replicative aging

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptococcus neoformans (Cn) is an opportunistic fungal microorganism that causes life-threatening meningoencephalitis. During the infection, the microbial population is heterogeneously composed of cells with varying generational ages, with older cells accumulating during chronic infections. This is attributed to their enhanced resistance to phagocytic killing and tolerance of antifungals like fluconazole (FLC). In this study, we investigated the role of ergosterol synthesis, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters, and mitochondrial metabolism in the regulation of age-dependent FLC tolerance. We find that old Cn cells increase the production of ergosterol and exhibit upregulation of ABC transporters. Old cells also show transcriptional and phenotypic characteristics consistent with increased metabolic activity, leading to increased ATP production. This is accompanied by increased production of reactive oxygen species, which results in mitochondrial fragmentation. This study demonstrates that the metabolic changes occurring in the mitochondria of old cells drive the increase in ergosterol synthesis and the upregulation of ABC transporters, leading to FLC tolerance.
    OBJECTIVE: Infections caused by Cryptococcus neoformans cause more than 180,000 deaths annually. Estimated 1-year mortality for patients receiving care ranges from 20% in developed countries to 70% in developing countries, suggesting that current treatments are inadequate. Some fungal cells can persist and replicate despite the usage of current antifungal regimens, leading to death or treatment failure. Aging in fungi is associated with enhanced tolerance against antifungals and resistance to killing by host cells. This study shows that age-dependent increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species drive changes in the regulation of membrane transporters and ergosterol synthesis, ultimately leading to the heightened tolerance against fluconazole in old C. neoformans cells. Understanding the underlying molecular mechanisms of this age-associated antifungal tolerance will enable more targeted antifungal therapies for cryptococcal infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker\'s yeast) has yielded relevant insights into some of the basic mechanisms of organismal aging. Among these are genomic instability, oxidative stress, caloric restriction and mitochondrial dysfunction. Several genes are known to have an impact on the aging process, with corresponding mutants exhibiting short- or long-lived phenotypes. Research dedicated to unraveling the underlying cellular mechanisms can support the identification of conserved mechanisms of aging in other species. One of the hitherto less studied fields in yeast aging is how the organism regulates its gene expression at the transcriptional level. To our knowledge, we present the first investigation into alternative splicing, particularly intron retention, during replicative aging of S. cerevisiae. This was achieved by utilizing the IRFinder algorithm on a previously published RNA-seq data set by Janssens et al. (2015). In the present work, 44 differentially retained introns in 43 genes were identified during replicative aging. We found that genes with altered intron retention do not display significant changes in overall transcript levels. It was possible to functionally assign distinct groups of these genes to the cellular processes of mRNA processing and export (e.g., YRA1) in early and middle-aged yeast, and protein ubiquitination (e.g., UBC5) in older cells. In summary, our work uncovers a previously unexplored layer of the transcriptional program of yeast aging and, more generally, expands the knowledge on the occurrence of alternative splicing in baker\'s yeast.






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    文章类型: English Abstract
    Osteoarthritis is a widespread age-related disease, that has no effective targeted therapy. In this regard, bioengineering methods are being actively developed that can stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissue. These methods include chondrogenic differentiation of stem cells, which is stimulated by various biomolecules, including short peptides and polypeptide complexes. It was studied the effect of the cartilage polypeptide complex (CPC) and AED peptide on gene expression and protein synthesis of chondrogenic differentiation - SOX9, aggrecan, type II collagen and COMP - in human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) during replicative aging. AED peptide at the concentration of 200 ng/ml activates gene expression and protein synthesis during aging of MSCs. CPC has the same effect in the concentration 2000 ng/ml. These data indicate the stimulating effect of studied peptides on regulation of chondrogenesis and open up prospects for further investigation of their effectiveness in osteoarthritis models.
    Остеоартроз — широко распространенное ассоциированное с возрастом заболевание, для которого не существует эффективной таргетной терапии. В связи с этим активно разрабатываются методы биоинженерии, способные стимулировать восстановление хрящевой ткани. К ним относится хондрогенная дифференцировка стволовых клеток, для стимуляции которой применяют различные биомолекулы, в том числе короткие пептиды и полипептидные комплексы. В работе изучено влияние полипептидного комплекса хрящей (ППКХ) и пептида AED на экспрессию генов и синтез белков хондрогенной дифференцировки SOX9, аггрекана, коллагена 2-го типа и COMP в культуре мезенхимальных стволовых клеток (МСК) человека при репликативном старении. Пептид AED в концентрации 200 нг/мл активирует экспрессию генов и синтез всех исследуемых белков при старении МСК. Для ППКХ этот эффект достигается в концентрации 2 000 нг/мл. Полученные данные свидетельствуют о стимулирующем влиянии изученных пептидов на регуляцию хондрогенеза и открывают перспективы дальнейшего исследования их эффективности в моделях остеоартроза.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In yeast, aging is widely understood as the decline of physiological function and the decreasing ability to adapt to environmental changes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has become an important model organism for the investigation of these processes. Yeast is used in industrial processes (beer and wine production), and several stress conditions can influence its intracellular aging processes. The aim of this review is to summarize the current knowledge on applied stress conditions, such as osmotic pressure, primary metabolites (e.g., ethanol), low pH, oxidative stress, heat on aging indicators, age-related physiological changes, and yeast longevity. There is clear evidence that yeast cells are exposed to many stressors influencing viability and vitality, leading to an age-related shift in age distribution. Currently, there is a lack of rapid, non-invasive methods allowing the investigation of aspects of yeast aging in real time on a single-cell basis using the high-throughput approach. Methods such as micromanipulation, centrifugal elutriator, or biotinylation do not provide real-time information on age distributions in industrial processes. In contrast, innovative approaches, such as non-invasive fluorescence coupled flow cytometry intended for high-throughput measurements, could be promising for determining the replicative age of yeast cells in fermentation and its impact on industrial stress conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of a pathogen on host disease can only be studied in samples covering the entire spectrum of pathogenesis. Persistent oncogenic human papilloma virus (HPV) infection is the most common cause for cervical cancer. Here, we investigate HPV-induced host epigenome-wide changes prior to development of cytological abnormalities. Using cervical sample methylation array data from disease-free women with or without an oncogenic HPV infection, we develop the WID (Women\'s cancer risk identification)-HPV, a signature reflective of changes in the healthy host epigenome related to high-risk HPV strains (AUC = 0.78, 95% CI: 0.72-0.85, in nondiseased women). Looking at HPV-associated changes across disease development, HPV-infected women with minor cytological alterations (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1/2, CIN1/2), but surprisingly not those with precancerous changes or invasive cervical cancer (CIN3+), show an increased WID-HPV index, indicating the WID-HPV may reflect a successful viral clearance response absent in progression to cancer. Further investigation revealed the WID-HPV is positively associated with apoptosis (ρ = 0.48; P < .001) and negatively associated with epigenetic replicative age (ρ = -0.43; P < .001). Taken together, our data suggest the WID-HPV captures a clearance response associated with apoptosis of HPV-infected cells. This response may be dampened or lost with increased underlying replicative age of infected cells, resulting in progression to cancer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein synthesis is strictly regulated during replicative aging in yeast, but global translational regulation during replicative aging is poorly characterized. To conduct ribosome profiling during replicative aging, we collected a large number of dividing aged cells using a miniature chemostat aging device. Translational efficiency, defined as the number of ribosome footprints normalized to transcript abundance, was compared between young and aged cells for each gene. We identified more than 700 genes with changes greater than twofold during replicative aging. Increased translational efficiency was observed in genes involved in DNA repair and chromosome organization. Decreased translational efficiency was observed in genes encoding ribosome components, transposon Ty1 and Ty2 genes, transcription factor HAC1 gene associated with the unfolded protein response, genes involved in cell wall synthesis and assembly, and ammonium permease genes. Our results provide a global view of translational regulation during replicative aging, in which the pathways involved in various cell functions are translationally regulated and cause diverse phenotypic changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A double -strand break (DSB) is one of the most deleterious forms of DNA damage. In eukaryotic cells, two main repair pathways have evolved to repair DSBs, homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). HR is the predominant pathway of repair in the unicellular eukaryotic organism, S. cerevisiae. However, during replicative aging the relative use of HR and NHEJ shifts in favor of end-joining repair. By monitoring repair events in the HO-DSB system, we find that early in replicative aging there is a decrease in the association of long-range resection factors, Dna2-Sgs1 and Exo1 at the break site and a decrease in DNA resection. Subsequently, as aging progressed, the recovery of Ku70 at DSBs decreased and the break site associated with the nuclear pore complex at the nuclear periphery, which is the location where DSB repair occurs through alternative pathways that are more mutagenic. End-bridging remained intact as HR and NHEJ declined, but eventually it too became disrupted in cells at advanced replicative age. In all, our work provides insight into the molecular changes in DSB repair pathway during replicative aging. HR first declined, resulting in a transient increase in the NHEJ. However, with increased cellular divisions, Ku70 recovery at DSBs and NHEJ subsequently declined. In wild type cells of advanced replicative age, there was a high frequency of repair products with genomic deletions and microhomologies at the break junction, events not observed in young cells which repaired primarily by HR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Automating the extraction of meaningful temporal information from sequences of microscopy images represents a major challenge to characterize dynamical biological processes. So far, strong limitations in the ability to quantitatively analyze single-cell trajectories have prevented large-scale investigations to assess the dynamics of entry into replicative senescence in yeast. Here, we have developed DetecDiv, a microfluidic-based image acquisition platform combined with deep learning-based software for high-throughput single-cell division tracking. We show that DetecDiv can automatically reconstruct cellular replicative lifespans with high accuracy and performs similarly with various imaging platforms and geometries of microfluidic traps. In addition, this methodology provides comprehensive temporal cellular metrics using time-series classification and image semantic segmentation. Last, we show that this method can be further applied to automatically quantify the dynamics of cellular adaptation and real-time cell survival upon exposure to environmental stress. Hence, this methodology provides an all-in-one toolbox for high-throughput phenotyping for cell cycle, stress response, and replicative lifespan assays.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The causes and consequences of aging have always been a concern. In recent studies, changes in the stress response capacity of cells during aging were quantitatively analyzed. It was found that aging was accompanied by a decline in response capacity. When the response capacity decreased to a critical value, which we assumed was the internal noise level, the cell soon died. To survive, the response capacity should be, at minimum, sufficiently strong to resist intracellular noise. Here, we discuss the role of stress response capacity in aging and conjecture that lifespan might be extended by enhancing stress response capacity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Candida albicans, Candida auris, Candida glabrata, and Cryptococcus neoformans are pathogenic yeasts which can cause systemic infections in immune-compromised as well as immune-competent individuals. These yeasts undergo replicative aging analogous to a process first described in the nonpathogenic yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The hallmark of replicative aging is the asymmetric cell division of mother yeast cells that leads to the production of a phenotypically distinct daughter cell. Several techniques to study aging that have been pioneered in S. cerevisiae have been adapted to study aging in other pathogenic yeasts. The studies indicate that aging is relevant for virulence in pathogenic fungi. As the mother yeast cell progressively ages, every ensuing asymmetric cell division leads to striking phenotypic changes, which results in increased antifungal and antiphagocytic resistance. This review summarizes the various techniques that are used to study replicative aging in pathogenic fungi along with their limitations. Additionally, the review summarizes some key phenotypic variations that have been identified and are associated with changes in virulence or resistance and thus promote persistence of older cells.






