rectal organoids

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Many disease-causing variants in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene remain uncharacterized and untreated. Restoring the function of the impaired CFTR protein is the goal of personalized medicine, particularly in patients carrying rare CFTR variants. In this study, functional defects related to the rare R334W variant were evaluated after treatment with CFTR modulators or Roflumilast, a phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor (PDE4i).
    METHODS: Rectal organoids from subjects with R334W/2184insA and R334W/2183AA > G genotypes were used to perform the Forskolin-induced swelling (FIS) assay. Organoids were left drug-untreated or treated with modulators VX-770 (I), VX-445 (E), and VX-661 (T) mixed, and their combination (ETI). Roflumilast (R) was used alone or as a combination of I + R.
    RESULTS: Our data show a significant increase in FIS rate following treatment with I alone. The combined use of modulators, such as ETI, did not increase further swelling than I alone, nor in protein maturation. Treatment with R shows an increase in FIS response similar to those of I, and the combination R + I significantly increases the rescue of CFTR activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: Equivalent I and ETI treatment efficacy was observed for both genotypes. Furthermore, significant organoid swelling was observed with combined I + R used that supports the recently published data describing a potentiating effect of only I in patients carrying the variant R334W and, at the same time, corroborating the role of strategies that include PDE4 inhibitors further to potentiate the effect of I for this variant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies in human colonic cell lines and murine intestine suggest the presence of a Ca2+-activated anion channel, presumably TMEM16a. Is there a potential for fluid secretion in patients with severe cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) mutations by activating this alternative pathway? Two-dimensional nondifferentiated colonoid-myofibroblast cocultures resembling transit amplifying/progenitor (TA/PE) cells, as well as differentiated monolayer (DM) cultures resembling near-surface cells, were established from both healthy controls (HLs) and patients with severe functional defects in the CFTR gene (PwCF). F508del mutant and CFTR knockout (null) mice ileal and colonic mucosa was also studied. HL TA/PE monolayers displayed a robust short-circuit current response (ΔIeq) to UTP (100 µM), forskolin (Fsk, 10 µM) and carbachol (CCH, 100 µM), while ΔIeq was much smaller in differentiated monolayers. The selective TMEM16a inhibitor Ani9 (up to 30 µM) did not alter the response to luminal UTP, significantly decreased Fsk-induced ΔIeq, and significantly increased CCH-induced ΔIeq in HL TA/PE colonoid monolayers. The PwCF TA/PE and the PwCF differentiated monolayers displayed negligible agonist-induced ΔIeq, without a significant effect of Ani9. When TMEM16a was localized in intracellular structures, a staining in the apical membrane was not detected. TMEM16a is highly expressed in human colonoid monolayers resembling transit amplifying cells of the colonic cryptal neck zone, from both HL and PwCF. While it may play a role in modulating agonist-induced CFTR-mediated anion currents, it is not localized in the apical membrane, and it has no function as an apical anion channel in cystic fibrosis (CF) and healthy human colonic epithelium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the promising results of new CFTR targeting drugs designed for the recovery of F508del- and class III variants activity, none of them have been approved for individuals with selected rare mutations, because uncharacterized CFTR variants lack information associated with the ability of these compounds in recovering their molecular defects. Here we used both rectal organoids (colonoids) and primary nasal brushed cells (hNEC) derived from a CF patient homozygous for A559T (c.1675G>A) variant to evaluate the responsiveness of this pathogenic variant to available CFTR targeted drugs that include VX-770, VX-809, VX-661 and VX-661 combined with VX-445. A559T is a rare mutation, found in African-Americans people with CF (PwCF) with only 85 patients registered in the CFTR2 database. At present, there is no treatment approved by FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) for this genotype. Short-circuit current (Isc) measurements indicate that A559T-CFTR presents a minimal function. The acute addition of VX-770 following CFTR activation by forskolin had no significant increment of baseline level of anion transport in both colonoids and nasal cells. However, the combined treatment, VX-661-VX-445, significantly increases the chloride secretion in A559T-colonoids monolayers and hNEC, reaching approximately 10% of WT-CFTR function. These results were confirmed by forskolin-induced swelling assay and by western blotting in rectal organoids. Overall, our data show a relevant response to VX-661-VX-445 in rectal organoids and hNEC with CFTR genotype A559T/A559T. This could provide a strong rationale for treating patients carrying this variant with VX-661-VX-445-VX-770 combination.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An Italian, 46-year-old female patient carrying the complex allele p.[R74W;V201M;D1270N] in trans with CFTR dele22_24 was diagnosed at the Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Center of Verona as being affected by CF-pancreatic sufficient (CF-PS) in 2021. The variant V201M has unknown significance, while both of the other variants of this complex allele have variable clinical consequences, according to the CFTR2 database, with reported clinical benefits for treatment with ivacaftor + tezacaftor and ivacaftor + tezacaftor + elexacaftor in patients carrying the R74W-D1270N complex allele, which are currently approved (in USA, not yet in Italy). She was previously followed up by pneumologists in northern Italy because of frequent bronchitis, hemoptysis, recurrent rhinitis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung colonization, bronchiectasis/atelectasis, bronchial arterial embolization and moderately compromised lung function (FEV1: 62%). Following a sweat test with borderline results, she was referred to the Verona CF Center where she presented abnormal values in both optical beta-adrenergic sweat tests and intestinal current measurement (ICM). These results were consistent with a diagnosis of CF. CFTR function analyses were also performed in vitro by forskolin-induced swelling (FIS) assay and short-circuit currents (Isc) in the monolayers of the rectal organoids. Both of these assays showed significantly increased CFTR activity following treatment with the CFTR modulators. Western-blot analysis revealed increased fully glycosylated CFTR protein after treatment with correctors, in line with the functional analysis. Interestingly, tezacaftor, together with elexacaftor, rescued the total organoid area under steady-state conditions, even in the absence of the CFTR agonist forskolin. In conclusion, in ex vivo and in vitro assays, we measured a residual function that was significantly enhanced by in vitro incubation with CFTR modulators, especially by ivacaftor + tezacaftor + elexacaftor, suggesting this combination as a potentially optimal treatment for this case.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary, multisystemic disease caused by different mutations in the CFTR gene encoding CF transmembrane conductance regulator. CF is mainly characterized by pulmonary dysfunction as a result of deterioration in the mucociliary clearance and anion transport of airways. Mortality is mostly caused by bronchiectasis, bronchiole obstruction, and progressive respiratory dysfunction in the early years of life. Over the last decade, new therapeutic strategies rather than symptomatic treatment have been proposed, such as the small molecule approach, ion channel therapy, and pulmonary gene therapy. Due to considerable progress in the treatment options, CF has become an adult disease rather than a pediatric disease in recent years. Pulmonary gene therapy has gained special attention due to its mutation type independent aspect, therefore being applicable to all CF patients. On the other hand, the major obstacle for CF treatment is to predict the drug response of patients due to genetic complexity and heterogeneity. The advancement of 3D culture systems has made it possible to extrapolate the disease modeling and individual drug response in vitro by producing mini adult organs called \"organoids\" obtained from rectal cell biopsies. In this review, we summarize the advances in the novel therapeutic approaches, clinical interventions, and precision medicine concept for CF.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rationale: Ivacaftor\'s clinical effects in the residual function mutations 3849 + 10kb C→T and D1152H warrant further characterization.Objectives: To evaluate ivacaftor\'s effect in people with cystic fibrosis aged ≥6 years with 3849 + 10kb C→T or D1152H residual function mutations and to explore the correlation between ivacaftor-induced organoid-based cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator function measurements and clinical response to ivacaftor.Methods: Participants were randomized (1:1) in this placebo-controlled crossover study; each treatment sequence included two 8-week treatments with an 8-week washout period. The primary endpoint was absolute change in lung clearance index2.5 from baseline through Week 8. Additional endpoints included lung function, patient-reported outcomes, and in vitro intestinal organoid-based measurements of ivacaftor-induced cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator function.Results: Of 38 participants, 37 completed the study. The primary endpoint was met; the Bayesian posterior probability of improvement in lung clearance index2.5 with ivacaftor versus placebo was >99%. Additional endpoints improved with ivacaftor. Safety findings were consistent with ivacaftor\'s known safety profile. Dose-dependent swelling was observed in 23 of 25 viable organoid cultures with ivacaftor treatment. Correlations between ivacaftor-induced organoid swelling and clinical endpoints were negligible to low.Conclusions: In people with cystic fibrosis aged ≥6 years with a 3849 + 10kb C→T or D1152H mutation, ivacaftor treatment improved clinical endpoints compared with placebo; however, there was no correlation between organoid swelling and change in clinical endpoints. The organoid assay may assist in identification of ivacaftor-responsive mutations but in this study did not predict magnitude of clinical benefit for individual people with cystic fibrosis with these two mutations.Clinical trial registered with (NCT03068312).






