reproductive outcome

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study was aimed to investigate the impact of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) on reproductive outcomes in couples with non-male factor infertility and frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) treatment. This retrospective cohort study involved a total of 10,143 cycles from 6206 couples who underwent FET at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University between January 2016 and September 2022. Patients were categorized into two groups based on the insemination methods of transferred embryos. Clinical and neonatal outcomes were compared between ICSI and conventional in vitro fertilization (cIVF) groups. The results showed that ICSI was not associated with improved clinical outcomes compared to cIVF. However, ICSI was associated with lower birthweight when twins were born. In conclusion, although subgroup analysis showed that ICSI was associated with slightly improved live birth rate for infertile couples with non-male factor infertility compared to cIVF, the regression analysis showed that ICSI did not demonstrate any improvement of the reproductive outcomes. The infertile women with twin pregnancies should be further informed of the lower birthweight and lower birth length when their oocytes were inseminated with ICSI. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for clinicians when discussing the benefits and risks of ICSI in patients with non-male factor infertility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: A review of current knowledge on the pathophysiology, diagnostic and treatment options for chronic endometritis in infertile women.
    RESULTS: One of the major causes of failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) is undiagnosed intrauterine pathologies, including chronic inflammation of the uterine mucosa - chronic endometritis. However, some authors relativize the negative impact of chronic endometritis on reproductive outcomes. The etiopathogenesis of chronic endometritis is due to qualitative and quantitative changes in the endometrial microbiome with abnormal multiplication of microorganisms naturally occurring in the uterine cavity or vagina. There is no uniform consensus on the most common pathogen causing chronic endometritis. It is characterized by infiltration of plasma cells into the endometrial stroma outside the menstrual cycle, accompanied by hyperaemia and endometrial oedema. Clinical symptoms are very mild or absent. The diagnosis of chronic endometritis is often difficult because there is no specific clinical or laboratory diagnostic method. The following investigative options are commonly used for the diagnosis of chronic endometritis: diagnostic hysteroscopy, histopathological examination of the endometrium including CD 138 immunohistochemistry and culture from the uterine cavity. However, standardised international hysteroscopic and histopathological criteria for accurate diagnosis of chronic endometritis are still lacking. Empirically administered antibiotic therapy improves the success rate of pregnancy and delivery of a viable foetus in infertile patients with proven chronic endometritis. In addition to reviewing the current knowledge of chronic endometritis, this article discusses the importance of hysteroscopy in the diagnostic process.
    CONCLUSIONS: Chronic endometritis is often a clinically silent disease with negative impact on reproduction in infertile women. Although there are still many unresolved issues, the introduction of hysteroscopy into the diagnostic process is important for clinical practice; however, hysteroscopy even in combination with histological examination of the endometrium, often does not allow an unequivocal diagnosis of chronic endometritis. Further prospective randomised studies in a selected group of women with proven chronic endometritis and repeated failure to implant proven euploid embryos should refine this knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: For women who have experienced failed attempts at in vitro fertilization (IVF) and face medical issues, leading to infertility, the renewed effort to seek fertility treatment, coupled with decreasing likelihood of success, can exert substantial emotional and physical strains. Consequently, many couples opt to discontinue treatment before attaining pregnancy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive outcomes in patients with unsuccessful prior IVF attempts who received a complementary treatment designed to alleviate emotional distress and burden.
    METHODS: A retrospective analysis of data from infertile patients who initiated the complementary intervention at a private clinic between January 2014 and December 2016 was conducted. Information on diagnosis, history of infertility, prior assisted reproductive technology treatments, mode of conception, and pregnancy outcomes were retrieved.
    RESULTS: The data of 133 patients with a history of one or more unsuccessful IVF treatments were analyzed. Patients had an average age of 36.7 years (±4.4 SD) and had been experiencing infertility for an average of 4.6 years (±2.7 SD). The two main causes of their infertility were endometriosis (36.1%, 48 patients) and diminished egg quality (31.6%, 42 patients). By May 2020, a significant proportion of the patients, 81.2% (108 patients), had achieved pregnancy, leading to 94 live births, which represents a 70.7% success rate. These pregnancies mostly resulted from natural cycle IVF (35.1%), donor cycles (23.4%), and conventional IVF (21.3%). The dropout rate was comparatively low at 23.3%. The median time from the start of complementary treatment to delivery was 18 months, with a range of 12-28 months.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the potential value of complementary treatment approaches in conjunction with standard medical care for women who have experienced unsuccessful IVF treatments in the past and thus face a reduced chance of motherhood. The reported 71% live birth rate is notably high, indicating that the inclusion of complementary treatments may provide women with past IVF failures a tangible opportunity for achieving successful pregnancy and childbirth. However, these findings need to be confirmed through randomized controlled studies.
    Hintergrund Für Frauen, die wiederholt erfolglose Versuche der In-vitro-Fertilisation (IVF) erlebt haben und mit medizinischen Ursachen der Unfruchtbarkeit konfrontiert sind, stellen weitere Infertilitätsbehandlungen angesichts sinkender Erfolgschancen eine deutliche emotionale und auch körperliche Belastung dar. Dies führt oft dazu, dass betroffene Paare die Behandlung vor der Realisierung des Kinderwunsches abbrechen. Diese Studie zielte darauf ab, die Effektivität einer komplementären Behandlung von Infertilität zu untersuchen, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, emotionalen Stress und Belastungen zu reduzieren.Patientinnen und Methoden In dieser retrospektiven Studie wurden die Daten von infertilen Patientinnen analysiert, die zwischen Januar 2014 und Dezember 2016 in einer ambulanten Praxis eine komplementäre Sinosomatics-Behandlung in Anspruch genommen hatten. Berücksichtigt wurden Informationen zu Diagnose, Infertilitätshistorie, vorherigen assistierten Reproduktionstechniken sowie Konzeptionsmethoden und Geburten seit Beginn der komplementären Behandlung.Ergebnisse Ausgewertet wurden die Daten von 133 Patientinnen (Durchschnittsalter 36.7 Jahre), die zuvor mindestens einen erfolglosen IVF-Versuch unternommen hatten. Die durchschnittliche Dauer der Unfruchtbarkeit betrug 4.6 Jahre, Hauptursachen waren Endometriose (36.1%) und verminderte Eizellqualität (31.6%). Bis Mai 2020 erreichten 81.2% der Patientinnen eine Schwangerschaft, was zu einer Lebendgeburtenrate von 70.7% führte. Die Behandlungserfolge waren hauptsächlich auf natürliche IVF-Zyklen, Spenderzyklen und konventionelle IVF zurückzuführen. Die mediane Dauer bis zur Geburt nach Beginn der komplementären Behandlung betrug 18 Monate.Schlussfolgerungen Die vorliegende Studie verdeutlicht den Mehrwert komplementärer Behandlungsstrategien in Kombination mit konventionellen medizinischen Ansätzen für Frauen mit erfolglosen IVF-Versuche in der Anamnese. Die Lebendgeburtenrate von 71% weist auf die Wirksamkeit des komplementären Ansatzes hin, der somit Frauen mit früheren IVF-Misserfolgen eine signifikante Chance auf Mutterschaft bietet. Diese Ergebnisse bedürfen jedoch der weiteren Bestätigung durch randomisierte kontrollierte Studien.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of barbed and conventional sutures on reproductive outcomes and ovarian reserve after laparoscopic treatment for benign non-endometrioma ovarian cysts.
    METHODS: This retrospective study was conducted at an affiliated women\'s hospital between May 2017 and December 2019. Patients with benign non-endometriotic ovarian cysts undergoing laparoscopic cystectomy were included.
    RESULTS: Patients received barbed sutures (221 patients) or conventional smooth sutures (203 patients) intraoperatively. The two groups had comparable baseline characteristics. The surgical duration and ovarian suturing time were significantly shorter in the barbed suture group than in the conventional smooth suture group (P < 0.001 and P = 0.002, respectively). The rate of postoperative hemoglobin decline and serum anti-Müllerian hormone decline were similar between the two groups (P > 0.05). A total of 316 (74.53%) patients experienced at least one pregnancy postoperatively: 170 (76.92%) and 146 (71.92%) patients in the barbed suture and conventional smooth suture groups, respectively (χ2 = 1.395, P = 0.238). Multivariate Poisson regression demonstrated that barbed sutures had no significant effect on the overall postoperative pregnancy rate (adjusted incidence rate ratio, 1.10; 95% confidence interval, 0.93-1.36; P = 0.382).
    CONCLUSIONS: In patients with benign non-endometriotic ovarian cysts undergoing laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy, barbed sutures had a reproductive outcome similar to that of conventional smooth sutures while providing higher surgical efficiency without adverse effects on the postoperative ovarian reserve. Barbed sutures are probably a viable option to conventional smooth sutures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A frequent finding after preimplantation genetic diagnostic testing for aneuploidies using next-generation sequencing is an embryo that is putatively mosaic. The prevalence of this outcome remains unclear and varies with technical and external factors. Mosaic embryos can be classified by the percentage of cells affected, type of chromosome involvement (whole or segmental), number of affected chromosomes or affected cell type (inner mass cell, trophectoderm or both). The origin of mosaicism seems to be intrinsic as a post-zygotic mitotic error, but some external factors can play a role. As experience has increased with the transfer of mosaic embryos, clinical practice has gradually become more flexible in recent years. Nevertheless, clinical results show lower implantation, pregnancy and clinical pregnancy rates and higher miscarriage rates with mosaic embryo transfer when compared with the transfer of euploid embryos. Prenatal diagnosis is highly recommended after the transfer of mosaic embryos. This narrative review is intended to serve as reference material for practitioners in reproductive medicine who must manage a mosaic embryo result after preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Does sperm cryopreservation serve as a feasible and effective method for preserving fertility in adult male patients with cancer?
    CONCLUSIONS: Sperm cryopreservation is an effective fertility preservation method and may benefit patients with cancer.
    BACKGROUND: Sperm cryopreservation is the only way to efficiently preserve male fertility. It is an important procedure in ART. Recently, due to remarkable advances in cancer treatment, an increasing number of studies have reported the outcomes of sperm cryopreservation in patients with cancer.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted an extensive literature search for relevant studies published through to 31 December 2021, in the following databases: CENTRAL, CNKI, Cochrane Systematic Reviews, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PUBMED, and Web of Science. The search terms used were \'(cryopreservation OR freeze OR freezing OR banking OR cryostorage OR storage) AND (sperm OR semen OR spermatozoon) AND (cancer OR tumor OR malignancy OR neoplasm)\'.
    METHODS: We included all studies that reported offering or attempting to cryopreserve sperm before or during cancer treatment in male patients considered at risk of treatment-related fertility impairment. We evaluated the eligibility of all data in each study. The major exclusion criteria were as follows: non-cancer patients; pediatric and adolescent cancer patients; not reporting the use of cryopreserved sperm; use of fresh semen for ART; not reporting the number of patients with cancer offered sperm cryopreservation or attempting to do so before or during treatment; using an experimental fertility preservation technique such as preservation of testicular tissue or spermatogonial stem cells; duplicate data; abstracts, case report, comments, reviews, or editorials; insufficient data reported. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa scale and the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies.
    RESULTS: This meta-analysis included 69 non-randomized studies, with 32 234 patients referred for sperm analysis and 23 178 patients cryopreserving at least one sperm sample. The pooled failed-to-cryopreserve rate was 10% (95% CI, 8-12%), and the sperm disposal and sperm use rates were 23% (95% CI, 16-30%) and 9% (95% CI, 8-10%), respectively. The pregnancy, miscarriage, and delivery rates were 28% (95% CI, 22-33%), 13% (95% CI, 10-17%), and 20% (95% CI, 15-25%), respectively. Subgroup analysis showed higher pregnancy and delivery rates, as well as a lower failed-to-cryopreserve rate, in recent studies compared to those released a decade ago. The studies from Asia reported higher sperm disposal and pregnancy rates than in other continents. Our analysis showed clinical pregnancy rates per cycle of 34% (27-41%), 24% (14-35%), and 9% (5-15%) and delivery rates per cycle of 23% (17-30%), 18% (11-26%), and 5% (1-9%) for ICSI, IVF, and IUI, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: As with all meta-analyses, some limitations should be considered. The first limitation of our study is that the data span 36 years. During this time, the World Health Organization has revised its sperm analysis standards, and other important changes have been made. There is also a limitation in that the outcome does not analyze the correlation between the type of cancer and sperm quality. Many of the earlier studies were limited by small sample sizes and a lack of control groups. Furthermore, almost all studies did not consider the severity of the disease, which could potentially have a substantial impact on the results. Consequently, further research should evaluate the effect of the type of cancer and, in particular, the severity of the condition on sperm quality in order to draw more precise conclusions. Similarly, it is inappropriate that most studies failed to differentiate between patients with different types of tumors and instead drew generalized conclusions that are presumed to apply to all patients with cancer. In the present analysis, we did not have in-depth information on patients\' disease, and although extensive efforts were made to conduct a thorough systematic review and meta-analysis of the outcomes for patients with various types of tumors, the results must be acknowledged as being subject to bias. However, the use of average results obtained in each study, without the patient-level data, might also represent a source of bias.
    CONCLUSIONS: Sperm cryopreservation is an effective fertility preservation method and may benefit patients with cancer. The observed utilization rate of frozen sperm at 9% may underestimate the actual usage, as the short follow-up period is inadequate for obtaining comprehensive data on the use of frozen sperm in young cancer survivors. ART plays an important role in fertility preservation and the achievement of pregnancy, with this meta-analysis showing that ICSI delivers better clinical outcomes than IVF or IUI in patients with cancer undergoing fertility preservation.
    BACKGROUND: This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 82001634, 81960550), and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019M661521). There are no competing interests to declare.
    BACKGROUND: CRID 42022314460.






  • 文章类型: Observational Study
    OBJECTIVE: Does the transfer of single low-grade blastocysts result in acceptable reproductive and perinatal outcomes compared to the transfer of single good-grade blastocysts?
    CONCLUSIONS: The transfer of single low-grade blastocysts resulted in a reduced live birth rate of around 30% (14% for very low-grade blastocysts) compared to 44% for single good-grade blastocysts, but does not lead to more adverse perinatal outcomes.
    BACKGROUND: It is known that low-grade blastocysts can result in live births. However, the current studies are limited by relatively small sample sizes and single-centre designs. Furthermore, evidence on perinatal outcomes after transferring low-grade blastocysts is limited.
    METHODS: We conducted a multi-centre, multi-national retrospective cohort study of 10 018 women undergoing 10 964 single blastocyst transfer cycles between 2009 and 2020 from 14 clinics across Australia, China, and New Zealand.
    METHODS: Blastocysts were graded individually based on assessment of the morphology and development of the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE), and were grouped into three quality categories: good- (AB, AB, or BA), moderate- (BB), and low-grade (grade C for ICM or TE) blastocysts. CC blastocysts were individually grouped as very low-grade blastocysts. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equation was used to analyse the association between blastocyst quality and live birth as well as other reproductive outcomes. Binomial, multinomial logistic, or linear regression was used to investigate the association between blastocyst quality and perinatal outcomes. Odds ratio (OR), adjusted OR (aOR), adjusted regression coefficient, and their 95% CIs are presented. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
    RESULTS: There were 4386 good-grade blastocysts, 3735 moderate-grade blastocysts, and 2843 low-grade blastocysts were included in the analysis, for which the live birth rates were 44.4%, 38.6%, and 30.2%, respectively. Compared to good-grade blastocysts, the live birth rate of low-grade blastocysts was significantly lower (aOR of 0.48 (0.41-0.55)). Very low-grade blastocysts were associated with an even lower live birth rate (aOR 0.30 (0.18-0.52)) and their absolute live birth rate was 13.7%. There were 4132 singleton live births included in the analysis of perinatal outcomes. Compared with good-grade blastocysts, low-grade blastocysts had comparable preterm birth rates (<37 weeks, aOR 1.00 (0.65-1.54)), birthweight Z-scores (adjusted regression coefficient 0.02 (0.09-0.14)), and rates of very low birth weight (<1500 g, aOR 0.84 (0.22-3.25)), low birth weight (1500-2500 g, aOR 0.96 (0.56-1.65)), high birth weight (>4500 g, aOR 0.93 (0.37-2.32)), small for gestational age (aOR 1.63 (0.91-2.93)), and large for gestational age (aOR 1.28 (0.97-1.70)).
    CONCLUSIONS: Due to the nature of the retrospective design, residual confounding could not be excluded. In addition, the number of events for some perinatal outcomes was small. Between-operator and between-laboratory variations in blastocyst assessment were difficult to control.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients undergoing IVF should be informed that low-grade blastocysts result in a lower live birth rate, however they do not increase the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes. Further research should focus on the criteria for embryos that should not be transferred and on the follow-up of long-term outcomes of offspring.
    BACKGROUND: H.Z. is supported by a Monash Research Scholarship. B.W.J.M. is supported by a NHMRC Investigator grant (GNT1176437). R.W. is supported by an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Investigator grant (2009767). B.W.J.M. reports consultancy, travel support, and research funding from Merck. The other authors do not have competing interests to disclose.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) has been widely applied to explore the genetic etiology in recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). However, the reproductive prognosis in RPL couples with different types of chromosomally abnormal miscarriage remains unclear.
    OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the reproductive prognosis among RPL couples after genetic testing in products of conception (POCs) by CMA.
    METHODS: In this retrospective study, 1101 RPL couples referred for genetic testing in POCs by CMA. A total of 830 couples who met the inclusion criteria were followed up for at least 24 months after the index miscarriage. The rates of live birth and adverse pregnancy events in subsequent pregnancy and cumulative pregnancies were examined.
    RESULTS: For couples with three or more miscarriage, compared with those with chromosomally normal miscarriage, a significantly higher subsequent live birth rate was found in couples with chromosomally abnormal miscarriage (66.9% vs 71.6%, P = .040). However, differences in cumulative live birth rate among couples with chromosomally abnormal miscarriage and normal miscarriage were nonsignificant (82.7% vs 80.2%, P = .131). Women with advanced maternal age showed a significant decrease in the live birth rate (P < 0.01) and an increase in the miscarriage rate (P < 0.01) than those aged < 35 years old, regardless of whether the miscarriage was chromosomally normal or abnormal. RPL couples with chromosomally normal miscarriage showed a significant decrease in live birth rates in subsequent pregnancy and cumulative pregnancies, when they had experienced a large number of previous miscarriages; however, no significant difference was observed in those with chromosomally abnormal miscarriage.
    CONCLUSIONS: For women with three or more previous miscarriages, RPL couples with chromosomally normal miscarriage manifested a poorer reproductive prognosis than those with chromosomally abnormal miscarriage in subsequent pregnancy, while the cumulative live birth rate was similar. Advanced maternal age was a predictor of adverse pregnancy events, regardless of embryonic chromosomal results. Furthermore, among RPL women with large numbers of previous miscarriages, the supportive care and counselling regarding individual risk is necessary for those with chromosomally normal miscarriage.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: This study aims to preliminarily assess the oncological and reproductive outcomes of fertility preservation treatment using conization combined with pelvic node evaluation in young patients with early-stage cervical cancer (ECC) through meta-analysis.
    UNASSIGNED: In this meta-analysis, we analyzed studies published in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), and Clinical Trials. gov that appeared in our search from inception to 0 7/02/2023.
    UNASSIGNED: There were 17 relevant studies with a total of 620 patients included, of which 444 patients received conization combined with pelvic node evaluation. The combined pregnancy rate was 45.4% (95% CI: 0.34-0.57), the combined live birth rate was 33.9% (95% CI: 0.26-0.42), the combined miscarriage rate was 4.8% (95% CI: 0.02-0.092), the combined preterm delivery rate was 5.1% (95% CI: 0.02-0.092), and the combined recurrence rate was 1.9% (95% CI: 0.006-0.035), which did not significantly differ from that of patients who received radical surgery (OR: 0.689, 95% CI: 0.506-0.938).
    UNASSIGNED: Cervical conization combined with pelvic lymph node evaluation for fertility preservation in young ECC patients can achieve oncological outcomes similar to radical surgery while improving pregnancy success rates and preserving postoperative fertility. In summary, fertility preservation treatment using cervical conization combined with pelvic lymph node evaluation may be considered as a viable option for young ECC patients with strong fertility preservation desire, resulting in better pregnancy and live birth outcomes.
    UNASSIGNED:, identifier PROSPERO (CRD42023423432).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subfertility in beef heifers leads to a substantial economic loss for producers and beef industry. To overcome this problem, producers require an efficient system to discriminate beef heifers with varying reproductive potential as early as possible. MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression. Herein, we profiled the miRNAs in peripheral white blood cells (PWBC) of beef heifers at weaning to investigate the differences in the beef heifers with varying reproductive outcomes. Blood samples from Angus-Simmental crossbred heifers were collected at weaning. The blood was processed to extract the PWBC pellet and was stored at -80 °C until further processing. After the synchronization of estrus and breeding protocol (artificial insemination (AI) followed by natural bull service) and pregnancy diagnosis, the heifers were categorized as fertile (pregnant to AI) or subfertile (not pregnant to AI or bull exposure). Total RNA was extracted from PWBC collected at the time of weaning from the fertile and subfertile heifers. After quality assessment, the total RNA was used to prepare libraries. The quality-checked libraries (n = 14; 7 samples per fertile and subfertile group) were pooled and sequenced (single-end 50 bp) using a NextSeq 500 platform. The raw sequence reads were analyzed using a bioinformatics workflow utilizing FastQC and MultiQC for quality control, Cutadapt for adapter trimming, miRDeep2 for alignment, and DESeq2 for differential expression analysis. The raw and normalized miRNA counts were deposited and made publicly available on the gene expression omnibus database (GEO; GSE225854). This is the first dataset investigating the miRNA expression level in PWBC at weaning in beef heifers to predict the future reproductive outcome. The results from the data presented here are reported in the research article titled \"miRNA expression profiles of peripheral white blood cells from beef heifers with varying reproductive potential\" [1].





