relaxed selection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: When the production of antipredator behaviors is costly, prey is expected to stop displaying such behaviors and lose the ability to recognize extirpated predators. However, the loss or maintenance of predator recognition abilities is conditional on the eco-evolutionary context of prey. Here, we examined the behavioral responses of naïve and experienced mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) to simulated acoustic cues from natural predators.
    METHODS: We studied experienced individuals in the Uxpanapa Valley and naïve individuals in Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz, México). Jaguars (Panthera onca) and harpy eagles (Harpia harpyja), the main predators of howler monkeys, are extant in the Uxpanapa Valley but have been extirpated in Los Tuxtlas for approximately 70 and 45 years, respectively. We exposed six naïve and six experienced groups to playbacks of acoustic stimuli from the two predators and a non-predator control species (plain chachalacas, Ortalis vetula), and recorded the latency, frequency, and duration of antipredation behaviors (n = 127 trials).
    RESULTS: In contrast with experienced mantled howler monkeys, naïve subjects did not respond to trials from harpy eagles. However, response patterns were generally similar between naïve and experienced individuals when exposed to jaguar stimuli.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that naïve mantled howler monkeys do not recognize harpy eagle calls, but they respond to jaguar calls in a manner consistent with experienced individuals. These results illustrate how different mechanisms for the recognition of extirpated predators operate within a single species according to evolutionary and ecological experience.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic changes that enabled the evolution of eusociality have long captivated biologists. More recently, attention has focussed on the consequences of eusociality on genome evolution. Studies have reported higher molecular evolutionary rates in eusocial hymenopteran insects compared with their solitary relatives. To investigate the genomic consequences of eusociality in termites, we analysed nine genomes, including newly sequenced genomes from three non-eusocial cockroaches. Using a phylogenomic approach, we found that termite genomes have experienced lower rates of synonymous substitutions than those of cockroaches, possibly as a result of longer generation times. We identified higher rates of non-synonymous substitutions in termite genomes than in cockroach genomes, and identified pervasive relaxed selection in the former (24-31% of the genes analysed) compared with the latter (2-4%). We infer that this is due to reductions in effective population size, rather than gene-specific effects (e.g. indirect selection of caste-biased genes). We found no obvious signature of increased genetic load in termites, and postulate efficient purging of deleterious alleles at the colony level. Additionally, we identified genomic adaptations that may underpin caste differentiation, such as genes involved in post-translational modifications. Our results provide insights into the evolution of termites and the genomic consequences of eusociality more broadly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several studies suggested that cavefish populations of Astyanax mexicanus settled during the Late Pleistocene. This implies that the cavefish\'s most conspicuous phenotypic changes, blindness and depigmentation, and more cryptic characters important for cave life, evolved rapidly.
    RESULTS: Using the published genomes of 47 Astyanax cavefish from la Cueva de El Pachón, El Sótano de la Tinaja, La Cueva Chica and El Sótano de Molino, we searched for putative loss-of-function mutations in previously defined sets of genes, i.e., vision, circadian clock and pigmentation genes. Putative non-functional alleles for four vision genes were identified. Then, we searched genome-wide for putative non-functional alleles in these four cave populations. Among 512 genes with segregating putative non-functional alleles in cavefish that are absent in surface fish, we found an enrichment in visual perception genes. Among cavefish populations, different levels of shared putative non-functional alleles were found. Using a subset of 12 genes for which putative loss-of-function mutations were found, we extend the analysis of shared pseudogenes to 11 cave populations. Using a subset of six genes for which putative loss-of-function mutations were found in the El Sótano del Toro population, where extensive hybridization with surface fish occurs, we found a correlation between the level of eye regression and the amount of putative non-functional alleles.
    CONCLUSIONS: We confirm that very few putative non-functional alleles are present in a large set of vision genes, in accordance with the recent origin of Astyanax mexicanus cavefish. Furthermore, the genome-wide analysis indicates an enrichment of putative loss-of-function alleles in genes with vision-related GO-terms, suggesting that visual perception may be the function chiefly impacted by gene losses related to the shift from a surface to a cave environment. The geographic distribution of putative loss-of-function alleles newly suggests that cave populations from Sierra de Guatemala and Sierra de El Abra share a common origin, albeit followed by independent evolution for a long period. It also supports that populations from the Micos area have an independent origin. In El Sótano del Toro, the troglomorphic phenotype is maintained despite massive introgression of the surface genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different species of toothed whales (Odontoceti) exhibit a variety of tooth forms and enamel types. Some odontocetes have highly prismatic enamel with Hunter-Schreger bands, whereas enamel is vestigial or entirely lacking in other species. Different tooth forms and enamel types are associated with alternate feeding strategies that range from biting and grasping prey with teeth in most oceanic and river dolphins to the suction feeding of softer prey items without the use of teeth in many beaked whales. At the molecular level, previous studies have documented inactivating mutations in the enamel-specific genes of some odontocete species that lack complex enamel. At a broader scale, however, it is unclear whether enamel complexity across the full diversity of extant Odontoceti correlates with the relative strength of purifying selection on enamel-specific genes. Here, we employ sequence alignments for seven enamel-specific genes (ACP4, AMBN, AMELX, AMTN, ENAM, KLK4, MMP20) in 62 odontocete species that are representative of all extant families. The sequences for 33 odontocete species were obtained from databases, and sequences for the remaining 29 species were newly generated for this study. We screened these alignments for inactivating mutations (e.g., frameshift indels) and provide a comprehensive catalog of these mutations in species with one or more inactivated enamel genes. Inactivating mutations are rare in Delphinidae (oceanic dolphins) and Platanistidae/Inioidea (river dolphins) that have higher enamel complexity scores. By contrast, mutations are much more numerous in clades such as Monodontidae (narwhal, beluga), Ziphiidae (beaked whales), Physeteroidea (sperm whales), and Phocoenidae (porpoises) that are characterized by simpler enamel or even enamelless teeth. Further, several higher-level taxa (e.g., Hyperoodon, Kogiidae, Monodontidae) possess shared inactivating mutations in one or more enamel genes, which suggests loss of function of these genes in the common ancestor of each clade. We also performed selection (dN/dS) analyses on a concatenation of these genes and used linear regression and Spearman\'s rank-order correlation to test for correlations between enamel complexity and two different measures of selection intensity (# of inactivating mutations per million years, dN/dS values). Selection analyses revealed that relaxed purifying selection is especially prominent in physeteroids, monodontids, and phocoenids. Linear regressions and correlation analyses revealed a strong negative correlation between selective pressure (dN/dS values) and enamel complexity. Stronger purifying selection (low dN/dS) is found on branches with more complex enamel and weaker purifying selection (higher dN/dS) occurs on branches with less complex enamel or enamelless teeth. As odontocetes diversified into a variety of feeding modes, in particular, the suction capture of prey, a reduced reliance on the dentition for prey capture resulted in the relaxed selection of genes that are critical to enamel development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While haplotype-specific genetic load shapes the evolutionary trajectory of natural and captive populations, mixed-haplotype assembly and genotyping hindered its characterization in diploids. Herein, we produced two phased genome assemblies of the critically endangered fish Chinese Bahaba (Bahaba taipingensis, Sciaenidae, Teleostei) and resequenced 20 whole genomes to quantify population genetic load at a haplotype level. We identified frame-shifting variants as the most deleterious type, followed by mutations in the 5\'-UTR, 3\'-UTR and missense mutations at conserved amino acids. Phased haplotypes revealed gene deletions and high-impact deleterious variants. We estimated ~1.12% of genes missing or interrupted per haplotype, with a significant overlap of disrupted genes (30.35%) between haplotype sets. Relative proportions of deleterious variant categories differed significantly between haplotypes. Simulations suggested that purifying selection struggled to purge slightly deleterious genetic load in captive breeding compared to genotyping interventions, and that higher inter-haplotypic variance of genetic load predicted more efficient purging by artificial selection. Combining the knowledge of haplotype-resolved genetic load with predictive modelling will be immensely useful for understanding the evolution of deleterious variants and guiding conservation planning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many microbes interact with one another, but the difficulty of directly observing these interactions in nature makes interpreting their adaptive value complicated. The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum forms aggregates wherein some cells are sacrificed for the benefit of others. Within chimaeric aggregates containing multiple unrelated lineages, cheaters can gain an advantage by undercontributing, but the extent to which wild D. discoideum has adapted to cheat is not fully clear. In this study, we experimentally evolved D. discoideum in an environment where there were no selective pressures to cheat or resist cheating in chimaeras. Dictyostelium discoideum lines grown in this environment evolved reduced competitiveness within chimaeric aggregates and reduced ability to migrate during the slug stage. By contrast, we did not observe a reduction in cell number, a trait for which selection was not relaxed. The observed loss of traits that our laboratory conditions had made irrelevant suggests that these traits were adaptations driven and maintained by selective pressures D. discoideum faces in its natural environment. Our results suggest that D. discoideum faces social conflict in nature, and illustrate a general approach that could be applied to searching for social or non-social adaptations in other microbes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adaptation to captivity in spawning programs can lead to unintentional consequences, such as domestication that results in reduced fitness in the wild. The timing of sexual maturation has been shown to be a trait under domestication selection in fish hatcheries, which affects a fish\'s access to mating opportunities and aligning their offspring\'s development with favorable environmental conditions. Earlier maturing fish may be favored in hatchery settings where managers provide artificially optimal growing conditions, but early maturation may reduce fitness in the wild if, for example, there is a mismatch between timing of reproduction and availability of resources that support recruitment. We investigated patterns of maturation timing in a delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) conservation hatchery by quantifying changes to the median age at maturity since the captive spawning program was initiated in 2008. Over the span of a decade, we observed a small, but significant increase in age at maturity among broodstock by 2.2 weeks. This trait had low heritability and was largely controlled by phenotypic plasticity that was dependent on the time of year fish were born. Fish that were born later in the year matured faster, potentially a carryover from selection favoring synchronous spawning in the wild. However, higher DI (domestication index) fish showed a loss of plasticity, we argue, as a result of hatchery practices that breed individuals past peak periods of female ripeness. Our findings suggest that the hatchery setting has relaxed selection pressures for fish to mature quickly at the end of the year and, consequently, has led to a loss of plasticity in age at maturity. Hatchery fish that are re-introduced in the wild may not be able to align maturation with population peaks if their maturation rates are too slow with reduced plasticity, potentially resulting in lower fitness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous factors shape the evolution of protein-coding genes, including shifts in the strength or type of selection following gene duplications or changes in the environment. Diatoms and other silicifying organisms use a family of silicon transporters (SITs) to import dissolved silicon from the environment. Freshwaters contain higher silicon levels than oceans, and marine diatoms have more efficient uptake kinetics and less silicon in their cell walls, making them better competitors for a scarce resource. We compiled SITs from 37 diatom genomes to characterize shifts in selection following gene duplications and marine-freshwater transitions. A deep gene duplication, which coincided with a whole-genome duplication, gave rise to two gene lineages. One of them (SIT1-2) is present in multiple copies in most species and is known to actively import silicon. These SITs have evolved under strong purifying selection that was relaxed in freshwater taxa. Episodic diversifying selection was detected but not associated with gene duplications or habitat shifts. In contrast, genes in the second SIT lineage (SIT3) were present in just half the species, the result of multiple losses. Despite conservation of SIT3 in some lineages for the past 90-100 million years, repeated losses, relaxed selection, and low expression highlighted the dispensability of SIT3, consistent with a model of deterioration and eventual loss due to relaxed selection on SIT3 expression. The extensive but relatively balanced history of duplications and losses, together with paralog-specific expression patterns, suggest diatoms continuously balance gene dosage and expression dynamics to optimize silicon transport across major environmental gradients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phenotypic differences between urban and rural populations are well-documented, but the evolutionary processes driving trait variation along urbanization gradients are often unclear. We combined spatial data on abundance, trait variation, and measurements of fitness to understand cline structure and test for natural selection on heritable coat color morphs (melanic, gray) of eastern gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) along an urbanization gradient. Population surveys using remote cameras and visual counts at 76 sites along the urbanization gradient revealed a significant cline in melanism, decreasing from 48% in the city center to <5% in rural woodlands. Among 76 squirrels translocated to test for phenotypic selection, survival was lower for the melanic than gray morph in rural woodlands, whereas there was no difference in survival between color morphs in the city. These results suggest the urban-rural cline in melanism is explained by natural selection favoring the gray morph in rural woodlands combined with relaxed selection in the city. Our study illustrates how trait variation between urban and rural populations can emerge from selection primarily in rural populations rather than adaptation to novel features of the urban environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transition from sexual reproduction to parthenogenesis constitutes a major life-history change with deep evolutionary consequences for sex-related traits, which are expected to decay. The pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum shows intraspecific reproductive polymorphism, with cold-resistant cyclically parthenogenetic (CP) lineages that alternate sexual and asexual generations and cold-sensitive obligately parthenogenetic (OP) lineages that produce only asexual females but still males. Here, the genotyping of 219 pea aphid lineages collected in cold-winter and mild-winter regions revealed contrasting population structures. Samples from cold-winter regions consisted mostly of distinct multilocus genotypes (MLGs) usually represented by a single sample (101 different MLGs for 111 samples) and were all phenotyped as CP. In contrast, fewer MLGs were found in mild-winter regions (28 MLGs for 108 samples), all but one being OP. Since the males produced by OP lineages are unlikely to pass on their genes (sexual females being rare in mild-winter regions), we tested the hypothesis that their traits could degenerate due to lack of selection by comparing male production and male reproductive success between OP and CP lineages. Male production was indeed reduced in OP lineages, but a less clear pattern was observed for male reproductive success: females mated with OP males laid fewer eggs (fertilized or not) but OP and CP males fertilized the same proportion of eggs. These differences may stem from the type of selective forces: male production may be counter-selected whereas male performances may evolve under the slower process of relaxed selection. The overall effective reproductive capacity of OP males could result from recent sex loss in OP lineages or underestimated reproductive opportunities.





