
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When multiple tasks are learned consecutively, the old model parameters may be overwritten by the new data, resulting in the phenomenon that the new task is learned and the old task is forgotten, which leads to catastrophic forgetting. Moreover, continual learning has no mature solution for image denoising tasks.
    METHODS: Therefore, in order to solve the problem of catastrophic forgetting caused by learning multiple denoising tasks, we propose a Triplet Neural-networks Collaboration-continuity DeNosing (TNCDN) model. Use triplet neural networks to update each other cooperatively. The knowledge from two denoising networks that maintain continual learning capability is transferred to the main-denoising network. The main-denoising network has new knowledge and can consolidate old knowledge. A co-training mechanism is designed. The main-denoising network updates the other two denoising networks with different thresholds to maintain memory reinforcement capability and knowledge extension capability.
    RESULTS: The experimental results show that our method effectively alleviates catastrophic forgetting. In GS, CT and ADNI datasets, compared with ANCL, the TNCDN(PromptIR) method reduced the average degree of forgetting on the evaluation index PSNR by 2.38 (39%) and RMSE by 1.63 (55%).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study aims to solve the problem of catastrophic forgetting caused by learning multiple denoising tasks. Although the experimental results are promising, extending the basic denoising model to more data sets and tasks will enhance its application. Nevertheless, this study is a starting point, which can provide reference and support for the further development of continuous learning image denoising task.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vivid episodic memories in humans have been described as the replay of the flow of past events in sequential order. Recently, Panoz-Brown et al. Current Biology, 28, 1628-1634, (2018) developed an olfactory memory task in which rats were presented with a list of trial-unique odors in an encoding context; next, in a distinctive memory assessment context, the rats were rewarded for choosing the second to last item from the list while avoiding other items from the list. In a different memory assessment context, the fourth to last item was rewarded. According to the episodic memory replay hypothesis, the rat remembers the list items and searches these items to find the item at the targeted locations in the list. However, events presented sequentially differ in memory trace strength, allowing a rat to use the relative familiarity of the memory traces, instead of episodic memory replay, to solve the task. Here, we directly manipulated memory trace strength by manipulating the odor intensity of target odors in both the list presentation and memory assessment. The rats relied on episodic memory replay to solve the memory assessment in conditions in which reliance on memory trace strength is ruled out. We conclude that rats are able to replay episodic memories.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diverse neuron classes in hippocampal CA1 have been identified through the heterogeneity of their cellular/molecular composition. How these classes relate to hippocampal function and the network dynamics that support cognition in primates remains unclear. Here, we report inhibitory functional cell groups in CA1 of freely moving macaques whose diverse response profiles to network states and each other suggest distinct and specific roles in the functional microcircuit of CA1. In addition, pyramidal cells that were grouped by their superficial or deep layer position differed in firing rate, burstiness, and sharp-wave ripple-associated firing. They also showed strata-specific spike-timing interactions with inhibitory cell groups, suggestive of segregated neural populations. Furthermore, ensemble recordings revealed that cell assemblies were preferentially organized according to these strata. These results suggest that hippocampal CA1 in freely moving macaques bears a sublayer-specific circuit organization that may shape its role in cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hippocampal replay - the time-compressed, sequential reactivation of ensembles of neurons related to past experience - is a key neural mechanism of memory consolidation. Replay typically coincides with a characteristic pattern of local field potential activity, the sharp-wave ripple (SWR). Reduced SWR rates are associated with cognitive impairment in multiple models of neurodegenerative disease, suggesting that a clinically viable intervention to promote SWRs and replay would prove beneficial. We therefore developed a neurofeedback paradigm for rat subjects in which SWR detection triggered rapid positive feedback in the context of a memory-dependent task. This training protocol increased the prevalence of task-relevant replay during the targeted neurofeedback period by changing the temporal dynamics of SWR occurrence. This increase was also associated with neural and behavioral forms of compensation after the targeted period. These findings reveal short-timescale regulation of SWR generation and demonstrate that neurofeedback is an effective strategy for modulating hippocampal replay.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hippocampus receives sequences of sensory inputs from the cortex during exploration and encodes the sequences with millisecond precision. We developed a predictive autoencoder model of the hippocampus including the trisynaptic and monosynaptic circuits from the entorhinal cortex (EC). CA3 was trained as a self-supervised recurrent neural network to predict its next input. We confirmed that CA3 is predicting ahead by analyzing the spike coupling between simultaneously recorded neurons in the dentate gyrus, CA3, and CA1 of the mouse hippocampus. In the model, CA1 neurons signal prediction errors by comparing CA3 predictions to the next direct EC input. The model exhibits the rapid appearance and slow fading of CA1 place cells and displays replay and phase precession from CA3. The model could be learned in a biologically plausible way with error-encoding neurons. Similarities between the hippocampal and thalamocortical circuits suggest that such computation motif could also underlie self-supervised sequence learning in the cortex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Digital twin is a new concept that is rapidly gaining recognition especially in the medical field. Indeed, being a virtual representation of real-world entities and processes, a digital twin can be used to accurately represent the patients\' disease, clarify the treatment target, and realize personalized and precise therapies. However, despite being a revolutionary concept, the diffusion of digital twins in type 1 diabetes (T1D) is still limited. In this systematic review, we analyzed structure, operating conditions, and characteristics of digital twins being developed for T1D. Our search covered published documents until March 2024: 220 publications were identified, 37 of which were duplicated entries; in addition, 173 publications were removed after inspection of titles, abstracts, and keywords; and finally, 11 publications were fully reviewed, of which 8 were deemed eligible for inclusion. We found that all eight methodologies are not comprehensive multi-scale virtual replicas of the individual with T1D, but they all focus on describing glucose-insulin metabolism, aiming to simulate glucose concentration resultant from therapeutic interventions. In this review, we will compare and analyze different factors characterizing these digital twins, such as operating principles (mathematical model, twinning procedure, validation and assessment) and the key aspects for practical adoption (inclusion of physical activity, data required for twinning, open-source availability). We will conclude the paper listing which, in our opinion, are the current limitations and future directives of digital twins in T1D, hoping that this article can be helpful to researchers working on diabetes technologies to further develop the use of such an important instrument.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although events are not always known to be important when they occur, people can remember details about such incidentally encoded information using episodic memory. Sheridan et al. (2024) argued that rats replayed episodic memories of incidentally encoded information in an unexpected assessment of memory. In one task, rats reported the third-last item in an explicitly encoded list of trial-unique odors. In a second task, rats foraged in a radial maze in the absence of odors. On a critical test, rats foraged in the maze, but scented lids covered the food. Next, memory of the third-last odor was assessed. The rats correctly answered the unexpected question. Because the odors used in the critical test were the same as those used during training, automatically encoding odors for the purpose of taking an upcoming test of memory (stimulus generalization) may have been encouraged. Here, we provided an opportunity for incidental encoding of novel odors. Previously trained rats foraged in the radial maze with entirely novel odors covering the food. Next, memory of the third-last odor was assessed. The rats correctly answered the unexpected question. High accuracy when confronted with novel odors provides evidence that the rats did not automatically encode odors for the purpose of taking an upcoming test, ruling out stimulus generalization. We conclude that rats encode multiple pieces of putatively unimportant information, and later replayed a stream of novel episodic memories when that information was needed to solve an unexpected problem.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Consolidation of initially encoded hippocampal representations in the neocortex through reactivation is crucial for long-term memory formation and is facilitated by the coordination of hippocampal sharp-wave ripples (SWRs) with cortical slow and spindle oscillations during non-REM sleep. Recent evidence suggests that high-frequency cortical ripples can also coordinate with hippocampal SWRs in support of consolidation; however, the contribution of cortical ripples to reactivation remains unclear. We used high-density, continuous recordings in the hippocampus (area CA1) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) over the course of spatial learning and show that independent PFC ripples dissociated from SWRs are prevalent in NREM sleep and predominantly suppress hippocampal activity. PFC ripples paradoxically mediate top-down suppression of hippocampal reactivation rather than coordination, and this suppression is stronger for assemblies that are reactivated during coordinated CA1-PFC ripples for consolidation of recent experiences. Further, we show non-canonical, serial coordination of independent cortical ripples with slow and spindle oscillations, which are known signatures of memory consolidation. These results establish a role for prefrontal cortical ripples in top-down regulation of behaviorally relevant hippocampal representations during consolidation.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Experience replay is a powerful mechanism to learn efficiently from limited experience. Despite several decades of compelling experimental results, the factors that determine which experiences are selected for replay remain unclear. A particular challenge for current theories is that on tasks that feature unbalanced experience, rats paradoxically replay the less-experienced trajectory. To understand why, we simulated a feedforward neural network with two regimes: rich learning (structured representations tailored to task demands) and lazy learning (unstructured, task-agnostic representations). Rich, but not lazy, representations degraded following unbalanced experience, an effect that could be reversed with paradoxical replay. To test if this computational principle can account for the experimental data, we examined the relationship between paradoxical replay and learned task representations in the rat hippocampus. Strikingly, we found a strong association between the richness of learned task representations and the paradoxicality of replay. Taken together, these results suggest that paradoxical replay specifically serves to protect rich representations from the destructive effects of unbalanced experience, and more generally demonstrate a novel interaction between the nature of task representations and the function of replay in artificial and biological systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Memories are pliable and can be biased by post-encoding information. In targeted memory reactivation (TMR) studies, participants encode information then sleep, during which time sounds or scents that were previously associated with the encoded images are re-presented in an effort to trigger reactivation of the associated memory traces. Upon subsequent testing, memory for reactivated items is often enhanced. Is sleep essential for this process? The literature on awake TMR is small and findings are mixed. Here, we asked English-speaking adults to learn Japanese vocabulary words. During a subsequent active rest phase, participants played Tetris while sound cues associated with the vocabulary words were presented. Results showed that when memories were reactivated, they were either disrupted (Experiment 1) or unaffected (Experiments 2, 3). These findings indicate that awake TMR is not beneficial, and may actually impair subsequent memory. These findings have important implications for research on memory consolidation and reactivation.





