
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hypertension affects one-third of adults in the United States and is the leading risk factor for death. Underserved populations are seen disproportionately in the emergency department (ED) and tend to have worse blood pressure (BP) control. For adults, a lack of hypertension knowledge is a common barrier to hypertension control, while social support is a strong facilitator, and providing information that is culturally sensitive and relevant is especially important in this context. The youth experience increased confidence when given the responsibility to provide health education and care navigation to others. As such, we planned a randomized controlled trial (RCT) for the effectiveness of a digital youth-led hypertension education intervention for adult patients in the ED with hypertension, focusing on change in BP and hypertension knowledge.
    OBJECTIVE: In preparation for an RCT, we conducted a formative study to determine acceptable and easily comprehensible ways to present hypertension information to adults with hypertension and optimal ways to engage youth to support adults on how to achieve better hypertension control.
    METHODS: After creating an intervention prototype with 6 weekly self-guided hypertension online modules, we recruited 12 youth (adolescents, aged 15-18 years) for 3 focus groups and 10 adult ED patients with hypertension for individual online interviews to garner feedback on the prototype. After completing a brief questionnaire, participants were asked about experiences with hypertension, preferences for a hypertension education intervention, and acceptability, feasibility, obstacles, and solutions for intervention implementation with youth and adults. The moderator described and showed participants the prototyped intervention process and materials and asked for feedback. Questionnaire data were descriptively summarized, and qualitative data were analyzed using the template organizing style of analysis by 3 study team members.
    RESULTS: Participants showed great interest in the intervention prototype, thought their peers would find it acceptable, and appreciated its involvement of youth. Youth with family members with hypertension reported that their family members need more support for their hypertension. Youth suggested adding more nutrition education activities to the intervention, such as a sodium tracker and examples of high-sodium foods. Adults discussed the need for a hypertension support intervention for themselves and the expected benefits to youth. They mentioned the overwhelming amount of hypertension information available and appreciated the intervention\'s concise content presentation. They suggested adding more mental health and smoking cessation resources, information about specific hypertension medications, and adding active links for health care information.
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on focus groups and interviews with participants, a youth-led digital hypertension intervention is an acceptable strategy to engage both adults with hypertension and youth. Incorporating participant suggestions into the intervention may improve its clarity, engagement, and impact when used in a subsequent RCT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For many years overnight fasting of rats before the collection of clinical pathology blood samples and necropsy has been a common procedure in toxicological studies for regulatory purposes. The fasting was thought to minimize the intragroup variability for clinical pathology and organ weights. However, depriving rats of food overnight will impact animal welfare by interfering with the general metabolism and may result in physiological and behavioural changes. The effects of overnight fasting in comparison to rats that were not fasted prior to necropsy was investigated in lactating rats based on an evaluation of organ weights, haematological, and clinical biochemical parameters. The results of 92 OECD 422 studies were analysed (i.e., Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity Study with the Reproduction/Developmental Toxicity Screening Test) of which approximately half of the studies incorporated fasting prior to necropsy and the other half did not. Terminal body and organ weights from all 92 studies were evaluated. Clinical pathology was included in 78 of these 92 studies. Decreased glucose levels following fasting had been reported in the literature but were not observed when comparing 39 studies with fasted conditions versus 39 studies with non-fasted conditions. Both literature and the analysed database exhibited a reduction in liver weight, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase levels in overnight fasted groups. These differences between fasted and non-fasted states are considered of little account as study results are always interpreted based on the differences in parameter values between treated animals compared to control animals within a study. Contrarily to previously suggested, intragroup variability was lower in the majority of parameters in non-fasted animals. According to laboratory historical data, clinical pathology and organ weight parameters are found to be very similar in male and female rats, indicating that the results of this study may be extrapolatable to non-lactating female and male rats. Based on these comparisons, it is recommended not to fast rats prior to necropsy but to continue feeding all rats ad libitum, to minimize physiological changes in these animals, to reduce variability, improve animal welfare and thereby improve the scientific value of study results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fish species are commonly used as experimental models in the laboratory. DNA is routinely collected from these animals to permit identification of their genotype. The current standard procedure to sample DNA is fin clipping, which involves anaesthetising individuals and removing a portion of the caudal fin. While fin clipping reliably generates good quality DNA samples for downstream applications, there is evidence that it can alter health and welfare, and impact the fish\'s behaviour. This in turn can result in greater variation in the data collected. In a recent study we adapted a skin swabbing protocol to collect DNA from small-bodied fish, including sticklebacks and zebrafish, without the use of analgesics, anaesthetics or sharp instruments. A rayon-tipped swab was used to collect mucus from the flank of the fish, which was then used for DNA extraction. We subsequently demonstrated that compared to fin clipping, skin swabbing triggered fewer changes in stress axis activation and behaviour. We also found that gene expression and behaviour data collected from swabbed fish were less variable than similar data collected from fish that had been fin clipped. This potentially allows smaller sample sizes in experimental groups to be used after skin swabbing, thereby reducing animal use. Here we provide a detailed protocol explaining how to collect DNA samples from small laboratory fish using skin swabs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Physiological responses to inhaled anesthetics vary among species. Therefore, a precise anesthetic technique is important for each individual species. In this study, we focused on the degu (Octodon degus), a small herbivorous rodent. Degus have recently begun to be used as laboratory models for brain research because of certain human-like characteristics, such as spontaneous development of Alzheimer\'s disease. In this study, we evaluated appropriate induction and maintenance anesthesia conditions for isoflurane and sevoflurane in degus by a stimulation test, electroencephalography (EEG), minimum alveolar concentration (MAC), and vital signs. During induction, more rapid time to loss of the righting reflex and deeper anesthesia in degus were observed in isoflurane. The MAC value for degus were 1.75 ± 0.0% in isoflurane and 2.25 ± 0.27% in sevoflurane. Whereas some degus were awake during maintenance anesthesia using both anesthetics at concentrations of ≤2%, no rats were awake when using sevoflurane at a concentration of 2%. The duration of the total flat EEG, a measure of the depth of maintenance anesthesia, was longer for isoflurane than for sevoflurane. Furthermore, higher concentrations of both anesthetics suppressed the respiratory rate in degus. These new findings regarding inhalation anesthesia in degus will contribute to future developments in the fields of laboratory animals and veterinary medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urine collection can be challenging in studies involving small rodents like mice, as the actual methods of collection are anxiogenic and constrain animal welfare while having high variability in the volume of urine collected. To improve the current methods and eventually reduce the impact on the well-being of mice, we developed an innovative 3D-printed urine collection device (UCD). This two-compartment UCD is shaped to fit in classical husbandry cages and allows urine collection by spontaneous urination from two mice housed in their own cage without cross-contamination while enabling potential social interactions. We used our UCD to study the evolution of urinary parameters related to renal functions in a model of antibody-mediated chronic kidney disease. Overall, we report here a time-saving and affordable method for urine collection providing a large amount of uncontaminated urine and which we believe may improve animal welfare in comparison with other methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal models are crucial to preclinical oncological research and drug development. Animal experiments must be performed in accordance with the 3R principles of replacement and reduction, if possible, and refinement where these procedures remain crucial. In addition, European Union legislations demand a continuous refinement approach, as well as pro- and retrospective severity assessment. In this study, an objective databased severity assessment was performed in murine models for pancreatic cancer induced by orthotopic, subcutaneous, or intravenous injection of Panc02 cells. Parameters such as body weight change, distress score, perianal temperature, mouse grimace scale, burrowing, nesting behavior, and the concentration of corticosterone in plasma and its metabolites in feces were monitored during tumor progression. The most important parameters were combined into a score and mapped against a reference data set by the Relative Severity Assessment procedure (RELSA) to obtain the maximum achieved severity for each animal (RELSAmax). This scoring revealed a significantly higher RELSAmax for the orthotopic model than for the subcutaneous and intravenous models. However, compared to animal models such as pancreatitis and bile duct ligation, the pancreatic cancer models are shown to be less severe. Data-based animal welfare assessment proved to be a valuable tool for comparing the severity of differently induced cancer models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light is a key factor influencing the welfare of laboratory rodents, but little is known about their optimal lighting condition. It i common knowledge that rats prefer dim light, so bright light is mitigated with red-tinted shelters or cages, which alter both the color and intensity of light. Because both aspects are altered, the contribution of each feature to rodent preference is unknown. Further, it is unknown if this preference is influenced by previous experience. We hypothesized that rats would prefer lower light intensity and that their preferences would be influenced by their housing environment. Breeder pairs of rats were randomly separated into four treatments groups: red 200 lux, red 25 lux, clear 200 lux, and clear 25 lux. The breeders\' offspring were tested three times in an apparatus that offered access to each environment, and their preferences were analyzed. Generally, the rats preferred the lower-lux environments and showed no color preference. However, the rats from the clear, 200 lux cages, preferred clear caging and only showed a preference for 25 lux conditions during the second and third preference tests. These results suggest that the light intensity, more than color, should be considered when designing rodent housing and testing facilities.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the acknowledged impact of circadian rhythms on various aspects of life, behavioural tests with laboratory animals often overlook alignment with their natural activity patterns. This study aims to evaluate the influence of circadian variations on the results, validity, and reliability of different behavioural tests in rats.
    Three behavioural tests, the Light-Dark Box Test (LDB), assessing anxiety-related behaviour and locomotor activity; the Buried Pellet Test (BPT), revealing olfactory abilities and motivation issues; and the Sucrose Preference Test (SPT), studying the anhedonic response, were employed to encompass multiple daytime-dependent behavioural aspects in male Sprague-Dawley rats.
    Our findings underscore distinct circadian effects on locomotor activity, exploratory behaviour, olfactory acuity, motivation, and hedonic response. Notably, anxious behaviour remained unaffected by daytime conditions. Furthermore, decreased data variance was found to be correlated with conducting behavioural tests during the subjects\' active phase.
    This study demonstrates extensive circadian influences on nearly all parameters investigated, coupled with a significant reduction in data variability during the active phase. Emphasising the importance of aligning experimental timing with rats\' natural activity patterns, our results suggest that conducting tests during the active phase of the animals not only refines test sensitivity , reduces stress, and provides more representative data, but also contributes to ethical animal research (3 R) and improves test relevance. This, in turn, enhances the reliability and validity of experimental outcomes in behavioural research and promotes animal welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laboratory mice are typically housed in \"shoebox\" cages with limited opportunities to engage in natural behaviour. Temporary access to environments with increased space and complexity (playpens) may improve mouse welfare. Previous work by our group has shown that mice are motivated to access and use these environments, but it is unknown how other aspects of welfare are impacted. Female C57BL/6J, BALB/cJ, and DBA/2J mice (n = 21; 7 mice per strain) were housed in mixed-strain trios and given temporary access to a large playpen with their cage mates three times per week. Control mice (n = 21; 7 mice per strain) remained in their home cages. Home cage behaviour (development of stereotypic behaviour over time, aggression following cage-changing) and anxiety tests were used to assess how playpen access impacted welfare. Contrary to our predictions, we found increased time spent performing stereotypies in playpen mice; this difference may be related to negative emotional states, increased motivation to escape the home cage, or active coping strategies. Playpen access resulted in strain-dependent improvements in aggression and some measures of anxiety. Aggression was lower for C57BL/6J mice in the playpen treatment following cage changing than it was for C57BL/6J control mice, while playpen mice, and particularly the C57BL/6J strain, spent more time in the center of the open field test and produced fewer fecal boli during anxiety testing, supporting other research showing that strain differences play an important role in behaviour and stress resiliency.





