, little is known about how predictive these effects are of later reproductive health or other chronic health conditions.






