
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multipartite bacterial genomes pose challenges for genome engineering and the establishment of additional replicons. We simplified the tripartite genome structure (3.65 Mbp chromosome, 1.35 Mbp megaplasmid pSymA, 1.68 Mbp chromid pSymB) of the nitrogen-fixing plant symbiont Sinorhizobium meliloti. Strains with bi- and monopartite genome configurations were generated by targeted replicon fusions. Our design preserved key genomic features such as replichore ratios, GC skew, KOPS, and coding sequence distribution. Under standard culture conditions, the growth rates of these strains and the wild type were nearly comparable, and the ability for symbiotic nitrogen fixation was maintained. Spatiotemporal replicon organization and segregation were maintained in the triple replicon fusion strain. Deletion of the replication initiator-encoding genes, including the oriVs of pSymA and pSymB from this strain, resulted in a monopartite genome with oriC as the sole origin of replication, a strongly unbalanced replichore ratio, slow growth, aberrant cellular localization of oriC, and deficiency in symbiosis. Suppressor mutation R436H in the cell cycle histidine kinase CckA and a 3.2 Mbp inversion, both individually, largely restored growth, but only the genomic rearrangement recovered the symbiotic capacity. These strains will facilitate the integration of secondary replicons in S. meliloti and thus be useful for genome engineering applications, such as generating hybrid genomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the alphaproteobacterial order Rhodobacterales are metabolically diverse and highly abundant in the ocean. They are becoming increasingly interesting for marine biotechnology, due to their ecological adaptability, wealth of versatile low-copy-number plasmids, and their ability to produce secondary metabolites. However, molecular tools for engineering strains of this bacterial lineage are limited. Here, we expand the genetic toolbox by establishing standardized, modular repABC-based plasmid vectors of four well-characterized compatibility groups from the Roseobacter group applicable in the Rhodobacterales, and likely in further alphaproteobacterial orders (Hyphomicrobiales, Rhodospirillales, Caulobacterales). We confirmed replication of these newly constructed pABC vectors in two members of Rhodobacterales, namely, Dinoroseobacter shibae DFL 12 and Rhodobacter capsulatus B10S, as well as in two members of the alphaproteobacterial order Hyphomicrobiales (synonym: Rhizobiales; Ensifer meliloti 2011 and \"Agrobacterium fabrum\" C58). Maintenance of the pABC vectors in the biotechnologically valuable orders Rhodobacterales and Hyphomicrobiales facilitates the shuttling of genetic constructs between alphaproteobacterial genera and orders. Additionally, plasmid replication was verified in one member of Rhodospirillales (Rhodospirillum rubrum S1) as well as in one member of Caulobacterales (Caulobacter vibrioides CB15N). The modular construction of pABC vectors and the usage of four compatible replication systems, which allows their coexistence in a host cell, are advantageous features for future implementations of newly designed synthetic pathways. The vector applicability was demonstrated by functional complementation of a nitrogenase mutant phenotype by two complementary pABC-based plasmids in R. capsulatus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Partitioning systems ensure the stable inheritance of bacterial low-copy-number replicons, such as chromosomes, chromids, and megaplasmids. These loci consist of two genes encoding partition proteins A and B, and at least one parS centromere-like sequence. In chromids and megaplasmids, partitioning systems are often located in the vicinity of replication systems. An extreme example of this co-localization are alphaproteobacterial repABC replicons, where the partition (repAB) and replication (repC) genes form a single operon, with parS sequences usually positioned in close proximity to these genes. In this study, we characterized a more complex repABC system found in Paracoccus aminophilus (Rhodobacterales) megaplasmid pAMI4 (438 kb). Besides the repABC operon with a single parS site, this replicon has a 2-kb non-coding locus positioned 11.5 kb downstream of repC, which contains three additional parS repeats (3parS). We demonstrated that 3parS is bound by partition protein B in vitro and is essential for proper pAMI4 partitioning in vivo. In search of similar loci, we conducted a comparative analysis of parS distribution in other repABC replicons. This revealed different patterns of parS localization in Rhodobacterales and Rhizobiales. However, in both these taxonomic orders, parS sites are almost always located inside or close to the repABC operon. No other 3parS-like loci were found in the closest relatives of pAMI4. Another evolutionarily-independent example of such a locus was identified as a conserved feature in chromosome 2 of Allorhizobium vitis and related replicons. IMPORTANCE The repABC replication/partitioning loci are widespread in extrachromosomal replicons of Alphaproteobacteria. They are evolutionarily diverse, subject to multi-layer self-regulation, and are responsible for the maintenance of different types of replicons, such as plasmids (e.g., Agrobacterium pTi and pRi tumorigenic and rhizogenic plasmids), megaplasmids (e.g., Sinorhizobium pSymA and pSymB) and essential chromids (e.g., secondary chromosomes of Agrobacterium, Brucella and Rhodobacter). In this study, we functionally analyzed an atypical partition-related component of repABC systems, the 3parS locus, found in the P. aminophilus megaplasmid pAMI4. We also identified parS centromere-like site distribution patterns in different groups of repABC replicons and found other unrelated 3parS-like loci, which had been overlooked. Our findings raise questions concerning the biological reasons for differential parS distribution, which may reflect variations in repABC operon regulation as well as different replication and partition modes of replicons belonging to the repABC family.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic tools are a prerequisite to engineer cellular factories for synthetic biology and biotechnology. Methylorubrum extorquens AM1 is an important platform organism of a future C1-bioeconomy. However, its application is currently limited by the availability of genetic tools. Here we systematically tested repABC regions to maintain extrachromosomal DNA in M. extorquens. We used three elements to construct mini-chromosomes that are stably inherited at single copy number and can be shuttled between Escherichia coli and M. extorquens. These mini-chromosomes are compatible among each other and with high-copy number plasmids of M. extorquens. We also developed a set of inducible promoters of wide expression range, reaching levels exceeding those currently available, notably the PmxaF-promoter. In summary, we provide a set of tools to control the dynamic expression and copy number of genetic elements in M. extorquens, which opens new ways to unleash the metabolic and biotechnological potential of this organism for future applications.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Faithful vertical transmission of genetic information, especially of essential core genes, is a prerequisite for bacterial survival. Hence, replication of all the replicons is tightly controlled to ensure that all daughter cells get the same genome copy as their mother cell. Essential core genes are very often carried by the main chromosome. However they can occasionally be found on secondary chromosomes, recently renamed chromids. Chromids have evolved from non-essential megaplasmids, and further acquired essential core genes and a genomic signature closed to that of the main chromosome. All chromids carry a plasmidic replication origin, belonging so far to either the iterons or repABC type. Based on these differences, two categories of chromids have been distinguished. In this review, we focus on the replication initiation controls of these two types of chromids. We show that the sophisticated mechanisms controlling their replication evolved from their plasmid counterparts to allow a timely controlled replication, occurring once per cell cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Semi-selective enrichment, followed by PCR screening, resulted in the successful direct isolation of fast-growing Rhizobia from a dryland agricultural soil. Over 50% of these isolates belong to the genus Neorhizobium, as concluded from partial rpoB and near-complete 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Further genotypic and genomic analysis of five representative isolates confirmed that they form a coherent group within Neorhizobium, closer to N. galegae than to the remaining Neorhizobium species, but clearly differentiated from the former, and constituting at least one new genomospecies within Neorhizobium. All the isolates lacked nod and nif symbiotic genes but contained a repABC replication/maintenance region, characteristic of rhizobial plasmids, within large contigs from their draft genome sequences. These repABC sequences were related, but not identical, to repABC sequences found in symbiotic plasmids from N. galegae, suggesting that the non-symbiotic isolates have the potential to harbor symbiotic plasmids. This is the first report of non-symbiotic members of Neorhizobium from soil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A considerable share of bacterial species maintains segmented genomes. Plant symbiotic α-proteobacterial rhizobia contain up to six repABC-type replicons in addition to the primary chromosome. These low or unit-copy replicons, classified as secondary chromosomes, chromids, or megaplasmids, are exclusively found in α-proteobacteria. Replication and faithful partitioning of these replicons to the daughter cells is mediated by the repABC region. The importance of α-rhizobial symbiotic nitrogen fixation for sustainable agriculture and Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation as a tool in plant sciences has increasingly moved biological engineering of these organisms into focus. Plasmids are ideal DNA-carrying vectors for these engineering efforts. On the basis of repABC regions collected from α-rhizobial secondary replicons, and origins of replication derived from traditional cloning vectors, we devised the versatile family of pABC shuttle vectors propagating in Sinorhizobium meliloti, related members of the Rhizobiales, and Escherichia coli. A modular plasmid library providing the elemental parts for pABC vector assembly was founded. The standardized design of these vectors involves five basic modules: (1) repABC cassette, (2) plasmid-derived origin of replication, (3) RK2/RP4 mobilization site (optional), (4) antibiotic resistance gene, and (5) multiple cloning site flanked by transcription terminators. In S. meliloti, pABC vectors showed high propagation stability and unit-copy number. We demonstrated stable coexistence of three pABC vectors in addition to the two indigenous megaplasmids in S. meliloti, suggesting combinability of multiple compatible pABC plasmids. We further devised an in vivo cloning strategy involving Cre/lox-mediated translocation of large DNA fragments to an autonomously replicating repABC-based vector, followed by conjugation-mediated transfer either to compatible rhizobia or E. coli.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ti/Ri plasmids in pathogenic Agrobacterium species are repABC replicons that are stably maintained by the function of repABC genes. Two Ti plasmids, pTiBo542 and pTiS4, belonging to incRh2 and incRh4 incompatibility groups, respectively, were reported to carry two repABC loci. In the present study, to reveal the roles of the two repABC loci in the two plasmids, we constructed mini-replicons carrying any one or both of the repABC loci (referred to as repABC1 and repABC2 here) and examined their replication and incompatibility properties. The introduction of mini-replicons into A. tumefaciens C58C1 strains suggested that repABC1 functions as replicator genes but repABC2 does not in both the Ti plasmids. Because the components of repABC2 of pTiBo542 have highly similar amino acid and nucleotide sequences to those of the incRh1-type repABC replicon, we introduced repABC2-containing replicons into cells harboring an incRh1 plasmid in order to check their incompatibility traits. As a result, the repABC2-containing replicon expelled the resident incRh1 plasmid, indicating that the extra repABC locus is dispensable for replication and could work as an incompatibility determinant against incRh1 group plasmids. We suggest that the locus contributes to plasmid retention by eliminating the burden of co-existing competitive plasmids in host cells through its incompatibility.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The large repABC plasmids of the order Rhizobiales with Class I quorum-regulated conjugative transfer systems often define the nature of the bacterium that harbors them. These otherwise diverse plasmids contain a core of highly conserved genes for replication and conjugation raising the question of their evolutionary relationships. In an analysis of 18 such plasmids these elements fall into two organizational classes, Group I and Group II, based on the sites at which cargo DNA is located. Cladograms constructed from proteins of the transfer and quorum-sensing components indicated that those of the Group I plasmids, while coevolving, have diverged from those coevolving proteins of the Group II plasmids. Moreover, within these groups the phylogenies of the proteins usually occupy similar, if not identical, tree topologies. Remarkably, such relationships were not seen among proteins of the replication system; although RepA and RepB coevolve, RepC does not. Nor do the replication proteins coevolve with the proteins of the transfer and quorum-sensing systems. Functional analysis was mostly consistent with phylogenies. TraR activated promoters from plasmids within its group, but not between groups and dimerized with TraR proteins from within but not between groups. However, oriT sequences, which are highly conserved, were processed by the transfer system of plasmids regardless of group. We conclude that these plasmids diverged into two classes based on the locations at which cargo DNA is inserted, that the quorum-sensing and transfer functions are coevolving within but not between the two groups, and that this divergent evolution extends to function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The six plasmids of Rhizobium leguminosarum VF39SM comprise nearly 35% of the bacterium\'s genome and are all repABC replicons. The repABC operons of the three largest plasmids of VF39SM were found to have strong incompatibility determinants in the non-protein coding regions. However, in all three repABC operons, the intergenic region between repB and repC was the strongest incompatibility factor; this intergenic region has been shown, for most repABC plasmids, to encode a counter-transcribed RNA (ctRNA) that regulates RepC abundance and therefore also rate of initiation of replication. To understand the way in which the ctRNA regulates replication and incompatibility, we carried out mutagenesis on this region from all three plasmids, using error-prone PCR. Mutants with altered incompatibility were detected by screening for their ability to co-exist in the same cell as the parent plasmid. Mutations that abolished the strong incompatibility phenotype were nearly all localized to the predicted ctRNA promoter regions. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that ctRNA was still produced in these promoter mutants, but transcriptional fusions of these mutated promoters to a gusA reporter gene showed a 10- to 50-fold decrease in activity when compared with the wild type promoter. For the repABC operons in this study, the intergenic region is critical in establishing incompatibility, and this appears to require a high level of transcription of the ctRNA.





