reproductive success

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All species of the isopod family Cymothoidae are obligate fish parasites, extracting nourishment through hematophagy and tissue consumption. To elucidate the detrimental effects of this parasitic relationship upon the host fish, we examined body length, weight of body, gonad, liver and stomach contents, and condition factor of Japanese scad Decapterus maruadsi infected with the buccal cavity parasite Ceratothoa carinata in different seasons. During the host fish\'s breeding season in July, the wet weight and condition factor of male and female host fish ages 1 and 2 were conspicuously diminished. No impacts were detected in September, after the breeding season. We found no impact of the parasite on the stomach content weight or signs of prey fish in the stomachs. Thus, parasite infection with C. carinata potentially diminishes the reproductive success of the host fish by negatively impacting the host\'s physiological condition, particularly during the breeding season.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The timing of exposure to the steroid hormone, testosterone, produces activational and organizational effects in vertebrates. These activational and organizational effects are hypothesized to relate with the number of female mating partners and reproductive success in males. We tested this hypothesis by examining 151 wild degu (Octodon degus) males across a 10-year study. We quantified the association between adult serum testosterone levels (i.e., an indirect index of adult activational effects) and anogenital distance (AGD) length (i.e., a direct index of fetal organizational effects), and their interaction on the number of female mating partners and reproductive success. We found no evidence of an association between adult male serum testosterone levels and the number of female mating partners, or between adult male serum testosterone levels and reproductive success. However, male AGD was positively associated with reproductive success, but not so with the number of female mating partners. Additionally, the positive association between male AGD and male reproductive success was mediated by the number of mates. Our findings do not support major roles of activational or organizational effects of testosterone on the number of female mating partners and its consequences on male reproductive success. Instead, our results suggest that compared with individual male attributes, the female social environment plays a more important role in driving male reproductive success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Range expansion and contraction are among the most common biotic responses to changing environmental conditions, yet much is to be learned about the mechanisms that underlie range-edge population dynamics, especially when those areas are points of secondary contact between closely related species. Here, we present field-measured parentage data that document the reproductive outcomes of changes in mate availability at a secondary contact zone between two species of woodrat in the genus Neotoma. Changes in mate availability resulted from drought-driven differential survival between the species and their hybrids. As the availability of conspecific mates declined, rates of hybridization increased, leading to the accumulation of admixed individuals in the zone of contact. Patterns of reproductive success in the wild appear to be the result of a combination of both pre-mating isolation and post-zygotic selection resulting from genomic incompatibilities between the parental lineages. Evidence of asymmetric mate preference between the parental lineages came from both skewed reproductive output in the field and laboratory preference trials. Moreover, partial genomic incompatibility was evident from the near-zero reproductive success of F1 males and because nearly all surviving hybrids had one pure parent. Nonetheless, high reproductive success of F1 females and backcrossing in both parental directions allow for introgression between the parental species. These findings reveal how climate change may alter evolutionary outcomes for species at the edge of their ranges through an interplay of behavioral, demographic, and genetic mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In agricultural environments, bees are routinely exposed to combinations of pesticides. For the most part, exposure to these pesticide mixtures does not result in acute lethal effects, but we know very little about potential sublethal effects and their consequences on reproductive success and population dynamics. In this study, we orally exposed newly emerged females of the solitary bee Osmia cornuta to environmentally-relevant levels of acetamiprid (a cyano-substituted neonicotinoid insecticide) singly and in combination with tebuconazole (a sterol-biosynthesis inhibitor (SBI) fungicide). The amount of feeding solution consumed during the exposure phase was lowest in bees exposed to the pesticide mixture. Following exposure, females were individually marked and released into oilseed rape field cages to monitor their nesting performance and assess their reproductive success. The nesting performance and reproductive success of bees exposed to the fungicide or the insecticide alone were similar to those of control bees and resulted in a 1.3-1.7 net population increases. By contrast, bees exposed to the pesticide mixture showed lower establishment, shortened nesting period, and reduced fecundity. Together, these effects led to a 0.5-0.6 population decrease. Female establishment and shortened nesting period were the main population bottlenecks. We found no effects of the pesticide mixture on nest provisioning rate, offspring body weight or sex ratio. Our study shows how sublethal pesticide exposure may affect several components of bee reproductive success and, ultimately, population growth. Our results calls for a rethinking of pollinator risk assessment schemes, which should target not only single compounds but also combinations of compounds likely to co-occur in agricultural environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Explaining variation in individual fitness is a key goal in evolutionary biology. Recently, telomeres, repeating DNA sequences capping chromosome ends, have gained attention as a biomarker for body state, physiological costs, and senescence. Existing research has provided mixed evidence for whether telomere length correlates with fitness, including survival and reproductive output. Moreover, few studies have examined how the rate of change in telomere length correlates with fitness in wild populations. Here, we intensively monitored an insular population of house sparrows, and collected longitudinal telomere and life history data (16 years, 1225 individuals). We tested whether telomere length and its rate of change predict fitness measures, namely survival, lifespan and annual and lifetime reproductive effort and success. Telomere length positively predicted short-term survival, independent of age, but did not predict lifespan, suggesting either a diminishing telomere length-survival correlation with age or other extrinsic factors of mortality. The positive association of telomere length with survival translated into reproductive benefits, as birds with longer telomeres produced more genetic recruits, hatchlings and reared more fledglings over their lifetime. In contrast, there was no association between telomere dynamics and annual reproductive output, suggesting telomere dynamics might not reflect the costs of reproduction in this population, potentially masked by variation in individual quality. The rate of change of telomere length did not correlate with neither lifespan nor lifetime reproductive success. Our results provide further evidence that telomere length correlates with fitness, and contribute to our understanding of the selection on, and evolution of, telomere dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Due to rapid homogenization in habitat types as a result of urbanization, some urban birds adapt their nesting strategies to changes in local habitat characteristics. Bird nesting decisions might have been mainly linked to resource constraints and ensuring reproductive success. In this study, we examined patterns of nesting behavior by spotted doves (Spilopelia chinensis) in a rapidly urbanizing area of Nanchang, China using ArcGIS 10.8, satellite tracking, camera traps, and field survey. To explore the mechanisms underlying nesting behavior in urban habitats, we assessed the correlations between nest reuse and reproductive success, and between nest reuse and nest predation. From December 2018 to December 2021, a total of 302 breeding nests were surveyed. The results revealed that the nest reuse rate was 38.08% (n = 115). Nests closer to trunk, with lower nest position and higher large-scale urbanization score tended to have higher reuse rate. In addition, nests with the higher the nest height and percent of canopy cover, and the lower small-scale urbanization score were more likely to reproduce successfully, and the reused nests also reproduce more successfully. The reproductive success associated with nest reuse was significantly higher than that associated with new nests (χ 2 = 8.461, p = .004). High degree of urbanization promoted nest reuse of spotted doves (large-scale urbanization score, z = 2.094, p = .036), which apparently enhanced their reproductive success (nest reuse, z = 2.737, p = .006). In conclusion, a nest structure with good permeability is the material basis for the nest reuse in spotted dove, while the relatively low risk of predation in urban habitat and the scarcity of nest site resources due to urbanization increase the tendency of birds to reuse old nests, which is associated with their reproductive success and evolutionary fitness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigates the ecological interaction between honeybees (Apis mellifera) and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) plants, examining the mutual benefits of this relationship. Field experiments conducted in Egypt from December 2022 to May 2023 recorded diverse insect pollinators attracted to fennel flowers, especially honeybees. Assessing honeybee colonies near fennel fields showed improvements in sealed brood (357.5-772.5 cells), unsealed brood (176.3-343.8 cells), pollen collection (53.25-257.5 units), honey accumulation (257.5-877.5 units), and colony strength (7.75-10) over three weeks. Fennel exposure explained 88-99% of variability in foraging metrics. Comparing open versus self-pollinated fennel revealed enhanced attributes with bee pollination, including higher flower age (25.67 vs 19.67 days), more seeds per umbel (121.3 vs 95.33), bigger seeds (6.533 vs 4.400 mm), heavier seeds (0.510 vs 0.237 g/100 seeds), and increased fruit weight per umbel (0.619 vs 0.226 g). Natural variation in seed color and shape also occurred. The outcomes demonstrate the integral role of honeybees in fennel agroecosystems through efficient pollination services that improve crop productivity and quality. Fennel provides abundant nutritional resources that bolster honeybee colony health. This research elucidates the symbiotic bee-fennel relationship, underscoring mutualistic benefits and the importance of ecological conservation for sustainable agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our environment is increasingly polluted with various molecules, some of which are considered endocrine disruptors. Metals and phthalates, originating from industrial activities, agricultural practices, or consumer products, are prominent examples of such pollutants. We experimentally investigated the impacts of the heavy metal cadmium and the phthalate DEHP on the moth Spodoptera littoralis. More specifically, larvae were reared in laboratory conditions, where they were exposed to diets contaminated with either two doses of cadmium at concentrations of 62.5 µg/g or 125 µg/g, two doses of DEHP at 100 ng/g and 10 µg/g, or a combination of both low and high doses of the two compounds, with a control group for comparison. Our findings indicate that cadmium delays the developmental transition from larva to adult. Notably, the combination of cadmium and DEHP exacerbated this delay, highlighting a synergistic effect. In contrast, DEHP alone did not affect larval development. Additionally, we observed that cadmium exposure, both alone and in combination with DEHP, led to a lower mass at all larval stages. However, cadmium-exposed individuals that reached adulthood eventually reached a similar mass to those in other groups. Interestingly, while our results did not show any effect of the treatments on hatching success, there was a higher adult mortality rate in the cadmium-treated groups. This suggests that while moths may prioritize reproductive success, their survival at the adult stage is compromised by cadmium exposure. In conclusion, our study demonstrates the impact of cadmium on the development, mass, and adult survival of moths, and reveals synergistic effects when combined with DEHP. These results confirm cadmium as an endocrine disruptor, even at low doses. These insights underscore the importance of understanding the toxicological effects of low doses of pollutants like cadmium and DEHP, both individually and in combination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Linking reproductive fitness with adaptive traits at the genomic level can shed light on the mechanisms that produce and maintain sex-specific selection. Here, we construct a multigenerational pedigree to investigate sex-specific selection on a maturation gene, vgll3, in a wild Atlantic salmon population. The vgll3 locus is responsible for ~40% of the variation in maturation (sea age at first reproduction). Genetic parentage analysis was conducted on 18,265 juveniles (parr) and 685 adults collected at the same spawning ground over eight consecutive years. A high proportion of females (26%) were iteroparous and reproduced two to four times in their lifetime. A smaller proportion of males (9%) spawned at least twice in their lifetime. Sex-specific patterns of reproductive fitness were related to vgll3 genotype. Females showed a pattern of overdominance where vgll3*EL genotypes had three-fold more total offspring than homozygous females. In contrast, males demonstrated that late-maturing vgll3*LL individuals had two-fold more offspring than either vgll3*EE or vgll3*EL males. Taken together, these data suggest that balancing selection in females contributes to the maintenance of variation at this locus via increased fitness of iteroparous vgll3*EL females. This study demonstrates the utility of multigenerational pedigrees for uncovering complex patterns of reproduction, sex-specific selection and the maintenance of genetic variation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Abiotic and biotic components of the environment both limit plant reproduction, but how they interact with one another in combination is less understood. Understanding these interactions is especially relevant because abiotic and biotic environmental components respond differently to various global change drivers. Here we aim to understand whether the effects of pollination (biotic component) on plant reproduction depend on soil moisture (abiotic component), two factors known to affect plant reproduction and that are changing with global change.
    METHODS: We conducted pollen supplementation experiments for two plant species, Delphinium nuttallianum and Hydrophyllum fendleri, in subalpine meadows in the Western USA across four years that varied in soil moisture. In a separate one-year field experiment, we factorially crossed water addition with pollen supplementation. We measured proportion fruit set, seeds per fruit, and seeds per plant, in addition to stomatal conductance, to determine whether plant physiology responded to watering.
    RESULTS: In the four-year study, only H. fendleri reproduction was pollen limited, and this occurred independently of soil moisture. Experimental water addition significantly increased soil moisture and stomatal conductance for both species. The effect of pollen addition on reproduction depended on the watering treatment only for H. fendleri fruit production. Reproduction in D. nuttallianum was not significantly affected by pollen addition or water addition, but it did respond to interannual variation in soil moisture.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although we find some evidence for the effect of a biotic interaction depending on abiotic conditions, it was only for one aspect of reproduction in one species, and it was in an unexpected direction. Our work highlights interactions between the abiotic and biotic components of the environment as an area of further research for improving our understanding of how plant reproduction responds to global change.





