redox enzymes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and a public health problem. It exhibits significant oxidative stress and redox alterations. The antioxidant enzyme systems defend the cellular environment from oxidative stress. One of the redox systems is the thioredoxin system (TS), which exerts decisive control over the cellular redox environment. We aimed to review the protective effects of TS, which include thioredoxin (Trx), thioredoxin reductase (TrxR), and NADPH. In the following, we discussed the physiological functioning and the role of the TS in maintaining the cellular redox-homeostasis in the AD-damaged brain. Trx protects the cellular environment from oxidative stress, while TrxR is crucial for the cellular detoxification of reactive oxygen species in the brain. However, TS dysregulation increases the susceptibility to cellular death. The changes in Trx and TrxR levels are significantly associated with AD progression. Though the data from human, animal, and cellular models support the neuroprotective role of TS in the brain of AD patients, the translational potential of these findings to clinical settings is not yet applied. This review summarizes the current knowledge on the emerging role of the TrxR-Trx system in AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fe-S clusters are essential cofactors mediating electron transfer in respiratory and metabolic networks. However, obtaining active [4Fe-4S] proteins with heterologous expression is challenging due to (i) the requirements for [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly, (ii) the O2 lability of [4Fe-4S] clusters, and (iii) copurification of undesired proteins (e.g., ferredoxins). Here, we established a facile and efficient protocol to express mature [4Fe-4S] proteins in the PURE system under aerobic conditions. An enzyme aconitase and thermophilic ferredoxin were selected as model [4Fe-4S] proteins for functional verification. We first reconstituted the SUF system in vitro via a stepwise manner using the recombinant SUF subunits (SufABCDSE) individually purified from E. coli. Later, the incorporation of recombinant SUF helper proteins into the PURE system enabled mRNA translation-coupled [4Fe-4S] cluster assembly under the O2-depleted conditions. To overcome the O2 lability of [4Fe-4S] Fe-S clusters, an O2-scavenging enzyme cascade was incorporated, which begins with formate oxidation by formate dehydrogenase for NADH regeneration. Later, NADH is consumed by flavin reductase for FADH2 regeneration. Finally, bifunctional flavin reductase, along with catalase, removes O2 from the reaction while supplying FADH2 to the SufBC2D complex. These amendments enabled a one-pot, two-step synthesis of mature [4Fe-4S] proteins under aerobic conditions, yielding holo-aconitase with a maximum concentration of ∼0.15 mg/mL. This renovated system greatly expands the potential of the PURE system, paving the way for the future reconstruction of redox-active synthetic cells and enhanced cell-free biocatalysis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Xanthine oxidase (XO) is a flavoprotein catalysing the oxidation of hypoxanthine to xanthine and then to uric acid, while simultaneously producing reactive oxygen species. Altered functions of XO may lead to severe pathological diseases, including gout-causing hyperuricemia and oxidative damage of tissues. These findings prompted research studies aimed at targeting the activity of this crucial enzyme. During the course of a virtual screening study aimed at the discovery of novel inhibitors targeting another oxidoreductase, superoxide dismutase, we identified four compounds with non-purine-like structures, namely ALS-1, -8, -15 and -28, that were capable of causing direct inhibition of XO. The kinetic studies of their inhibition mechanism allowed a definition of these compounds as competitive inhibitors of XO. The most potent molecule was ALS-28 (Ki 2.7 ± 1.5 µM), followed by ALS-8 (Ki 4.5 ± 1.5 µM) and by the less potent ALS-15 (Ki 23 ± 9 µM) and ALS-1 (Ki 41 ± 14 µM). Docking studies shed light on the molecular basis of the inhibitory activity of ALS-28, which hinders the enzyme cavity channel for substrate entry consistently with the competitive mechanism observed in kinetic studies. Moreover, the structural features emerging from the docked poses of ALS-8, -15 and -1 may explain the lower inhibition power with respect to ALS-28. All these structurally unrelated compounds represent valuable candidates for further elaboration into promising lead compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Moderate reactive oxygen species (ROS) at reperfusion would trigger cardioprotection and various antioxidants for pharmacological preconditioning failed to achieve cardioprotection. The causes for different roles of preischemic ROS during cardiac ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) require reevaluation. We investigated the precise role of ROS and its working model in this study. Different doses of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, the most stable form of ROS) were added 5 min before ischemia using isolated perfused rat hearts, only moderate-dose H2O2 preconditioning (H2O2PC) achieved contractile recovery, whereas the low dose and high dose led to injury. Similar results were observed in isolated rat cardiomyocytes on cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) overload, ROS production, the recovery of Ca2+ transient, and cell shortening. Based on the data mentioned above, we set up a mathematics model to describe the effects of H2O2PC with the fitting curve by the percentage of recovery of heart function and Ca2+ transient in I/R. Besides, we used the two models to define the initial thresholds of H2O2PC achieving cardioprotection. We also detected the expression of redox enzymes and Ca2+ signaling toolkits to explain the mathematics models of H2O2PC in a biological way. The expression of tyrosine 705 phosphorylation of STAT3, Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2, manganese superoxide dismutase, phospholamban, catalase, ryanodine receptors, and sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 2 were similar with the control I/R and low-dose H2O2PC but were increased in the moderate H2O2PC and decreased in the high-dose H2O2PC. Thus, we concluded that preischemic ROS are of dual role in cardiac I/R.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increased adiposity is related to oxidative stress, inflammation and metabolic disorders. Our group has shown that melatonin totally or partially prevents the alterations that obesity causes in some neuroendocrine and inflammatory parameters indicative of oxidative stress. This study analyzes the effects of HFD on the relative gene expression of several redox balance enzymes on adult male Wistar rats subcutaneous (SAT) and perirenal adipose tissue (PRAT) and the possible preventive role of melatonin. Three experimental groups were established: control, high fat diet (HFD) and HFD plus 25 μg/mL melatonin in tap water. After 11 weeks, animals were sacrificed at 09:00 a.m. and 01:00 a.m. and PRAT and SAT were collected for selected redox enzymes qRT-PCR. Differential expression of redox enzyme genes, except for SODMn, GPx and catalase, was observed in the control group as a function of fat depot. HFD causes the disappearance of the temporal changes in the expression of the genes studied in the two fat depots analyzed. PRAT seems to be more sensitive than SAT to increased oxidative stress induced by obesity. Melatonin combined with a HFD intake, partially prevents the effects of the HFD on the gene expression of the redox enzymes. According to our results, melatonin selectively prevents changes in the relative gene expression of redox enzymes in PRAT and SAT of animals fed an HFD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metal-dependent formate dehydrogenases (Fdh) catalyze the reversible conversion of CO2 to formate, with unrivalled efficiency and selectivity. However, the key catalytic aspects of these enzymes remain unknown, preventing us from fully benefiting from their capabilities in terms of biotechnological applications. Here, we report a time-resolved characterization by X-ray crystallography of the Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough SeCys/W-Fdh during formate oxidation. The results allowed us to model five different intermediate structures and to chronologically map the changes occurring during enzyme reduction. Formate molecules were assigned for the first time to populate the catalytic pocket of a Fdh. Finally, the redox reversibility of DvFdhAB in crystals was confirmed by reduction and reoxidation structural studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A computational methodology is briefly described, which appears to be able to accurately describe the mechanisms of redox active enzymes. The method is built on hybrid density functional theory where the inclusion of a fraction of exact exchange is critical. Two examples of where the methodology has been applied are described. The first example is the mechanism for water oxidation in photosystem II, and the second one is the mechanism for N2 activation by nitrogenase. The mechanism for PSII has obtained very strong support from subsequent experiments. For nitrogenase, the calculations suggest that there should be an activation process prior to catalysis, which is still strongly debated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are copper enzymes that today comprise a large enzyme superfamily, grouped into the distinct members AA9-AA17 (with AA12 exempted). The LPMOs have the potential to facilitate the upcycling of biomass waste products by boosting the breakdown of cellulose and other recalcitrant polysaccharides. The cellulose biopolymer is the main component of biomass waste and thus comprises a large, unexploited resource. The LPMOs work through a catalytic, oxidative reaction whose mechanism is still controversial. For instance, the nature of the intermediate performing the oxidative reaction is an open question, and the same holds for the employed co-substrate. Here we review theoretical investigations addressing these questions. The applied theoretical methods are usually based on quantum mechanics (QM), often combined with molecular mechanics (QM/MM). We discuss advantages and disadvantages of the employed theoretical methods and comment on the interplay between theoretical and experimental results.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Activation of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway has been implicated in an increasing number of diseases, including Marfan syndrome (MFS), an inherited connective tissue disorder. mTOR-dependent reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation has also been suggested to play a role in aortic aneurysm formation in MFS patients. This study aimed to characterize the effects of mTOR inhibition by rapamycin on key redox enzymes and NADPH oxidases (NOX) in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells of a murine MFS model. Therefore, the influence of 5 and 20 nmol/L rapamycin solved in 0.1% (vol/vol) DMSO on glutathione peroxidases 1 (Gpx1) and 4 (Gpx4), superoxide dismutase 2 (Sod2), and catalase (Cat) mRNA and protein expression was investigated in isolated murine aortic smooth muscle cells. Rapamycin inhibited the mRNA expression of all redox enzymes by 30-50%, except Gpx1. In the same cells, the mRNA expression of the transcription factor NFE2-related factor-2 and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ, key factors against oxidative stress, and controlling redox gene expression were also inhibited to a comparable extent under these conditions. In addition, Nox1 but not Nox4 mRNA expression was significantly inhibited by up to 40%. DMSO alone increased nearly 2-fold the redox enzyme protein expression, which was reduced considerably to basal levels by rapamycin. Proteasomal inhibition by bortezomib could not reverse the observed decrease of GPx protein content. The rapamycin-mediated decrease in GPx protein abundance was reflected in a reduced total GPx enzymatic activity. Higher rapamycin concentrations did not further decrease but led to a renewed increase in enzymatic activity despite low GPx protein concentrations. Baseline ROS formation was slightly inhibited at 13% with 5 nmol/L rapamycin and returned to baseline levels with the higher 20 nmol/L rapamycin concentration. In conclusion, this study further characterized the mechanism of action of rapamycin. It provided an insight into how rapamycin interferes with the regulation of redox homeostasis essential for ROS-dependent signaling that does not incur cellular damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study represents new evidence of the successful use of metal oxide nanoparticles in the remediation of heavy metals. Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NP) and copper oxide nanoparticles (CuO NP) were assessed to alleviate cadmium (Cd) toxicity in Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings and plants. Monitoring physiological and metabolic parameters allowed to elucidate Cd mechanism and process whereby it exerts phytotoxic effects on bean. The response of P. vulgaris seedlings is NP dose-dependent (10 mg/L, 50 mg/L, 100 mg/L, and 200 mg/L). Similarly, applied concentrations triggered a differential response of growing plants in terms of length and biomass. Our physiological data allowed to select 100 mg/L as the most appropriate concentration to apply, in order to avoid any risk of phytotoxicity. The regulatory mechanisms by which ZnO NP and CuO NP act are for the first time compared in the embryonic axes of bean seedlings under Cd stress. Both NP were able to reduce the hypergeneration of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). They also acted via enhancing ROS scavenging enzymatic capacity, and activity of antioxidant enzymes CAT, APX, GPOX, GPX, and GR, and inhibited the activity of ROS producing enzymes such as GOX and NOX. Another mechanistic effect of NP consisted of the modulation of redox enzymes Trx, NTR, Fd, and FNR evolved in cellular homeostasis and maintaining reduced status in cells. Taken together, ZnO NP triggered more significant metabolic regulations allowing to mitigate the oxidative damage caused by Cd.





