
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review and meta-analysis compared the accuracy of intraoral scanners and spectrophotometers in determining tooth shade.
    METHODS: An electronic search of five databases (PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, CENTRAL) was conducted on October 19, 2023. A total of 163 studies were identified from the databases, of which 23 articles were eligible for inclusion. In vivo and in vitro quasi-experimental studies were included. After data extraction, a quantitative analysis was performed to determine the accuracy of the intraoral scanner in subgroups using four outcomes: trueness and precision with different measurement locations. A random-effects model was used to pool effect sizes. The pooled proportion with a 95% confidence interval (CI) was used for the effect size measure.
    RESULTS: Eleven articles were included in the meta-analysis. Trueness with the intraoral scanner was between 0.28 (CI: 0.09-0.60) and 0.38 (CI: 0.24-0.53). Repeatability was between 0.81 (CI: 0.64-0.91) and 0.85 (CI: 0.74-0.92). Trueness showed low, and precision had moderate certainty of evidence.
    CONCLUSIONS: The trueness of shade matching with intraoral scanners is low compared to spectrophotometers, although the precision is considered high and is similar to spectrophotometers.
    CONCLUSIONS: Shade determination with intraoral scanners is not recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A noise filter, which is usually attached to a detector for chromatography, was applied for the improvement of a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) on a chromatogram. The objective of this paper is to elucidate the effect of noise filtering in an UV detector of ultra HPLC (UHPLC) on the statistical reliability of chemometrically evaluated repeatability by the function of mutual information (FUMI) theory. To examine the statistical reliability of chemometrically evaluated repeatability in the UHPLC system associated with noise filtering, the standard deviation (SD) values of the area in baseline fluctuations with peak region k (s(k)) were obtained from six chromatograms with noise filtering. Further, the average of s(k) values (σ̂) was calculated from the s(k) values (n = 6) to be alternatively applied as the population SD. All s(k)/σ̂ values were within the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) at the freedom degree of 50, indicating the chemometrically estimated relative SD (RSD) of a peak area and RSD by repeated measurements of at least 50 times had equivalent reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The detection of a secondary inorganic phosphate (Pi) resonance, a possible marker of mitochondrial content in vivo, using phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS), poses technical challenges at 3 Tesla (T). Overcoming these challenges is imperative for the integration of this biomarker into clinical research. To evaluate the repeatability and reliability of measuring resting skeletal muscle alkaline Pi (Pialk) using with 31P-MRS at 3 T. After an initial set of experiments on five subjects to optimize the sequence, resting 31P-MRS of the quadriceps muscles were acquired on two visits (~4 days apart) using an intra-subjects design, from 13 sedentary to moderately active young male and female adults (22 ± 3 years old) within a whole-body 3 T MR system. Measurement variability attributed to changes in coil position, shimming procedure, and spectral analysis were quantified. 31P-MRS data were acquired with a 31P/-proton (1H) dual-tuned surface coil positioned on the quadriceps using a pulse-acquire sequence. Test-retest absolute and relative repeatability was analyzed using the coefficient of variation (CV) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC), respectively. After sequence parameter optimization, Pialk demonstrated high intra-subject repeatability (CV: 10.6 ± 5.4%, ICC: 0.80). Proximo-distal change in coil position along the length of the quadriceps introduced Pialk quantitation variability (CV: 28 ± 5%), due to magnetic field inhomogeneity with more distal coil locations. In contrast, Pialk measurement variability due to repeated shims from the same muscle volume (0.40 ± 0.09mM; CV: 6.6%), and automated spectral processing (0.37 ± 0.01mM; CV: 2.3%), was minor. The quantification of Pialk in skeletal muscle via surface coil 31P-MRS at 3 T demonstrated excellent reproducibility. However, caution is advised against placing the coil at the distal part of the quadriceps to mitigate shimming inhomogeneity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Wearable near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used during dynamic exercise to reflect the balance of muscle oxygen delivery and uptake. This study describes the behaviour and reliability of postexercise reoxygenation with NIRS as a function of exercise intensity at four muscle sites during an incremental cycling test. We discuss physiological components of faster and slower reoxygenation kinetics in the context of sport science and clinical applications. We hypothesised that reoxygenation would be slower at higher intensity, and that locomotor muscles would be faster than accessory muscles. We quantified test-retest reliability and agreement for each site.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-one trained cyclists performed two trials of an incremental cycling protocol with 5-min work stages and 1-min rest between stages. NIRS was recorded from the locomotor vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscles, and accessory lumbar paraspinal and lateral deltoid muscles. Reoxygenation time course was analysed as the half-recovery time (HRT) from the end of work to half of the peak reoxygenation amplitude during rest. Coefficient of variability (CV) between participants, standard error of the measurement (SEM) within participants, and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for test-retest reliability were evaluated at 50%, 75%, and 100% peak workloads. A linear mixed-effects model was used to compare differences between workloads and muscle sites.
    UNASSIGNED: HRT was slower with increasing workload in the VL, RF, and PS, but not DL. VL had the fastest reoxygenation (lowest HRT) across muscle sites at all workloads (HRT = 8, 12, 17 s at 50%, 75%, 100% workload, respectively). VL also had the greatest reliability and agreement. HRT was sequentially slower between muscle sites in the order of VL < RF < PS < DL, and reliability was lower than for the VL.
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights the potential for using wearable NIRS on multiple muscle sites during exercise. Reoxygenation kinetics differ between local muscle sites with increasing intensity. Moderate-to-good reliability in the VL support its increasing use in sport science and clinical applications. Lower reliability in other muscle sites suggest they are not appropriate to be used alone, but may add information when combined to better reflect systemic intensity and fatigue during exercise at different intensities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Running is the basis of many sports and has highly beneficial effects on health. To increase the understanding of running, DSPro® insoles were developed to collect running parameters during tasks. However, no validation has been carried out for running gait analysis. The aims of this study were to assess the test-retest reliability and criterion validity of running gait parameters from DSPro® insoles compared to a motion-capture system. Equipped with DSPro® insoles, a running gait analysis was performed on 30 healthy participants during overground and treadmill running using a motion-capture system. Using an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), the criterion validity and test-retest reliability of spatiotemporal parameters were calculated. The test-retest reliability shows moderate to excellent ICC values (ICC > 0.50) except for propulsion time during overground running at a fast speed with the motion-capture system. The criterion validity highlights a validation of running parameters regardless of speeds (ICC > 0.70). This present study validates the good criterion validity and test-retest reliability of DSPro® insoles for measuring spatiotemporal running gait parameters. Without the constraints of a 3D motion-capture system, such insoles seem to be helpful and relevant for improving the care management of active patients or following running performance in sports contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria in natural ecosystems such as soil, dirt, or debris preferentially reside in the biofilm phenotype. When a traumatic injury, such as an open fracture, occurs, these naturally dwelling biofilms and accompanying foreign material can contaminate the injury site. Given their high tolerance of systemic levels of antibiotics that may be administered prophylactically, biofilms may contribute to difficult-to-treat infections. In most animal models, planktonic bacteria are used as initial inocula to cause infection, and this might not accurately mimic clinically relevant contamination and infection scenarios. Further, few approaches and systems utilize the same biofilm and accompanying substrate throughout the experimental continuum. In this study, we designed a unique reactor to grow bacterial biofilms on up to 50 silica beads that modeled environmental wound contaminants. The data obtained indicated that the reactor system repeatably produced mature Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms on the silica beads, with an average of 5.53 and 6.21 log10 colony-forming units per mm2, respectively. The bead substrates are easily manipulable for in vitro or in vivo applications, thus improving translatability. Taken together, the bead biofilm reactor presented herein may be a useful system for repeatably growing established biofilms on silica beads that could be used for susceptibility testing and as initial inocula in future animal models of trauma-related injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three-dimensional echocardiography (3DE) is currently the preferred method for monitoring left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in cancer patients receiving potentially cardiotoxic anti-neoplastic therapy. In Denmark, however, the traditional standard for LVEF monitoring has been rooted in nuclear medicine departments utilizing equilibrium radionuclide angiography (ERNA). Although ERNA remains a principal modality, there is an emerging trend towards the adoption of echocardiography for this purpose. Given this context, assessing the reproducibility of 3DE among non-specialized medical personnel is crucial for its clinical adoption in such departments. To assess the feasibility of 3DE for LVEF measurements by technologists, we evaluated the repeatability and reproducibility of two moderately experienced technologists. They performed 3DE on 12 volunteers over two sessions, with a collaborative review of the results from the first session before the second session. Two-way intraclass correlation values increased from 0.03 to 0.77 across the sessions. This increase in agreement was mainly due to the recognition of false low measurements. Our findings underscore the importance of incorporating reproducibility exercises in the context of 3DE, especially when operated by technologists. Additionally, routine control of the acquisitions by physicians is deemed necessary. Ensuring these hurdles are adequately managed enables the adoption of 3DE for LVEF measurements by technologists.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to evaluate the repeatability of radiomics and dosiomics features via image perturbation of patients with cervical cancer. A total of 304 cervical cancer patients with planning CT images and dose maps were retrospectively included. Random translation, rotation, and contour randomization were applied to CT images and dose maps before radiomics feature extraction. The repeatability of radiomics and dosiomics features was assessed using intra-class correlation of coefficient (ICC). Pearson correlation coefficient (r) was adopted to quantify the correlation between the image characteristics and feature repeatability. In general, the repeatability of dosiomics features was lower compared with CT radiomics features, especially after small-sigma Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG) and wavelet filtering. More repeatable features (ICC > 0.9) were observed when extracted from the original, Large-sigma LoG filtered, and LLL-/LLH-wavelet filtered images. Positive correlations were found between image entropy and high-repeatable feature number in both CT and dose (r = 0.56, 0.68). Radiomics features showed higher repeatability compared to dosiomics features. These findings highlight the potential of radiomics features for robust quantitative imaging analysis in cervical cancer patients, while suggesting the need for further refinement of dosiomics approaches to enhance their repeatability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The nasal obstruction symptom evaluation (NOSE) scale is a valid and specific questionnaire for evaluating nasal obstruction. The present study aimed to assess the validity of the Persian version of the NOSE questionnaire.
    UNASSIGNED: The present study is a cross-sectional study conducted from December 2018 to April 2019. In the study group, eligible individuals referred to one clinic and Firoozgar Hospital, Tehran, Iran (a tertiary referral center) were asked to complete the questionnaire once on the first visit and once 3 months after the surgery. In the control group, healthy adults (above 18 years old) were selected among staff, students, residents, or relatives of the project executors. The NOSE questionnaire has 5 questions and a quality chart. The results were compared with the short form of the 12-item GHQ-12 questionnaire that had previously been translated and validated. SPSS 20 software was used to calculate Cronbach\'s alpha and intra-class correlation coefficient and to examine the convergent and discriminative validities.
    UNASSIGNED: The results obtained are consistent with the results of the primary research when developing the questionnaire and the results of studies conducted with different versions of the questionnaire in different languages and cultures. Analysis of research data showed that the Persian version of the NOSE questionnaire has acceptable internal consistency, repeatability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.
    UNASSIGNED: The Persian version of the NOSE questionnaire has good validity and reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When assessing gait analysis outcomes for clinical use, it is indispensable to use an accurate system ensuring a minimal measurement error. Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) are a versatile motion capture system to evaluate gait kinematics during out-of-lab activities and technology-assisted rehabilitation therapies. However, IMUs are susceptible to distortions, offset and drifting. Therefore, it is important to have a validated instrumentation and recording protocol to ensure the reliability of the measurements, to differentiate therapy effects from system-induced errors. A protocol was carried out to validate the accuracy of gait kinematic assessment with IMUs based on the similarity of the waveform of concurrent signals captured by this system and by a photogrammetry reference system. A gait database of 32 healthy subjects was registered synchronously with both devices. The validation process involved two steps: 1) a preliminary similarity assessment using the Pearson correlation coefficient, and 2) a similarity assessment in terms of correlation, displacement and gain by estimating the offset between signals, the difference between the registered range of motion (∆ROM), the root mean square error (RMSE) and the interprotocol coefficient of multiple correlation (CMCP). Besides, the CMCP was recomputed after removing the offset between signals (CMCPoff). The correlation was strong (r > 0.75) for both limbs for hip flexion/extension, hip adduction/abduction, knee flexion/extension and ankle dorsal/plantar flexion. These joint movements were studied in the second part of the analysis. The ∆ROM values obtained were smaller than 6°, being negligible relative to the minimally clinically important difference (MCID) estimated for unaffected limbs, and the RMSE values were under 10°. The offset for hips and ankles in the sagittal plane reached -9° and -8°, respectively, whereas hips adduction/abduction and knees flexion/extension were around 1°. According to the CMCP, the kinematic pattern of hip flexion/extension (CMCP > 0.90) and adduction/abduction (CMCP > 0.75), knee flexion/extension (CMCP > 0.95) and ankle dorsi/plantar flexion (CMCP > 0.90) were equivalent when captured by each system synchronously. However, after offset correction, only hip flexion/extension (CMCPoff = 1), hip adduction/abduction (CMCPoff > 0.85) and knee flexion/extension (CMCPoff > 0.95) satisfied the conditions to be considered similar.





