reference frames

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Eye movements alter the relationship between the visual and auditory spatial scenes. Signals related to eye movements affect neural pathways from the ear through auditory cortex and beyond, but how these signals contribute to computing the locations of sounds with respect to the visual scene is poorly understood. Here, we evaluated the information contained in eye movement-related eardrum oscillations (EMREOs), pressure changes recorded in the ear canal that occur in conjunction with simultaneous eye movements. We show that EMREOs contain parametric information about horizontal and vertical eye displacement as well as initial/final eye position with respect to the head. The parametric information in the horizontal and vertical directions can be modeled as combining linearly, allowing accurate prediction of the EMREOs associated with oblique (diagonal) eye movements. Target location can also be inferred from the EMREO signals recorded during eye movements to those targets. We hypothesize that the (currently unknown) mechanism underlying EMREOs could impose a two-dimensional eye-movement-related transfer function on any incoming sound, permitting subsequent processing stages to compute the positions of sounds in relation to the visual scene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Allocentric and egocentric reference frames are used to code the spatial position of action targets in reference to objects in the environment, i.e., relative to landmarks (allocentric), or the observer (egocentric). Previous research investigated reference frames in isolation, for example, by shifting landmarks relative to the target and asking participants to reach to the remembered target location. Systematic reaching errors were found in the direction of the landmark shift and used as a proxy for allocentric spatial coding. Here, we examined the interaction of both allocentric and egocentric reference frames by shifting the landmarks as well as the observer. We asked participants to encode a three-dimensional configuration of balls and to reproduce this configuration from memory after a short delay followed by a landmark or an observer shift. We also manipulated the number of landmarks to test its effect on the use of allocentric and egocentric reference frames. We found that participants were less accurate when reproducing the configuration of balls after an observer shift, which was reflected in larger configurational errors. In addition, an increase in the number of landmarks led to a stronger reliance on allocentric cues and a weaker contribution of egocentric cues. In sum, our results highlight the important role of egocentric cues for allocentric spatial coding in the context of memory-guided actions.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Objects in our environment are coded relative to each other (allocentrically) and are thought to serve as independent and reliable cues (landmarks) in the context of unreliable egocentric signals. Contrary to this assumption, we demonstrate that egocentric cues alter the allocentric spatial memory, which could reflect recently discovered interactions between allocentric and egocentric neural processing pathways. Furthermore, additional landmarks lead to a higher contribution of allocentric and a lower contribution of egocentric cues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Even though retinal images of objects change their locations following each eye movement, we perceive a stable and continuous world. One possible mechanism by which the brain achieves such visual stability is to construct a craniotopic coordinate by integrating retinal and extraretinal information. There have been several proposals on how this may be done, including eye-position modulation (gain fields) of retinotopic receptive fields (RFs) and craniotopic RFs. In the present study, we investigated coordinate systems used by RFs in the lateral intraparietal (LIP) cortex and frontal eye fields (FEF) and compared the two areas. We mapped the two-dimensional RFs of neurons in detail under two eye fixations and analyzed how the RF of a given neuron changes with eye position to determine its coordinate representation. The same recording and analysis procedures were applied to the two brain areas. We found that, in both areas, RFs were distributed from retinotopic to craniotopic representations. There was no significant difference between the distributions in the LIP and FEF. Only a small fraction of neurons was fully craniotopic, whereas most neurons were between the retinotopic and craniotopic representations. The distributions were strongly biased toward the retinotopic side but with significant craniotopic shifts. These results suggest that there is only weak evidence for craniotopic RFs in the LIP and FEF, and that transformation from retinotopic to craniotopic coordinates in these areas must rely on other factors such as gain fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial reference frames (RFs) play a key role in spatial cognition, especially in perception, spatial memory, and navigation. There are two main types of RFs: egocentric (self-centered) and allocentric (object-centered). Although many fMRI studies examined the neural correlates of egocentric and allocentric RFs, they could not sample the fast temporal dynamics of the underlying cognitive processes. Therefore, the interaction and timing between these two RFs remain unclear. Taking advantage of the high temporal resolution of intracranial EEG (iEEG), we aimed to determine the timing of egocentric and allocentric information processing and describe the brain areas involved. We recorded iEEG and analyzed broad gamma activity (50-150 Hz) in 37 epilepsy patients performing a spatial judgment task in a three-dimensional circular virtual arena. We found overlapping activation for egocentric and allocentric RFs in many brain regions, with several additional egocentric- and allocentric-selective areas. In contrast to the egocentric responses, the allocentric responses peaked later than the control ones in frontal regions with overlapping selectivity. Also, across several egocentric or allocentric selective areas, the egocentric selectivity appeared earlier than the allocentric one. We identified the maximum number of egocentric-selective channels in the medial occipito-temporal region and allocentric-selective channels around the intraparietal sulcus in the parietal cortex. Our findings favor the hypothesis that egocentric spatial coding is a more primary process, and allocentric representations may be derived from egocentric ones. They also broaden the dominant view of the dorsal and ventral streams supporting egocentric and allocentric space coding, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visuospatial perspective taking (VPT) refers to the process of mentally representing a viewpoint different from one\'s own. It is related to mental rotation and theory of mind and helps to support some complex spatial activities such as wayfinding. Despite research advances in spatial cognition, little is known about VPT in people with Down syndrome (DS). Here, we examined VPT in people with DS. A total of 38 individuals with DS (aged 12-25 years old) and nonverbal ability-matched typically developing (TD) children (aged 4-9 years old) participated. They completed two VPT tasks: the classic Piagetian Three Mountains Task and a modified version of the \"Dog Task\" (Newcombe & Huttenlocher, 1992). For both groups, the Three Mountains Task was more difficult than the Dog Task, implying the impact of task complexity on assessing VPT. However, the overall performance did not differ between the TD and DS groups in either VPT task. Implications of the results were discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to judge spatial relations from perspectives that differ from one\'s current body orientation and location is important for many everyday activities. Despite considerable research on imaginal perspective taking, however, detailed computational accounts of the processes involved in this ability are missing. In this contribution, I introduce Smart (Spatial Memory Access by Reference Frame SelecTion) as a computational cognitive model of imaginal perspective taking processes. In assuming that imaginal perspective taking is governed by reference frame selection for memory access and subsequent motor activation, Smart is able to explain and simulate key findings on human imaginal perspective taking. In addition to providing novel insight into the mechanisms underlying imaginal perspective taking, Smart also has several implications for our view on spatial memory, more generally. In particular, Smart supports the idea that enduring spatial representations are essentially orientation-free and that spatial representations are best viewed as flexible combinations of representation structures and reference frames.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To reorient gaze (the eye\'s direction in space) towards a target is an overdetermined problem, as infinitely many combinations of eye- and head movements can specify the same gaze-displacement vector. Yet, behavioral measurements show that the primate gaze-control system selects a specific contribution of eye- and head movements to the saccade, which depends on the initial eye-in-head orientation. Single-unit recordings in the primate superior colliculus (SC) during head-unrestrained gaze shifts have further suggested that cells may encode the instantaneous trajectory of a desired straight gaze path in a feedforward way by the total cumulative number of spikes in the neural population, and that the instantaneous gaze kinematics are thus determined by the neural firing rates. The recordings also indicated that the latter is modulated by the initial eye position. We recently proposed a conceptual model that accounts for many of the observed properties of eye-head gaze shifts and on the potential role of the SC in gaze control.
    UNASSIGNED: Here, we extend and test the model by incorporating a spiking neural network of the SC motor map, the output of which drives the eye-head motor control circuitry by linear cumulative summation of individual spike effects of each recruited SC neuron. We propose a simple neural mechanism on SC cells that explains the modulatory influence of feedback from an initial eye-in-head position signal on their spiking activity. The same signal also determines the onset delay of the head movement with respect to the eye. Moreover, the downstream eye- and head burst generators were taken to be linear, as our earlier work had indicated that much of the non-linear main-sequence kinematics of saccadic eye movements may be due to neural encoding at the collicular level, rather than at the brainstem.
    UNASSIGNED: We investigate how the spiking activity of the SC population drives gaze to the intended target location within a dynamic local gaze-velocity feedback circuit that yields realistic eye- and head-movement kinematics and dynamic SC gaze-movement fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perception of motion not only depends on the detection of motion signals but also on choosing and applying reference-frames according to which motion is interpreted. Here we propose a neural model that implements the common-fate principle for reference-frame selection. The model starts with a retinotopic layer of directionally-tuned motion detectors. The Gestalt common-fate principle is applied to the activities of these detectors to implement in two neural populations the direction and the magnitude (speed) of the reference-frame. The output activities of retinotopic motion-detectors are decomposed using the direction of the reference-frame. The direction and magnitude of the reference-frame are then applied to these decomposed motion-vectors to generate activities that reflect relative-motion perception, i.e., the perception of motion with respect to the prevailing reference-frame. We simulated this model for classical relative motion stimuli, viz., the three-dot, rotating-wheel, and point-walker (biological motion) paradigms and found the model performance to be close to theoretical vector decomposition values. In the three-dot paradigm, the model made the prediction of perceived curved-trajectories for the target dot when its horizontal velocity was slower or faster than the flanking dots. We tested this prediction in two psychophysical experiments and found a good qualitative and quantitative agreement between the model and the data. Our results show that a simple neural network using solely motion information can account for the perception of group and relative motion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Currently three up-to-date Terrestrial Reference Frames (TRF) are available, the ITRF2014 from IGN, the DTRF2014 from DGFI-TUM, and JTRF2014 from JPL. All use the identical input data of space-geodetic station positions and Earth orientation parameters, but the concept of combining these data is fundamentally different. The IGN approach is based on the combination of technique solutions, while the DGFI is combining the normal equation systems. Both yield in reference epoch coordinates and velocities for a global set of stations. JPL uses a Kalman filter approach, realizing a TRF through weekly time series of geocentric coordinates. As the determination of the CRF is not independent of the TRF and vice versa, the choice of the TRF might impact on the CRF. Within this work we assess this effect. We find that the estimated Earth orientation parameter (EOP) from DTRF2014 agree best with those from ITRF2014, the EOP resulting from JTRF2014 show besides clear yearly signals also some artifacts linked to certain stations. The estimated source position time series however, agree with each other better than ±1 μas. When fixing EOP and station positions we can see the maximal effect of the TRF on the CRF. Here large systematics in position as well as proper motion arise. In case of ITRF2008 they can be linked to the missing data after 2008. By allowing the EOP and stations to participate in the adjustment, the agreement increases, however, systematics remain.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Facial skin is a particularly complex environment made of different skin types such as sebaceous (forehead) and dry (cheeks). The skin microbiota composition on different facial sites has not yet been addressed.
    METHODS: We conducted a 4-week-long, single-centre, randomized and placebo-controlled clinical study involving 23 Caucasian females. We assessed both bacterial composition on five different facial areas and the microbiome modulatory effects resulting from the topical application of a plant extract (Epilobium fleischeri). Skin microbiome samples were collected before and after 4 weeks of product application. Microbiota profiling was performed via 16S rRNA gene sequencing, and relative abundance data were used to calculate differentials via a multinomial regression model.
    RESULTS: Via \'reference frames\', we observed shifts in microbial composition after 4 weeks of twice-daily product application and identify certain microbiota species, which were positively associated with the application of the product containing the Epilobium fleischeri extract. Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Micrococcus yunnanensis appeared to be significantly enriched in the final microbiota composition of the active treatment group.
    CONCLUSIONS: Facial skin was found to be colonized by an heterogenous microbiota, and the Epilobium fleischeri extract had a modulatory effect on commensal bacteria on the different facial sites.
    BACKGROUND: la peau du visage est un environnement particulièrement complexe où l’on trouve des peaux de plusieurs types, par exemple grasse (sur le front) et sèche (sur les joues). La composition du microbiote cutané sur différentes zones du visage n’a pas encore été abordée. MÉTHODES: nous avons mené une étude clinique de 4 semaines monocentrique, randomisée et contrôlée par placebo sur 23 femmes de type caucasien. Nous avons évalué à la fois la composition bactérienne sur cinq zones différentes du visage et les effets modulateurs du microbiome résultant de l’application topique d’un extrait de plante (Epilobium fleischeri). Des échantillons de microbiome cutané ont été prélevés avant et après 4 semaines d’application du produit. Un profilage du microbiote a été mené par séquençage du gène de l’ARNr 16S, des données d’abondance relative ont été utilisées pour calculer les différentiels via un modèle de régression multinomiale. RÉSULTATS: nos cadres de référence nous ont permis d’observer des changements de composition microbienne après 4 semaines d’application deux fois par jour du produit et nous avons identifié certaines espèces de microbiote qui ont été positivement associées à l’application du produit contenant l’extrait d’Epilobium fleischeri. Les taux de Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus epidermidis et Micrococcus yunnanensis semblaient significativement plus élevés dans la composition finale du microbiote du groupe de traitement actif.
    CONCLUSIONS: la peau du visage s’est avérée colonisée par un microbiote hétérogène, et l’extrait d’Epilobium fleischeri a eu un effet modulateur sur les bactéries commensales des différentes zones du visage.





